SIMPLE GIFTS FOR MOTHER EARTH An Evening of Music, Conversation, and Inspiration

to Address the Climate Crisis

September 11, 2019, 7 PM United Church on the Green, New Haven

Please refrain from applause until the end of each set to allow a continuous flow of ideas and reflection.

PRELUDE "Simple gifts" Shaker Tune

Isobel Anthony, Yale College, '22

Traditional American Joseph Bracket (1797?1882)

Excerpt from Appalachian Spring Chamber Orchestra

Aaron Copland (1900?1990)

Opening: Tiokasin Ghosthorse, First Voices Indigenous Radio

Welcome: Rev. Jocelyn B. Gardner Spencer, Senior Pastor, United Church on the Green


Connecting the Dots: A Great Awakening Mary Evelyn Tucker, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale Divinity School

Musical Meditations: Paul Winter (of the Paul Winter Consort)


VOICES FROM THE YALE-NEW HAVEN COMMUNITY Melinda Tuhus, CT , Environmental journalist and climate activist Kazemi Adachi, Endowment Justice Coalition/Fossil Free Yale, Yale College, '20 Adrian Adara Huq, New Haven Climate Movement, Metropolitan Business Academy Viveca Morris, Executive Director, Law, Ethics & Animals Program, Yale Law School Benjamin Levin, Sunrise Movement, Yale College, '20

Musical Responses: Franz Nicolay (of the Hold Steady)

*Brief pause*

"Recorder?s" [You will remember] Soneto IV, from Cien sonetos de amor Nefesh Cordero Pino, Yale School of Drama

Pablo Neruda (1904?73)

The Challenge of Climate Justice Karenna Gore, Center for Earth Ethics, Union Theological Seminary


SUMMATION Every Voice Counts Marika Kuzma, Professor Emerita of Music, University of California Berkeley

Astrov's monologue, Uncle Vanya Manu Kumasi, Yale School of Drama

Anton Chekhov (1860?1904)

"Simple Gifts" Sung by all of us. Please join in (see lyrics on reverse side)

Simple Gifts 'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free 'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be, And when we find ourselves in the place just right, 'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.

When true simplicity is gained, To bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed. To turn, turn will be our delight Til by turning, turning we come 'round right. [repeat]

Excerpt from Appalachian Spring

Chamber Orchestra


Marjorie Shansky


Jim Forgey


Adrienne Gallagher


Solomiya Ivakhiv, Gregory Tompkins

Patrick Doane, Emily Hyun


Annalisa Boerner, Ellen Higham


Cara Cheung, Analissa Martinez


Robert Smith


Erika Schroth

Conductor: Marika Kuzma

Aaron Copland


Resources: For links to the organizations represented this evening and more resources, see our webpage

Facts: Since the 1970s - Exxon & other oil companies have known that fossil fuels cause climate change and funded denial. Since 1988 - UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued scientific reports on the problem.

Recent reports agree - climate change is 90% human caused; it's worse than we thought; we need to act. November 2018 - US Global Change Research Program, National Climate Assessment stated that

we have 12 years to respond to the consequences of unlimited fossil fuels to avert catastrophe. January 2019 - US Department of Defense calls climate change "a national security issue" as it has since 2007. April 2019 - Chubb Insurance CEO, Evan Greenberg, names climate change an "existential threat"

due to rising sea levels, increase in fires, floods, droughts, hurricanes, typhoons. Climate change has caused $400 billion in destruction since 2015 in US alone. January to August 2019 - wettest months on record for the US. July 2019 - hottest month on record for the planet; Phoenix, AZ a record 128 days above 100. By 2050, a World Bank Report estimates there will be 143 million climate change-driven migrants from the regions of Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and southeast Asia alone. Climate Justice issues are emerging globally.

10 Most Effective Solutions

listed in Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming. 2017

1 Refrigerant management

6 Educating young women

2 Wind turbines (onshore)

7 Family planning

3 Reduced food waste

8 Solar farms

4 Plant rich diet

9 Silvopasture*

5 Tropical forest conservation

10 Rooftop solar

For more information on solutions, see "The most effective ways to curb climate change might surprise you," by Drew Kann, Will Houp, Judson Jones, and Sean O'Key. CNN. April 19, 2019.

*Silvopasture: intensively managed combination of trees, forage plants and livestock.


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