Midterm Study Guide II - Verona Public Schools


Static Equilibrium

1. Little Nellie Newton wishes to be a gymnast and hangs from a variety of positions as shown. Since she is not accelerating, the net force on her is zero. That is, F = 0. This means the upward pull of the rope(s) equals the downward pull of gravity. She weighs 300 N. Show the scale reading(s) for each case.



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300 150 100





600 800

2. When Burl the painter stands in the exact middle of his staging, the left scale reads 600 N. Fill in the reading on the right scale. The total weight of Burl and staging must be

1200 N.

3. Burl stands farther from the left. Fill in the reading on the right scale.

4. In a silly mood, Burl dangles from the right end. Fill in the reading on the right scale.


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Chapter 2 Mechanical Equilibrium 3

The Equilibrium Rule: F = 0

1. Manuel weighs 1000 N and stands in the middle of a board that weighs 200 N. The ends of the board rest on bathroom scales. (We can assume the weight of the board acts at its center.) Fill in the correct weight reading on each scale.



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2. When Manuel moves to the left as shown, the scale closest to him reads 850 N. Fill in the weight for the far scale.


3. A 12-ton truck is one-quarter the way across a bridge that weighs 20 tons. A 13-ton force supports the right side of the bridge as shown. How much support force is on the left side?

4. A 1000-N crate resting on a surface is connected to a 500-N block through a frictionless pulley as shown. Friction between the crate and surface is enough to keep the system at rest. The arrows show the forces that act on the crate and the block. Fill in the magnitude of each force.

1000 500





5. If the crate and block in the preceding question move at constant speed, the tension in the rope (is the same) (increases) (decreases). The sliding system is then in (static equilibrium) (dynamic equilibrium).

CONCEPTUAL PHYSICS 4 Chapter 2 Mechanical Equilibrium


Vectors and Equilibrium



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1. Nellie Newton dangles from a vertical rope in equilibrium: F = 0. The tension in the rope (upward vector) has the same magnitude as the downward pull of gravity (downward vector).

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2. Nellie is supported by two vertical ropes. Draw tension vectors to scale along the direction of each rope.

3. This time the vertical ropes have different lengths. Draw tension vectors to scale for each of the two ropes.

4. Nellie is supported by three vertical ropes that are equally taut but have different lengths. Again, draw tension vectors to scale for each of the three ropes.

Circle the correct answers.

5. We see that tension in a rope is (dependent on) (independent of) the length of the rope. So the length of a vector representing rope tension is (dependent on) (independent of) the length of the rope.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Equilibrium 5

Net Force

Fill in the magnitudes of net force for each case.

0 5



0 CONCEPTUAL PHYSICS 6 Chapter 2 Mechanical Equilibrium

1 5 5 10 7

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Vectors and Equilibrium

The rock hangs at rest from a single string. Only two forces act on it, the upward tension T of the string, and the downward pull of gravity W. The forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

Net force on the rock is (zero) (greater than zero).

Here the rock is suspended by 2 strings. Tension in each string acts in a direction along the string. We'll show tension of the left string by vector A, and tension of the right string by vector B. The resultant of A and B is found by the parallelogram rule, and is shown by the dashed vector. Note it has the same magnitude as W, so the net force on the rock is

(zero) (greater than zero).

Consider strings at unequal angles. The resultant A + B is still equal and opposite to W, and is shown by the dashed vector. Construct the appropriate parallelogram to produce this resultant. Show the relative magnitudes of A and B.

Tension in A is (less than) (equal to) (greater than) tension in B.

Repeat the procedure for the arrangement below.

Here tension is greater in B .

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Construct vectors A and B for the cases below. First draw a vector W, then the parallelogram that has equal and opposite vector A + B as the diagonal. Then find approximate magnitudes of A and B.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Equilibrium 7


Mass and Weight



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Learning physics is learning the connections among concepts in nature, and also learning to distinguish between closely related concepts. Velocity and acceleration, which are treated in the next chapter, are often confused. Similarly in this chapter, we find that mass and weight are often confused. They aren't the same! Please review the distinction between mass and weight in your textbook. To reinforce your understanding of this distinction, circle the correct answers below.

Comparing the concepts of mass and weight, one is basic--fundamental-- depending only on the internal makeup of an object and the number and kind of atoms that compose it. The concept that is fundamental is (mass) (weight). The concept that additionally depends on location in a gravitational field is (mass) (weight).

(Mass) (Weight) is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and only depends on the number and kind of atoms that compose it. It can correctly be said that (mass) (weight) is a measure of "laziness" of an object. (Mass) (Weight) is related to the gravitational force acting on the object. (Mass) (Weight) depends on an object's location, whereas (mass) (weight) does not.

In other words, a stone would have the same (mass) (weight) whether it is on the surface of Earth or on the surface of the moon. However, its (mass) (weight) depends on its location.

On the moon's surface, where gravity is only about one sixth of Earth gravity (mass) (weight) (both the mass and the weight) of the stone would be the same as on Earth.

While mass and weight are not the same, they are (directly proportional) (inversely proportional) to each other. In the same location, twice the mass has (twice) (half) the weight.

The International System of Units (SI) unit of mass is the (kilogram) (newton), and the SI unit of force is the (kilogram) (newton).

In the United States, it is common to measure the mass of something by measuring its gravitational pull to Earth, its weight. The common unit of weight in the U.S. is the (pound) (kilogram) (newton).

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Chapter 3 Newton's First Law of Motion--Inertia 9

Converting Mass to Weight

Objects with mass also have weight (although they can be weightless under special conditions). If you know the mass of something in kilograms and want its weight in newtons, at Earth's surface, you can take advantage of the formula that relates weight and mass.

Weight = mass ? acceleration due to gravity W = mg

This is in accord with Newton's second law, written as F = ma. When the force of gravity is the only

force, the acceleration of any object of mass m will be g, the acceleration of free fall. Importantly, g acts as a proportionality constant, 10 N/kg, which is equivalent to 10 m/s2.

Sample Question: How much does a 1-kg bag of nails weigh on Earth?

W = mg = (1 kg)(10 m/s2) = 10 m/s2 = 10 N, or simply, W = mg = (1 kg)(10 N/kg) = 10 N.

Answer the following questions. Felicia the ballet dancer has a mass of 45.0 kg.

1. What is Felicia's weight in newtons at Earth's surface?

450 N

2. Given that 1 kilogram of mass corresponds to 2.2 pounds at Earth's surface, what is Felicia's weight in pounds on Earth?

3. What would be Felicia's mass on the surface of Jupiter?

99 lb 45.0 kg

4. What would be Felicia's weight on Jupiter's surface, where the acceleration due to gravity is 25.0 m/s2?

1125 N

Different masses are hung on a spring scale calibrated in newtons. The force exerted by gravity on 1 kg = 10 N.

5. The force exerted by gravity on 5 kg = 50 N.

6. The force exerted by gravity on

10 kg = 100 N.

Make up your own mass and show the corresponding weight:

The force exerted by gravity on * kg = * N.

* Any value for kg as long as the same value is multiplied by 10 for N.

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By whatever means (spring scales, measuring balances, etc.), find the mass of your physics book. Then complete the table.

0.1 kg

10 N 600 N

CONCEPTUAL PHYSICS 10 Chapter 3 Newton's First Law of Motion--Inertia





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Circle the correct answers. 1. An astronaut in outer space away from gravitational or frictional forces throws a rock. The rock will

(gradually slow to a stop) (continue moving in a straight line at constant speed).

The rock's tendency to do this is called (inertia) (weight) (acceleration).


The sketch shows a top view of a rock being whirled at

the end of a string (clockwise). If the string breaks, the

path of the rock is

(A) (B) (C) (D).

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3. Suppose you are standing in the aisle of a bus that travels along a straight road at 100 km/h, and you hold a pencil still above your head. Then relative to the bus, the velocity of the pencil is 0 km/h, and relative to the road, the pencil has a horizontal velocity of

(less than 100 km/h) (100 km/h) (more than 100 km/h).

Suppose you release the pencil. While it is dropping, and relative to the road, the pencil still has a horizontal velocity of

(less than 100 km/h) (100 km/h) (more than 100 km/h).

This means that the pencil will strike the floor at a place directly (behind you) (at your feet below your hand) (in front of you).

Relative to you, the way the pencil drops (is the same as if the bus were at rest) (depends on the velocity of the bus).

How does this example illustrate the law of inertia? A body in motion tends to remain in motion as long as no net force is exerted on the body in the direction of motion. Since there is no horizontal force on the pencil, its horizontal motion doesn't change.


Chapter 3 Newton's First Law of Motion--Inertia 11


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