Alina DNIL (MA student) University of Craiova

Abstract The category of trade names is large, providing a wide range of terms for research and analysis. Of these, we have selected the trade names of pies, highlighting various aspects of classification, typology, onomastics in different contexts. At the same time, we have considered the phraseology and social and cultural meanings of this type of bakery.

Key words: trade name, generic name, name, category, meaning

R?sum? La cat?gorie de noms commerciaux est ample, en offrant ? la recherche et ? l'analyse un large spectre de termes. Parmi eux, on s'est arr?t? aux noms commerciaux de tartes, en mettant en ?vidence divers aspects de classification, de typologie, d'onomasiologie dans diff?rents contextes. Toutefois, on a pris en consid?ration la phras?ologie et les significations sociales et culturelles de ce produit de panification.

Mots-cl?s: nom commercial, nom g?n?rique, d?nomination, cat?gorie, signification

0. Trade names distinguish themselves through diversity, being the fruitful result of some lexical and semantic, grammatical and/or figurative artifices. The procedure of giving a name is fully motivated, in compliance with the evolution of the economy and trade. Together with other categories of words, the category of trade names contributes to the diversification of the Romanian language vocabulary, providing a rich and diversified research basis. In Romanian, the study of trade names was the subject of interest of several linguists: Alina Burcheiu1, Oliviu Felecan2, Daiana Felecan3.

Among the trade names that circulate in Romanian, those of bakery products represent a category that has been little studied. Of these, a special place is occupied by the pie. This research is complementary to that performed on another bakery product, bread4. For analysis, I have selected a significant corpus of simple units and phrases from the Romanian online press.

1. In general use, the word plcint/ `pie' is defined as "pastry made from dough

1 For trade names we consulted the study of Alina Burcheiu, The politics of Romanian brand names: then and now, in Oliviu Felecan (ed.): Numele i numirea. Actele conferinei internaionale de onomastic. Interferene multietnice ?n antroponimie, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2011, p. 535-544.

2 Oliviu Felecan (ed.): Numele i numirea. Actele conferinei internaionale de onomastic. Interferene multietnice ?n antroponimie, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2011.

3 Daiana Felecan, Name and naming. Conventional/Unconventional in onomastics, Baia Mare, Editura Mega, Cluj Napoca, septembrie 1-3, 2015.

4 Alina Dnila, Bread names: Bread, in ,,Studii i cercetari de onomastic i lexicologie" (SCOL), Craiova, Editura Sitech, Anul IX, Nr.1-2/2016, p.193-199.


Alina DNIL

sheets between which there is a filling of cheese, meat, fruit". In current Romanian, the word plcint inherited from the Lat. placenta, is part of many trade names.

a. Generic name + determiner: plcint cu br?nz/ `cheese pie', plcint de dovleac/ `pumpkin pie', plcint dobrogean/ `Dobrudjan pie', plcinte mocneti/ `mountain pies', plcint macedoneasc cu praz i urd/ `Macedonian pie with leek and soft cottage cheese', plcint ?mpletit/ `plaited pie', plcint cu magiun/ `plum jam pie', plcint cu marmelad/ `marmalade pie', plcinte codreneti/ `pie from the region of Codru', plcint cu praz/ `leek pie', plcinta gogoloi/ `ball pie', plcinta cu carne/ `meat pie', plcint banean de la sat/ `villager's pie from Banat', plcint cu varz/ `cabbage pie', plcint la aburi/ `steamed pie', plcint cu spanac/ `spinach pie', plcint rsucit cu br?nz/ `twisted cheese pie', plcint zdrenuit/ `ragged pie', plcinte Turban/ `Turban pie', plcint cu nuc/ `walnut pie', plcinta cu sfecl/ `beetroot pie', plcint moldoveneasc/ `Moldavian pie', plcinele cu tevie/ `garden sorrel pie', plcinele cu viine/ `small sour cherry pies', plcint cu ceap/ `onion pie', plcint cu struguri/ `grape pie', plcint crea/ `crimpy pie', plcint rom?neasc/ `Romanian pie', plcint cu crem de vanilie/ `vanilla cream pie'. Such trade names are common in use. For example, ,,Plcint cu br?nz, ca la ar, cu foi fcute-n cas din aluat dospit. . . " / ` C h e e s e p i e , a s o n e b a k e s i n t h e c o u n t r y, w i t h h o m e m a d e p a s t r y s h e e t s f r o m l e a v e n e d d o u g h . . . ' (. com/placinta-cu-branza-ca-la-tara-cu-foi-facute-n-casa-din-aluat-dospit/); ,,Plcinta crea tradiional, secretele unui brand delicios din Maramure. Un localnic a ?nregistrat marca la OSIM..."./ `Traditional crimpy pie, the secrets of a delicious brand from Maramure. A local registered the trademark at OSIM...'

( 1_5607ca3cf5eaafab2c0cb332/ index.html);

,,Buctria tradiional ardeleneasc este recunoscut i apreciat pentru m?ncrurile deosebite. Gurmanzii pot alege de la dulciuri, la ciorbe sau m?ncruri mai condimentate. Nu lipsesc nici plcintele tradiionale, iar plcinta rom?neasc este un preparat des gtit, mai ales ?n perioada srbtorilor."/ `Transylvanian traditional cuisine is recognized and appreciated for its special dishes. Gourmets can choose from sweets to soups or spicier food. There are also traditional pies, and the Romanian pie is a quite often cooked dish, especially during the holidays.'


b. The generic name is substituted by other names within the same semantic sphere: br?nzoaice/ `sweet cheese pie': br?nzoaic foietaj/ `sweet cheese pie with puff pastry'; trudele/ `strudel': trudel cu br?nz/ `cheese strudel', trudel cu mere/ `apple strudel', trudel cu morcov/ `carrot strudel', trudel de cas/ `homemade strudel', trudel cu spanac/ `spinach strudel'; the object designated in other words: foietaj cu br?nz/ `cheese puff pastry', pateu cu br?nz/ `small cheese pie with puff pastry', trigon cu br?nz/ `triangular cheese pie', merdenele cu br?nz/ `Turkish cheese pie', poale-n br?u/ `sweet cheese and raisin pie', pogaci cu jumeri/ `bread with cracklings', pogaci cu varz/ `cabbage bread', turte cu br?nz/ `cheese bread', coptur cu viine/ `sour cherry cake', pogcele cu br?nz/ `small cheese bread', urdoaice/ `soft cottage cheese cake', rsucit cu br?nz/ `twisted cheese pie', Cocorada (plcint ardeleneasc)/ `Transylvanian pie', bulcue cu cacaval/ `cheese rolls', alevanc bucovinean/ `cheese pie from Bucovina',


Trade Names of Pastries: Pies

pacheele cu br?nz i mrar/ `small packs with cheese and dill', pacheele cu mere/ `small apple packs', portofele cu mac/ `poppy turnovers', vrzri/ `cabbage pie', cocorada cu prune/ `plum pie', Gombas Pirog (plcinte cu ciuperci)/ `mushroom pies', pogace cu negrilic (Nigella Sativa)/ `fennelflower bread', tart cu br?nz/ `cheese tart', tart cu fructe/ `fruit tart', tart cu morcov/ `carrot tart', tart cu cpuni/ `strawberry tart', tart cu ciuperci/ `mushroom tart', tart cu dovleac/ `pumpkin tart', Lintzer cu mere/ `apple Lintzer torte', vol au vent, tarte cu gutui/ `quince tart', franjurat cu cacaval/ `ragged cheese pie', pit cu bliv/ `spinach bread', baclava/ `walnut cake in syrup', tart picant cu verdea/ `spicy green vegetable tart', bani olteneasc/ `cheese pie from Oltenia', tart rustic cu smochine/ `rustic tart with figs', piroti cu br?nz/ `cheese piroshki/patties', sarailie/ `almond cake in syrup', pateuri cu legume/ `vegetable pie with puff pastry', trigoane cu br?nz srat/ `triangular salted cheese pies', pateuri cu carne/ `meat pie with puff pastry', foietaj cu cacaval/ `cheese puff pastry', foietaj cu magiun/ `plum jam puff pastry', foietaj cu br?nz de vaci/ `cheese puff pastry', trudel cu ciuperci/ `mushroom strudel'.

In use, there are such contexts as: ,,trudelul cu mere are istorie ?n spate, e uor aristocratic i se flea pe vremuri cu migala procesului de fabricaie (adevratul trudel cu mere, spun cei mai exigeni, se face tot din foi ?ntinse cu m?na, subiri de poi vedea umbrele prin ele). Azi, cu at?ta globalizare i at?ta industrializare, trudelul e cumva la ?ndem?na oricui i doar comoditatea ?mpins la extrem te poate ?mpiedica ?ncerci mcar o dat."/ `The apple strudel has a history behind it, it is slightly aristocratic, and it boasted in the old days with the minute manufacturing process (the true apple strudel, the most demanding people say, is made from layers stretched with the hand, so thin that you can see the shadows through them). Today, with so much globalization and so much industrialization, the strudel is somehow at hand for anyone, and just the convenience to the extreme can prevent you from trying it at least once.

(); ,,Pateurile cu br?nz sunt una dintre gustrile noastre preferate."/ `Small cheese pies are one of our favorite snacks'. ( );

,,Trigoane cu br?nz srat...Un aperitiv foarte gustos, crocante la exterior i moi ?n interior. Au o textur frumoas, se desfac ?n foie i sunt aa de bune ?nc?t se evapor imediat!"/ `Triangular salted cheese pies... A very tasty appetizer, crispy on the outside and soft inside. They have a beautiful texture, they break into layers and they are so good that they evaporate right away'. ().

c. The notion of pie is also represented by foreign names: terms borrowed from Italian: erbazzone; terms borrowed from French: vol au vent; terms borrowed from Greek: pita me tiri ke kobokythia; terms borrowed from Serbian: burek, iudainita; terms borrowed from Turkish: baclava, sarailie, merdenele cu br?nz.

These names occur in such contexts as: ,,Vol-au-vent este un preparat originar din Frana, ?ns foarte popular ?n Belgia ce const din coulee de foietaj umplute cu diverse garnituri delicioase cum ar fi: carne de pui, bilue din carne de vit/porc sau o umplutur de ciuperci cu usturoi, toate scldate ?ntr-un sos alb cremos foarte asemanator cu o ciulama. Numele de vol-au-vent, care ?n traducere ar da "zbor-?n-v?nt", se refer la faptul c aceste coulee de foietaj sunt at?t de uoare ca o adiere de v?nt. Cea mai popular versiune este cea cu carne de pui ?ns practic aceste coulee pot fi umplute cu tot ce dorii: legume, pete, fructe de mare, combinaiile sunt infinite..."/ `Vol-au-vent is


Alina DNIL

a kind of puff pastry of French origin, but very popular in Belgium, consisting of small hollow cases filled with various delicious ingredients such as: chicken, small balls of beef/pork or a mushroom filling with garlic, all bathed in a creamy white sauce very similar to a white sauce stew. The name vol-au-vent, which, translated, is "windblown", refers to the fact that these puff pastry cases are as light as a breeze. The most popular version is chicken, but basically these cases can be filled with whatever you want: vegetables, fish, seafood, combinations are infinite...' (); ,,Cine nu i-a potolit mcar o dat ?n via foamea cu o merdenea fierbinte i un pahar de iaurt rcoritor? Fie c eti elev, student sau om al muncii, cu greu te abii s nu te ?nfrupi dintr-o merdenea pufoas i proaspt, c?nd ?i simi aroma ?nvluindu-te... Din c?teva ingrediente simple i ieftine facem, rapid, ?mpreun, ?n propria buctrie, nite merdenele cu br?nzic srat."/ `Who has not calmed down his hunger with a hot Turkish cheese pie and a glass of refreshing yogurt? Whether you are a student or an employee, you can hardly refrain from eating a puffy and fresh Turkish cheese pie, when you feel its flavour enveloping you ... From some simple and cheap ingredients, we quickly bake together, in our own kitchen, some Turkish salted cheese pie'. ().

d. The notion of pie also appears in the form of dialectal names: regionalisms from the Oltenian area: turte cu br?nz/ `cheese bread', bani olteneasc/ `cheese pie from Oltenia'; regionalisms from the Moldavian region: poale-n br?u/ `sweet cheese and raisin pie', plcint de Ovidenie cu varz/ `cabbage pie on the occasion of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple', piroti cu br?nz/ `cheese patties', plcint cu varz/ `cabbage pie', alevanc bucovinean/ `cheese pie from Bucovina'; regionalisms from the Transylvanian region: pogaci cu jumeri/ `bread with cracklings', pogaci cu varz/ `cabbage bread', pogcele cu varz/ `small cabbage bread', rsucit cu br?nz/ `twisted cheese pie', Cocorada/ `Transylvanian pie', Cocorada cu prune/ `Transylvanian plum pie', Gombas Pirog/ `mushroom pie', pogace cu negrilic/ `fennelflower bread', plcinte mocneti/ `mountain pies', plcinte codreneti/ `pies from the region of Codru'; regionalisms from the Banat area: pturat bnean/ `cheese pie from Banat'.

These names occur in such contexts as: ,,Plcintele poale ?n br?u sunt nite plcinte tradiionale moldoveneti, pline de savoare i gusturi minunate, care te ?mbie s nu te mai opreti din m?ncat..."/ `Sweet cheese and raisin pies are traditional Moldavian pies, full of flavour and wonderful taste, which make you feel like eating all the time... (); ,,Este o plcere, mai ales ?n zilele friguroase de iarn, s simi cum mirosul ?mbietor al pogcelelor cu jumri abia scoase din cuptor se rsp?ndete prin toat casa."/ `It is a pleasure, especially in the cold winter days, to feel how the tempting flavour of the bread with cracklings just taken out of the oven, is spreading throughout the house'. ().

e. The trade names of pies also appear in the form of metaphorical names: poalen br?u (literally `lap to the waiste'), rsucit cu br?nz (literally `twisted pie with cheese'), scovergi (literally `cover', `blanket'), bani olteneasc (literally `unit of measurement for cereals in Oltenia'), franjurat cu cacaval (literally `ragged pie with cheese'), pit cu bliv (literally `bread with spinach'), portofele cu mac (literally `wallets with poppy'): ,,?nva s gteti o reet tradiional, de bani olteneasc, cu br?nz dulce sau srat. Reaciile celor care o vor ?ncerca vor fi, cu siguran, pozitive!"/ `Learn


Trade Names of Pastries: Pies

how to cook a traditional recipe, cheese pie from Oltenia, with sweet or salted cheese. The reactions of those who will try it will certainly be positive!'; ,,Plcintele poale ?n br?u sunt nite plcinte tradiionale moldoveneti, pline de savoare i gusturi minunate, care te ?mbie s nu te mai opreti din m?ncat..."/ `Sweet cheese and raisin pies are traditional Moldavian pies, full of flavour and wonderful taste, which make you feel like eating all the time...' ().

2 . The trade names of pies have a different structure: they are simple units and phrases.

Simple units are designated by common nouns: plcint, scovergi, pogaci, piroti, turte, pateu, trigon, trudel, merdenea, tart, pita, vrzri, pacheele or by proper nouns: iudainita, iudainita, vol au vent, Spanakopita, erbazzone, burek.

Phrases have a different structure: a. generic name + adjective: plcinte mocneti, plcint ?mpletit, plcint dobrogean, plcinte codreneti, pturat bnean, alevanc bucovinean, plcint zdrenuit,plcint moldoveneasc, bani olteneasc, plcint crea, plcint rom?neasc. b. generic name + preposition + noun in the Accusative: plcint cu br?nz, trudel cu br?nz, trudel cu mere, trudel cu morcov, foietaj cu br?nz, pateu cu br?nz, trigon cu br?nz, plcint de dovleac, merdenele cu br?nz, poale-n br?u, pogaci cu jumeri, pogaci cu varz, turte cu br?nz?, plcint cu magiun, plcint cu marmelad, trudel de cas, coptur cu viine, floricele cu br?nz, pogcele cu br?nz, plcint cu praz, rsucit cu br?nz, bulcue cu cacaval, plcint cu carne, pacheele cu mere, plcint cu varz, plcint la aburi, plcint cu spanac, portofele cu mac, cocorada cu prune, pogace cu negrilic, tart cu br?nz, tart cu fructe, tart cu morcov, tart cu cpuni, tart cu ciuperci, tart cu dovleac, Lintzer cu mere, plcint cu nuc, tarte cu gutui, franjurat cu cacaval, plcint cu sfecl, pit cu bliv, plcinele cu tevie, plcinele cu viine, trudel cu spanac, plcint cu ceap, piroti cu br?nz, plcint cu struguri, foietaj cu cacaval, foietaj cu magiun, foietaj cu br?nz, pateu cu viine. c. generic name + preposition + two coordinated nouns: pacheele cu br?nz i mrar. d. generic name + adjective + preposition + noun (nouns) in the Accusative: plcint bnean de la sat, plcint rsucit cu br?nz, plcint macedoneasc cu praz i urd, plcint maramurean cu verdeuri. 3. In the lexicon of the Romanian language there are words, phrases and expressions with profound meanings. The phraseology created around the word pie is not rich. Consulting the DEX, we have identified some examples: a-i veni (sau a-i pregti) (cuiva) o plcint = to plan an unpleasant surprise, trouble for someone; a gsi plcinta gata = to use the work of another, to get everything ready; se vinde ca plcinta cald = it sells quickly, it is much sought after; a numra foile la (sau din) plcint = to quibble, to split hairs; a atepta (pe cineva) cu plcinte calde = to wait for (someone) with great joy; a sta ca o plcint = to be passive, insensitive, to lie back. 4. From a social perspective, the pie has had many social and cultural meanings over time, being part of many Romanian proverbs and sayings, used by great Romanian writers, authors of high impact works. A conclusive example is the phrase ,,La plcinte ?nainte, la rzboi ?napoi" (literally "To baked pie go ahead, to war back down"), having the same meaning today, i.e. everyone runs away from hardships, as more than a century



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