Physical Science Syllabus Karns Middle School School

Physical Science Syllabus Karns Middle School School

Teacher: Abbey Troxler Email: abbey.troxler@ Phone: 539-7732 ext. 117

Welcome to Physical Science! My name is Ms. Troxler. I am looking forward to this year and am excited about helping you learn the concepts outlined in this Physical Science course. Throughout the year we will cover topics such as Chemistry, Physics, and Energy.

My expectations for you: Come to class prepared everyday Take 10-20 minutes each night to review notes as we cover new material Complete homework Actively participate in class daily!

Curriculum and Pacing Guide: The state standards can be seen at

Fall Semester -Chapter 1: The Nature of Science (12 days) -Chapter 16: Solids, Liquids, and Gases (18 days) -Chapter 17: Classification of Matter (12 days) -Chapter 18: Atomic Structure/Periodic Table (14 days) -Chapter 20: Elements and Their Properties (10 days) -Chapter 19: Chemical Bonding (10 days) -Midterm Review (4 days)

Spring Semester - Chapter 24: Chemical Reactions (10 days) -Chapter 25: Acids/Bases (4 days) -Chapter 2: Motion and Speed (10 days) -Chapter 3: Forces (10 days) -Chapter 4, 6: Energy (14 days) -Chapter 5: Work and Machines (10 days) -Chapters 11-14: Waves, Sound, Light (12 days) -Chapter 7: Electricity (6 days) -Chapter 9: Nuclear Fusion/Fission (2 days) -EOC Review (4 days)


Required 3 ring binder (1 ?-2 inches)

Pen and/or pencil Notebook paper

Highlighter Colored pencils 3x5 index cards (we will us lots of these!)

Optional Anyone who is able and would like to donate more supplies to the classroom, we could always use those listed below. Thank you in advance for your help!

Notebook paper, highlighters, colored pencils, dry erase markers, 3x5 index cards, hand sanitizer, tissues

Students will be required to maintain an organized notebook and interactive note cards throughout the semester. Both items will be graded approximately every 4.5 weeks. Students will be responsible for taking notes during class which will be organized in the notebook along with classwork/homework. The note cards will be used as a tool to prepare for both the midterm and final exams.

Textbooks: (Physical Science, Glencoe) Physical Science textbooks are not assigned to each student. The online version of the text is available on my Aspen class page, and I have a class set of textbooks available for use during the school day and for check out as needed.

Classroom Management: My behavioral expectations in class are simple:

Be on time and be prepared Respect yourself and others Follow instructions the first time given Stay on task and actively participate

All Knox County and Karns Middle School rules apply within this classroom. These rules can be found in the front of your agenda book. KMS operates on a "3 strikes and you're out" system. Students are allowed 3 minor infractions before being given an office referral. If a student breaks a rule, the following consequences will occur:

1st time warning/reteach 2nd time note sent home/class period isolation 3rd time phone/email parents 4th time office referral

Grades: Grades will be calculated based on a point system. The total number of points earned will be divided by the total number of points possible. Grades will be posted in the classroom regularly by student ID number, and both students and parents are encouraged to track grades online. I will update online grades at least once a week.

First Semester Percentages Classwork = 60% Unit Tests = 30% Midterm Exam = 10%

Second Semester Percentages Classwork = 60% Unit Tests = 15% Final Exam = 25%

At the end of the school year, the first semester grade and the second semester grade will be averaged together to determine the student's final grade in the class.

Grade Scale: A=93-100




F=below 70

Cheating will not be tolerated! Any student caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment. Cheating a second time will result in parent contact and/or an office referral. Plagiarism according to the Harbrace Handbook, 15th edition: Plagiarism is defined as "presenting someone else's ideas, research, or opinion as your own without proper documentation, even if it has been rephrased." It includes, but is not limited to the following:

1. Copying verbatim all or part of another's written work; 2. Using phrases, figures, or illustrations without citing the source; 3. Paraphrasing ideas, conclusions, or research without citing the source; 4. Using all or part of a literary plot, poem, or film without attributing the work to its creator.

Consequences of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is a form of stealing and academic fraud. Students who are found guilty of plagiarism will have the option of either redoing the assignment within a specified time period and accepting a grade letter drop or taking a zero on the assignment. Parents should be involved in making the decision.

Extra Credit: There will be a limited number of extra credit opportunities throughout the year. Therefore, students SHOULD NOT expect to save a failing grade at the end of the year by completing extra credit assignments.

*Students who do not turn in the signed safety contract WILL NOT be eligible for any bonus points offered!

Class Attendance: If you miss class for any reason, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to obtain the material covered. First check the class calendar to see the topics covered. Next look in the "missed work" folder for assignment that need to be completed. Finally discuss with the teacher any special instructions for missed material.

Late Work: Students are given 3 days to obtain work upon returning from an absence. The student has one day to make up the work for each day he/she was absent, unless other arrangements are made with the teacher. Late work

will be accepted, but students will receive a 10% loss of points for each day that the assignment is late. All late work must be turned in by the end of the current 4 ? week grading period. Any assignments not turned in by that deadline will remain as permanent zeros in the gradebook.

Locker/Bathroom Passes: Students will be given 2 passes to be used during each 4 ? week grading period. It is wise to save them for emergencies. Once the passes are used, student will not be permitted to leave the classroom unless arrangements have been made with a parent or doctor for the student to be given more passes.

Cell Phones: Cell phones WILL NOT be tolerated in class for any reason. Cell phone use during class merits an automatic office referral. Following the third cell phone office referral, the principal will take up the phone and a parent/guardian will be require to come to school and retrieve the student's phone.

Audiovisual Materials: Curriculum based videos are used in this course. All videos shown adhere to regulations set by the Knox County Board of Education. Videos are not shown simply for entertainment. Some examples include but are not limited to: Bill Nye series, clips from Discovery Education, and clips/tutorials from Bozeman Science, Khan Academy, or TED Talks. If you have any questions concerning material used in class, please feel free to contact me.

Aspen: Be sure to check Aspen regularly for both grades and assignments. Aspen will be an especially helpful tool when you are absent as I will upload PowerPoint lectures, assignments, and other study materials.

Lab Safety: There is a lab safety contract that both the parent/guardian and student must sign. This contract is required to participate in labs. Lab safety is ESSENTIAL! Students who do not return a completed lab safety contract WILL NOT be allowed to participate in lab activities. Additionally, 3 rule violations from the safety list will also result in the student no longer being allowed to participate in labs.

Food/Drinks: Food and drinks will not be allowed in class as they are a safety hazard in science classrooms. Students will be allowed to have water in the classroom, but no other food or drinks.

Board Policy I-431 The board affirms that it is essential that the teaching about religion ? and not of religion can be conducted in a factual, objective, and respectful manner in accordance with the following:

o Music, art, literature, or drama with a religious theme or basis are permitted as part of the curriculum for school-sponsored activities and programs, provided it is essential to the learning experience in the various fields of study and is presented objectively;

o The emphasis on religious themes in the arts, literature, and history shall be only as extensive as necessary for a balanced and comprehensive study of these areas. Such studies shall never foster any particular religious tenants or demean and religious beliefs; and

o Student-initiated expressions to questions or assignments which reflect their beliefs or non-beliefs about a religious theme shall be accommodated. For example, students are free to express religious belief or nonbelief in compositions, art forms, music, speech, and debate.

Thank you for taking the time to review this syllabus. Please also review the safety contract and sign and return the signature page. Remember, students who do not return the signed safety contract will not be allowed to complete any extra credit assignment offered. Once again, welcome to Physical Science! I have high expectations for you this year, and I want you to have high expectations for yourself and your future. Let's make it a great year!


Ms. Troxler

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I am looking forward to a productive and exciting year of science at Karns Middle School. This is my first year at Karns, and I am very excited to be here! I have previous teaching experience at both South Doyle and Powell High School. I am writing this letter to encourage your involvement and support. You have been and still are the most important people in your child's education. I appreciate all that you do, and I know that I cannot successfully complete my job without your support. I hope that we can work together to help your child achieve success.

Please read the following information along with the syllabus and safety contract that your child received in class. After you have read the materials, please sign where indicated below and return only this letter back to school by way of your child. The syllabus and safety contract will be store in your child's science notebook. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at the school (539-7732 ext. 117) or email me directly (abbey.troxler@). Email will be the easiest way to contact me.


Abbey Troxler

As a parent, I will try my best to do the following: I will ask my child about school regularly. I will ask them about what they're studying and try to learn about it. I will provide a quiet time and place to complete homework each evening. Instead of asking if their homework is finished, I will ask to see it. I will have them explain some of the information to ensure they understand it. I have read through the safety contract with my student and understand the importance of following all lab rules and procedures.

Parent Signature ____________________________________________________________

Parent email address ________________________________________ Parent Phone Number _______________

Student Survival Guidelines: I will be in class and seated when the bell rings. I will follow directions the first time they are given. I will bring my textbook, notebook, paper, and pen/pencil to class each day. I will raise my hand for permission to speak or leave my seat. I will respect myself, my classmates, my teacher, and all classroom supplies and equipment.

Homework Guidelines: I will always try. I will complete all assignments. If an assignment is not finished or ready when called for, I understand that I will not receive full credit. If I miss work because of an absence, it is my responsibility to make it up and request help as needed. I understand that extra credit work is not always given and should not be counted on the pull up my grade.

Student Signature ___________________________________________________________________

Do you wear contacts? Y/N Do you have allergies? Y/N specify ________________ Other info? ___________


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