Development of a Comprehensive, Publicly-Accessible Biodiversity ...

Development of a Comprehensive, PubliclyAccessible Biodiversity Database for Pennsylvania

ESRI-MUG Conference ? November 30, 2010

Mike Bialousz, DCNR GIS Director Christopher Tracey, PA Natural Heritage Program


1. Project Background 2. CNHI Layer(s)/Geodatabase

Development 3. CNHI Interactive Map Background 4. CNHI Interactive Map Demo 5. Future CNHI Related Web Efforts 6. Questions/Comments

Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program

Providing scientific information for the for the conservation of Pennsylvania's biological diversity.

Member of

County Natural Heritage Inventories

Systematic field and desktop-based studies to identify ecologically important areas

- habitats for rare, threatened and endangered species - rare natural communities - high quality natural areas

Provide information about sites

- detailed descriptions - threats and stresses - conservation recommendations

Used for planning

- county and local level - sites for conservation

County Natural Heritage Inventories

Generally, useful for counties, municipalities, watershed groups, land trusts, and other orgs

GIS Data generally distributed via CD though the inventory reports

Actually only "visible" PNHP GIS dataset for species of special concern

Limitation has led to unauthorized reproduction of data (i.e. Marcellus)

Up to now, limited ability to update records as new information becomes available

southern wood-rush (Luzula bulbosa)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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