Personality Psychology (PSY 309)

Instructions: Choose a personality researcher from the list below. Your project will entail four steps: 1) Find several articles (at least 4) by your researcher, 2) Read these articles carefully, 3) Write an annotated bibliography of these articles, and 4) Write a 2-3 page paper critically evaluating their work based on what you have learned in class and proposing new directions or questions for their research.

1. Find the articles. Use the UT library’s online search tools to find the articles. PsycINFO is probably the best search engine to use. You will need your UT EID to use this search engine. Once you have found the references for your articles on the search engine, you will need to find the actual articles. Some articles may be available online but you will probably have to go to PCL to photocopy some. However you do it, make sure you have a hard copy (photocopy or printout) of each article.

2. Read the articles. Read them carefully. Read them several times. If you have questions, come to my office hours to discuss the articles. Use techniques such as highlighting an taking notes in the margins. After you read each article, take out a separate sheet of paper and write down the main points that you can remember, and a short summary of the conclusions.

3. Write an annotated bibliography. This is a reference list with two or three paragraphs after each reference describing the main findings of the article. This should include a few sentences about why the research was conducted (what was the question being addressed) and how it was conducted, but the bulk of the summary should focus on the findings and conclusions. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Do not copy even one sentence from the abstract or article. You should write the summaries based on your notes and what you took away from the articles. The summaries should be entirely in your own words.

4. Write a 3-5 page paper critiquing your researcher and proposing new directions. If you were applying to work as a graduate student in their lab, what would you improve about their research? How would you extend it? What are the next questions to be asked? What did they leave out or skip over?

You will turn in:

-One hard copy of each article

-The annotated bibliography

-The 3-5 page paper


Feb. 8th: Turn in name of researcher

Mar. 1st: Turn in list of references

Mar. 31st: Bring hard copies of articles to class

April 28th: PROJECT DUE (copies of articles, annotated bibliography, paper)

List of Researchers

Researcher Topic

Daryl Bem Self-perception

Veronica Benet-Martinez Personality and culture, biculturalism

Jack Block General personality, ego-control, personality methods

Peter Borkenau Personality judgment, snap judgments

David Buss Personality and behavior

Avshalom Caspi Personality development and change

Paul Costa/Robert McCrae Personality traits, personality change, big five

Kenneth Craik Personality methods, personality and behavoir

Ed Diener Personality and happiness

William Fleeson States and traits, personality and behavior

R. Chris Fraley Personality in relationships, attachment style

David Funder General personality, personality judgment

R. Mike Furr Personality and behavior, personality methods

Carol Gohm Personality and emotions

Lew Goldberg Structure of personality

Sam Gosling Personality in our environments, animal personality

Bill Graziano Agreeableness, personality and pro-social behavior

Bob Hogan Personality and behavior, personality in the workplace

Oliver John General personality, personality traits, self-other perception

Dave Kenny Personality Judgment

Doug Kenrick Evolutionary psychology and personality

Dan McAdams Life narratives, personality and life stories

Matthias Mehl Personality and behavior, health

Julie Norem Defensive pessimism

Dan Ozer Personality methods

Del Paulhus Self-presentation, self-enhancement, narcissism

Sampo Paunonen Personality and behavior

Eshkol Rafaeli Personality and relationships, emotions, self-complexity

Brent Roberts Personality change, maturity, personality in the workplace

Rick Robins Personality traits, self-other perceptions, self-enhancement

Gerard Saucier Structure of personality, differences across cultures

Oliver Schultheiss Personality and hormones, power, motives

Phil Shaver Attachment style

Sanjay Srivastava Personality development

Frank Sulloway Birth order and personality

David Watson Emotions and personality, personality in relationships

David Winter Personality and needs, motives, political personality


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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