Unit 10: Personality

Unit 10: Personality

Practice Multiple Choice Questions

Directions. For each of the following, choose the BEST answer. This is a practice test, it gives you a feel for how the questions may look on the unit/AP test.

_____1. Harvey has devoted his life to the search for physical pleasure and immediate need gratification. Freud would say that Harvey is dominated by:

a. his ego

b. his superego

c. his id

d. displacement

e. preconscious

_____2. Furious at her boss for what she considers to be unjust criticism, Tyra turns around and takes out her anger on her subordinates. Tyra may be using the defense mechanism of

a. displacement

b. reaction formation

c. identification

d. replacement

e. denial

_____3. Freud believed that most personality disturbances are due to:

a. failure of parents to reinforce healthy behavior

b. poor self-concept resulting from excessive parental demands

c. unconscious and unresolved sexual conflicts rooted in childhood experiences

d. exposure of children to unhealthy role models

e. parents acting as a poor model of behavior

_____4. According to Alfred Adler, the prime force in a person’s life is:

a. physical gratification

b. existential anxiety

c. striving for superiority

d. instincts

e. superego

_____5. Which of the following learning mechanisms does B.F. skinner see as being the major means by which behavior is learned?

a. classical conditioning

b. operant conditioning

c. observational learning

d. insight

e. heuristics

_____6. Always having been a good student, Irving is confident that he will do well in his psychology course. According to Bandura’s social cognitive theory, Irving would be said to have:

a. strong feelings of self-efficacy

b. sense of superiority

c. strong defense mechanisms

d. good genetics

e. inherent instincts

_____7. Which of the following approaches to personality is least deterministic?

a. humanistic

b. psychoanalytic

c. behavioral

d. Skinner’s approach

e. Biological

_____8. Which of the following did Carl Rogers believe fosters a congruent self-concept?

a. conditional love

b. appropriate role models

c. immediate-need gratification

d. unconditional love

e. strong genetics

_____9. The strongest support for the theory that personality is heavily influenced by genetics is provided by strong personality similarity between:

a. identical twins reared together

b. identical twins reared apart

c. fraternal twins reared together

d. non-twins reared together

e. fraternal twins reared apart

_____10. Which of the following is the best way to regard heritability estimates?

a. as reliable but not necessarily valid estimates

b. as ballpark estimates of the influence of genetics

c. as accurate estimates of the influence of genetics

d. as relatively useless estimates of the influence of genetics

e. none of the above

_____11. In which of the following cultures is an independent view of the self most likely to be the norm?

a. China

b. Korea

c. Japan

d. United States

e. All of the above

_____12. Which of the following is not a short-coming of the self-report personality inventories?

a. the accuracy of the results is a function of the honesty of the respondent

b. Respondents may attempt to answer in a way that makes them look good

c. There is sometimes a problem with “yea-sayers” or “nay-sayers”

d. They are objective measures that are easy to administer and score

e. These are all flaws/short-comings

_____13. Biological psychologists would argue that the environment in which we grow up has ________________ effect on our personalities.

a. a largely positive

b. a largely negative

c. surprisingly little

d. powerful

e. completely non-existent

_____14. Critics of humanistic psychology have suggested that this theory fails to appreciate the reality of our human capacity for

a. empathy

b. love

c. negativity

d. evil

e. laziness

_____15. Collectivist cultures are characterized by members

a. developing a strong sense of self

b. giving priority to group goals

c. forming causal, often temporary relationships

d. achieving personal goals

e. discovering how they are different from the group

_____16. According to Freud, which of the following defense mechanisms buries threatening or upsetting events into our nonconscious?

a. regression

b. displacement

c. repression

d. projection

e. rationalization

_____17. What did Maslow call the process of fulfilling our potential?

a. love needs

b. self-esteem

c. self-actualization

d. self-transcendence

e. hierarchy of needs

_____18. Questionnaires covering a wide range of feelings and behaviors designed to assess several traits at once are called

a. factor analysis studies

b. peer reports

c. achievement tests

d. cognition tests

e. personality inventories

_____19. Albert Bandura proposed the social-cognitive perspective, which

a. explains the nature-nurture debate

b. predicts human behavior

c. focuses on how our environment controls us

d. explains human motivation

e. emphasizes the interaction of our traits with our situations

_____20. Athletes who often privately credit their victories to their own prowess, and their losses to bad breaks, lousy officiating, or the other team’s exceptional performance are exhibiting

a. low self-esteem

b. the self-serving bias

c. pessimism

d. the spotlight effect

e. incompetence

Answer Key

|1. C |2. A |3. C | 4. C |5. B |

|6. A |7. A |8. D |9. B |10.B |

|11.D |12.D |13.C |14.D |15.B |

|16.C |17.C |18.E |19.E |20.B |


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