Year 11 English Unit 1 – SAC: Outcome 3 ‘Using Language to ...

VCE English Unit 1

Using Language to Persuade

Oral presentation

Task: Prepare and deliver a reasoned, well-argued oral presentation on a current issue which persuades the audience to agree with your point of view.

Steps to follow in preparing your reasoned point of view for your oral presentation:

1. Once you have selected your issue, establish what the two main sides of the issue are.

2. Research your issue and select at least 3 texts to annotate for information not persuasive language.

3. Develop a list - For and Against - the issue, no matter which side you are supporting.

4. Think carefully about your research to reach your own informed point of view.

5. State your point of view clearly in a main contention - this states what you are arguing for or against.

6. Decide on your strongest points, your reasons and your main arguments.

7. Collect support for your points. This can include evidence, reasons, facts, examples and causes with explanations.

8. Think about how the opposition could attack your points and how you could counter some of these to make your case convincing.

9. Plan for how you will rebut viewpoints opposed to your contention.

10. Use logically constructed arguments so that the audience can see the reasoning, facts, and evidence behind the point of view.

Your oral presentation must focus an issue that has been dealt with by the media since June 2015. It must be a reasoned, well-argued oral presentation which persuades the audience to agree with your point of view.

Some things to keep in mind when preparing your presentation…

▪ Your issue and topic must be explained clearly and in detail.

▪ Your opinion should be clearly stated and developed throughout the presentation. You must have a clear contention, no fence sitting on the issue!

▪ Your presentation must use persuasive techniques to convince the audience of your point of view.

▪ Reference should be made to at least 3 media articles on the issue. (You will also need to submit a bibliography or copies of sources referred to.)

▪ Visual/auditory/written material that helps develop and strengthen your presentation must be included in your presentation.

▪ The conventions of public speaking must be followed.

▪ You must show clear evidence of preparation and planning.

▪ Use the rubric overleaf to help you in your planning.


| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Complexity |Little or no ideas and |Some ideas and material |Various ideas and material |Complex ideas and material |Highly complex ideas and |

| |material drawn on. No |drawn on. Inclusion of an |drawn on. Inclusion of some|drawn on. Thorough inclusion|material drawn on. |

| |inclusion of an alternate |alternate perspective on |alternate perspectives on |of multiple perspectives on |Comprehensive inclusion of |

| |perspective on the issue. |the issue. |the issue. |the issue. |multiple perspectives on the|

| | | | | |issue. |

|Argument |Argument not persuasive and|Somewhat persuasive |Persuasive argument that is|Persuasive argument that is |Highly persuasive argument |

| |is not logical, coherent |argument that is not fully |not fully logical, coherent|logical, coherent and |that is logical, coherent |

| |and sustained. |logical, coherent and |and sustained. |sustained. |and sustained. |

| | |sustained. | | | |

|Language and |Little or no use of oral |Inconsistent use of oral |Adequate use of oral |Skilful use of highly |Skilful and sophisticated |

|Presentation |language and presentation |language and presentation |language and presentation |appropriate oral language |use of highly appropriate |

| |skills. |skills. |skills. |and presentation skills. |oral language and |

| | | | | |presentation skills. |

|Research |Little or no evidence of |Evidence of adequate |Evidence of adequate |Clear evidence of extensive |Clear evidence of extensive |

| |research and submission of |research and submission of |research and submission of |research and submission of |research and submission of |

| |0 - 2 texts. |0 - 2 texts with limited |at least 3 texts with some |at least 3 texts with |at least 3 texts with |

| | |annotations. |annotations. |detailed annotations. |comprehensive annotations. |

What went well?

Even better if….

Where to next?

Mark /20

Checklist: Are you ready to present?

Media Texts and Bibliography

Have you collected and annotated at least 3 media texts? Have you listed details for all resources you consulted in your research?

Plan and write your first draft.

Review and organise your material into paragraphs as follows;

The Introduction - introduces the issue and clearly expresses the main contention. It gives your viewpoint on the issue.

The Body - contains 3-5 paragraphs. Each paragraph advances the case being argued and makes one main point. Each paragraph has:

- a topic sentence expressing the main idea for that paragraph; usually the first sentence in the paragraph

- evidence, explanations and reasons that develop and support the idea in the topic sentence

- links to the next paragraph

- rebuttal points in some paragraphs or a rebuttal paragraph to show the weaknesses of opposing viewpoints. (If you do this in one paragraph, use the one just before your conclusion.)

The Conclusion - should be convincing, justify your position again and emphasise your main contention.

Edit and re-write

Read it through or read it to someone. How does it sound? Were they persuaded to share your point of view?

Is your argument reasoned and logical? How do you know this?

Can you improve your persuasive language? What techniques have you used? Do they work? Edit to strengthen your writing

Edit for spelling, punctuation and grammar

Write a final version

Cue cards

Write out cue cards with main points only

Inclusion of visual aids/auditory/written material to enhance the presentation

Have you considered using visual/auditory or written aids to strengthen your presentation?

Have you requested your teacher book a projector if necessary?

At what stage in your presentation will you present these to the audience?

Do you have your package ready to submit to your teacher i.e. annotated texts, bibliography, copy of your speech?



E.G. School uniform is out dated and should be abolished.

2. AUDIENCE – Who is your speech directed at? How will you use language to identify with and engage that audience?

3. DETAIL – Dot point below using sufficient detail, your point of view for your oral presentation for each category. You MUST complete every box.








4. PERSUASIVE DEVICES – List below the different persuasive devices you intend to use in your oral presentation. You need to give some specific detail of each device you will use. You need a minimum of 3 different types of devices.


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What you need to do (key info):

• Over the next few weeks you will need to select, research and prepare an oral presentation on a current issue, as one part of your assessments for Outcome 2 ‘Analysing and Presenting Argument’. The list of issues you may choose is provided overleaf. If you wish, you may negotiate an alternative topic with your teacher.

• Your oral presentation should be 3-5 minutes in length.

• Your oral presentation can include a visual aid (PowerPoint, Prezi, photo compilation etc) and must be between three and five minutes in length. Video clips etc as part of your presentation can be used to add evidence, but should not be too lengthy – this is about hearing YOUR opinion

• There are additional resources and links available to you on the Year 11 English Weebly at

• You will need to select at least three articles to read and annotate for relevant information to use in your oral presentation.

• Your response must be delivered in oral form which will allow you to use a range of persuasive language and presentation techniques to convince your audience of your point of view on the issue.

• Your presentations will take place in Week 3 of Term 1 (dates to be advised in class)

You may choose one of the following topics, or come up with one with your teacher. You can agree or disagree with the accompanying statement:

1. Binge Drinking: Binge drinking is a major issue in Australia; it should not be excused as simply being part of the culture.

2. Junk food Advertising to Children: The advertising of junk food should be banned during children’s television programs.

3. Censorship and the Internet: Internet censorship restricts personal freedom.

4. Compulsory voting: Australians should be able to choose whether or not they vote.

5. P-plate laws: P platers should face more restrictions to ensure they are safe behind the wheel.

6. Drugs in Sport: Anyone involved in any form of illegal drug use should be banned from all professional sport.


Prepare and deliver a reasoned, well-argued oral presentation on a current issue which persuades the audience to agree with your point

Student Name:



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