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• The league will consist of 14 teams and will use the Yahoo website to keep statistics.

• The entry fee will be $200 and must be paid to the Commissioner on or before the draft. There will be no transaction fees.

• The league will use Yahoo Fantasy Football for scoring and management of the league.

• The draft will take place in in Las Vegas on the last Saturday in August, unless otherwise agreed upon by a majority of the owners. A dial-in number will be provided for those who cannot make the trip.


• The roster will be comprised of players from the following positions:

• 1 QB

• 2 RBs

• 2 WRs

• 1 RB, WR or TE

• 1 TE

• 1 K

• 1 Defensive Team

• 6 Bench Players

• 1 IR Slot

• There will be no limit on the number of players selected from each position.  However, owners must carry at least one player per starting position for the entire season.

• Player positions are designated by Yahoo.


• Draft position will be determined based on reverse order of the previous year’s final regular season standings.

• The Draft will not be a traditional snake draft, but instead will be conducted like the NFL Draft where teams will keep draft positions 1-14 for each round. This is designed to help the weak teams get stronger, given that the stronger teams may be more likely to have better keepers.


• Each team may protect up to 3 players as keepers and must designate their keepers no later than one week prior to the start of each season by emailing the commissioner or designating them on Yahoo.

• Each player drafted or acquired as a free agent is eligible to be kept for up to 2 additional years, subject to the following. Any player traded during the season after the beginning of Week 8 will lose one year of keeper eligibility each time that player is involved in a trade. For example, a player traded in Week 8 during year one of eligibility can only be protected one additional year.

• A player claimed off waivers or as a free agent (after clearing waivers) may be kept by the owner who claimed him, but that player’s keeper eligibility will not be reset. For example, an owner who drops a player with one year of keeper eligibility that is picked up off waivers by another owner may be kept by his new owner for only one year. However, any player who is claimed off waivers because he is new to the system (not previously owned) may be kept by his new owner for 2 additional years. Players claimed off waivers after the start of Week 17 are not eligible to be kept.

• There is no loss of eligibility for trades occurring during the off-season. The off-season is defined as the day following the Fantasy Bowl until one week before the draft when keepers are due to the commissioner.

• Future draft picks can be traded, but only 2 years into the future. However, any owner trading away a future first, second or third round pick must deposit $50 with the commissioner for each future pick traded away, which will be applied to future fees for that team. This deposit is designed to ensure that owners trading away future draft picks do not abandon the league in future years, and as such is non-refundable if the owner decides not to participate in future years.


• During the fantasy football season, each team owner will submit weekly lineups on Yahoo.  Yahoo typically allows lineups to be submitted until each player’s game each week.  Yahoo’s determination of whether to accept a lineup change is final.


• Matchups will be determined by a combination of offensive and defensive accumulated point totals. 

• Fractional points will be awarded (e.g. a player who has 19 rushing yards = 1.9 points).

• Negative points will also be awarded, if applicable.

• Please refer to the Yahoo website for a breakdown of the scoring system under “Scoring and Settings.”


• During the season, owners may trade players or acquire free agent players not on an existing team roster.  For each player added to the roster, a player must be released from the roster.

• The trading deadline is in mid November with the specific date set on the website each year.  Following the trading deadline, the only transactions that can be made are free agent and waiver acquisitions, which may be made until the completion of the regular season.

• Trades will not be overturned unless there is collusion, as determined by a majority vote of the league. Collusion will be defined, for purposes of this league, as a trade (or series of trades) by which one owner deliberately improves the performance of another team in the league with no regard for this own team. If a majority of owners vote within the 1 day period to overturn a trade as collusive, the trade will not be processed by Yahoo.

• Free agent additions can be made at any time through Yahoo between 12:00 am Wednesday and 9:59 am Sunday but are not effective until the following day. Once a player is released he is placed on Yahoo’s waiver system and is subject to a 24-hour waiver period.

• All unowned players will be placed on waivers at at the scheduled start time of their game with the claim period ending at 11:59 pm on Tuesday. Players on a bye week will be placed on waivers Monday night at 5:30 pm.

• Waiver claims will be processed according to waiver priority, beginning in reverse order of the current year’s draft order. Waiver priority will be a continual rolling list (use it and lose it) and will not reset each week according to win-loss record. Following the draft, all non-drafted players will be placed on waivers. In addition, all new players added to the Yahoo system during the year will be placed on waivers. The owner with the highest waiver priority among those who submit requests will pick up the player. The waiver system is run by Yahoo and the Commissioner will not (and cannot) overrule the website’s operation.

• Owners can make roster or lineup moves as permitted under the rules with one exception – obvious surrender. Obvious surrender will be determined by a vote of two-thirds of the owners similar to that required for collusion. If a majority of the owners agree that an owner making the roster or lineup move has surrendered his team or is intentionally attempting to lose his matchup, the transaction will be overturned and the owner will lose his first round draft pick the following year.

Regular Season / Playoffs:

• The season schedule will be set by Yahoo. There will be 13 regular season games, which will correlate to the first 13 weeks of the NFL season.

• 8 teams will make the playoffs. The playoff games will be played weeks 14, 15 and 16 of the NFL season.

• The playoff teams will be seeded according to regular season record, with the top seeds matched up against the bottom seeds. All playoff games will be single elimination. 

• The first playoff series will consist of 4 games and will be played during the 14th week of the NFL season.

• The second playoff series will consist of 2 playoff games and will be played during the 15th week of the NFL season.

• The League Championship game will be played by the winners of the second playoff series.  The League Championship game will correlate with the 16th week of the NFL season. The winner of this game will be crowned the League Champion.

• The consolation game determining the third and fourth place teams will also be played during the 16th week of the NFL season. If Yahoo does not keep statistics for this game, the owners will be responsible for calculating and reporting their scores to the Commissioner.

• Tie games during the regular season will remain a tie and be recorded as such. All ties for the season and playoff games will be broken in the following manner:

• Total points scored in the regular season.

• Comparison of head to head records.

• Flip of a coin as a last result.

Penalty Structure

• The Toilet Bowl penalty has been eliminated. Owners who finish the regular season in positions 11 through 14 will promptly pay a penalty as follows:

• Eleventh Place: $25

• Twelfth Place: $50

• Thirteenth Place: $75

• Last Place: $150

Payout Structure

• The total amount to be distributed will be $3,100 ($2,800 from entry fees plus $300 from penalties).

• Each week during the fantasy regular season, the team that scores the most total fantasy points will be awarded $20 to be credited to their owner account and paid at the conclusion of the regular season. A total of $260 will be set aside to pay this weekly bonus.

• A total of $1,200 will be distributed to the top 6 teams in the regular season. Regular season distributions will be as follows:

• Most Total Points: $150

• First Place: $350

• Second Place: $250

• Third Place: $175

• Fourth Place: $125

• Fifth Place: $100

• Sixth Place: $50

• The remaining funds ($1,640) will be distributed based on final playoff results as follows:

• League Champion: $700

• Runner Up: $500

• Semi-Finalists: $220 each

Amendments to Rules

• Except as provided herein, these rules may be amended only by the vote of a majority of all owners.

• Any amendment to the league entry fee or the keeper section of these rules shall require the vote of two-thirds of all owners.


• It would be impossible to address every situation and scenario that might arise.  While these rules attempt to cover the needs of this league, a scenario might arise in which these rules do not apply.  In those situations, the Commissioner will attempt to arbitrate the situation.  If the attempted arbitration is unsuccessful, then the team owners shall conduct a vote, whereby a simple majority rules.  These decisions shall be final and binding by all team owners.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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