Biloxi Public School District

Teacher: __First Grade__________________ Subject: All___________________ Date: 1/25-1/29, 2016Modeling (List the standards that will be modeled each day.)MondayELA- Letter names/sounds review. Sight-word review. Journeys Lesson 18 : Read aloud “The Three Wishes” Model fluency (reading speed), introduce vocabulary, and listening comprehension questions. Phonics: Introduce Vowel Team A –ai and -ay. Discuss and define the Words to Know (Add words to word wall.) Read through the anchor text: “Where Does Food Come From?”. Guided reading using retelling cards. Grammar: Name of Days, Months, and Holidays RL.1.4, RI.1.1,7-10, RF.1.2b-d,1.4a-b, W1.1, SL.1.1a-b,1.2-6, L.1.1a,c,1.2a,c,d,1.4aMath- Engage NY Module 4 Lesson 11 - 1.NBT.4 1.NBT.6TuesdayELA- Letter names/sounds review. Sight-word review. Journeys Lesson 18: opening routines- phonemic awareness, High-frequency words, and vocabulary boost. Read Dig Deeper: TE249. Second read of “Where Does Food Come From?” and Write about Reading. Model fluency-choral reading. Grammar: Writing with different kinds of sentences.RL.1.4, RI.1.1,7-10, RF.1.2b-d,1.4a-b, W1.1, SL.1.1a-b,1.2-6, L.1.1a,c,1.2a,c,d,1.4a Math- Engage NY Module 4 Lesson 12 - 1.NBT.4 1.NBT.6WednesdayELA- Letter names/sounds review. Sight-word review. Journeys Lesson 18: opening routines- phonemic awareness, high-frequency words, and vocabulary boost. Independent reading of “Where Does Food Come From?” and RN 38-39. Grammar- Months, Holidays, and Days.RL.1.4, RI.1.1,7-10, RF.1.2b-d,1.4a-b, W1.1, SL.1.1a-b,1.2-6, L.1.1a,c,1.2a,c,d,1.4a Math- Engage NY Module 4 Mid-Module TestThursdayELA- Journeys: Lesson 18 opening routines- phonemic awareness, high-frequency words, and vocabulary boost. Phonics: Review –ai, -ay, -ee, and -ea. Vocabulary Strategies: Contractions ‘ll and ‘d. Grammar: Spiral Review: Subject Verb Agreement. Reading of “Jack and the Bean Stalk” Text to Self writing. RL.1.4, RI.1.1,7-10, RF.1.2b-d,1.4a-b, W1.1, SL.1.1a-b,1.2-6, L.1.1a,c,1.2a,c,d,1.4aMath- Engage NY Module 4 Mid-Module Test continued.**(Project Read Training)**FridayAssessments/Lessons:Spelling- A Vowel Teams –ai and -ayReading- Vocabulary, Phonics, and Comprehension on Journeys Lesson 18Math-Teaching Engage NY Module 4 Lessons 13 and 14 - 1.NBT.4 1.NBT.6Rotations for Guided and Independent Practice Guided PracticeIndependent PracticeMondayELA-Teacher Led- Read “Where Does Food Come From?” and Guided Retelling activity-Assistant Led- Vocabulary Reader “My Favorite Foods” and Blackline Master page 18.4 Math- Teacher Led- and-Assistant Led- Problem set for Mod. 4 Lesson 11 ELA-Computers-i-Ready-Spelling Word Building with stamps and sentence writing-Read to Self w/ ResponseMath-Computers-i-Ready- Module 4 Lesson 10 Homework pages-Fluency practice TuesdayELA-Teacher Led- Reread “Where Does Food Come From?”. RN pgs 41-42-Assistant Led- Dig Deeper pgs 112-113 and Write about Reading activityMath- Teacher Led- and-Assistant Led- Engaged NY Mod. 4 Lesson 12ELA-Computers-i-Ready-Spelling Word Building with stamps and sentence writing-Read to Self w/ Response Math -Computers-i-Ready- Module 4 Lesson 11 Homework pages-Fluency practiceWednesdayELA-Teacher Led- Leveled Readers BM 18.5-7-Assistant Led- RN 38-39MathMid-Module TestELA-Computers-i-Ready-Spelling Word Building with stamps and sentence writing-Read to Self w/ ResponseMath-Computers-i-Ready-Comparing numbers center -Fluency practiceThursdayELA-Teacher Led- Connect to the Topic, Compare Texts using Text to World. Draw and Share.-Assistant Led- RN pgs. 43-44MathMid-Module Test continuedELA-Computers-i-Ready-Spelling Word Building with stamps and sentence writing-Read to Self w/ Response Math-Computers-i-Ready-Comparing numbers center-Fluency practiceFridayELATeacher Led- Reading/Language AssessmentAssistant Led- Spelling testMathTeacher & Assistant Led- Module 4 Lesson 13 and 14ELA-Computers-i-Ready-Spelling Word Building with stamps and sentence writing-Read to Self w/ Response Math-Computers-i-Ready- Module 4 Lesson 12 homework pages-Fluency practice ................

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