Directions: DO NOT WRITE ON THIS SHEET! This is a class set. Please put all of your answers on your own sheet of paper. Read the question carefully. The questions might not be in the same order as in the book. Please be careful when choosing your answer. Choose the best answer for each question. Put the CAPITAL letter of your answer on your paper.

1. What made Luke have to hide from strangers?

A. He has a strange birthmark on his face that makes him unlucky in their country

B. He is the third child in his family

C. His family can’t afford clothes for him

D. He is wanted by the police for a crime

2. When did the problem of Luke’s world begin?

A. In 1924

B. In the 1950s

C. About 20 years earlier

D. Over 100 years earlier

3. Why did Luke care so much that the woods were sold?

A. The trees were being cut down so he couldn’t go outside or near the windows anymore

B. The family had extra money now

C. Luke could go to school

D. Luke could see another neighborhood

4. Before the trees were cut down, what did the boys do after homework and chores?

A. Played football, kickball, or spud in the backyard

B. Played basketball or softball in the front yard

C. Played in the barn

D. Played cards or checkers in the living room

5. How many OLDER brothers did Luke have?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

6. Where was Luke’s room?

A. In the basement

B. Above the garage

C. In the barn

D. In the attic

7. When Luke’s brother made fun of his baking bread and Luke teased him about poison in the bread, what suddenly occurred to Luke?

A. To teach his brother to bake

B. If his brother died, Luke could be normal

C. To fight his brother

D. To ask his brother to switch bedrooms with him

8. How did the girl Luke finds in the Sports Family house deal with the alarm?

A. She shut it off

B. She called the alarm company to tell them never mind

C. She called her dad to have the security company cancel the call

D. She ignored it

9. How old is Luke?

A. 10

B. 12

C. 13

D. 15

10. How old is Jen?

A. 10

B. 12

C. 13

D. 15

11. When Jen was small, her mother took her to play with a play group. What did all the children have in common?

A. They were all children of government officials and third children

B. They were all Native American

C. They all had brown hair

D. They all brothers and sisters who were thirds and fourths

12. How did Jen know that Luke was safe to tell about the rally?

A. She watched him go home

B. She asked her dad

C. She dusted for fingerprints, scanned them into the computer, and checked them in the government database

D. She asked a friend on the phone

13. Why did Jen say the government passed the Population Law?

A. To become more efficient

B. They were afraid the population would get too big and we would run out of food

C. They hated children

D. They wanted to have complete control over people

14. When Luke arrived at Jen’s house when he was looking for her after the rally, what did he do?

A. He broke in, shut down the alarm, and used her computer

B. Went into the kitchen for some junk food

C. Called Jen’s father

D. Looked for a certain book he really wanted to read

15. What kind of snacks did Jen offer Luke?

A. Illegal soda and potato chips

B. Apples and oranges

C. Peanut butter and jelly

D. Old, leftover bread

16. What new idea from the books he was reading from Jen’s house did Luke tell his dad about?

A. Famine

B. Hydroponics

C. Third children

D. War

17. How did Luke learn to read?

A. At school

B. With a special tutor

C. His brother taught him

D. His mother taught him at home

18. How did Jen deal with the blood on the carpet from Luke’s cut?

A. She cleaned it up herself

B. She left it so her mother would clean it

C. She cut her arm on purpose to get more blood on the carpet

D. She asked her dad what to do

19. On some of the last times Luke visited Jen before the rally, how did they spend their time?

A. Playing music and watching TV

B. Reading adventure stories

C. Making huge messes in the kitchen with cookies, playing board games, and talking

D. Playing on the computer

20. What did Jen’s dad offer Luke?

A. To live with Jen’s family

B. A fake ID

C. To build a hiding room in Luke’s house

D. To send him to the same school as his sons

21. Why had the government made pets illegal?

A. They spread disease

B. They are dangerous to children

C. Houses were too small for pets

D. Pets ate food that could be eaten by people

22. When Luke first went to the Sports Family house, how did he react to the locked door?

A. He rang the doorbell

B. He ran home

C. He called out to the kid inside

D. He tore the screen and went into the house uninvited

23. What was the girl’s reaction to Luke?

A. She welcomed him happily

B. She pinned him on the floor and threatened him

C. She ignored him

D. She told him to go home at once

24. What everyday food for Luke was a rare treat for Jen?

A. Candy

B. Carrots

C. Soybeans

D. Meat

25. After Luke’s first visit to Jen’s house, it rained for three days. On the first clear day, he signaled to Jen but she didn’t respond. Why?

A. She was sick

B. Her dad was sick at home from work

C. Her brothers had a school holiday

D. She was out shopping with her mom

26. What was the significance of Hendricks School for Boys?

A. It was the place where Luke met Jen’s father

B. It was where Luke’s brothers went to school

C. It was the boarding school Luke was sent to attend as Lee Grant

D. It was the school that Jen’s brothers attended

27. What word did Luke use to describe the Sports family house?

A. New

B. Boring

C. Pristine

D. Elegant

28. What word did Jen’s dad use to describe the government?

A. Democratic

B. Totalitarian

C. Capitalistic

D. Unfair


Directions: Choose ONE of the following essay questions and write your answer in AT LEAST 5 sentences. Please answer as completely as possible. 2, 3 & 4th periods, you must complete two out of three. TWO. Please label with the question number.

E1: Do you think that the Population Law that affects both Luke and Jen is wrong? Why or why not? Please don’t forget to consider what went on in their time, and include that in your answer.

E2: Do you think that Jen’s sacrifice was necessary? Explain your answer, and give facts from the novel to back your answer.

E3: How do you think you would do if you were a third child in Luke’s world? Would you do as well as Luke, or be more like Jen? Give examples from your life that show your thought about this.


1. What made Luke have to hide from strangers?

A. He has a strange birthmark on his face that makes him unlucky in their country

B. He is the third child in his family

C. His family can’t afford clothes for him

D. He is wanted by the police for a crime

2. When did the problem of Luke’s world begin?

A. In 1924

B. In the 1950s

C. About 20 years earlier

D. Over 100 years earlier

3. Why did Luke care so much that the woods were sold?

A. The trees were being cut down so he couldn’t go outside or near the windows anymore

B. The family had extra money now

C. Luke could go to school

D. Luke could see another neighborhood

4. Before the trees were cut down, what did the boys do after homework and chores?

A. Played football, kickball, or spud in the backyard

B. Played basketball or softball in the front yard

C. Played in the barn

D. Played cards or checkers in the living room

5. How many OLDER brothers did Luke have?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

6. Where was Luke’s room?

A. In the basement

B. Above the garage

C. In the barn

D. In the attic

7. When Luke’s brother made fun of his baking bread and Luke teased him about poison in the bread, what suddenly occurred to Luke?

A. To teach his brother to bake

B. If his brother died, Luke could be normal

C. To fight his brother

D. To ask his brother to switch bedrooms with him

8. How did the girl Luke finds in the Sports Family house deal with the alarm?

A. She shut it off

B. She called the alarm company to tell them never mind

C. She called her dad to have the security company cancel the call

D. She ignored it

9. How old is Luke?

A. 10

B. 12

C. 13

D. 15

10. How old is Jen?

A. 10

B. 12

C. 13

D. 15

11. When Jen was small, her mother took her to play with a play group. What did all the children have in common?

A. They were all children of government officials and third children

B. They were all Native American

C. They all had brown hair

D. They all brothers and sisters who were thirds and fourths

12. How did Jen know that Luke was safe to tell about the rally?

A. She watched him go home

B. She asked her dad

C. She dusted for fingerprints, scanned them into the computer, and checked them in the government database

D. She asked a friend on the phone

13. Why did Jen say the government passed the Population Law?

A. To become more efficient

B. They were afraid the population would get too big and we would run out of food

C. They hated children

D. They wanted to have complete control over people

14. When Luke arrived at Jen’s house when he was looking for her after the rally, what did he do?

A. He broke in, shut down the alarm, and used her computer

B. Went into the kitchen for some junk food

C. Called Jen’s father

D. Looked for a certain book he really wanted to read

15. What kind of snacks did Jen offer Luke?

A. Illegal soda and potato chips

B. Apples and oranges

C. Peanut butter and jelly

D. Old, leftover bread

16. What new idea from the books he was reading from Jen’s house did Luke tell his dad about?

A. Famine

B. Hydroponics

C. Third children

D. War

17. How did Luke learn to read?

A. At school

B. With a special tutor

C. His brother taught him

D. His mother taught him at home

18. How did Jen deal with the blood on the carpet from Luke’s cut?

A. She cleaned it up herself

B. She left it so her mother would clean it

C. She cut her arm on purpose to get more blood on the carpet

D. She asked her dad what to do

19. On some of the last times Luke visited Jen before the rally, how did they spend their time?

A. Playing music and watching TV

B. Reading adventure stories

C. Making huge messes in the kitchen with cookies, playing board games, and talking

D. Playing on the computer

20. What did Jen’s dad offer Luke?

A. To live with Jen’s family

B. A fake ID

C. To build a hiding room in Luke’s house

D. To send him to the same school as his sons

21. Why had the government made pets illegal?

A. They spread disease

B. They are dangerous to children

C. Houses were too small for pets

D. Pets ate food that could be eaten by people

22. When Luke first went to the Sports Family house, how did he react to the locked door?

A. He rang the doorbell

B. He ran home

C. He called out to the kid inside

D. He tore the screen and went into the house uninvited

23. What was the girl’s reaction to Luke?

A. She welcomed him happily

B. She pinned him on the floor and threatened him

C. She ignored him

D. She told him to go home at once

24. What everyday food for Luke was a rare treat for Jen?

A. Candy

B. Carrots

C. Soybeans

D. Meat

25. After Luke’s first visit to Jen’s house, it rained for three days. On the first clear day, he signaled to Jen but she didn’t respond. Why?

A. She was sick

B. Her dad was sick at home from work

C. Her brothers had a school holiday

D. She was out shopping with her mom

26. What was the significance of Hendricks School for Boys?

A. It was the place where Luke met Jen’s father

B. It was where Luke’s brothers went to school

C. It was the boarding school Luke was sent to attend as Lee Grant

D. It was the school that Jen’s brothers attended

27. What word did Luke use to describe the Sports family house?

A. New

B. Boring

C. Pristine

D. Elegant

28. What word did Jen’s dad use to describe the government?

A. Democratic

B. Totalitarian

C. Capitalistic

D. Unfair


Directions: Choose ONE of the following essay questions and write your answer in AT LEAST 5 sentences. Please answer as completely as possible. 2, 3 & 4th periods, you must complete two out of three. TWO. Please label with the question number.

E1: Do you think that the Population Law that affects both Luke and Jen is wrong? Why or why not? Please don’t forget to consider what went on in their time, and include that in your answer.

E2: Do you think that Jen’s sacrifice was necessary? Explain your answer, and give facts from the novel to back your answer.

E3: How do you think you would do if you were a third child in Luke’s world? Would you do as well as Luke, or be more like Jen? Give examples from your life that show your thought about this.


1) The student should decide if the law was wrong or not, and then explain why.

2) The student should tell why Jen’s sacrifice was or was not necessary, and be sure to support their answer from the novel.

3) The student should write putting themselves in the position of one of the third children. They should be sure to include details about why they’d be more like Jen or Luke.


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