Growth and Development

Growth and Development

I. Stages are skills and behaviors in expected sequences. People enter stages at different ages and times, but follow a similar pattern of development.

1. Development occurs in four areas of life. The areas are: physical development, emotional development, social development and mental development.

2. Developmental Acceleration is when a child performs like an older child, for ex. extensive language development

3. Developmental Delay is when a child performs like a younger child. for ex. a 3 year old who uses 2 word sentences only.


Can people catch up with support and encouragement? _____

Does professional help help? _________________

Do all people develop at the same rate? _______________

Can a person be accelerated in one area and delayed in another? ______

4. Growth and Development are constant. Many aspects of a person’s growth and development are unchanging due to heredity and constant environment. Conversely a major change in environment can cause a change in growth and development.

Ex. Tragic accident, sudden illness-cancer, devastating loss

5. Growth and Development are gradual and continuous. Lots of small steps or achievements lead up to a big one. A baby learning to walk must master several other skills first. Those skills are ……

6. Growth and Development happen in sequential steps. In order for growth and development to be continuous, things must build upon what a child already knows. Writing skills happen after random marks are scribbled on paper. Words are formed after babbling. This is known as sequenced steps of development.

7. A teachable moment is when a person can learn a new task. The learner has to be physically/mentally ready. The teacher must be supportive and the learner must have a desire to learn.

8. Growth and Development happen at different rates.

Ex. all 14 year olds are not the same height, nor can they all perform at the same academic level.

9. Growth and Development Touchpoints occur– Just before a rapid surge in development or mastery of a new task there is a regression or a “falling apart” that occurs. It is as if the brain is focusing all of its energy wiring itself for the new task.

Ex. the weeks prior to a baby’s first steps he might eat less but stand in the high chair more; he might sleep less, but stand in the crib and cry. During this time the child shows and develops their particular strengths, vulnerabilities, temperament and coping style.

Growth and development does not occur in a straight upward line pattern but rather in a jagged upward line pattern.

10. Growth and Development have interrelated parts.

Children grow

Improve motor skills

Improves mental growth can play a more complex sport

learns new ideas improves social skills


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