Physics midterm review fall 2018 - The Leon M. Goldstein ...


Physics midterm review fall 2018


1. Which vector below represents the resultant of the two displacement vectors shown?


A. %

B. .

C. -

D. &

4. Two forces (O~A and O~B) act simultaneously at point O as shown on the diagram. The magnitude of the resultant force is closest to

A. 8.0 N B. 11 N

C. 15 N D. 16 N

2. What is the magnitude of the resultant of a 3.0-meter displacement and a 4.0-meter displacement as shown in the diagram?

A. 1.0 meter B. 5.0 meters C. 7.0 meters D. 12 meters

5. Which vector shown represents the resultant of the concurrent vectors A and B in the diagram given?



3. Which vector best represents the resultant of forces F~1 and F~2 acting concurrently on point P, as shown in the diagram? C.






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6. Which combination of concurrent forces could not produce equilibrium?

A. 10 N, 20 N, and 50 N B. 20 N, 30 N, and 50 N C. 30 N, 40 N, and 50 N D. 40 N, 40 N, and 50 N

9. The vector diagram below represents the horizontal component, FH, and the vertical component, FV, of a 24-newton force acting at 35 above the horizontal.

7. Which pair of concurrent forces could produce a resultant force having a magnitude of 10 newtons?

A. 10 N, 10 N C. 4.7 N, 4.7 N

B. 10 N, 30 N D. 4.7 N, 5.0 N

What are the magnitudes of the horizontal and vertical components?

A. FH = 3.5 N and FV = 4.9 N B. FH = 4.9 N and FV = 3.5 N C. FH = 14 N and FV = 20. N D. FH = 20. N and FV = 14 N

8. The accompanying diagram shows a projectile moving with speed v at the top of its trajectory.

Which vector best represents the acceleration of the projectile in the position shown?





10. A car accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 10 meters per second in 2 seconds. The acceleration of the car is

A. 0.2 m/sec2 C. 10 m/sec2

B. 5 m/sec2 D. 20 m/sec2

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Physics midterm review fall 2018

11. The diagram here shows a 1-kilogram stone being dropped from a bridge 100 meters above a gorge.

13. Which velocity-time graph represents the motion of an object moving with constant acceleration?





Which graph of distance traveled versus time represents the motion of the freely falling stone?





12. An object falls freely from rest for three seconds. The acceleration of the object is

A. 10 m/sec C. 30 m/sec

B. 10 m/sec2 D. 30 m/sec2

14. An object starting from rest accelerates at a rate of 3.0 meters/seconds squared for 6.0 seconds. The velocity of the object at the end of this time is

A. 0.50 m/s C. 3.0 m/s

B. 2.0 m/s D. 18 m/s

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Physics midterm review fall 2018

15. The graph shown represents the relationship between velocity and time for a 2.0-kilogram cart that is initially at rest and starts moving northward.

17. The diagram pictured shows speed as a function of time for four cars, A, B, C, and D, in straight-line motion. Which car experienced the greatest average acceleration during this 6.0-second interval?

What is the acceleration of the cart shown at t = 8 seconds?

A. 0 m/s2 C. 20 m/s2

B. 10 m/s2 D. 20 m/s2

A. car A B. car B C. car C D. car D

16. A clam dropped by a sea gull takes 3.0 seconds to hit the ground. What is the sea gull's approximate height above the ground at the time the clam was dropped?

A. 15 m B. 30 m C. 45 m D. 90 m

18. A car is traveling at a constant speed of 14 meters per second along a straight highway. A tree and a speed limit sign are beside the highway. As it passes the tree, the car starts to accelerate. The car is accelerated uniformly at 2.0 meters per second2 until it reaches the speed limit sign, 5.0 seconds later.

When the car reaches the sign, the car's speed is

A. less than the speed limit B. greater than the speed limit C. equal to the speed limit

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Physics midterm review fall 2018

19. What is the distance between the tree and the sign?

A. 10 m B. 25 m C. 70 m D. 95 m

22. The accompanying diagram shows a worker using a rope to pull a cart.

20. Oil drips at 0.4-second intervals from a car that has an oil leak. Which pattern best represents the spacing of oil drops as the car accelerates uniformly from rest?





The worker's pull on the handle of the cart can best be described as a force having

A. magnitude, only B. direction, only C. both magnitude and direction D. neither magnitude nor direction

21. Forces F1 and F2 act concurrently on point P, as shown in the accompanying diagram.

23. Which pair of forces acting concurrently on an object will produce the resultant of greatest magnitude?



The equilibrant of F1 and F2 is



A. 14 N southwest C. 20. N southwest

B. 14 N southeast D. 20. N southeast

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Physics midterm review fall 2018


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