Northern grains research results 2016 - NSW Department of ...

Northern grains research results 2016


? State of New South Wales through NSW Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development 2016.

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ISSN 18391192

Published by the NSW Department of Primary Industries, a part of NSW Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development.


The information contained in this publication is based on knowledge and understanding at the time of writing (July 2016). However, because of advances in knowledge, users are reminded of the need to ensure that the information upon which they rely is up to date and to check the currency of the information with the appropriate officer of NSW Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development or the user's independent adviser.

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Editing and compilation

This report has been compiled by Steven Simpfendorfer and Loretta Serafin, NSW DPI, Tamworth, on behalf of the authors.

Front cover photos: main?Loretta Serafin, inset left and centre? NSW DPI, inset right?Loretta Serafin Rear cover photo: Steven Simpfendorfer



NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) is a major source of applied Research & Development (R&D); especially in collaboration with our major funding partner the GRDC; for cropping systems in the northern grains region, in particular in central and northern NSW. The NSW DPI R&D teams based across the region; at Trangie, Tamworth, Narrabri and Grafton conduct a range of on-farm research trials across plant breeding, agronomy, physiology, nutrition and crop protection. This is the seventh edition of the Northern Grains Region Trials Book and it has grown significantly since the first edition. The 2016 volume includes 60 papers reporting on trials from across the northern grains region from Dubbo into Southern Queensland. These short papers have been written to improve the awareness and accessibility of the results from NSW DPI run research trials in the region. The papers are based on scientifically sound, independent research but need to be taken in the context of the situation and season that the work has been conducted. In many cases the research that is reported will prompt more questions and we encourage you to contact the authors to discuss any of these queries. The work that is reported is only possible through the co-operation of the many growers, advisors and consultants who our research teams work with throughout the year and these contributions are acknowledged within each paper. We also collaborate with other research organisations including grower groups such as Grains Orana Alliance and Northern Grower Alliance, agribusinesses, universities, seed companies and other state based research providers. Finally, we would like to thank the authors and editorial team for all their work compiling and reviewing the diverse range of papers in this year's edition. We hope that you find the papers informative and of value to your business and we would welcome any feedback that you might have that would help us to continue to make the Northern Grains Research Results book a valuable resource into the future. Loretta Serafin, On behalf of the Northern Cropping Systems Research & Development Team NSW Department of Primary Industries




7 Investigating irrigation management in sorghum ? Breeza 2015 Jon Baird and Loretta Serafin

14 Managing dryland wheat for maximum yield potential ? Tamarang 2014 Rick Graham, Guy McMullen, Steven Simpfendorfer and Bruce Haigh

18 Durum wheat variety response to nitrogen management and sowing time ? Tamarang 2015 Rick Graham, Stephen Morphett, Jim Perfrement, Michael Dal Santo and Neroli Graham

22 Durum wheat variety response to nitrogen management and time of sowing ? Tulloona 2015 Rick Graham, Stephen Morphett, Jim Perfrement, Michael Dal Santo and Neroli Graham

26 Influence of seed size on the yield of the faba bean variety PBA NasmaA ? Breeza 2015 Bill Manning, Stuart Marshman, Joop van Leur and Merv Riley

28 Sorghum in the western zone: row configuration x population x hybrid ? "Kelvin", Gurley 2014?15 Loretta Serafin, Mark Hellyer, Peter Perfrement and Guy McMullen

33 Sorghum in the western zone: row configuration ? population ? hybrid ? "Koiwon", Bellata 2014?15 Loretta Serafin, Mark Hellyer, Peter Perfrement and Guy McMullen

38 Sorghum row direction ? configuration ? hybrid ? Spring Ridge 2014?15 Loretta Serafin, Mark Hellyer and Peter Perfrement

41 Sorghum row direction ? configuration ? hybrid ? Terry Hie Hie 2014?15 Loretta Serafin, Mark Hellyer and Peter Perfrement

44 Sunflower contribution of leaves to grain yield and quality ? Pine Ridge 2014?15 Loretta Serafin, Mark Hellyer and Peter Perfrement

47 Maize row configuration ? population ? hybrid ? Spring Ridge 2014?15 Loretta Serafin, Mark Hellyer and Peter Perfrement

50 Sunflower row configuration ? population ? hybrid ? Pine Ridge 2014?15 Loretta Serafin, Mark Hellyer and Peter Perfrement

54 Northern NSW pulse agronomy project ? faba bean density experiments 2015 Andrew Verrell and Leigh Jenkins

56 PBA NasmaA faba bean ? effect of seed size at sowing on grain yield Andrew Verrell and Leigh Jenkins

59 Integrated management of crown rot in a chickpea ? wheat sequence Andrew Verrell

Crop Protection

63 Evaluation of a DNA tool to determine risk of chickpea Phytophthora root rot Sean Bithell, Kevin Moore, Kristy Hobson, Steve Harden, Willy Martin and Alan McKay

66 Comparing tank mixes of post-emergence herbicides on awnless barnyard grass (NSW pot experiment 2015) Tony Cook, Bill Davidson and Rebecca Miller

70 Comparing tank mixes of post-emergence herbicides on feathertop Rhodes grass (NSW pot experiment 2015) Tony Cook, Bill Davidson and Rebecca Miller

74 Comparing double knock herbicides treatments on the control of awnless barnyard grass (NSW pot experiment 2015) Tony Cook, Bill Davidson and Rebecca Miller


78 Comparing double knock treatments of herbicides on feathertop Rhodes grass (NSW pot experiment 2015) Tony Cook, Bill Davidson and Rebecca Miller

82 Comparing tank mixes of herbicides for post-emergence control of flaxleaf fleabane (NSW pot experiment 2015) Tony Cook, Bill Davidson and Rebecca Miller

85 Comparing tank mixes of herbicides for post-emergence control of common sowthistle (NSW pot experiment 2015) Tony Cook, Bill Davidson and Rebecca Miller

88 Comparing double knock and individual herbicide treatments on common sowthistle (NSW pot experiment 2015) Tony Cook, Bill Davidson and Rebecca Miller

92 Comparing double knock and individual herbicide treatments on flaxleaf fleabane (NSW pot experiment 2015) Tony Cook, Bill Davidson and Rebecca Miller

96 Rust management strategies for modern faba bean varieties Bill Manning, Joop van Leur, Merv Riley and Stuart Marshman

99 Chickpea Phytophthora root rot ? 2015 varietal rankings and yield losses Kevin Moore, Lisa Kelly, Kristy Hobson, Steve Harden, Willy Martin, Kris King, Gail Chiplin and Sean Bithell

101 Effect of chickpea Ascochyta blight on the yield of current varieties and advanced breeding lines ? Tamworth 2015 Kevin Moore, Kristy Hobson, Steve Harden, Paul Nash, Gail Chiplin and Sean Bithell

105 Yield impact of crown rot and sowing time on winter cereal crop and variety selection ? Tulloona 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer, Rick Graham and Neroli Graham

110 Impact of wheat variety choice on the build up of Pratylenchus thornei and Pratylenchus neglectus ? Wongarbon 2014 Steven Simpfendorfer

113 Impact of wheat variety choice on the build up of Pratylenchus thornei ? Coolah 2014 Steven Simpfendorfer

115 Varietal impact on final soil populations of Pratylenchus thornei ? Wongarbon 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer

118 Varietal impact on final soil populations of Pratylenchus thornei ? Macalister, Qld 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer

121 Evaluation of the seed treatment Rancona? Dimension as a standalone option for managing crown rot in wheat ? 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer

125 Impact of common root rot and crown rot on wheat yield ? Tamworth 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer

127 Response of barley, durum and bread wheat varieties to crown rot across two sowing times ? Tamworth 2014 Steven Simpfendorfer

132 Regional crown rot management ? Macalister Qld 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer and Robyn Shapland

136 Regional crown rot management ? Mungindi 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer and Robyn Shapland

140 Regional crown rot management ? Westmar, Qld 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer and Robyn Shapland


144 Regional crown rot management ? Trangie 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer, Greg Brooke and Robyn Shapland

148 Regional crown rot management ? Nyngan 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer, Greg Brooke and Robyn Shapland

152 Regional crown rot management ? Garah 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer and Robyn Shapland

156 Regional crown rot management ? Coonamble 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer and Robyn Shapland

159 Regional crown rot management ? Mullaley 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer and Robyn Shapland

163 Regional crown rot management ? Merriwa 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer and Robyn Shapland

166 Regional crown rot management ? Wongarbon 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer and Robyn Shapland

170 Regional crown rot management ? Gilgandra 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer and Robyn Shapland

173 Regional crown rot management ? North Star 2015 Steven Simpfendorfer and Robyn Shapland

Nutrition & Soils

177 Nitrogen response of eight wheat varieties ? Gilgandra 2015 Greg Brooke

180 Nitrogen response of eight wheat varieties and two sowing times ? Trangie 2015 Greg Brooke and Tracie Bird-Gardiner

183 Nitrogen response of eight wheat varieties ? Nyngan 2015 Greg Brooke and Tracie Bird-Gardiner

186 Nitrogen response of eight wheat varieties ? Coolah 2015 Greg Brooke, Peter Matthews and Tracie Bird-Gardiner

189 Nitrogen response of eight wheat varieties ? Merriwa 2015 Greg Brooke, Peter Matthews and Tracie Bird-Gardiner

192 Agronomic response of sorghum hybrids to nitrogen management ? Tamworth 2014?15 Rick Graham and Peter Formann

195 Agronomic response of sorghum varieties to nitrogen management ? Terry Hie Hie 2014?15 Rick Graham and Peter Formann

198 Strategies to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from nitrogen fertiliser applied to dryland sorghum. 1. Effects on crop production and gross margins Graeme Schwenke and Bruce Haigh

204 Strategies to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from nitrogen fertiliser applied to dryland sorghum. 2. Nitrous oxide emissions Graeme Schwenke and Bruce Haigh

208 Strategies to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from nitrogen fertiliser applied to dryland sorghum. 3. Residual impact of N applied in 2013-14 on sorghum grown in 2014-15 Graeme Schwenke and Bruce Haigh

211 Strategies to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from nitrogen fertiliser applied to dryland sorghum. 4. Using 15N to discover the fate of N fertiliser Graeme Schwenke and Bruce Haigh

217 Maize nitrogen application rate ? hybrid under irrigation ? Breeza 2014?15 Loretta Serafin, Mark Hellyer and Peter Perfrement

220 Northern NSW pulse agronomy project ? nutrition in chickpea 2015 Andrew Verrell and Leigh Jenkins



Investigating irrigation management in sorghum ? Breeza 2015

Jon Baird1 and Loretta Serafin2 1 NSW DPI, Narrabri 2 NSW DPI, Tamworth


The time and expense associated with irrigation can become a major financial burden for farmers. By investigating irrigation management, growers can become aware of the effects and the factors associated with developing a sustainable irrigation management strategy.

A varied rate irrigation trial was established at the Breeza Research Station to improve knowledge around the ability of sorghum to efficiently use applied irrigation water. By evaluating various irrigation treatments the aim was to improve the irrigation management of a sorghum crop, leading to better water use efficiency (WUE) and productivity (yield).

Site details

Location: Co-operator: Sowing Date: Planter set up: Harvest date:

Gunnedah NSW DPI Breeza Research Station 19 January 2015 Monosem precision planter on 1 m row spacing 9 June 2015





MR 43 85G33 MR Buster MR Scorpio

50,000 plants/ha 75,000 plants/ha 100,000 plants/ha 150,000 plants/ha

I-2 ? full irrigation strategy, refill set at a 50mm soil water deficit I-1 ? two in-crop waters: at 7-leaf stage and at head emergence I-0 ? rain fed


Tiller and head production Hybrid choice had a limited effect on tiller and head production (Figure 1). MR Scorpio produced slightly more tillers and heads per plant than the other hybrids, but this can be explained by the lower plant establishment of this hybrid, as it still resulted in the lowest tillers on a per metre of row basis compared with the other three hybrids in the experiment.

Key findings

Hybrid choice and plant population had a significant impact on the yield of sorghum with irrigation. MR Buster yielded significantly higher than the other hybrids evaluated, while the higher population rates of 100,000 and 150,000 plants/ha yielded higher compared with the lower planting rates.

The development and yield potential of the late season heads was compromised, and therefore the later developing sorghum did not take full advantage of the greater soil moisture of the intensive irrigation rate.





Tillers (number/metre)

Tillers and heads (number/plant)







0.0 G33

MR Buster

MR Scorpio

11.5 MR43



Figure 1. Hybrid impact on tiller and head production Tillers/m (p ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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