“Happy Hallelujah

“NIKE Christians!”

December 3, 2006

Pastor Steve N. Wagers

Gardenview Baptist Church

Jacksonville, FL

“NIKE Christians!”

John 2: 1-11

Pastor Steve N. Wagers

December 3. 2006

Sermon Outline

1. The SCENE of this Miracle!

A) An Unlikely Place

B) An Unusual Problem

2. The SIGNIFICANCE of this Miracle!

A) It Revealed Human Frailty

B) It Required Heavenly Ability

3. The SECRET to this Miracle!

A) The Obligation They Shared with the Lord

B) The Obedience They Showed to the Lord

NIKE has done it for more than 25 years. The “swoosh” is as recognizable as the golden arches of the peace sign, and nothing symbolizes success better than the symbol that flashes from feet, and clothing around the world.

NIKE made its initial debut at the 1972 Olympic Games on the feet of Steve Prefontaine. Sales skyrocketed and within their 1st year sales hit $2 million. NIKE soared to superstardom when they got Michael Jordan to endorse his own shoe, the Air Jordan in 1985. NIKE Airs followed starting an arms race with the other athletic shoe brands in terms of technical wizardry and celebrity endorsement.

In the late 1980’s, NIKE slipped from it #1 position in sports apparel and equipment. Sales were down, morale was low and advertising execs were grasping at any idea that might prove to once again establish the mega-corporation as the leader in sports equipment.

In 1988, the idea was found in just 3 simple words: JUST DO IT! And do it they did. The idea promoted the idea that there were no excuses in life anymore, and NIKE once again took the lead with a simple slogan of success. [1]

As much of a household name that NIKE may be, and as familiar as we are with the words: JUST DO IT; the advertisers could be accused of plagiarism. You see their slogan it not original. It did not originate in 1988; in fact, it originated in John 2 when Mary the mother of Jesus issued the admonition, “Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.”

As we consider what it takes to become a NIKE Christian there are 3 things I want to consider from this great miracle. First of all, let’s consider:

1. The SCENE for this Miracle!

The scene of the miracle in John 2 has always interested me, as well as intrigued me. For one thing we see:


We read in verses 1-2, “And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there:[2] And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage.”

The place of this miracle was at a wedding reception at Cana in Galilee. The city of Cana was a village very near to Nazareth. It was the city from whence a man named Nathaniel hailed, and it was there that Jesus began His public, miracle-working ministry.

The only named attendees are Jesus and Mary, His mother. We are not given the names of the bride and groom. We are not given the name of the “governor”, or the host of the reception. All we know is what we are told from the text.

Many writers have concluded that Jesus chose such a sight to begin His public ministry, and no names are mentioned to indicate that these were just common, simple, down-to-earth, ordinary people whose names were not well known.

This reminds us that the Lord Jesus uses, loves and takes common, simple, down-to-earth, ordinary people just like you and I. In fact, Jesus will take ordinary people to do extraordinary things. In the text, the Lord of Glory, the Son of God is taking care of refreshments at an unlikely place.

The unlikely place leads to consider:


The people at the party encounter a problem in verse 3. “And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.” In the Palestinian culture, a wedding was a most notable occasion. Jewish law required that the wedding take place on Wednesday. Thus, the wedding festivities would often last up to a week. It was a festive and joyous occasion.

The newlywed couple would hold open house for a week after the ceremony, and would be clad with crowns and robes. They were treated like royalty, and in a life where much poverty existed, this week of festivity was one of the most supreme occasions of life.

Thus, when word gets out that they have run out of wine it was a serious issue. It was quite embarrassing for the host of the party to run out of refreshments. In fact, in the culture of the day, it was considered to be a great embarrassment to host a party, and allow the wine supply to run low. It is said that the Rabbi’s of the Jewish world had a motto, “Without wine, there is no joy!”

This was not a matter of drunkenness, because drunkenness was considered to be a disgrace. They drank wine in a mixture of 2-parts wine to 3-parts water. However, the issue was of hospitality, which was a sacred duty. For the provisions to fail was unacceptable, as well as inexcusable.

From the scene of this miracle, I want to move on to:

2. The SIGNIFICANCE of this Miracle!

The 1st recorded public miracle of the Lord Jesus has several significant aspects. For one thing it came after the 40-day temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. Next, it took place after the baptism of Jesus, by John, in the Jordan River.

It also took place at a wedding, an institution that God has ordained, and one that He uses to picture the relationship that Christ has with His church. Finally, the water was turned into wine; whereby, in the Bible, wine is always a picture of joy.

However, the most significant aspect of this miracle is outlined in verse 11, “This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.”

The word “miracles” is the Greek word translated “sign.” It spoke of something that pointed to an object other than itself. In other words, the miracles performed by Jesus had one main objective; they were used to establish who He was in the eyes of the people. They were used to establish His authority, His identity, as well as His divinity. They were used to accentuate the fact that He was God in the flesh.

Every miracle of Jesus also contains a deeper meaning than what may be found on the surface. Everything means something and everything points beyond itself. Such is the case in this miracle. As we look beneath the surface we find the significance of this miracle demonstrated in 2 ways. First of all:


In verse 6 we read, “And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece.” The wine has run out and Jesus looks and finds that the only thing He has to work with is 6 earthen, clay jars, or water pots that would hold 20 gallons of water a piece.

From these 6 water pots we catch a glimpse at human frailty. According to Revelation 13:18, the number 6 is the number of man. In other words, like these water pots we are made out of clay. According to 2 Corinthians 4:7, we are “earthen vessels.”

This signifies that we are nothing in and of ourselves. We are nothing more than clay jars, human water pots and “earthen vessels.” Thus, left to ourselves, apart from God, we are as helpless and as hopeless as we can be. From a spiritual standpoint, there is absolutely nothing we can do to enhance, enrich, or enlarge ourselves.

Unless something is placed within these water pots, they are totally useless and not good for anyone or anything. So, too, unless God places His Holy Spirit within our human spirit we are of no use to anyone, or for anything. We are only of benefit when we are filled with His fulness and allow Him to control our lives.

The famous Italian tenor, Ernest Caruso, had mastered at least 67 operatic roles and his repertoire included about 500 numbers over his illustrious career. Early in his career, Caruso was standing in the wings fearfully waiting for the curtain to rise. A stagehand overheard him say to himself, ‘Get out of the way, you little me. I’m a big me, and I need room to get out on that stage.”

If I can put it this way, all of us are a bunch of “little me’s.” We are “little me’s” who need the “BIG ME,” the Lord Jesus Christ, to step onto center stage of our lives to showcase what He can in us, for us, with us and through us.

Not only did this miracle reveal human frailty, but:


I believe you would agree that when this tragedy took place it was a good thing that Jesus happened to be among the attendees at the wedding. In fact, verse 3 indicates that as soon as word spreads that the wine has run out, the first person Mary calls for is the Lord Jesus.

In other words, this was a situation in which only God could intervene. This was a problem only God could solve. This was a matter totally out of the hands of human ability; but, it required Heavenly ability.

There are many today who remained distanced from discussing miracles, or the supernatural. But, the fact of the matter is that those who have problems with miracles really have a problem with the fact that there is a Sovereign God who is able to what He wants, when He wants, how He wants, and with whom He wants.

I love the story of an old alcoholic who got gloriously saved. He was asked how he could possibly believe all of the nonsense in the Bible about miracles. His friend asked him, “Do you really believe that Jesus changed that water into wine?” The converted drunk said, “I sure do, because in my house Jesus changed the whiskey into furniture.”

Think about it. How could a Holy God look beyond the fault of a wretched, vile, hell-bound, hell-deserving sinner and see His need for salvation. Then, come to where He is and in spite of who he is, and what he has done, love him unconditionally.

Then, step out of heaven, step into his heart; baptize him from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light; seal him with the Holy Spirit of promise and reserve him a home in Heaven.

Ladies and gentlemen, that is the greatest miracle that has ever taken place. In fact, if you are saved today, then you should have no problem believing in miracles, because if Jesus can save our hell-deserving soul, He could change water into wine with His eyes closed.

It took a miracle to hang the stars in space,

It took a miracle to hang the world in place.

But, when He saved my soul,

Cleansed and made me whole;

It took a miracle of love and grace.

This amazing miracle simply proves how little we are, and how big God is. It reveals how that human frailty requires Heavenly ability. It demonstrates how that God must do something we could never do for ourselves.

Finally, I want you to notice:

3. The SECRET to this Miracle!

G. Campbell Morgan comments, “Every parable Jesus spoke was a miracle of instruction. Every miracle Jesus performed was a parable for instruction.”

Such is the case with the miracle in the text. There is a “parable of instruction” given to us. It unfolds the secret to the mighty working power of God in Cana, as well as in our individual lives. The secret to this miracle reveals something on the part of the disciples. It begins with:

A) The OBLIGATION They SHARED with the Lord

Once the wine ran out, Jesus employed the use of the disciples. In other words, the disciples shared an obligation with Jesus concerning the matter of this miracle. Simply put, Jesus puts them to work to carry out His work.

Jesus could have filled these pots by merely speaking the word. He could have brought the water from the well straight to the ruler of the feast with no problem. However, He chose to use the servants to share in His work. He, who is a Supernatural God, chooses to use natural men to accomplish His work.

Such is the case through Bible history. When the hungry multitude is to be fed, He uses the assistance of a little boy with 5 loaves and 2 fishes. When He cures the paralytic man, He uses the assistance of 4 four friends who made a door through the roof. When He raises Lazarus from the dead, He uses the assistance of human fingers to loose the grave clothes from his body.

Such is the case through human history. When the night had settled over Europe, and the darkness of false doctrine pervaded the land, He uses the assistance of Martin Luther to usher in the Reformation. When a morally dead England was in need of great spiritual awakening, He uses the assistance of men like John Wesley, George Whitfield, D. L. Moody and C. H. Spurgeon.

In other words, God needs us and desires to use us to accomplish His work. He uses the earthly to accomplish the Heavenly. He uses the natural to perform the supernatural. He uses ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

During WWII, a church in Strausburg, Germany was totally destroyed, except for a statue of Christ which stood by the altar. Only the hands of the statue was missing. The rest remained totally intact. When the church was rebuilt, a famous sculptor offered to make new hands for the statue. However, after considering the offer the church decided to let it stand as it was, without hands.

The church declared, “Christ has no hands but our hands to do His work on the earth. If we don’t feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, visit the impoverished, clothe the naked, and win the lost: WHO WILL?”

God could accomplish His work in any manner that He chose, but according to 1 Corinthians 1: 27-28, He has “chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;[28] And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are.”

Will you let Him use your hands? Will you let Him use your feet? Will you let Him use your life? Will you allow Him to take the ordinary to perform the extraordinary? Will you share the obligation with the Lord Jesus?

Finally, we not only see the obligation they shared with the Lord, but:

B) The OBEDIENCE They SHOWED to the Lord!

The key to the success of this miracle is found in a statement given by Mary. It was a statement obeyed by the disciples. She said in verse 5, “Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.”

Notice their response in verse 7, “Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim.” Then, in verse 8, “And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it.”

These were NIKE believers. Whatever it was Jesus said to them, they did it. Whatever it was Jesus expected of them, they did it. Whatever it was Jesus required of them, they did it. They found that the key to having the “wine” of joy and fulfillment in life is found in one word: OBEDIENCE!

The most successful thing you could ever do in life is not climb the corporate ladder, rule a nation, or monopolize a market. The most successful thing you could ever do is to be obedient to the Word of God, to the work of God and to the will of God.

The only time the word “success” is found in the Bible is in Joshua 1:8. God made it plain that His secret to success was unhindered, unrestricted and unfettered obedience to Him.

Samuel uncovered the secret of success to Saul when he said in 1 Samuel 14:22, “to obey is better than sacrifice.” Does it pay to obey? You better believe it pays. It not only pays earthly dividends, but eternal dividends as well.

In 1866, D. L. Moody was conducting a series of meetings in Brockton, Massachusetts. Daniel B. Towner, director of the music department at Moody Bible Institute was leading the music during those meetings. A young man rose up to give his testimony of following Christ, and in his testimony he said, "I am not quite sure, but I am going to trust, and I am going to obey."

Mr. Towner was so touched by those words that he jotted them down and sent them to Rev. J. H. Sammis, a Presbyterian minister and later a teacher at Moody Institute. Rev. Sammis expanded those words into the stanzas and chorus that we love to sing:

When we walk with the Lord,

In the light of His Word;

What a glory He sheds on our way.

While we do His good will, He abides with us still,

And with all who will trust and obey.

Then in fellowship sweet,

We will sit at His feet;

Or we’ll walk by His side in the way.

What He says, we will do,

Where He sends, we will go.

Never fear, only trust and obey.

Trust and obey, for there's no other way

To be happy in Jesus, but to Trust and obey.

As a young preacher, hungry to know and follow God’s will for my life, I remember reading a statement by J. Oswald Sanders, “Christ indicated that being His disciple involved far more than assent to an easy creed. It would be costly and exacting, rather than thrilling and exciting. Not of silver slippers and primrose paths, but of rocky roads and iron shoes. Everyone who follows Him must do with eyes wide open, and a heart full of obedience to whatever He bids of them.” [2]

Whatever He requests of you, will you do it? Whatever He requires of you, will you do it? Whatever He reveals to you, will you do it? I submit unto you that that to “Just Do It” is the only way to be a NIKE Christian.


1) popopedia

2) “On To Maturity,” J. Oswald Sanders, pg. 101.


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