KAMALA N - Alabama A&M University - Alabama A&M …


Associate Professor of Chemistry, Alabama A& M University

Chemistry Section, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics,

College of Engineering, Technology and Physical Sciences, P.O. Box. 322,

Alabama A&M University, Normal, Al 35762.

E-mail: kamala.bhat@aamu.edu Office: (256)-372-4932


Degree University Subject Year

Ph. D AAMU Plant and Soil Science 2010

M.S Bombay Physical Chemistry 1975





-Synthesis and TL Characterization of compounds

-Heavy metal and forms in ash soils, plants.

- Phosphorus in ash, ash soils

- Adsorptions studies of heavy metal in ash, and their transformation during geochemical process.

- Aluminum forms and their transformation in ash and ash soils

- Temperature dependent kinetics of hydrolysis

-Thermogravimetric Analysis

ADVISOR: Ph.D. Student Ross S. Fontenot Physics ( Applied Physics concentration Material Science)

M.S. Lacy Milan – Environmental Science

Undergraduate – Ladarius Pugh- Biology- Undergraduate research on the study of use of medicinal plants for heavy metal uptake



1. “Highly triboluminescent europium dibnezoylmethide triethylammonium” R.S Fontenot, Kamala N. Bhat, W. A. Hollerman and M.D. Aggarwal, Chapter 3 in “Europiu: Synthesis, Characteristics and Potential Applications” Editor Mohamrf Said Attia Moustafa Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ( 2013) ISBN 978-1-62808-896-0.

2. “ General Chemistry Laboratory Manual for Alabama A&M University by Kamala N Bhat & Paul S. Okweye. 2nd Edition ISBN: Published by Thompson Learning 2nd Edition ISBN: 0534623409; ISBN: 049508560X.

3. " Photonics Crystal: Crystal Growth, Processing and Physical Properties ," M. D. Aggarwal, W. S. Wang, K. Bhat, Benjamin G. Penn, and Donald O. Frazier, Chapter 4, Vol. 9 Nonlinear Optical Materials in the Hand book of advanced Electronic and Photonic Materials and Devices, Edited by Hari Singh Nalwa, Academic Pres, 2000.

4. “A Simple Inexpensive Bridgman-Stockbarger Crystal Growth System for Organic Materials” in Crystal Growth of organic materials edited by Allan S. Myerson, Daniel Green and Paul Meenan (Publishers: American Chemical Society, Washington D.C.) (1996) p 263.


1. “Incorporating Strongly Triboluminescent Europium Dibenzoylmethide Triethylammonium into Simple Polymers,” R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, K.N. Bhat, M.D. Aggarwal, and B.G. Penn, Polymer Journal, Volume 46, Issue 2, Pages 111-116, doi:10.1038/pj.2013.78, (February 2014).

2. “Effects of Crystallite Grain Size on the Triboluminescence Emission for EuD4TEA,” Ross S. Fontenot, William A. Hollerman, Kamala N. Bhat, and Mohan D. Aggarwal, Advanced Materials Letters, , , DOI: 10.5185/amlett.2012.12486 (2013).

3. “ Effects of Added Uranium on the Triboluminescent Properties of Europium Dibenzoylmethide Triethylammonium, “R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, K.N. Bhat, and M.D. Aggarwal Journal of Luminescence,134, 477-482, 2013.

4. “Triboluminescent Research Review of Europium Dibenzoylmethide Triethylammonium (EuD4TEA) and Related Materials,” K.N. Bhat, R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, and M.D. Aggarwal, International Journal of Chemistry, volume 1, issue 1, pages 100-118, (January 2012).

5. “Innovative Triboluminescence Study of Multivitamin Doped Europium Tetrakis”, R.S. Fontenot, K.N. Bhat, W.A. Hollerman, and M.D. Aggarwal, Crystal Research and Technology, Volume 45, Issue 5, Pages 573-578, doi: 10.1002/crat.201100605, (May 2012). Made Journal cover.

6. “Review of Triboluminescence Impact Research Caused by Projectile Speeds of 1 m/s to 6 km/s.” William A. Hollerman, Ross S. Fontenot, Kamala N. Bhat, Mohan D. Aggarwal, Corey J. Guidry, and Khai M. Nguyen a Proceedia Engineering 00 (2012) 000–000 ( available online).

7. “Comparison of triboluminescent emission yields for 27 luminescent materials”, William A. Hollerman, Ross S. Fontenot, Kamala N. Bhat, Mohan D. Aggarwal, Corey J. Guidry, and Khai M. Nguyen, Optical Materials, 34, 1517-1521, 2012.

8. “Synthesis and Characterization of Highly Triboluminescent Doped Europium Tetrakis Compounds”, R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, K.N. Bhat, and M.D. Aggarwal, Journal of Luminescence, Volume 132, Issue 7, Pages 1812-1818, doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2012.02.027, (July 2012).

9. A versatile low-cost laboratory apparatus for testing triboluminescent materials”Ross S. Fontenot, William A. Hollerman, Mohan D. Aggarwal, Kamala N. Bhat, Shawn M. Goedeke, Measurement 45, 431-436, 2012.

10. Comparison of the triboluminescent yield and decay time for europium dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium synthesized using different solvents,” R.S. Fontenot, K.N. Bhat, W.A. Hollerman, M.D. Aggarwal, and K.M. Nguyen, CrystEngComm, Volume 14, Issue 4, Pages 1382-1386, doi:10.1039/C2CE06277A, (February 2012)

11. “Measuring the Process Variability in Triboluminescence Emission Yield for EuD4TEA,” W.A. Hollerman, R.S. Fontenot, K.N. Bhat, and M.D. Aggarwal, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 43A, 2012. 2012.

12. Synthesis and Characterization of Highly Triboluminescent Doped Europium Tetrakis Compounds”, R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, K.N. Bhat, and M.D. Aggarwal, Journal of Luminescence, Volume 132, Issue 7, Pages 1812-1818, doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2012.02.027, (July 2012).

13. “Triboluminescent materials for smart sensors” R.S. Fontenot, K.N. Bhat, W.A. Hollerman, and M.D. Aggarwal, Materials Today, Volume 14, Issue 6, Pages 293-293, doi:10.1016/S1369-7021(11)70147-X, (June 2011)

14. “Combinational effects of Prebiotics and Soybean against Azomethan-Induced Colon Cancer in Vivo” V.P Gourineni, M. Verghese, J.Boateng, L.Shackelford, K.N. Bhat, and L.T. Walker. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism Vol 2011 Article ID 868197 pg 9 Doi: 10.1155/2011/868197.

15. “Chemopreventive Potential of Synergyl 1 and Soybean in Reducing Azoxymehtane-Induced Crypt Foci in Fisher 344 Male rats.” V.P Gourineni, M. Verghese, J.Boateng, L.Shackelford, and K.N. Bhat. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism. Volume 2011. Article ID 983038, 8 pages. Doi: 10.1155/2011/98308.

16. Inorganic Phosphorus Fractions in Volcanic Ash and Soil from Montserrat Island, West Indies”. Thilini D. Ranatunga, Kamala N. Bhat, Robert W. Taylor, Seshadri S. Reddy, Zachary Soil Science: August 2009 - Volume 174 - Issue 8 - pp 430-438.

17. “Effect of volcanic ash on the pyroelectric and dielectric properties of Portland cement,” Kamala N. Bhat, Ashok Batra, Sudip Bhattacharjee and Robert W. Taylor. Detectors and Imaging Devices: Infrared, Focal Plane, Single Photon, edited by Eustace L. Dereniak, John P. Hartke, Paul D. LeVan, Randolph E. Longshore, Ashok K. Sood, Manijeh Razeghi, Rengarajan Sudharsanan, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7780 · 77800L · © 2010 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/10/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.860696


1. “Kinetics and Mechanism of heavy metal retention/ release in geochemical processes in soil”. GRANT ALAX -011-0312. DURATION: 2011-2014 AMOUNT $270,000.00

2. “Heat induced structural changes in soil organic matter and black carbon distribution in a prescribed burned forest ecosystem and effects on climate change. GRANT ALAX -011-0140. DURATION: 2010-2013, AMOUNT $160,000.00.


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