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Chapter Four Work Sheet PY 101 Regan GaskinScientists who study physical, cognitive, and social changes throughout the life cycle are called _______________ _______________.The developmental issue that concerns whether developmental changes are gradual or abrupt is called the issue of __________________ and ______________________.Fill in the blanks in the chart below that deal with Jean Piaget’s stages of cognitive development. Typical Age RangeStageNew DevelopmentTest to Determine If Someone Is in This StageBirth to nearly 2 yearsSensorimotorStranger anxietyObject PermanenceHave the child’s mother leave the roomHid a toy under a blanket 2 to ____________________________EgocentrismNot yet logicalAsk questions to determine child’s ability to take another’s perspective6 or 7 to 11 yearsConcrete_______________ConservationSimple Math About 12 through ______________Give a child a hypothetical reasoning problem Conception begins when a woman’s _____________________ releases a mature _______________.Biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior are called __________________. Genes play a ___________________ (major/minor) role in motor development. Ella just learned that she is two months pregnant. She is concerned about her baby’s health because in the last few months she has been drinking heavily. Ella is afraid that her unborn child may be a risk for birth defects and for future behavior problems, _________________, and lower _____________________. Cognition refers to all the mental activities associated with __________________, ______________________, and ___________________.This disorder is related to poor communication among brain areas that normally work together to enable taking another’s _____________________. Caleb is 14 months old and he behaves as though “out of sight is out of existence”. He is in Piaget’s _________________________ stage of cognitive development. The development of a strong emotional bond between infant and parent is called ___________________. Most researchers now believe that early attachments ______________________ (do/ do not) form the basis for adult attachments. Matthew has a 13 month old girl. According to Erikson, Matthew’s sensitive, loving care of his child contributes to the child’s _________________ __________________. Most abused children _________________ (do/ do not) later become abusive parents. Experts agree that child care per se _______________ (does/ does not) constitute a risk factor in children’s development. More important than time spent in day care in influencing a child’s aggression are ________________________________________________________________.Setting and enforcing standards after discussion with their children is the approach taken by _________________ parents. Fill in the blanks with regard to parenting styles. Parenting Style High Love/ Low Love Strict/ Not StrictAuthoritarian Authoritative Neglectful Permissive Although many psychologists once believed that our traits were set during ______________, psychologists today see development as __________________. This is called the ________________________ perspective. Adolescence begins with the time of developing sexual maturity known as _________________________. Adolescence is defined as the transition period between ______________________ and ____________________.During adulthood, age _____________ (is/ is not) a very good predictor of people’s traits. Aging ___________________ (slows/ speeds/ has no effect on) neural processing and causes a gradual loss of ___________________ _____________________. With age, the tips of our chromosomes, called __________________ shorten. However, they can be maintained by _________________________. Cognitive abilities of 70 year olds are _______ (less/ more) varied than 20 year olds.A research study in which the same people are retested over a period of years is called a ________________ study. Which statement illustrates cognitive development during the course of adult life?Forty three year old Sophia has better recognition memory than 73 year old Kyle.Both Sophia and Kyle have strong recall and recognition memory. Kyle’s recognition memory decreased sharply after age 50. Forty three year old Sophia has better recall memory than 73 year old Kyle. Marriage bonds are usually last when couples marry after age ____________ and are ______________________. After a series of unfulfilling relationships, 30 year old Mark tells a friend that he doesn’t want to marry because he is afraid of losing his freedom and independence. Erikson would say that mark having difficulty with the psychosocial task of Trust versus mistrustAutonomy versus doubtIntimacy versus isolation Identity versus role confusion Reactions to a loves one’s death ______________ (do/ do not) vary according to cultural norms. Those who express the strongest grief immediately ______________ (do/ do not) purge their grief more quickly. ................

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