1960s Webquest

1960s Webquest

This webquest was created to help students gain a better understanding of the 1960s and the Vietnam era in order to form their own opinions regarding issues surrounding the era and effectively present their opinions. Please notice, that on some questions or groups of questions, certain web sites are recommended.

Good web sites to explore (not an all inclusive list):




1960s General

1. Who were the major political leaders of the time:

a. President and Vice President of the United States

President Vice President

1960-1963 ________________________ ________________________

1963-1968 ________________________ ________________________

1968-1973 ________________________ ________________________

1973-1976 ________________________ ________________________

b. Secretary of State (list all)

c. Secretary of War (list all)

2. Who were the Civil Rights Leaders of the time:

a. Martin Luther King, Jr.—

b. Stokely Carmichael—

c. Malcolm X—

d. Medgar Evers—

e. Rosa Parks—

3. What do the following acronyms stand for (please explain the purpose of the group as well):



c. Dr. Martin Luther King's SCLC

4. Who were the Black Panthers?

5. Posters and buttons became very popular ways to show individuality. Find 5 examples. Why do you think they were so popular?

6. Describe the “counterculture” of the 60’s?

7. When and where and what was Woodstock? How did it represent the culture of the time?


1. Who did Americans support as the leader of Vietnam?

2. What does ARVN stand for?

3. What was the Tonkin Gulf Resolution and when was it passed?

4. What is napalm?

6. List 2 repercussions felt in the US during the Vietnam War.



7. What is Vietnamization?

8. When did the war end?

PART B (use intro.htm first)

9. Who was the leader of communist North Vietnam?

10. Who was the top US commander in Vietnam?

11. What is the name of the helicopter with two propellers used to carry supplies?

12. What caused APC’s (Armored Personnel Carriers) to catch fire?

13. Why was the Navy crucial to success in Vietnam?

14. Why was the “Huey” helicopter known as the workhorse of Vietnam?

15. Why might the peace symbol around the soldier’s neck be considered contradictory?

16. Why did the young Buddhist monk set himself on fire?

17. What did the Vietcong use tunnel systems for?

18. What was a tunnel rat?

19. What battle was considered a big set back for the US and a turning point in the war?

20. What happened to cause a young Vietnamese girl to run naked down a street in Vietnam?

21. What do the empty boots, rifle, and helmet up in rows symbolize?

PART C: In the Trenches

22. What happened at Mai Lai?

Part D: The MIA Issue

23. What does POW stand for?

24. What does MIA stand for?

25. What is Hanoi Hilton?

26. Do you think all the POW’s/MIA’s have returned to America?

Part E: The Language of War: Define the following Terms

1. Charlie—

2. D.M.Z.—

3. Firefight—

4. Fragging—

5. Freedom Bird—

6. Hootch—

7. LZ—

8. R & R—

9. Search and Destroy—

10. VC—

11. Vietcong—


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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