
Please sign your name at the bottom of this page only after you have read it carefully and spent some time considering the commitment you are invited to make. Also you must have a faculty or staff member sign off that you spoke with them about this opportunity. This will serve as your recommendation for this program.*Please note that if you fill out a Freshman Retreat leader application or Kairos leader application you do not need to fill this out as well. All you need to fill out is the permission form.

1. The leadership retreat is August 9-10, 2012. It will be a time of discussion, reflection, and prayer with a focus on leadership skill development and planning for future school activities. Both of these retreats take place in Monroe, CT at the Nazareth Center.

2. We are looking for a diverse group of students with varied talents and interests.

Acceptance is based on:

-ability to make a commitment to being a leader for the Prep community (in and out of the classroom)

-facility in dealing with peers

-facility in leading group discussion

-facility in speaking before a group and willingness to speak about personal faith experience

-enough academic strength to be able to meet obligations in addition to school

work and to minimize the effect of missing school days from time to time

If I am accepted on the Christian Leadership Retreat I understand that I am making a commitment to being a leader both in and out of the classroom.

I commit myself to personal growth throughout the year so that my own faith might be strengthened and that I might have more to offer my classmates. Through my own prayer and reflection, I will be open to this calling to be a leader.

I commit myself to my fellow leaders by being open to forming a community of faith and friendship so that we will be a support and encouragement to one another in our work.

I realize that this commitment will demand a sacrifice on my part of time and energy and shared talent, but I am willing to accept this challenge.

____________________________ _______________________________________________

Student Name (Print) Student Signature

____________________________ _______________________________________________

Faculty Name (Print) Faculty/Staff Signature

Please return this form completed by Friday, May 18 at 3PM to Mr. Gualtiere.


NAME:__________________________________________ E-Mail:______________________

Questions to consider/reflect on: Why do you want to be a part of this leadership experience?

What gifts and talents will you bring to this leadership opportunity at Fairfield Prep?

What in your opinion makes someone a good/positive leader?


(attach additional sheets as needed)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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