Medieval Family Album

Medieval Family Album Name_________________________

As a way of reviewing and showing your understanding of everything we have learned so far about the Middle Ages, you will be working with a partner to create an album about a fictitious but realistic Medieval town family. You will be sharing images and text about all aspects of their lives—home, work, church, and leisure time.

Partner 1

FAMILY: Create a color sketch and paragraph description (appearance, personality, age, name) of the mother and two of the children (one child must be old enough—12 years old—to work outside the home). Each description needs to be in a separate paragraph. The sketches should also be on separate pieces of paper. Use anecdotes to make your descriptions more vivid.

WORK: In separate paragraphs, describe the mother’s and the work-age child’s jobs. Describe what they do, what training they received, and how they feel about their work. For each person, also include a small color sketch to represent their job—a guild sign, a picture of the shop, or a picture of the person at work. Be sure to research what the job and its training involve. Include authentic details.

HOME: In a paragraph, describe the family home. What does it look like on the outside, what is it made of, what rooms are inside, where do people eat, where do people sleep, etc. Also include a color picture of the outside of the home. Be sure to make the house look medieval.

RELIGION: In a paragraph, describe the influence of the Catholic religion on the family. Describe their church. How often do they do to mass? Do they have any children who have joined a religious order? Describe what their church looks like. Has anyone in the family gone through one of the sacraments recently? (Such as baptism, confirmation, etc.) What did it involve? Any favorite religious holidays during the year? The color sketch could involve the family’s place of worship or be one of the sacrament events. Be sure to include authentic details from the time period

Medieval Family Album Name_________________________

As a way of reviewing and showing your understanding of everything we have learned so far about the Middle Ages, you will be working with a partner to create an album about a fictitious but realistic Medieval town family. You will be sharing images and text about all aspects of their lives—home, work, church, and leisure time.

Partner 2

FAMILY: Create a color sketch and paragraph description (appearance, personality, age, name) of the father and two of the children (one child must be old enough—12 years old—to work outside the home). Each description needs to be in a separate paragraph. The sketches should also be on separate pieces of paper. Use anecdotes to make your descriptions more vivid.

WORK: In separate paragraphs, describe the father’s and the work-age child’s jobs. Describe what they do, what training they received, and how they feel about their work. For each person, also include a small sketch to represent their job—a guild sign, a picture of the shop, or a picture of the person at work. Be sure to research what the job and its training involve. Include authentic details.

ENTERTAINMENT: In a paragraph, describe what the family enjoys during their limited free time. Describe several events such as a religious holiday, common games for adults and children, and a town fair. Include a picture of one of the events or some of the items used during the event or game. Be sure to include authentic details from the time period (instead of just describing modern games, etc.)

MEDICAL TREATMENTS: In a paragraph, describe at least two medical problems that your family has had—what was the diagnosis, and what was the treatment? How effective was the treatment? Your color sketch for this one could be of the herbs or other treatments used. Be sure to include authentic details from the time period

General Information and Guidelines:

• Decide on whose POV the album is written (often the mother’s)

• Decide on your family’s economic status—this will impact the jobs, home, etc.

• Final draft of writing should be typed or in ink.

• Sketches should be “photo” sized—approx. 2x2 up to 4x6.

• Sketches should be hand drawn since the camera and color laser printer haven’t been invented yet.

• Pictures should be authentic and realistic to the time period (e.g. houses and clothing shouldn’t look modern—use Google images and sources in class to help)

• Your album should be bound together (yarn, staples, etc.) with a front and back cover

• Your front cover needs the names of the authors and a title such as “Medieval Family Album”. You can add a design or picture if you want.

• Each person will be graded separately on their assigned components. Be sure to put your name (small) on each picture or writing piece that you did.

• Your textbook will be a good start for your information; some internet research will be needed.

• This project is the culmination of our studies of Chapter 2, 3, and 4.

• Be sure to show your in-depth knowledge of this time period with the quality of the detail in your writing

• Be sure you have edited and revised all of the writing in the book before printing final drafts. Remember to think about voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, etc.

• This assignment is due ___________________________________________

Medieval Family Album Scoresheet

Partner One: __________________________________


(_____________): name, appearance/age, personality via anecdotes, neat/realistic sketch) _____/8

(______________): name, appearance/age, personality via anecdotes, neat/realistic sketch) _____/8

(______________): name, appearance/age, personality via anecdotes, neat/realistic sketch) _____/8


(______________): neat/realistic sketch, detailed description (job, training, feelings about job) _____/8

(______________): neat/realistic sketch, detailed description (job, training, feelings about job) _____/8

Home neat/realistic sketch, detailed description (appearance, materials, rooms) _____/8

Religion neat/realistic sketch, detailed description (impact of church, sacraments) _____/8

Front and back covers: (colorful, creative cover art) _____/4

Total _____/60

General Information and Guidelines:

• Decide on whose POV the album is written (often the mother’s)

• Decide on your family’s economic status—this will impact the jobs, home, etc.

• Final draft of writing should be typed or in ink.

• Sketches should be “photo” sized—approx. 2x2 up to 4x6.

• Sketches should be hand drawn since the camera and color laser printer haven’t been invented yet.

• Pictures should be authentic and realistic to the time period (e.g. houses and clothing shouldn’t look modern—use Google images and sources in class to help)

• Your album should be bound together (yarn, staples, etc.) with a front and back cover

• Your front cover needs the names of the authors and a title such as “Medieval Family Album”. You can add a design or picture if you want.

• Each person will be graded separately on their assigned components. Be sure to put your name (small) on each picture or writing piece that you did.

• Your textbook and spiral will be a good start for your information; some internet research will be needed.

• This project is the culmination of our studies of Chapter 2, 3, and 4. Be sure to show your in-depth knowledge of this time period with the quality of the detail in your writing

• Be sure you have edited and revised all of the writing in the book before printing final drafts. Remember to think about voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, etc.

• This assignment is due ___________________________________________

Partner Two: __________________________________


(_____________): name, appearance/age, personality via anecdotes, neat/realistic sketch) _____/8

(______________): name, appearance/age, personality via anecdotes, neat/realistic sketch) _____/8

(______________): name, appearance/age, personality via anecdotes, neat/realistic sketch) _____/8


(______________): neat/realistic sketch, detailed description (job, training, feelings about job) _____/8

(______________): neat/realistic sketch, detailed description (job, training, feelings about job) _____/8

Entertainment: neat/realistic sketch, detailed description (holidays, games, fairs) _____/8

Medical Treatment: neat/realistic sketch, detailed description (2 medical problems, diagnosis/treatment, effective?) _____/8

Front and back covers: (colorful, creative cover art) _____/4



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