Hillsboro Tuesday Teen MarketplaceFAQsWhat type of item can I sell at Hillsboro Tuesday Teen Marketplace?You may sell hand-made items that are made by you only. Or, it could be a service that is unique, such as face painting, balloon animals, etc. Need ideas-do a search on the internet, Pinterest (search: teen crafts, teen business)More ideas: I need a business license to participate?No, this is a special case where you will not need a business license.Do I need to pay for my spot at Hillsboro Tuesday Teen Marketplace?No, this is a special opportunity for students and there is no cost for your spot. You will need to pay for any supplies that you use for your business.If I sell all of my items in 30 minutes, can I leave Hillsboro Tuesday Teen Marketplace?No, you are required to stay until closing (8:00 pm) each night.Can I go into partnership with someone else?Yes, in most cases. The partner will need to complete the packet and the pre-meetings as well as participate in all of the selected events. Please note your partnership on the Checklist page. If you have a sibling that you are partnering with, at least one sibling needs to be in high school.How will the selection process work?Students will be selected on the basis of their business idea and completed paperwork. Please note that you may have a great idea, but if five students have the same idea, the selection committee will bend towards the strength of the paperwork and student letter.Can I use these hours towards my required hours for internship/senior project?Yes. This is a great way to get a jump on your senior year. Hillsboro Tuesday Teen Marketplace Experiencecenter0All students that wish to participate in this experience must submit ALL of the following (as one packet) to their college and Career Center by Friday, March 19, 2015. 00All students that wish to participate in this experience must submit ALL of the following (as one packet) to their college and Career Center by Friday, March 19, 2015. Student Name:________________________Email:_________________________________High School:_______________________________________________________________Checklist: _____1. Checklist form (this page)_____ 2. Resume_____3. Student Letter of Introduction with business idea:1st paragraph- Student introduction and career interest.2nd paragraph-Any related business/crafting experiences.3rd paragraph-Your idea for the business (pictures are welcome) _____4. Pre-requisite-Provide copy of Certificate of Completion for Young Entrepreneurs; An Essential Guide to Starting Your Own Business. Available online at: . Completed and signed parent/guardian Parent Permission Agreement._____6. I have read the FAQs (first page)_____7. I have a table and chair (or can borrow them from family/friend to set up in the booth at Tuesday Teen Marketplace. ___Yes ___No_____8. I am partnering with another student. His/her name is :______________________________9. Summer Date Choices Form Please turn in completed packet to your high school College and Career Center by 3/19/2015:PARENT PERMISSION/AGREEMENTBy signing below the student and parent/guardian acknowledge understanding that the student is required to participate fully in the Tuesday Teen Marketplace experience. By signing below I am confirming that my student will participate fully (All pre-meetings and all five Tuesdays selected) in the Tuesday Teen Marketplace experience and follow all instructions. Failure to follow all instructions may result in cancellation of this experience. This experience is expected to serve as the internship experience or towards their senior project for graduation requirement. I also agree that my child’s picture/name could be used by School to Work staff , Hillsboro Tuesday Marketplace staff and School to Work partners, including social media. Student Name (Printed):Student Email:Cell Phone:Student Signature:Date:Parent/Guardian Name (Printed):Day Phone:Cell Phone:Parent/Guardian Signature:Parent Email:Emergency Contact Name:Day Phone:Cell Phone:A copy of this form will be provided to Hillsboro Tuesday Marketplace. Hillsboro Tuesday Teen MarketplaceSummer Date ChoicesPlease circle your choice of eight dates. You will be assigned to five of the eight dates. The time schedule each week is set for 4:15 PM (Set-up begins) – 8:15 PM.Tuesday, June 23, 2015Tuesday, June 30, 2015Tuesday, July 7, 2015Tuesday, July 14, 2015Tuesday, July 21, 2015Tuesday, July 28, 2015Tuesday, August 4, 2015Tuesday, August 11, 2015Tuesday, August 18, 2015Tuesday, August 25, 2015I understand that once I have committed to this experience, I will be required to attend 2-3 orientation events (dates to be announced soon) in the spring.I also understand that once I have committed to this experience, I will attend all five events in the sessions that are assigned to me. I have checked my summer calendar and family calendar and the dates circled above will work for me.I also understand that I might be asked to share my experience with community members at a later date.Student Signature_________________________________________________________Parent Signature__________________________________________________________ ................

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