Approved Continuing Competency Programs and Activities

Maryland Board of Occupational Therapy

Continuing Competency Programs and Activities

Reference Guide

|Part A – Participatory Activities |

|Continuing | | |Maximum Units Per Annual Cycle | |

|Competency Activity # | | | |Audit Documentation |

| |Continuing |Contact | | |

| |Competency |Hours | |All documentation shall include a Continuing Competency |

| |Options | | |Requirement Compliance Report (available from the Board). |

| | | |OT Principles & |Role Related | |

| | | |Procedures Total |Total 4 Maximum | |

| | | |(8 Minimum) | | |

|(1) |Attending workshops, seminars, lectures, or professional|1 contact hour per 1 hour of|12 |4 |Certificate of completion for pre-approved courses. |

| |conferences. |attendance | | |If not pre-approved, |

|Workshops, Seminars, | | | | |Date, location and hour-by-hour agenda of the course; |

|Conferences | | | | |A course description; |

| | | | | |A description of the presenter’s qualifications; and |

| | | | | |A certificate of completion. |

|(2) | |4 contact hours per credit |12 |4 |An original, official transcript indicating successful |

| | |hour earned | | |completion of the course; and |

|University, College or |Formal academic coursework in occupational therapy or | | | |A description of the course from the school catalogue or |

|Adult Education Courses |related topics | | | |course syllabus. |

|(3) |Fellowship training in a specific area |12 contact hours (minimum 6 |12 |4 |A certificate awarded from the accredited organization; |

| | |weeks full-time) | | |Dates of attendance; and |

|Fellowship Training | | | | |A description of the training. |

|(4) |Attaining a specialty certification (i.e. Certified Hand|1 contact hour per 1 hour of|10 |4 |Certificate of completion. |

| |Therapist) |education | | | |

|Specialty Certification | | | | | |

|Continuing |Continuing |Contact |Maximum Units Per Annual Cycle | |

|Competency Activity # |Competency |Hours | |Audit Documentation |

| |Options | | | |

| | | | |All documentation shall include a Continuing Competency |

| | | | |Requirement Compliance Report (available from the Board). |

| | | |OT Principles & |Role Related | |

| | | |Procedures Total |Total 4 Maximum | |

| | | |(8 Minimum) | | |

|(5) |COMAR 10.46.06 sets forth the requirements for applying |15 contact hours of |12 |4 |A certificate of completion; |

| |PAMS. |continuing education | | |An official grade report or transcript; |

|Physical Agent | |relative to electrical | | |A course syllabus; and |

|Modalities (PAMS) | |physical agent modalities | | |Written verification from the educator of 5 patient |

| | |which includes a minimum of | | |treatments. |

| | |5 contact hours specific to | | | |

| | |ultrasound and a minimum of | | | |

| | |5 contact hours specific to | | | |

| | |electromuscular stimulation;| | | |

| | |and 5 client treatments for | | | |

| | |each specific modality | | | |

| | |under direct supervision | | | |

|(6) |Auditing formal OT academic coursework |4 contact hours per credit |6 |4 |A letter from the instructor regarding the time spent in |

| | |hour | | |the classroom/lab from an accredited college/university; |

|Auditing | | | | |and |

| | | | | |A report by the licensee on the learning objectives |

| | | | | |accomplished. |

|(7) |On-Line Courses |1 contact hour per 1 hour of|8 |4 |An abstract of content; and |

| | |education | | |Verification of course completion from the course |

|Internet Learning | | | | |provider. |

|(8) |Journal articles, or other reading opportunities with |1 contact hour per 1 hour of|6 |4 |An abstract of content from the provider; and |

| |assessment, text books, video and audio tape, |education | | |Verification of completion from the course provider. |

|Informal Self-Study |television, VCR, DVD, CD, seminars, workshops and | | | | |

| |presentations | | | | |

|(9) |Attending employer-provided OT in-service training |1 contact hour per 1 hour of|6 |4 |Date, location, and hour-by-hour outline or abstract of |

| |program on principles, procedures, or OT related |education | | |content from the in-service provider; |

|In-Service Training |continuing education. | | | |Course description; |

| | | | | |Presenter’s qualifications; and |

| | | | | |Verification of participation from the in-service |

| | | | | |provider. |

|Part B – Presentation Activities |

|Continuing |Continuing |Contact |Maximum Units Per Annual Cycle | |

|Competency Activity # |Competency |Hours | |Audit Documentation |

| |Options | | | |

| | | | |All documentation shall include a Continuing Competency |

| | | | |Requirement Compliance Report (available from the Board). |

| | | |OT Principles & |Role Related | |

| | | |Procedures Total |Total 4 Maximum| |

| | | |(8 Minimum) | | |

|(10) |Mentoring an OT colleague to improve the skills of the |1 contact hour per 4 hours |4 |4 |Goals, objectives, and analysis of performance. |

| |protégé, including the role as disciplinary monitor. | | | | |

|Mentoring | | | | | |

| |Mentoring licensed OT professionals to improve their | | | | |

| |clinical skills. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Mentoring other health care professionals to improve | | | | |

| |staff clinical skills. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Mentoring management/administrative/ academic skills as | | | | |

| |an OT professional | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Being mentored in a formally structured independent, | | | | |

| |concentrated, didactic or applied learning experience | | | | |

| |overseen by a mentor. | | | | |

|(11) |Making presentations for local |Contact hours earned at |8 |4 |An hour-by-hour schedule of the presentation; and |

| |organizations/associations/groups on an OT related |twice the amount of actual | | |An announcement of the meeting, or letter of |

|Presentations by |topic. |presentation time. | | |acknowledgement from the professional sponsoring the |

|Licensee of OT Education| |Presentations of the content| | |event, or both. |

|Programs, Workshops, |Making professional presentations at state, national or |are credited only once per | | |Presentations of the content are credited only once per |

|Seminars, In-Services |international workshops, seminars and conferences. |renewal cycle. | | |renewal cycle. |

| | | | | | |

| |Providing professional in-service training or | | | | |

| |instruction for OT, OTA, or related professionals. | | | | |

|Continuing |Continuing |Contact |Maximum Units Per Annual Cycle | |

|Competency Activity # |Competency |Hours | |Audit Documentation |

| |Options | | | |

| | | | |All documentation shall include a Continuing Competency |

| | | | |Requirement Compliance Report (available from the Board). |

| | | |OT Principles & |Role Related | |

| | | |Procedures Total |Total 4 Maximum| |

| | | |(8 Minimum) | | |

|(12) |Development of instructional materials using alternative|1 contact hour per 3 hours |6 |4 |A description of the program; and |

| |media such as: video, audio or software programs to |spent | | |Media/software materials. |

|Develop Instructional |advance professional skills of others (not for | | | | |

|Materials |proprietary use) | | | | |

|(13) |Poster presentations for state, national, or |Contact hours earned at |6 |4 |A copy of the presentation or program listing. |

| |international workshops, seminars, and conferences. |twice the amount of actual | | |Presentations of the content are credited only once per |

|Poster Presentations | |presentation time. | | |renewal cycle. |

|(14) |Teaching in an OT-related academic course per semester |Contact hours per credit |8 |4 |The date and lecture/academic course title; |

| |(must not be one’s primary role) |hour taught. Contact hours | | |The name of institution; |

|Academic | |earned at twice the amount | | |A letter from the instructor regarding the time spent in |

|Guest Lecturer | |of actual presentation time.| | |the classroom; |

| | |Presentations of the content| | |Course/lecture goals and objectives; and |

| | |are credited only once per | | |Number of hours actually taught. |

| | |renewal cycle. | | |Presentations of the content are credited only once per |

| | | | | |renewal cycle. |

|(15) | |2 contact hours per Level I |8 |4 |Verification from each student’s college. |

| |Directly supervising the fieldwork of Level I or II |occupational therapy student| | | |

|Fieldwork Supervision |occupational therapy students (not one’s primary | | | | |

| |employment role) |8 contact hours per Level II| | | |

| | |occupational therapy student| | | |

|Continuing |Continuing |Contact |Maximum Units Per Annual Cycle | |

|Competency Activity # |Competency |Hours | |Audit Documentation |

| |Options | | | |

| | | | |All documentation shall include a Continuing Competency |

| | | | |Requirement Compliance Report (available from the Board). |

| | | |OT Principles & |Role Related | |

| | | |Procedures Total |Total 4 Maximum| |

| | | |(8 Minimum) | | |

|(16) |Publication of occupational therapy or related | |10 contact hours |4 contact hours|Submission of the published work. |

| |professional textbook. | |from authorship, |for authorship | |

|Text Book or Articles | | |editorship, |or editorship | |

|Published or Accepted |Professional manuscript publishing or review (editing) | |co-author-ship, |of an OT | |

|for Publication |for textbooks. | |co-editorship, or |article or | |

| | | |all of these, of a |abstract in a | |

| | | |book for |peer-reviewed | |

| | | |occupational |publica-tion | |

| | | |therapists or | | |

| | | |relating to OT. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |5 contact hours for| | |

| | | |authorship or |2 contact hours| |

| | | |editorship of a |for the | |

| |Publication of chapter(s) in occupational therapy or | |chapter |authorship or | |

| |related professional textbook. | |publication. |editorship of | |

| | | | |an OT related | |

| | | | |article or | |

| | | | |abstract in a | |

| | | | |non-peer- | |

| | | | |reviewed | |

| |Publication of an OT article in a peer-reviewed | | |publica-tion | |

| |publication (e.g., AJOT, WFOT, AAIDD and CEC) | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Publication of an OT article in a non-peer-reviewed | | | | |

| |publication (e.g., OT Practice, SIS Quarterly, Advance, | | | | |

| |community newsletters, or agency newsletters) | | | | |

|Continuing |Continuing |Contact |Maximum Units Per Annual Cycle | |

|Competency Activity # |Competency |Hours | |Audit Documentation |

| |Options | | | |

| | | | |All documentation shall include a Continuing Competency |

| | | | |Requirement Compliance Report (available from the Board). |

| | | |OT Principles & |Role Related | |

| | | |Procedures Total |Total 4 Maximum| |

| | | |(8 Minimum) | | |

|(17) |Extensive scholarly research activities, or extensive |Determined by the Continuing|5 contact hours per|4 |Submission of research proposals and final results of the |

|Research Projects |outcome studies (defined as research associated with, |Competency Committee |research project as| |research to the Continuing Competency Committee for |

| |e.g., grants, post- graduate studies, or peer-reviewed | |approved by Board. | |approval and determination of the number of contact hours |

| |journals) | | | |earned. |

|(18) |Quality assurance or program evaluation studies |Determined by the Continuing|2 contact hours per|4 | |

| |completed and published in a journal or newsletter |Competency Committee. |study for quality | |Submission of a copy of the evaluation study to the |

|Evaluator | | |assurance or | |Continuing Competency Committee for approval and |

| | | |program evaluation | |determination of the number of contact hours earned. |

| | | |studies completed | | |

| | | |and published. | | |

|(19) |Reviewer of professional journal articles, papers, |½ of one contact hour for |8 |4 |Confirmation from the sponsoring journal, publisher, or |

| |textbook chapters or professional association conference|each paper or proposal | | |organization, including the number of reviews completed. |

|Reviewer Editor |presentations. |reviewed | | | |

|Part C – Additional Activities |

|(20) |Professional study groups or online study groups |1 contact hour per 3 hours |6 |4 |Group attendance records; |

| |designed to advance knowledge through active |spent | | |Study group goals; and |

|Professional Study Group|participation | | | |Analysis of goal attainment and learning. |

|(21) |Successful completion of the Board’s Jurisprudence Exam |1 contact hours |1 |1 |Certificate of completion. |

| | | | | | |

|Jurisprudence Exam | | | | | |

|Continuing |Continuing |Contact |Maximum Units Per Annual Cycle | |

|Competency Activity # |Competency |Hours | |Audit Documentation |

| |Options | | | |

| | | | |All documentation shall include a Continuing Competency |

| | | | |Requirement Compliance Report (available from the Board). |

| | | |OT Principles & |Role Related | |

| | | |Procedures Total |Total 4 Maximum| |

| | | |(8 Minimum) | | |

|(22) |Volunteer OT services in areas of expertise to community|1 contact hour per 1 hour of|4 |4 |Verification letter from organizations; and |

| |organizations, individuals, and populations. |volunteering | | |A letter describing outcomes of the volunteer service |

|Volunteer Services | | | | |provided. |

| |Volunteer services on OT professional and related | | | | |

| |boards, associations, and committees for setting | | | | |

| |standards and the promotion of OT. | | | | |

|(23) |Independent, concentrated didactic and/or applied | |8 |4 |Certificate of completion or provider signed summary to |

| |learning experience. The copyright on the materials | | | |include: subject area, credentials of supervisor, |

|Formal Self-Study |used for study may not precede the submission date by | | | |didactic resources, clinical experience, timeframe, and |

| |more than 5 years. | | | |relevance to licensee’s professional practice. |


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