Persuasive Essay and Rhetorical Devices

Persuasive Essay Instructions and due dates

Objective: Students will draw upon the writing styles as well as the methods of reasoning and argumentation as shown in Henry’s “Speech in the Virginia Convention” and Jefferson’s “Declaration of Independence” to write a persuasive essay. The student is strongly urged to consider pages 280-288 of the textbook as guidance in writing and editing the essay. There is a sample essay provided on pp. 285-286 in the textbook.

Persuasive Rhetoric: Using Henry and Jefferson

Consider the impact of the words and the rhetorical strategies Henry uses throughout his “Speech to the Virginia Convention” as well as the structure of the “Declaration of Independence” as penned by Jefferson. Below is a list of rhetorical techniques to keep in mind while constructing your arguments:

• Argumentative Organization (pg. 226): inductive and deductive reasoning

• Persuasive Techniques (or appeals) (pg. 226): Logical (logos), Ethical (ethos), or Emotional (pathos)

• Rhetorical Devices (pg. 227): rhetorical questions, antithesis, repetition, parallelism, allusions

Basics of an Argument (pg. 227):

An effective argument will include the following:

1. a clear claim (a thesis statement)

2. support for the claim (reasons and evidence)

3. counter-arguments (anticipated opposition that is refuted)

4. logical and effective language (informal vs. formal language)

5. summative conclusion that calls the reader to act


Paragraph 1: attention grabbing begging, background information on issue, and thesis statement

Paragraphs 2-4: reasons backed by supporting evidence; remember to include a counterargument to your opposition’s reasons (see pre-writing)

Paragraph 5: Restate the thesis and include a call to action

Essays will be graded on 1) Focus and coherence 2) organization 3) development of ideas 4) voice

5) conventions (see p. 288 for more information)


1. Occasionally, students in elementary school are allowed to advance to the next grade even though they have not successfully completed the lower grade. Advocates of “social promotion” think that keeping a child in a grade for longer than a year hurts his or her development and self-esteem. Write an essay stating your opinion on this issue, making sure to support your opinion with convincing reasons.

2. In some countries every young person must serve two years of military service. Should we have a similar policy in the United States? Write an essay stating your position on this issue and supporting it with convincing reasons. Be sure to explain your reasons in detail.

3. Your state legislature is considering a bill that would require a person to earn a high school diploma before he or she could receive a driver's license. What is your position on this issue? Write a letter to convince your state legislature to accept your point of view.

4. Your city council is considering a curfew that would make it illegal for teenagers to be out on the streets after 10 p.m. on weekdays or after midnight on weekends. What is your position on this issue? Write an essay that would convince the city council to agree with you. Be sure to support your position with detailed reasons.

5. Your local school board is considering requiring students to take part in community service programs in order to graduate. What is your position concerning this issue? Write a letter to the members of the school board stating your position and supporting it with convincing reasons. Be sure to explain your reasons in detail.


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