565912012890501793875123825ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIROPREFEITURA MUNICIPAL DE PETR?POLISSECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE EDUCA??OESCOLA MUNICIPAL PREFEITO JAMIL SABR?00ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIROPREFEITURA MUNICIPAL DE PETR?POLISSECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE EDUCA??OESCOLA MUNICIPAL PREFEITO JAMIL SABR?Aluno (a): : Ano Escolar: 7 Turma:Data: / / Professor(a): Esmênia Disciplina: Língua InglesaCompetência: Contruir repertório lexical relativo a temas familiares , no tempo presente , descrever rotinas diáriasHabilidades EF07LI19Personal Pronouns/Objective Case PronounsEF06LI19 Verb to be – Affirmative forms ATIVIDADESWelcome Students! Come on at 7th grade !!!!! – Bem vindos ao 7 ano! Vamos come?ar 2021!Vamos dar continuidade aos nossos estudos de Língua Inglesa?Reading: News from BellaDear Mom and Dad,It’s me, Bella. How are you? I’m fine.School is great ! I’m doing well in all subjects but my favorite is English!Our English teacher , Mrs. Smith is from Ohio and she’s a very good teacher. His classes are very interesting!Guess what? I have a new friend, her name is Barbara, she isn’t American. She is Brazilian.We are in the same class! She’s really cool! Her house in brazil is near the beach, its in Salvador.Isn’t hat great?Joanna’s from Ghana. She’s very intelligent.She’s nice too.Akira is Japanese , he is a very funny boy.As you can see , it’s a multicultural class! It’s awesome!Got to go now!I love you Mom , I love you DadTake care ,, miss youBellaVocabulary :Subjects = matériasNice too = bonita tambémAwesome =impressionanteTake care = se cuidemMiss you = saudade de vocêsGot to go now = Tenho que ir agoraReview of Personal Pronouns x Possessive AdjectivesI - my = I go to my house on foot ( Vou para minha casa a pé )You - your = You do your daily activities ( você faz as suas atividades)He - His = Jimmy washes his car ( Jimmy lava seu carro)She - Her = Karen brushes her hair ( Karen penteia o cabelo dela )It - its = The dog and its toy ( o c?o e seu brinquedo)We - our = We live in our city ( nós moramos na nossa cidade )You - Your = You pay your bill ( você paga as suas contas )They - Their = The students pay attention to their teacher (Os alunos prestam aten??o à professor deles.Analise a frase e veja qua pronome substitui os sujeitos destacados na frase :a)___________ you talking with me ?( ) are( ) am ( ) is b)I __ Brazilian and I live in Rio de Janeiro ( ) is( ) am( ) arec)What ____________Sharon doing ?( ) am( ) is( ) ared) Patrick ____________alone at _________house.( ) are – its( ) am – my( ) is – his 2- Responda as perguntas de acordo com o texto apresentado:Bella está escrevendo para quem?Qual nome da professora dela e como s?o as aulas dela?Qual nacionalidade de Akira ?Como é Joana ? de onde ela é ?O que ela quer dizer com ; “ She’s really cool”Como se diz , estou com saudade , em Inglês ? ................

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