Lesson 1.1 Assessment - PC\|MAC


|Lesson 1.1 History of Manufacturing Assessment |

Match each with its definition.

1. __ ___Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)

2. __ __ ASRS

3. __ __Automation

4. __ __Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

5. __ __Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

6. __ __Just-In-Time (JIT)

7. __ __Lean Manufacturing

8. __ __Robotics

9. __ __Six SIGMA

A. Automated storage and retrieval systems

B. Completely self-contained electronic, electric, or mechanical device, to such activities as manufacturing

C. Employing machines to do the work of people

D. Entire production process is controlled by computer

E. Initiative focused on eliminating all waste in manufacturing processes

F. Methodology used to reduce quality problems to less than 3.4 defects per million

G. Requires that equipment, resources, and labor are made available only in the amount required and at the time required to do the job

H. Use of computer technology to aid in the design of a product

I. Vehicles that can be programmed to automatically drive to designated points and perform preprogrammed functions

Match each with a person whose manufacturing contributions were within this area. Some individuals may be used more than once. Some manufacturing areas may have been affected by more than one person. List all matches discussed in class.

1. ____ ___ ASRS

2. ____ ___Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

3. ____ ___Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

4. ____ ___Just-In-Time (JIT)

5. ____ ___Lean Manufacturing

6. ____ ___Robotics

7. ____ ___Six SIGMA

A. Carl Frederick Gauss

B. Ctesibius of Alexandria

C. George C. Devol and Joseph F. Engelberger

D. Henry Harnischfeger

E. Isaac Asimov

F. Joseph Harrington

G. Kiichiro Toyoda

H. Motorola, Inc.

I. Patrick J. Hanratty

Answer the following questions.

What is the difference between CIM and CAD?

What is an advantage to relying on artisans for manufacturing products? What is a disadvantage?

What are the similarities and differences between mass and custom manufacturing?

Name three items that you use that incorporate interchangeable parts. Identify at least two of the interchangeable parts that comprise these items.

How does JIT save money?

Give an example of lean manufacturing at work.

Describe trends in manufacturing equipment from the early 19th century to today.

What is kaizen and how does it apply to manufacturing?

What is the enterprise wheel and how does it illustrate a cohesive manufacturing system?

The following images represent the enterprise wheel. What is at the center of the wheel? Why? Explain how the elements of the system work together to form a seamless process.




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