P.O. Box 194 / 1985 Mt. Zion Road, Union, KY 41091 The …

Union Baptist Church

P.O. Box 194 / 1985 Mt. Zion Road, Union, KY 41091

The Triumph

Growing Together in Christ

July, 2012

Special points of interest: Religious Freedom Movie 7/1 Youth Camp 7/2--7/7 Men's Softball every Tuesday

Start thinking about HAITI a little differently...

H A I auling rticles nside T I runks nternationally...

Senior Adult Picnic 7/6 PM Youth Led Service 7/8 Lord's Supper PM 7/15 Dessert and Ice Cream Social PM 7/22 Youth Party 7/22 Haiti Trip 7/23--7/30

Have you been thinking about our Mission Team as they prepare for their trip to Haiti this summer? Everyone in our congregation can be a part of the Mission Team! Even if you are unable to make the physical trip, keeping the team in your prayers and supporting them financially are important ways you can contribute. In addition, we are adding a few more options for you to support the work of the UBC Team heading to Haiti in tangible ways.

You will notice three large trunks outside the sanctuary in the coming weeks which will be sent with the Mission Team. Each trunk will be the collection point for specific items, some of which will be used in setting up an apartment/home for the orphans near the school.

Trunk #1: Donate new flip flops or Crocs (in all sizes). Trunk #2: Donate new or gently-used twin sheet sets and small throw rugs. Trunk #3: Donate new or gently-used towels & washcloths for the bath & kitchen.

Special Collection: To help cover the cost of sending the extra trunks, please consider making a special donation toward that goal.

Inside this issue: Shoes for Haiti From Our Pastor Children's News Children's Activity Youth News Stewardship Report Women's Ministry News UBC VIP (New column) Calendar Schedule/Birthdays/Anniv

Another way to help spread the Gospel is to pick a Bible from the giving tree and donate $5 toward the purchase of French Bibles. These Bibles will be distributed through the team's contact with various churches during the week.

The Haiti Mission Team leaves on July 23. Please bring your items for the trunks on or before Sunday, July 22. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Miller at 859496-5829.



Here are the


"New Addition"




to our UBC




Introduce yourself and


make them feel welcome!

4 Members Joined:

5 By Letter - Denise & Larry Davidson




from our pastor


Dear Friends, I hope this finds you enjoying the summer up

to this point! With a month of fun behind us, we have much to celebrate as we move into the month of July. God showed up in mighty ways as our Appalachia mission team demonstrated God's love and kindness to the sweet folks of Appalachia. Our youth group had the opportunity to express God's love to the precious children of Covington through "Fun in the Son" at Southside Baptist. Our week of VBS was instrumental in teaching our children how to "take flight" in a relationship with Jesus Christ with Amazing Wonders Aviation. The month of June also saw God richly bless our children who attended "Centri-Kid" children's camp at Campbellsville University.

I had the privilege of serving as a children's camp chaperone for the first time this year. The central theme was drawn from Romans 12:1-2. This passage calls on us to renew our hearts and minds daily by God's Word, instead of being conformed to the ways of this world. What an amazing blessing it was to watch first-hand as my daughter Madeline

and hundreds of other kids were challenged to stand for Christ no matter what the cost.

I left camp with a huge burden to pray more intently for our children and youth who face such intense pressure from a godless world in their attempts to stand for Christ. I realize that the young people in today's world face a significantly greater level of peer pressure than what my generation faced. My time at children's camp also challenged me in my personal walk with Christ. The temptation and sway of peer pressure is something we never outgrow. As a pastor, and follower of Christ, I, too, daily face the challenge of taking a stand for Jesus and living/leading to please him, instead of what others might think. I'm so thankful for the experience I had at children's camp and look forward to going back again next year. May God give us all, both big and little people, the courage to stand up for and please Him no matter what it may cost us.

See You Sunday,

Pastor Kevin

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL REPORT Wow!!! Just Wow! As of this writing, we are half way through our week and all I can say is WOW!!! As we fly from place to place, we are being blessed with not only great fun but the largest group of kids we have ever had AND the best behaved group of kids we have ever had! PRAISE GOD! On top of all that, I have more youth volunteers than I have adult volunteers! How about another PRAISE GOD!!!! Our "Pilot" for the week (Pastor Kevin) is having a great time "flying his plane" in each afternoon to reveal the offering total and winner for the day-- you're going to love the pictures!! Lots of things to be thankful for. Even more to Praise God for but.....my time is short this morning so.......you'll have to watch the bulletin for numbers and next month's Newsletter for the final report! Thanks for your prayers this week! We have certainly felt them and most importantly, God's presence in our midst!

Signing off to fly to today's destination, Miss Pat

CENTRI-KID 2012 "Game On!" That was the theme for Centri-Kid 2012. We learned so much about Daniel and how he allowed God to transform Him and how we can do the same. While it was so very hot and humid, it didn't keep us from having a great time and it certainly didn't keep God from working! Each night of worship was a wonderful experience. The Centri-Kid staff was made up of a great group of college kids who love the Lord and taught our kids about doing the same. Praise the Lord!! That made all the heat, humidity, and sweating worth it! A BIG thank you to Brian Clary, Melanie Pikar, Lori Stephenson and Pastor Kevin for giving of their time to help chaperone the kids and go to camp with us! We shared lots of laughs, many tears, and made lots of memories we'll hold close forever! So... until next year!




Birth Announcements

Youth News

Congratulations to Ashley & Paul Massie on the birth of their sweet little girl

Meredith Louise Massie

She arrived May 29, 2012 at 8:33am. Weighing 8lbs 5 oz She was 21.5 in long. Congrats to Mom & Dad and big brother Lucas!!

We can't believe it is July already!! By the time this article finds its way to your inbox we will have completed 4 days of Fun in the Son at South Side and the youth will be preparing for camp! We have been having a blast during our Wednesday Mini Clusters and we will continue to meet every Wednesday in July except for July 4th!

Please make plans now to join us on Sunday, July 8th during the evening worship service as the Youth share with you about their week at camp. We promise that you will be blessed! Our Sunday Celebrations will kick into full gear this month.

Sunday, July 1st we will be meeting at church from 6 to 7 for some fun before the Youth head off to camp on Monday!

July 15th we will be joining in the Worship Center for the Lord's Supper, and then on Sunday.

Congratulations to Mechelle & John Wolfe on the birth of their precious little boy;

Arthur Stephen Ellison Wolfe.

He arrived May 30, 2012 At 8:43 am Weighing 9lbs 5oz He was 20.5 inches. Congrats Mom & Dad and big brother Gabriel!!

July 22nd we will be having a party at the Miller's from 6 to 8! Also, go ahead and mark your calendars for a couple of great things coming in August!

August 5th is our Messy Olympics (including our incoming 6th graders) and Cookout from 5 to 7 at UBC.

August 8th ? Kings Island

August 12th we have a Swim Party!!!

We are so excited about all the opportunities that God has laid in front of our group for this summer and we are looking forward to sharing His love to those we come in contact with!

In Christian Love ? Jason and Leish Wilhelmus

Stewardship Report:

Weekly Giving & Expenses

YTD (06/30/12) Average Weekly Giving YTD (06/30/12) Average Weekly Expenses Weekly Surplus/(Deficit)



$ 11,346

$ 10,752





$ 14,426

$ 10,752




Women's Ministry



Religious Freedom Movie

Mark your calendar! Be there! Don't miss it! Write it down! Yes, we want you to join us for these upcoming Women's Ministry Events...

SATURDAY, JULY 14: The Sound of Music - 2:00 PM @ Ryle High School- We will first meet at Bob Evans for lunch at Noon. Join us for just lunch or just the musical or both. The Sound of Music tickets are $10. If you will be joining us for either or both please sign up on the sheet available on the bulletin board.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 23 Women's Ministry Kick-Off! 7 PM: This is the official start to the 2012--2013 year of Women's Ministry

SEPTEMBER 7 & 8--Retreat at Potter's Ranch--

More details coming soon.

Make plans to join us Sunday, July 1st, @ 6:00 pm for a special presentation of "10 Truths About America's Christian Heritage". This video runs approx. 1 hr. 20 mins. So, if you need to leave at 7pm feel free to do so!

"Discover the influence of Christian zeal upon the American Revolution, the Bible's role in shaping America and the world's unique perspective on our nation's Christian pedigree. These memorable truths will equip you to defend the spiritual heritage of our nation and to demonstrate why it is essential for modern Americans to recapture the faith and philosophy of the Founding Fathers. Get the facts. Get the truths necessary to defend America's Christian Heritage."


Meet Gwen Vallandingham! Luckily I was able to catch up with Gwen after she had been vaca-

tioning in St. Pete with her daughter Traci and her family. In addition to Traci, Gwen has two sons; Tony (a member of UBC) and Tyrone. A little-known fact is that Gwen is also "Aunt Gwennie" to Arnie and his siblings.

Gwen has been a member of Union Baptist Church since about 1993. In that time, she has "loved on" and taught countless children and adults. In addition to nine years with the Cubbies in Awana, Gwen has worked in the nursery with nearly every age group. When you realize that she has eleven grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren (with another on the way) ? it seems only natural that she would gravitate toward children. She also teaches the adult #2 ladies Sunday School Class.

Currently, Gwen works at Wal-Mart in Florence. In her "spare time," she is an avid reader. Her favorite authors include John Grisham, Mary Higgins-Clark and Charles Stanley. She has recently taken up crossword puzzles, and just bought two new books full of them!

When I asked Gwen her favorite scripture verse, she quickly responded that it is Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me." What a great verse to depend on.

Gwen, you are an inspiration to us all ? thanks for all that you do at Union Baptist Church!

Susan "Freenlancin" Forman




July 2012







10 Truths about America's Christian

Heritage Movie --6 pm

Youth Leave for Camp Gone 7/2--7/7

Men's Softball Central Park 7:30 pm








Independence Day

~ Office Closed ~







Sr Adult Picnic 6 pm

Centri-Kid Wrap-up 6:30--8 pm

In Heritage Hall



Youth Led Camp

Deacon's Mtg 7 pm

Celebration @ 6 pm

Men's Softball Central Park 7:30 pm





Outreach Team Mtg. 6:30 pm




Lord's Supper 6 pm

Men's Softball Central Park 8:30 pm





Ice Cream & Dessert

Social 6 pm

Haiti Mission Team Men's Softball

Youth Party @

Leaves and is gone till Central Park

Miller's 6--8 pm


6:30 pm




Penn Wedding




Mission Team Returns Men's Softball

from Haiti

Central Park

9:30 pm

Weekly Schedule


Sunday Schedule 9:00 am & 6:00 pm Truck Stop Services 9:00 am Early Morning Worship

10:00 am Small Group Bible Study 11:00 am Morning Worship

6:00 pm Sunday Celebration (Youth) 6:00 pm Evening Worship 7:00 pm Adult Choir

Tuesdays 8:30 am Morning Prayer Time 6:30 pm P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens)

Wednesday Schedule 7:00 pm Youth Mini Clusters 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study 8:15 pm Praise Band Practice

Thursdays 8:30 am Morning Prayer Time

Saturdays 9:00 am Morning Prayer Time

1 Mike Webster Bryn Stephenson

2 Hilari Allen Tricia Scott

3 Catherine Hart Matilda Kofoed

6 Becky Kelley Virginia Bishop Maggie Bruening

7 James Thornton 8 Phil Craddock 9 Brittany Lykes 11 Arista Craddock 12 Vicki Tekouk 13 Vonnie Walker 14 Daniel Willis 15 Sandy Britton 16 Bob Smith 17 Ryan Brzezinski 18 Matt Hilgeman 19 Lily Peffer 20 Greg Worley

Lesley Allen 23 Hannah Worley

Thomas Young Will McCabe


Joshua Wilson

Jared Bales

Emily Stephens Tim Kelley Susan Forman Ashley Massie

Steve Lay

24 David Craddock Rachael Mallery

25 Hunter Bruening Matthew Trowbridge

27 Judy Sluder 30 Christian Kofoed 31 Jayden Clary

Chad Hampton Conner Kelley Bill Miller


9 Beth & Mike Webster 17 Susan & Arnie Forman 20 Beth & CJ Victor 22 Jessica & Kevin Milburn 29 Ashley & Paul Massie

Allisa & Jason Wilhelmus

Jean McClurg CJ Victor

Sylvia Toole Justin Wilson

Trevor Bixler Rusty Lykes


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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