Annual Report 20

Annual Report 2013-2014Annual Meeting Agenda12013 Annual Meeting Minutes2Pastor’s Reports3-4 John Petersen, Patrick Patterson Staff Reports5-9Wendy Paulson, Justine Carlson, Amy Olsen,Mandy Rubink, Chuck Hoogland, Garrett SteinbergPresident’s Report (Executive Committee)10-11 Scott BergsCommission Reports12-15Faithful PeopleServantJustice & PeaceWord & SacramentProclaim Altar Guild / Yarnworks 16Quilters/Library Committee 17Ministerial Report 18Endowment Fund 19-20Analysis of Revenues & Expenses 21-23Dedicated/Restricted Accounts24-25Balance Sheets by Fund262014 Christ the King Staff MembersPastor John Petersen, Senior PastorPastor Patrick Patterson, Pastor of AdministrationPastor Donohue Sarff, Pastor EmeritusWendy Paulson, Education DirectorJustine Carlson, Opportunity Coordinator / Education AssistantChuck Hoogland, Music DirectorGarrett Steinberg, Contemporary Music DirectorMandy Rubink, Jr. High Youth DirectorAmy Olsen, Administrative Assistant / Membership AmbassadorChris Thompson, Financial AdministratorDevin Rubink, Communications SpecialistMark Thompson, CustodianAl Lee, CustodianChrist the King Lutheran ChurchAnnual Business Meeting Agenda[updated 7-17-14]July 20, 2014 - 10:30 a.m.Opening PrayerEstablish QuorumCall to OrderApproval of AgendaApproval of Minutes: -Annual Meeting, July 14, 2013, page 2-Special Congregational Meeting, February 23, 2014 (reverse side of this sheet)Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report, pages 20-26Acceptance of Commission Reports, pages 12-15Endowment Committee Report, page 19ElectionApproval of 2014-2015 BudgetOld BusinessNew Business-Renew, Refresh, Rejoice-Austin Family RecognitionPastors’ Reports, pages 3-4Closing PrayerAdjournmentAnnual Business MeetingChrist the King Lutheran ChurchJuly 14, 2013Call to order by Brad Brozik, President of the Congregation at 10:48 a.m. There is a quorum present. Meeting will be presided by Scott Bergs, Vice-President of the Congregation.Opening Prayer: Pastor Patrick PattersonApproval of Agenda: Sarah Cramblit/John Frey. Motion. Passes. Approval of July 29, 2012 Minutes: Brad Brozik/Jennifer Johnson. Motion Passes.Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report: Ernie Retzlaff/Isaac Patterson. Motion Passes. Sarah Cramblit reviewed the report for the congregation and commented on the financial result of ending with a positive net difference of approximately $6000 compared to budget.Pastor Patterson added that we have 2.74 months of expenses held in cash on a goal of 3 months. This level varies throughout the year.Acceptance of Commission Reports: Jim Borseth/Al Lee. Motion Passes.Endowment Committee Report: Brad Brozik/Doug Cramblit. Motion Passes.Approval of 2013-2014 Budget: Jim Borseth/Julie Hatleli. Motion Passes. Pastor Patterson reviewed the balanced budget. He noted that the budget continues to become more accurate by the month rather than being entered as an annual amount with months averaged. This helps predict cash flow needs.Pastor Patterson also reviewed several specific missions that have plans for the coming years.Unfinished Business: NoneNew Business: Council NominationsSarah Person, Kevin Elliot, and Brian Hanson were nominated by the Nominating Committee. A written ballot was taken. Motion passed.Election of TreasurerAs part of the constitution we are required to nominate our Treasurer at each Annual Meeting.Nomination of Andi Johnson as Treasurer. Jim Borseth/Sarah Cramblit.No other nominations. Motion passed.Scott Bergs noted his thanks and congratulations to all elected.Question was asked as to the process that was used to determine our church policy toward gay marriage. Scott Bergs responded that this had indeed been a congregational decision through the council acting on its behalf of the congregation as elected representatives. The council received assistance from the Bishop as well. Acceptance of Pastors’ Reports: Al Lee/Kathy Brozik. Motion PassesClosing Prayer from Pastor PattersonAdjournment: Al Lee/ Garrett Steinberg. Motion Passes. Meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.Respectfully,Jeri RetzlaffCTK Council SecretarySenior Pastor – John R. PetersenI thank my God every time I think of you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of our partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:3-6 I’ve often wondered how Paul was able to be so thankful and so filled with joy so that every time he thought of the church and those who were a part of it – his heart filled to the brim to overflowing with reasons to rejoice? I have to believe there were some challenges posed to Paul by the members of this congregation. There had to be some issue that they couldn’t agree on to the extent that caused him to wonder – if only in the far reaches of his thought process – Why did I ever let the bishop convince me to accept a call to this place? So, what was it that caused Paul to be so thankful and so filled with joy whenever he thought of this church? It was their partnership – their Partnership In the Gospel. I thank my God, says Paul every time I think of you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of our partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now. This Partnership – it was their purpose – it was their mission. They had come to a place in their life together as a congregation where they not only recognized, but acknowledged God’s design and God’s desire for each of them individually and all of them together as followers of his son, Jesus Christ. Short of a lot of prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, Paul doesn’t tell us how they got to the point of understanding their relationship to one another and to God as a partnership, but I have to believe that a strategic planning process was involved! Whatever it was, it brought about Koinonia – the term used by Paul for this Partnership – is a joint venture in which all parties actively participate to ensure the success of the mission. The word itself expresses intimacy with Christ and other believers. There is a sense of oneness among the members of this congregation. It is them together with Christ living out God’s desire and God’s design for his Kingdom through them. And by God’s Grace and the power of the Holy Spirit they are now able to move this Partnership forward to its God intended goal. Did the struggles and challenges go away – of course not. In some ways they only intensified. But the focus of this group of church members was not on any one of the challenges or issues – but rather on their life and work together in and for the sake of the gospel. And it was that commitment that brought both Paul and the members of First Church of Philippi – joy and rejoicing. Their focus was on their partnership in the gospel and as long as it remained there, the work that God had entrusted to them would be accomplished.As I write this last annual report as senior pastor of the church that bears our Savior’s name, it is my prayer that Christ the King will continue to join together in this Gospel Partnership to be that caring community committed to empower all people to know Christ and to make Christ known. Lord Christ, you have no body on earth but ours – no feet but ours. Ours are the eyes through which your compassion must look out on the world. Ours are the feet by which you may still go about doing good. Ours are the hands with which you bless people now. Bless our minds and bodies that we may be a blessing to others. Amen Administrative Pastor – Patrick A. PattersonIt’s a Vision ThingWhere there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18Having vision is an important aspect of any endeavor, but I believe it’s foundational to what we do as a church. Author Steven Covey wrote that you must begin with the end in sight. I believe that’s a good working definition of vision. I began this adventure in ministry at CTK seven years ago with a congregational planning process that helped clearly articulate God’s preferred future for our congregation. We’ve been working together since then to clarify the vision for reaching those missional goals to be a caring community committed to empower all people to know Christ and make Christ known. With any process there are twists and turns along the way. Our context has changed numerous times since the mission was first articulated, and we’ve made mid-course corrections to adjust. Seeing that elements of our Christian education efforts had plateaued, we envisioned an entirely new approach that ushered in a Wednesday night experience of food, fellowship, worship and learning that quickly surpassed our Sunday participation levels. After moving beyond our previous governance functionality, we envisioned a new model based on our baptismal promises to help everyone live those promises daily. When state law changed to end marriage discrimination based on gender preference, we developed a faithful response based on God’s unconditional love. While it’s not always easy to see what God is up to in our rapidly changing world, we have continually worked together as a church family to act faithfully. This year we learned of another change in our context. After nearly 19 years as the senior pastor at CTK, Pastor John announced his decision to step down from that position. The council had been preparing for the eventuality of a pastoral vacancy. A year earlier it had charged a Pastoral Continuity Mission Team with the task of envisioning how to move through such a transition in leadership with the least amount of disruption to our mission as possible. This demonstrated good vision, but because it was outside of commonly accepted practice, the mission team recommendations met with resistance. Once again, church leadership acted faithfully, and we now stand on the threshold of calling a new senior pastor. God’s mission for Christ the King propels us forward, and we continually adjust to our changing context with a vision for helping all people get involved. It’s not always easy but it is always life giving. Being ambassadors of Christ here in this place is our call and our opportunity. Sharing the love and grace of our Savior with one another and the world God created and loves so much is knit into the very fiber of our being. It’s up to us all to find ways to do it better. By inviting greater participation we become a more effective family of laborers going into a harvest that is plentiful. It’s a vision thing: us capturing God’s vision for our world, and then having the vision to bring it to completion. It’s not just a good idea; it’s what we’re called to do. If I’m called as your new senior pastor, it will be my responsibility to help us see this shared vision for our ministry to completion so that none will perish. It’s a vision thing; are you with me?Wendy Paulson – Children’s Education DirectorJAM and Kids Klub ~ This year, both the Sunday morning JAM and Wednesday night Kids Klub children’s ministry programs used Workshop Rotation Model. Over the past 10 years, rotation model at CTK has proven to be the way to keep kids engaged and in God’s Word. While the number of registered children is almost equal from Sunday to Wednesday, more Pre-K children attend Sundays, and more older elementary attend Wednesdays. Rotation model is adapted accordingly to manage the numbers on both days.Rainbow Room ~ Justine Carlson continues to oversee the program for 3-5 year olds as they begin their exploration into timeless Bible stories. The Rainbow Room provides children with the basis they need to move on to the workshop rotation model. They experience hands-on and interactive learning styles as they rotate each Sunday morning to music, snack, craft and story. Every week, their lesson comes directly from the Beginner’s Bible and a scripture verse is reinforced at each area so they become familiar with God’s Word.VBS ~ We continued our tradition of the last 3 years with the newest Go Fish curriculum: Gotta Move for Vacation Bible School; a fun-filled week praising God and ‘keepin’ in step with the spirit’! 150 CTK and Messiah kids learned what it means to be a Christian and walk with God. Having faith means we Gotta Move! And we did…through His Grace, His Word, His Son, His Forgiveness and His Spirit. The favorite field trip to Jack McGowan’s farm, lots of games, crafts, music and Bible study, rounded out with a program for parents gave us a full week of learning about how God provides everything we need to be close to him, all we have to do is respond!Wacky-doodle Wednesdays ~ Our newest children’s ministry offering began the summer of 2013 when we introduced Wacky-doodle. Six Wednesdays in the summer filled with fun and fellowship and God in our midst of prayer doodles that bring 1st through 6th graders together to play and pray. Play: we take off on a fun adventure that engages kids in fellowship with their peers and their high school leader. Pray: using the theme of 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, children learn to pray with doodles.CheckPoint ~ Christ the King is serious about safeguarding God’s children and we are concerned for the safety and protection of children any time they are in our facility. Checkpoint provides parents with the assurance that CTK staff can identify and confirm the location of children at any time, and especially in the case of an emergency. Checkpoint is an online check-in/check-out system that assures a child is only being sent home with the parent (or a designated person of their choice). This program was implemented in the summer programs and continues to be used in all children’s ministries throughout the year.CLEM Kids ~ The King’s Messenger page for parents of children 3 years old to 6th grade – is a way to communicate all that is happening in children’s ministry on a monthly basis. This keeps the congregation, and especially parents, informed of what children are learning, when volunteers are needed, and any special events taking place.All these opportunities for children provide them with a basis for comprehensive life-long education ministry so that all can grow together to Know Christ and to make Christ Known.1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ~ Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.Justine CarlsonEducation AssistantOn Sunday mornings in the Rainbow Room we teach pre-school and kindergarten children Bible stories, lessons and scripture from both the Old and New Testaments. This is accomplished by using a mini rotation format where the children rotate from story to snack to craft after starting their morning off with music. Each of these areas reinforces the Bible story of the day and scripture verse. Music in the Rainbow Room is led in a large group setting by Elaine Marzinske with accompanist Shannon Beal. These children, the Rainbow Choir, sing for the congregation in church during Rotation ‘Raps throughout the school year. The Wednesday night children have music a few times a month with MaryBeth Patterson.In the Kids Klub Rainbow Room, our Wednesday evening ministry, the children also learn Bible stories, lessons and scripture from both the Old and New Testaments just as we do on Sunday mornings. We continued using the same rotation format of transitioning between story, craft and snack. Wacky-doodle Wednesdays and VBS are other areas of ministry where I, along with the Wacky-doodle or VBS team plan & implement programing for fun, God filled days for children 3yr. – 6th grade.Opportunity CoordinatorAs Opportunity Coordinator it is my responsibility to find, organize and contact volunteers for all the ministry opportunities we have right here at CTK and in the community. As we continue to learn all that our software system - ACS Technologies - can offer us, my role has expanded to manage different parts of the database and to help congregation members learn how this software can benefit them. I was privileged to once again be able to attend the annual ACS Technologies conference in May. The conference was held in Nashville, TN where I was able to attend eleven different workshops learning many valuable tools, tips and ideas on how best to continue to make this new software work for our congregation. I was able to network not only with the experts from ACS Technologies but many other individuals who come from all different types of churches. Amy Olsen – Membership AmbassadorThis year marks my second year adding the position ‘Membership Ambassador’ to my title.We held new member orientation in October and April, and welcomed 87 new members consisting of 36 households in the past year. Thanks to the New Membership Mission Team consisting of Lynn and Darla Austin, Angie Cofield, Karen Moritz, Gretchen Spear, and Amy Zimmermann for their help with staffing the Welcome Center during reception months, as well as their availability to meet and greet the newest members of our congregation during orientation and new member reception Sunday.The Faithful People Commission is hoping to implement a membership engagement program, where I will assist in the process of finding new ways for our membership to interact.I encourage all of you with electronic means to sign up for MyCTK, our electronic connection tool which allows you to stay connected with our congregational members as well as church activities/events. This era of smartphones, tablets, and online profiles helps CTK members mobilize themselves to meet the fluctuating demands of a connected and informed world.Mandy Rubink – Jr. High Youth Director“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not your own doing; it’s the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8A snapshot of how our youth have been CTK-ing this past year--Continuously Love:Highlighted Fellowship— Over the past year, our students have had a wonderful time with one another. We began the year by taking a bus-load of youth to Valleyfair to ride on roller coasters and eat junk food. In November, 37 junior high students attended an overnight ELCA youth gathering listening to bands and speakers. Following the new year we had some new activities, such as, a Where’s Waldo hunt at the Mall of America and a trip to AirMaxx trampoline park. During the March Lock-In, students stayed up all night playing games, eating pizza and having a Nerf Gun war. Truthfully Speak:Highlighted Education— Throughout our 2013-14 CLUB program, we dug deep into the Old Testament, focusing on the Ten Commandments. We spent two weekends in October with 7th & 8th graders at Camp Victory participating in Group Building activities and enjoying God’s creation. In February, our 9th grade students spent their time at Camp Victory “Theocaching” and creating a Spiritual Map, preparing for their upcoming confirmation. In May, 37 confirmands affirmed their baptismal promises. Kindly Serve:Highlighted Service— CLUB groups have worked all year serving our church and community. In October, they collected essential items for The Reach, supplying more than 50 backpacks full of toothpaste, shampoo, soaps, warm socks (and much more!) for homeless youth in Mankato. Groups also helped at the Salvation Army, local nursing homes, ECHO food shelf and many other organizations. In addition to various beautifying and cleaning on our church grounds, groups have also worked at several Christ the King events such as the Advent Brunch, Pancake Breakfast and Riverblenders dinner. Our 7th-12th graders also play a pivotal role in our Vacation Bible School and Wacky-Doodle Wednesday programs. Thank you so much for your part in celebrating the love of Jesus with our youth as we know Christ and make Christ known.Chuck Hoogland – Director of Music“So has the church, in liturgy and song, in faith and love, through centuries of wrong, borne witness to the truth in every tongue:Alleluia!” -ELW #850, & 851 (v.3)Worship Choir – What can I say about the Worship Choir that has not already been said?! We are a family of God who ministers to the Christ the King congregation in Word and song. We pray every week for many people and concerns. The Worship Choir is one of the oldest organizations at CTK. It is made up of great people – young and not so young! We would LOVE to welcome some new members – people of all ages – from high school to old school. 7:00 PM Wednesday evening in the Music Room – stop in and check us out!Kids – If your kids or grandkids like to sing, I would love to spend some time with them just playing with songs for the fun of it. Maybe they would like to sing in church sometime – and maybe they would just like to experiment with singing. Either way, give me a call (507-390-5852) or email (chuckh@) and bring ‘em on in!Rainbow Choir – Next time you see Elaine Marzinske, ask her how many years she has been leading music for pre-schoolers – I bet it’s 40+! Thanks to Shannon Beal, Matt Norland and Katie Wayne who help her out on the piano. They get to sing at the 9:30 service five times a year. There’s nothing more precious than watching and listening to these adorable preschoolers!Vesper Voices – Saturday worshipers have been treated to the music of this dedicated group of “more mature” singers for several years. Anne Frey founded and organized this group. They are on ‘hiatus’ for now but may start up again at a later date.Bells of the Crown & King’s Carillons – Ellen Petersen and Rod Urtel have directed our two handbell choirs who rehearse on Wednesday evenings and ring on the 2nd Sunday of the month. With Pastor John’s retirement, Ellen will be greatly missed.Contemporary Worship – The 9:30 Contemporary Worship Service is led by Garrett Steinberg and the Praise Band. If more modern music styles are your preference, this is the service for you.Annual CTK Kids’ Musical Camp - held in August every year. This year’s 7th annual production will be the musical, “Life Is Good” – about people who have had difficulties in their lives, but with God things turn out well. The camp will be held from August 11-15 from 1:00 to 4:30 PM with presentations at each worship service on August 16 & 17. We welcome kids from everywhere – and every year there are more and more kids who are not members of CTK! We have such a great time!!!Christmas Musical Camp – For the last 3 years we have held a CTK Kids’ Christmas Musical Camp between Christmas and New Year’s. Last year we presented “The Christmas Carol Special Report” which was about the celebration of Christmas in different parts of the world. Plans are in development to do another great musical this year right after Christmas.WE ARE SO GRATEFUL FOR THE TALENTS AND WILLING HELP OF:Elaine Marzinske, Shannon Beal, Matt Norland & Katie Wayne – who lead & accompany the Rainbow ChoirEllen Petersen – Worship Choir accompanist – we’ll REALLY miss you, Ellen! You are a treasure!Marlys Heller-Leitig – substitute organist – (we organists LOVE our subs!)Anne Frey – foundation of the Vesper Voices!Al Lee, the Lee family, and lots of great young people who help him – our valuable media experts!Rod Urtel & Ellen Petersen – talented & dedicated directors of handbell choirs!Mary Beth Patterson – talented music leader of JAM and Kids KlubPastor John, Pastor Patrick & Pastor Don – who support & inspire CTK music!Amy, Wendy, Justine, Mandy, Chris & Betty – our fantastic staff! (We miss you Betty!)Garrett Steinberg – great Contemporary Worship leader!Kathy Brozik – a great volunteer who schedules & coordinates all special music – a fantastic help!Mark Thompson & Al Lee – who magically make things work and run!Every person who has ever sung or played music in any form at CTK – you complete our program!Contemporary Worship Director – Garrett SteinbergContemporary worship continues to expand and grow at Christ the King. Leading worship at 9:30 and Wednesday nights are very enjoyable for us in the band. We are exploring different styles and mixing in old styles with new styles of worship music. I am very thankful for such great band members, and the dedication to the group. We have a lot of fun providing music for the service, and hope that you enjoy it! We try to bring a variety of musicians in to mix it up and have experiences that are new and exciting! I continue to enjoy working at Christ the King and being involved with the music ministry here.Presidents Report 2014 – Scott BergsThank you to each member of our wonderful congregation for your contributions to another year of deepening our relationship with God through Christ Jesus, here at Christ the King. What a year it has been. From the beginning in July 2013 until the end of June, 2014, Christ the King has been transforming and evolving; while staying focused as our home-base for knowing Christ and making Christ known. Some Highlights from the Past Year: *We welcomed four new members to your church Council – Brian Hansen, Kevin Elliot – Secretary, Melissa “Missy” Bradley – Treasurer, and Sarah Person – Vice President. We were extremely excited to have these talented and generous folks dedicate their time and expertise to enhancing our ability to serve our congregation’s needs. They have been invaluable additions to the team.* Our first annual Block Party was a great success. After reaching out to community, inviting members and non-members alike to join our celebration with Christ, we had a great turn out highlighted by great food, excellent music, fun games and wonderful friends – old and new. No doubt the event was the cornerstone for a tradition that will be with us for a very long time.*CTK Children, guided by Chuck Hoogland, learned about Christ while entertaining us all with the musical – Table for 5000. * In September, in addition to kicking off our education programs from the Rainbow Room to CLUB, we also tried a modified service schedule and a new format for the 10:30 service – a service of sharing. As with all things new, we learned some things, tried to adapt and continue to find creative ways to make Christ known to those for whom our traditional worship format may not be the only way to connect. *Fall presented a changing of the guard with our ELCA leadership, with the installation of Bishop Steve Delzer in our own Southeast Minnesota Synod and Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Reverend Elizabeth A. Eaton. We are thankful for their guidance and support and pray for them as they discern God’s chosen priorities and possibilities through the ELCA and within our Synod.*Our Covenant Commissions and Mission Teams had a busy year serving Christ’s mission within our congregation, community and well beyond. A specific focus, as guided by Bishop Delzer was to focus on eliminating food insecurity. We supported this goal in many ways including supporting Angel Tree, Food for Friends and the Backpack Food Program; and we are just getting started. *Staying true to our commitment to be faithful stewards of the resources that God has committed to our use, a team working with students from MSU’s engineering department engaged in a study of ways to become more energy efficient and eco-friendly while enhancing the functionality of our facilities. This invaluable study resulted in several recommendations and potential projects, many of which are in the process of implementation and/or budgeting. Stay tuned for exciting news from our Renew, Refresh, Rejoice team!*Our Vision Team continues to look into the future and reflect back to our current programs to find ways to fulfill part of our mission - to be a “caring community.” This helped us prioritize several projects to support those who are hungry, those suffering loss of a loved one, those in financial crisis and others. While our vision continues to evolve, we are guided by our wonderful Pastors toward God’s intended future for us all. *While not always as exciting or rewarding as the projects that directly and personally serve those in need, it is important that we executed a successful stewardship pledge drive and Pastor Patrick and his team, supported by the Council, developed a strong budget that will enable us to continue to serve God’s purpose for us all through Christ the King. *We renewed, clarified and revised our relationship with our wonderful program partner, Ecumen – Pathstone Day Living. Through this process we also learned much more about how this valuable program uniquely serves the needs of God’s people in our community and allowed us to mutually confirm how Christ the King can best support that goal.*Our CTK staff have been so wonderful; continuously serving us all through these times of change and ever striving to achieve God’s purpose for us while making us all feel served by them. Thank you for all you do each and every day.*With all of the wonderful changes that the seasons of this year brought, no doubt the most bittersweet change was the change in our Pastoral Leadership. Pastor John’s decision to retire provided us with the opportunity to reflect on just how blessed we have been to have him guiding us over the past 18 years with his: leadership, thoughtful and insightful expression of God’s word and its applicability to our daily lives, gifted and spirited singing, and ever steadying presence in times of controversy, challenge and strife. He and Ellen will be so missed. Yet we are thankful for all that Pastor John has provided and for the gifts that Pastor Patrick continues to share. *As we anxiously await the next chapter of Pastoral Ministry here at Christ the King, a Call Committee was formed to fill the Senior Pastor role. They were supported by earlier work done by the Pastoral Continuity Mission Team and many other members of the congregation. Lead by Michael Krediet, this Call Committee dedicated countless hours and careful, prayerful deliberation to make a recommendation to call Pastor Patrick as our next Senior Pastor. Our congregation will vote on that call recommendation July 20, 2014. Times of change present great challenge and often a temptation to be pulled apart by our differing opinions and beliefs. I feel so fortunate that this congregation has remained focused on those, more important beliefs that we share … that we are all here striving to serve Christ in the best way we know how. This spirit of service was ever present among your tireless servants on the Church Council. I cannot thank these people enough for the long meetings, research, often difficult deliberations and consistent support for one another and our entire church family. So, a special thanks to the Church Council and Executive Committee for their commitment to help CTK be a Caring Community that knows Christ and makes Christ known …. to our Congregation, our Community, our Country, and the World! Church Council Members: Sarah Person, Kevin Elliott, Missy Bradley , Brad Brozik, Dan Anderson, Bill Kozitza, Julie Hatleli, DeeAnn Snaza, Jim Armbruster, Matt Norland, Brian Hansen Faithful People Commission – Bill Bickett, ChairpersonMembers of the Faithful People Commission include: Susan and David Raasch, Lynn and Darla Austin, Mike and Jennifer Johnson, Sharon Hanson, Mickey Moe, Sonja Kruger, and Bill Bickett. Church Council liaisons include Jim Armbruster and Brian Hansen.This year has been exciting as well as challenging. The challenge has been collecting the multiple lists of duties and responsibilities into a single master calendar and then coordinating our efforts with other commissions, staff, and groups of Faithful People members providing services to the congregation and community.The exciting activity has been coordinating all the Fun Living events which bring members of the congregation together to experience activities and fellowship within a Christian environment. In addition to the usual events such as the Twins Baseball game, sledding parties, etc., we also reactivated the “Sharing of the Peace” at worship services.New events such as attending Church Basement Ladies “Last Potluck Supper” and the ACS mentoring program were also initiated. The highlight of the year was the Block Party Blast which was considered a great success by everyone’s standards.More events are in the planning stages including the Marriage Care Event in the fall, and member engagement events.Our long term challenge will be gradually transitioning from a Baby Boomer centered ministry, to one more closely aligned with the Gen X and Millennial generations. Three new members have been added to the commission (Anna Thill, Kristine Schneider, and McKenzie Mulder) which will greatly enhance this effort.Justice & Peace Commission – Nancy Patterson, ChairpersonMembers : Chuck Syverson, John Frey, Mary Lou Haldorson, Margo Brudwick, Mary McClure, Sue Van Boening, Emma Kind, Nancy Patterson?We continue to do the Prayer Calendar. Each of us submits ideas and Pastor Don adds the rest to the template.The Green Energy Mission Team has had success in gaining a Made in Minnesota solar energy incentive to help provide a 40mw/h solar array on a new energy efficient roof. The Fair Trade Mission Team has determined that the demand for fair trade products sold through the church is not sufficient to sustain the effort. We will discontinue on-site sales and continue to build awareness for fair trade that can be purchased at most major retailers.We have been gathering information and more interested folks for the youth and family mental health mission team and will be gearing up in the fall.Other Mission Teams looking for more volunteers are the Muhintiri, ELCA Social Awareness, Youth and Family Mental Health Mission Team, and the Chilean Mission Team (supporting missionary Karen Anderson).Current members are serving 1 yr, 2 yrs or 3 yr terms and we are hoping to have as many as 10 people serving on our commission.?We had a busy year and a focused commission, thanks to each member for the sharing of their time and many talents.Proclaim Commission – Ann Stewart, ChairpersonMembers: Ashley Eimer (resignation March 2014), Kevin Klanderud, Devin Rubink (CTK communications specialist), Ann Stewart, Denny Wahlstrom, Dan Anderson (council representative) and Pastor Patrick Patterson.Terms end for commission members Denny Wahlstrom and Ann Stewart (June 2014)The Proclaim Commission, based on the 3rd affirmation of faith promise to proclaim the good news of God to Christ through word and deed, shall:Research & develop educational ministries for the purpose of helping our congregation and community with social issues.Seek to find ways to stimulate the witness enthusiasm of our membersOversee the service group ministryCreate & evaluate programs that utilize the time & talents of youth and adult membersThis recap report reflects the discussion and activities for the Proclaim Commission for the period of August 2013 – July 2014. The beginning topics assigned were advertising, public relations, inviting, Imagineering, youth involvement, community engagement and internal/external communications. The following Mission Team Opportunities were assigned to the Proclaim Commission to be planned, coordinated and/or implemented by appropriate staff and interested volunteers.Update CTK Member Pictorial Directory. (completion goal summer 2014)Engage & Network CTK Members with Promotion & use of CTK-ACS Technologies System and Commitment Sign-up Opportunities. (on-going)Use of CTK Web/Social & Electronic Media/Printed Materials for continued communication. (on-going)Invite Community to CTK Ministry Areas such as mid-week community supper & worship service and summer Block Party. (on-going)Children’s Christmas Program & Youth Musical Events are coordinated by dedicated staff & volunteer team.A special thank you is extended to Devin Rubink, CTK Communications Specialists, who plays an important role in collecting and implementing the social, electronic and printed media communication efforts for the many activities and events for our church. It was suggested that an Advertising/Public Relations Mission Team be developed and given the task of reviewing current procedures and then developing a list of suggestions for a CTK Communication & Media Plan. Finally, additional members continue to be needed for the Proclaim Commission as we begin the new church year. If anyone is interested and/or would like further information, please contact Pastor Patrick.Servant Commission – Mary Oudekerk, ChairpersonMembers of the Servant Commission include Joel Botten, Kim Bristol, Cindy Kehoe, Marilyn Mathiason, Becky Moe, Mary Oudekerk, Sean Sletten, Todd Lundquist, Vicki Ball, and Jo Falgren.This year the Servant Commission sought to live out the fourth baptismal promise – to serve all people, following the example of Jesus – in the following ways. Food for Friends – several members of the congregation as well as one CLUB small group joined together on six different occasions to serve a congregate meal at the Salvation Army dining hall. CTK has been involved in this ministry for a number of years. This year a major change was made in how we provide food for Food for Friends. CTK’s executive chef Renee Retzlaf prepares the food in our kitchen. This change has provided a significant savings in food costs. We will continue this ministry in the coming year. We have invited all of our benevolence partners to a Benevolence Expo at CTK on Sunday, October 12, 2014 where all members of the congregation will have an opportunity to visit with representatives from the varied ministries we support with our benevolence dollars. Angel Tree ministry has continued this year under the dedicated guidance of Kim Bristol. We provided gifts at Christmas time and will be providing backpacks and school supplies in the fall for several children who have a parent that is currently incarcerated. We provided help for Wednesday night Community Suppers as well as helping serve communion throughout the year. We invited Greg Gudal and other representatives from Prairie River Camp near Bricelyn, MN to come and share how they minister to Angel Tree families in the Summer. We agreed to help provide some camperships for the coming season. Word & Sacrament Commission – Tom Kopp, ChairpersonMembers include: Tom Kopp, Wanda Lloyd, Dave Mathiason, Karen Moritz, Jeri Retzlaff, Steve Mork, Michael Much, Dorothy Redding, Denise Rudolf, Stacey Sonnek, Matt Norland, and Bill KozitzaAlong with the other Commissions we have helped serve Communion and Community Supper Major topic of monthly discussion and delineation – Weekly Worship Schedule – worked together with pastoral staff to study issues related to this topic – families in Church, etc. After much discussion we recommended to the council the following worship format:-Wednesday Night 6:00pm (Community Service)-Saturday Night – 5:30 (Contemporary Service)-Sunday Morning – 8:15 (Traditional Service)-Sunday Morning 9:30 (Contemporary Service) 10:30 (Service of Caring)Additionally, with this schedule, we recommended continuing the Rotation Rap Sundays at the 9:30 Contemporary Service, as they have been going well. Received regular reports from Education Staff regarding all aspects of CLEM – The Comprehensive Life Long Education Ministry at CTK. Rotations at JAM, Kid’s Klub, CLUB 7,8,& 9 as well as the Rainbow Room and Adult Educational opportunities. VBS was “Keepin’ In Step with the Spirit” which has great substance and is upbeat and encouraging for the kids. The Go Fish Curriculum continues to be very well received by the students and staff. Musical for students grades 1 through high school was held in August with performances on the 17th & 18th - “Feeding of the 5000” was this year’s Musical. CLEM Kick-Off was held September 8th and again included a blessing of backpacks along with 3rd grade Bible distribution All Saints Mission Team once again added pictures of loved ones we remember during the time of remembrance and roses presented to family members present. Advent/Christmas Decorating Mission Team beautifully enhanced our Christmas worship again this year. We again participated in a Round Robin Preaching schedule during the mid-week Lenten services this year with 4 other ELCA churches and in the Mankato area. Once again, the Committee discussed the summer worship schedule and after discussion and debate, we recommended to the Council the following Summer 2014 schedule: Wednesday – No worship Saturday – 5:30 p.m. – Lutheran Liturgical Worship Sunday – 8:15 a.m. – Lutheran Liturgical Worship 9:30 a.m. – Alternate between Praise & Proclamation & Contemporary There will be no 10:30 Service for the summer.The rationale continues as follows: Keep consistency in our Sunday worship schedule.Alternate the 9:30 worship format (Praise & Proclamation and Contemporary). Keep the service times close for fellowship in between services as the 8:15 departs and the 9:30 arrives.Offer worship services early enough so that individuals or families can still go and do whatever they're busy with during the summer months.? Altar GuildThe Altar Guild of Christ the King is a Bible study circle, a service organization for the church, and a supporter of charitable causes. We meet the second Wednesday of each month, from September through June. Dessert fellowship is followed by a business meeting and Bible study led by members. The Altar Guild celebrates fellowship and friendship found in this group by enjoying lunch at a local restaurant, usually in August. We always welcome new members.Our members schedule communion preparers, prepare communion, keep communion supplies current, make baptismal napkins, and maintain and clean vessels used in communion and robes for communion servers and pastors.The Altar Guild serves a Christmas luncheon for the church staff and church members who do the communion preparation.Our guild has given the following charitable donations this year…$50.00 to Lutheran World Relief – typhoon victims$50.00 to CTK Wednesday Night Suppers$75.00 to the Salvation Army – cantina lunches$75.00 to the CTK carpet fund$175 to the Backpack Food ProgramOur members include Marilyn Bigbee, Gen Carlson, Nancy Compton, Marilyn Dundas, Tracy Goodburn, Ada Harris, Shirley James, Marlys Jorgenson, Jan Meier, Karen Mesrobian, Irene Mickelson, June Nelson, Bonnie Olson, Phyllis Retzlaff, and Jodie Wallschlaeger. Officers include…Co-Chairs: Tracy Goodburn and Nancy ComptonVice-Chair: Shirley JamesSecretary/Treasurer: Jan MeierSunshine Secretary: Bonnie OlsonThe Altar Guild is indebted to those members of the congregation who assist with communion preparation.YarnworksThe prayer shawl ministry has handed out 25 prayer shawls in the fiscal year. We currently have 14 knitters working on projects. Heartfelt thanks to the following knitters for doing such a great job keeping up with the need and demand for prayer shawls… Shirley Wilson, Judy Witt, Dorothy Dahn, Norma Pulis, Marilyn Mathiason, Delpha Skelly, Shirley Anklam, Linda Eisenbeis, Dorothy Redding, Donna Else, Mary Jo Book, Jennifer Waldriff, Kathy Bruss, and Tracy Goodburn.To better serve the church community of members in need of prayer shawls, please contact Tracy Goodburn, leader, at 507-995-8107 to arrange a delivery.QuiltersQuilters had a very busy and productive year.? We exceeded our goal of 125 quilts by actually making 150 quilts.? Most of them went to Lutheran World Relief to become part of the 450,000 quilts distributed worldwide in 2013.So far in 2014 we have completed 67 quilts, with several more in various stages of production.? Three of our quilts went to quilt auctions for Bible Camps – Green Lake, Okoboji and Good Earth.? We presented quilts to several families who were moving into their new Habitat for Humanity homes.? Also, some were given to the Reach program for homeless youth, and to Teresa House.??????? Thank you to everyone who donated supplies and cash to the quilters.? Thank you to all who donated time, talent, and materials this year. A special thank you to the anonymous lady or ladies who have sewed beautiful “designer” quilt tops and placed them in the quilt closet.? We appreciate them and have tried to turn them into very special quilts.?? Please continue to remember us when you are getting rid of old blankets, sheets, or unused new fabric.? We also welcome cash, as we have to buy batting and pay mileage to the person who delivers the quilts to the LWR warehouse.??????? We invite you to join our group.? We meet on the last Wednesday of each month from 9:00am until 3:00pm.? The following ladies participated during this past year: Bonnie Olson, Donna Else, Dorothy Dahn, Emmy Geppert, Gen Carlson, Janet Bergerson, Jo Syverson, Joy Braaten, Kathy Bruss, Marie Bautch, Marilyn Dundas, Mary Salge, Mary Jo Book, Maxine Thompson, Shirley James, Tracy Goodburn.Library CommitteeThe Library Committee’s purpose is to make books and resources available to anyone interested. The library is open whenever the church is open and operates on a self-serve basis. Instructions for checking out books and a list of new books in the library are available on the check-out table.During the fiscal year, we bought 52 new books and received many donated books. We also bought two wing-back chairs at a garage sale.Donated books and monetary donations are greatly appreciated. If we receive donated books that we already have in the library, or we feel are not appropriate for our library, they are donated to one of the local charities or are returned, if the person who donated them requests to have them back.Questions, suggestions, donations, and volunteers are always welcome! Current committee members include: Marie Bautch, Joy Braaten, Kathy Bruss, Donna Else, Marilyn Mathiason, Kris Norland, Shirley Wilson, Emmy Geppert and Mary Salge.2013-2014 MINISTERIAL REPORT(July 2013-July 2014)PASTORAL ACTSChildren Baptized37Adults Baptized 0 Confirmations: 37 Weddings 21Funerals22 MEMBERSHIP REPORTINCREASES:a. By Baptism 37b. By New Members 87DECREASES:a. By Death20 b. By Transfer16c. Inactivity / Requested Removal (no transfer)44/ Statistical AdjustmentTOTAL BAPTIZED MEMBERSHIP2738USHER’S REPORTSPECIAL SERVICESWednesdays During Lent (Avg.)439Total Holy Week Attendance735Easter Day Attendance1310Thanksgiving Eve378Christmas Eve1108Christmas Day110Average Weekly Worship:Wednesday: 304Saturday: 79Sunday: 8:15/131 9:30/17510:30/3249530127000 CTK ENDOWMENT FUND 2014 Annual Report“Because we, today, are the history of tomorrow, we must ask ourselves each day -What we are doing that may have an influence on the future!”The Christ the King Endowment Fund committee held meetings quarterly during 2013-14. The key focus of the committee is to continue the efforts to communicate the purpose and benefits of the Endowment Fund and planned giving opportunities and as appropriate, make an annual distribution of interest income based on approved guidelines. In August 2013 the CTK Council approved the recommendation to appoint Ann Stewart to an additional 3-year term.Endowment Fund Publicity and Education ResourcesPlanned giving information printed monthly in CTK MessengerEndowment Fund information posted on the CTK website & Electronic Message BoardEndowment Fund Brochure & Gift Envelope available at Narthex information boothCTK Endowment Fund information folder available by contacting the senior pastorPlanned giving resources available in CTK LibraryEndowment Fund 2013-2014 account interest income of $ 3,250 [Distribution in 2014] CTK “Wacky Doodle” Wednesday/Summer youth program$ 500YWCA Mankato –“Girls on the Run/Girls on Track” Program$ 500ELCA ‘Good Gifts’ Program – Farm Animal Purchase in Africa $ 500YOUNG LIFE Christian Teen Outreach Program/Mkto East H.S.$ 500 Mankato ECHO Food Shelf $ 500 CTK Camper Scholarship Fund$ 750 ____________Total: $3,250The committee members are dedicated to the purpose, growth and management of the Christ the KingEndowment Fund. The focus and major goal is to assist and support the growth and distribution ofinvestment income for Christian mission and endeavors now and in the future. The interest rates have declined these past few years; however there is hope for more positive indicators for the future. Endowment Fund Committee members:Ann Stewart, ChairJane SchwickertMorrie BorglumDave Thompson, Treasurer Rod MeyerPastor John Petersen ................

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