AP Physics - Denton ISD

AP PhysicsFinal ReviewKnow formulas for the following: Power, KE, all kinematics equations (velocity in x direction, acceleration, velocity in y direction, time to fall, displacement for objects at constant velocity or accelerating, PE (U), Friction and coefficients, work, spring constant, restoring force of a spring, force due to gravity, centripetal force and centripetal acceleration, Fnet, period vs. frequency, vector components (for projectiles or weight distribution on an incline or forces on an incline)Understand the following concepts:Forces on inclinesGraphical representations of motion (p-t, v-t, what does the data tell you?)Circular motionFriction forces and net forces and accelerationTensionSimple harmonic motion of a spring in terms of energyBe able to describe motion in terms of a, v, g, and net force for: linear motion, constant velocity of an object, something falling, objects moving in a circle, projectiles and each component.Chapters 1-2 TestsAn automobile with an initial speed of 4.30 m/s accelerates uniformly at the rate of 3.0 m/s2. Find the final speed and the displacement after 5.0 s.A robot probe drops a camera off the rim of a 239 m high cliff on Mars, where the free fall acceleration is -2.0 m/s2.Find the velocity with which the camera hits the ground.Find the time required for it to hit the ground.A rocket moves upward, starting from rest with an acceleration of 25 m/s2 for 4 s. It runs out of fuel at the end of the 4 s but does not stop. How high does it rise above the ground?A small first-aid kit is dropped by a rock climber who is descending steadily at 2 m/s. After 5 s, what is the velocity of the first-aid kit, and how far is the kit below the climber.Given the following Vectors, perform the indicated Vector operations.A = 10 @ 35 above –x axis.B = 8 along +x axisC = 15 @ 55 below –x axisFind the components (Ax,Ay ; Bx,By ; Cx,Cy) for each vector.Find A + B + CCH 3 TestYou take a running leap off a high-diving platform. You were running at 4 m/s and hit the water 3.1 s later. How high was the platform, and how far from the edge of the platform did you hit the water? Neglect air resistance.A projectile is shot from the edge of a cliff 125 m above ground level with an initial speed of 100 m/s at an angle of 30 with the horizontal.Determine the time taken by the projectile to hit ground level.Determine the range (horizontal distance traveled) of the projectile as measured from the base of the cliff. Find the horizontal and vertical components of the velocity for the projectile the instant before impact.Find the magnitude of the velocity before impact.Find the angle made by the velocity vector with the horizontal.Ch 4 Test A 22 kg bucket of water is raised from a well by a rope. If the upward acceleration of the bucket is 8 m/s2 , find the force exerted by the rope on the bucket of water.A clerk moves a box of cans down an aisle by pulling on a strap attached to the box. The clerk pulls with a force of 338 N at an angle of 300 above the horizontal. The box has a mass of 50 kg, and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the floor is 0.40 . Find the acceleration of the box.Two packing crates of masses 30 kg and 5 kg are connected by a light string that passes over a frictionless pulley. The 5 kg crate lies on an incline at an angle of 40. The coefficient of kinetic friction is .25 between the 5 kg crate and the incline. Find the acceleration of the 5kg crate and the tension in the string.Snowfall is extremely rare in Dunedin, New Zealand. Nevertheless, suppose that Baldwin Street, which has an incline of 38.0O, is covered with snow and that children are sledding down the street. A sled and rider move downhill with a constant acceleration. What would be the magnitude of the sled’s net acceleration if the coefficient of kinetic friction between the snow and the sled’s runners is 0.100Ch 5 TestWhat is the maximum speed with which a 1000 kg car can round a turn of radius 70 m on a flat road if the coefficient of friction between tires and road is .90?A pilot makes an outside vertical loop (in which the center of the loop is beneath him) of radius 3200 m. At the top of the loop he is pushing down on his seat with only one-half of his normal weight. How fast is he going?Tarzan plans to cross a gorge by swinging in an arc from a hanging vine. If his arms are capable of exerting a force of 1400 N on the rope, what is the maximum speed he can tolerate at the lowest point of his swing. His mass is 80 kg and the vine is 4.8 m long.Ch 6 Test A grocery cart with mass of 18 kg is pushed at constant speed along an aisle by a force F=12 N. The applied force acts at a 20 degree angle to the horizontal. Find the work done by each of the forces on the cart if the aisle is 1.5 m long. At an accident scene on a level road, investigators measure a car’s skid mark to be 88m long. It was a rainy day and the coefficient of friction was estimated to be 0.42. Use these data to determine the speed of the car when the driver slammed on (and locked) the brakes.A spring has a spring constant, k, of 440 N/m. How much must this spring be stretched to store 25J of potential energy?How long will it take a 1750 W motor to lift a 285 kg piano to a sixth story window 16 m above?Be prepared to answer any multiple choice question that you have seen on previous tests ................

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