Appleton City High School

Personal Financial Management

Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Fischer

Business Education Department

Prerequisites: Computer Literacy

Grade Level: 10th – 12th grade Credit: ½ (Graduation Requirement)

Required Materials: Handheld calculator, paper, pencil, red pen, ½ inch 3-ring binder for your career notebook.

Course Description:

This course focuses on a student’s role as a citizen, student, family member, consumer, and active participant in the business world. The intent of this course is to inform each student of various financial responsibilities and to provide them with opportunities for self-awareness, expression, and satisfaction in a highly technical and competitive society. This course will help each student investigate many important areas of interest that will enhance their financial knowledge, responsibility, and security. This course is packed full of daily applications and several individual and group projects. Students will be asked to complete work utilizing critical thinking skills and will challenge each student to “think outside of the box.” Incorporated into this course is hands-on, real-life applications.

Course Rationale:

In today’s economy, knowing how to handle financial decisions is critical to success in everyday living and in business management. Yet, surveys verify that only half the questions about credit cards, mutual funds, insurance, and other financial basics can be answered correctly by high school seniors. Better understanding of financial matters gained through this course will provide students information that will help them to avoid bankruptcy, business failure, and the stress and frustration that go with such events and to be financially successful in both personal and business situations.

Performance Standards:

• Define and apply the decision-making process to employment, budgeting, saving, investments, and credit decisions evaluated through written assessment.

• Identify through written evaluation components and sources of income and analyze how career choices, education, skills and economic conditions affect income and goal attainment.

• Prepare employment documents properly and accurately evaluated through portfolio.

• Set goals for a budget and financial plan evaluated through individual project.

• Examine banking and investment practices evaluated through individual simulation and written evaluation.

• Apply spending and credit policies through written evaluation.


Financial Fitness for Life, Your Checking Account Simulation

Dave Ramsey Foundations in Personal Finance, High School Edition


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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