Introduction to Physics and Chemistry

Chemistry I Honors

Judson Early College Academy Division of Science

2019-2020 Academic Syllabus

Mrs. C. R. Taylor, M.A.- Instructor


Course Description: [pic]: This year long comprehensive course is a first-year chemistry course designed to meet the needs of the student who plans on continuing on in a AP Chemistry, or eventually taking a college chemistry course.

Curriculum Topics to be covered

|Units of Study |

|Laboratory Management |Stoichiometry |

|Matter/ Math in Chemistry |Gases |

|Atomic Structure & Periodic Table |Solution |

|Chemical Bonding |Acids and Bases |

|Chemical Formulas |Thermochemistry |

|Mole Concept |Nuclear Chemistry |

|Chemical Equations & Reactions |Organic Naming System |

Note: Curriculum topics order may change due to unforeseen circumstances.

Class Structure[pic]: lectures, watching videos before class (flipped assignments), multiple quizzes, laboratory work along with extensive note taking, and handouts. Students’ questions are expected and welcomed.

Class Attendance/ Makeup Policy[pic]: Class roll will be taken at the top of the hour. Students should attend each class meeting, and be on time. Cutting class will not be tolerated!!!!! If you have an excused absence, you have the number of school days you were out to turn in missed work. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO TURN IN ALL MISSED ASSIGNMENTS. You must see me before school to get all missed assignments. This WILL NOT be done during class. (I WILL NOT COME TO YOU UPON YOUR RETURN AND TELL YOU WHAT YOU MISSED.) If you choose not to see me before school for any missing assignments or go to the “absentee work/assignments” file, your missed assignment will result in a zero.

If you are absent due to a school related activity you are still responsible for any work missed. For example, if an assignment is due the day of a school related activity you are expected to submit the activity. Any missed labs must be made up no later than one week after the rest of the class completed the lab. If you are absent the day of a test, you will take the test the next time you come to class or at teacher’s discretion. If you are absent the day before a test, it is at the teacher’s discretion on whether you take the test with the rest of the class or if you will have one extra day to take the test. Again, attendance is definitely to your advantage

Tardy Rule[pic]: A student is considered tardy after the bell rings. Students who are tardy must sign-in the tardy book at the door and abide by the school tardy policy as stated in the student handbook. I am an instructor who takes tardiness seriously and make no exceptions without a pass or an admit from the front office.

Textbooks[pic]: Each student will should have online access and a chemistry textbook. Students may check out a copy of a different version of a chemistry textbook when needed on a daily basis. Upon check out students are responsible for taking care of their textbook. Fines will be issued for a damaged, or lost textbook.

Grading Policy: Grades will be determined on a total point & percentage system. Your total points will come from: homework, labs and exams. First Semester= 40%, Second Semester = 40%, Final Exam = 20%. The cumulative final exam will not be given prior to the scheduled exam date.

All assignments will have point values based on difficulty. Homework will be assigned 5-15 pts. per assignment. Labs will be typically 30-40 pts. Quizzes will be 10-35 pts. Test will be 100(+) pts. Grades will be calculated on a point basis. Students are to keep a running total of their grades in their science notebook/binder. The formula is given below:

For example:

Letter grades will be assigned using the below scale

Grade = Total Received Points x 100% A = 100-90.0%

Total Possible Points B = 89.9-80.0%

C = 79.9-70.0%

Ex. 258 x 100% = 86% F = 69.9-below


Students will have 10 school days after a grade is entered into the Teacher Access Center (TAC) system in order to address a grade discrepancy. Grade discrepancies will only be addressed via email unless otherwise discussed and/or announced in class. In addition, students are required to send an appropriate email:

• Type “Grade Discrepancy” in the subject line;

• Include detailed information regarding the assignment(s) and/or grade(s);

• Include student name and class period.

After conducting a thorough research, the instructor will reply to the student’s inquiry via email or in person and update the grade if necessary. 

Quizzes: Announced and un-announced quizzes will be given.

Test: Students must be present for all tests. Each 45-minute test can consist of multiple-choice, problems and or short-answer questions for a total of 100 points. At the teacher’s discretion make-up test will consist of essay questions. I do NOT offer any extra credit opportunities to replace a zero or missing assignments. Please do not ask! However, sometimes I will add bonus questions on quizzes and tests.

Make-Up Test Policy (Different from Retest Policy):

If absent on day of test, it is the student’s responsibility to contact his/her teacher upon returning to school, and make arrangements to complete the exam(s) missed.  Tests must be made up within three school days from the day the exam was originally given. The student is solely responsible to acknowledge exam dates which are provided by the teacher. Make-up exams will cover the same material but may be different in format from the original exam.

Retesting: Any student scoring 69.9% or below on a test will be permitted to retake that test after fulfilling the retest requirements established by the teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to submit to the teacher a request for the reteach and the retest by email by the designated date given by teacher.  All retests will cover the same material but may be different in format from the original exam. The teacher’s specific requirements for reteach and retest are described below. Projects/Labs cannot be redone for a higher grade.

Science Department Requirements:


• Email the instructor requesting correction for assessment students MUST CC parents. If parents don’t have email, a parent’s signature and date must be included. The subject of the email must include the “test name” and students “class period”. Example: Reteach or Retest- Ch. 1 Math in Chemistry – 2nd period

• Attend teacher Mandatory designated after-school tutorial session to independently complete test correction(s) to receive .25 pts back per question. Each corrected problem must be accompanied with an explanation as to why it was marked incorrect. If you don’t want a retest, you can stop at this point. Explanation must be included to explain the reasoning behind failing the test. (at least 10 sentences).

• If one still decides to retest after test correction then another afterschool session to retest at a designated time chosen by the instructor.

• The average of both grades will be recorded.

• A higher percentage must be received on the retest in order to increase the original grade. The original grade can decrease if the score on the retake does not increased.

NO RETAKES ON END OF SEMESTER EXAM!!!!!! .All make-up test will be administered AFTER SCHOOL. All students MUST attend a reteach session along with other requirements in order to retest.

Assignments: Please refer to the student policy and Handbook/ JISD Secondary Grading Policy

Academic Dishonesty: You have signed the Raptor Commitment Agreement. Make sure you follow all of those statements including, “Understand and abide by all Academic Honesty Policies. At JECA, I understand that if I am academically dishonest I will receive a zero the 1st time with no opportunity to make-up the assignment; I understand the second academic dishonesty infraction may result in my withdrawal from JECA and a parent conference will occur.”

Laboratories: Laboratories are an integral part of Chemistry and are worth 30 to 40 points each. Each student must complete each laboratory to fully reach the course objectives and to receive credit for laboratory reports. Laboratory safety goggles and aprons will be provided. You must wear closed-toe shoes to participate in laboratory exercises and experiments. If you are unable to complete a lab assignment because you are not properly dressed, it will be your responsibility to complete the lab at an alternate time for reduced credit. Make-up labs due to an illness will be conducted after school by appointment only.

Closed-Toe Shoes:

All students must have closed toe shoes on lab days. If students don’t have closed toe shoes their grade will result in a zero or points lost. OSHA 1910.136(a) (See Below)

General Requirements: “The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses protective footwear when working in areas where there is a danger of foot injuries due to falling or rolling objects, or objects piercing the sole, and where such employee's feet are exposed to electrical hazards.”

Science Drills (Composition Book): Almost everyday you will be required to write in your Science composition book and it will be completed quietly with the first 10-12 minutes of class.

Everyone will have the same format for their Log.

o #1. DATE AND NUMBER each entry

o #2. Write the OBJECTIVE and DAILY QUOTE

o #3. Write the WARM-UP QUESTIONS

o #4. Find the ANSWER to the warm-up question, write it down and highlight.. (Can be found in your notes, assignments or your book.)

Assignments: All work is due to the instructor at the time it is asked for in class. Homework heading must be in MLA format is used when submitting any assignment to the teacher. The heading consists of (Your name, Teacher’s name, Course/period, and the date). All papers turned in will be neat, and on loose-leaf notebook paper only (spiral or torn composition book paper not permitted). The holes cannot be torn or they won’t be accepted. All work done in Chemistry must be done as neatly as possible and in blue/black ink or pencil. Illegible or disorganized assignments can receive a reduced grade. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!!! However, the JECA wildcard policy will be accepted as listed in the Student’s handbook. Test, Quizzes, and Science Labs will NOT be accepted late.

Projects will be accepted up to TWO DAYS late, if submitted personally to the teacher. 10 points will be deducted if turned in AFTER the teacher has collected the assignment along with the following DEDUCTIONS on the project’s final grade:

1. Projects turned in on the due date, at any time after the teacher collects the assignment, will be deducted 10 points.

2. Projects turned in 1 school day late (i.e., the very next school day), will be deducted 10 points.

3. Projects turned in 2 school days late will be deducted 20 points.

4. Projects turned in more than 2 school days late will receive a ZERO.


• Three Ring Binder (2in or wider)

• 1 Composition Books

• 8 tabbed dividers

• Index cards (3 x 5) (white or colored)

• Loose-leaf notebook paper

• Pen (blue or black ink only) or Pencil

• Plastic Paper protectors (optional)

• binder ring or plastic case for index cards (optional)

• Scientific Calculators (optional)

[pic] Notebook:

Each student will have a three-ring binder and a Chemistry ONLY section. Notebook Quizzes will be given throughout the year. I will check to make sure that all papers are in your notebook and that you are keeping up with your Science Journal. (You must keep all papers for the ENTIRE school year.)

Your notebook should be assembled as follows:

8 tabbed dividers labels

#1 Grades (chemistry scoreboard only)

#2 Periodic Tables

#3 References

#4 Notes

#5 Homework

#6 Quizzes

#7 Labs

#8 Paper

Hall Passes[pic]: Each student is given 2 hall passes at the beginning of each 9 weeks. These can be used during the quarter to get items left in other classes, rest room, etc. Each hall pass can be used for a maximum of five minutes out of the classroom. Students must have passes present in class in order to leave the classroom. Unused passes are worth 1 percentage point each and can be used as extra credit at the end of each nine-week grading period. NO PASS NO PERMISSION TO LEAVE! Students must be present the day passes are given out and present (along with passes) the day they are due in order to receive credit.

[pic]Student Expectations:

It is my desire that all students have a positive and meaningful experience this year. In order to achieve these goals, I have a few rules and procedures that I expect all students to follow on a daily basis.

• Be in your seat when the bell rings.

• Bring all books and material to class

• No personal grooming during class time.

• Sharpen pencils the first 10 minutes of class.

• No loud or excessive talking in class

• No use of vulgar or offensive language.

• Cheating will NOT be TOLERATED. Anyone suspected or caught cheating will receive a 0 on that assignment or test.

• No eating or drinking in the classroom (including gum) ***Unless specified by teacher***

• No radios, ipods, cell phones, smart watches, headphones or hats permitted in the classroom (including any other electrical device) Electronics are to be

• All cell phones (smart watches) and identification cards must be turned in before a quiz or a test. If failure to comply the student will receive a “zero” on that assessment.

• Make sure that no paper is left under of around desk when leaving class. And remember……… The Teacher Releases The Class Not The BELL!

[pic]REMIND/Teacher Website

It is imperative that you sign up for REMIND for announcements. You can also access information through my website. Class codes will be available on my website.


[pic]Extra Help/ Tutoring:

All students are encouraged to seek extra help. If you are having a problem with the subject matter, please see me Wednesday mornings by appointment. If your schedule conflicts with my tutoring schedule, SPEAK with me to set up a tutoring appointment at a time convenient for both of our schedules. IT IS BETTER TO SOLVE A SMALL PROBLEM BEFORE IT BECOMES A LARGE PROBLEM!

Always remember...

Dedication + Effort + Work =Success


Keep the first 8 pages of your composition book BLANK until further notice.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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