155th Knowledge Seekers Workshop ... - Plasma Production UK

155th Knowledge Seekers Workshop January 19th 2017

Transcription v2 courtesy of Lynn of Montana, with introduction, hyperlinks etc. from Corn of NZ, and then final polish and edit by Michel of Quebec for publication on where the whole transcription can be downloaded in word or pdf format.

Comments from Corn

After an update from Jacky on the state of play of transcriptions and subtitles in different languages, MK spends the first hour and a half of this workshop describing the situation with DL and the pedophile networks. After last weeks direct talk there was an article in an Italian newspaper that labeled the Kf pads and patches a scam, however, the newspaper had to retract this as the Kf pads etc are all EU certified. MK goes on the offensive again with DL and goes on for an hour and a half, giving lots of insights into the international pedophile networks, how they are all coming down. He knows a lot as he used to work with British Intelligence, he says. This was hard to listen to and it reminded me of the last time he did that with Sterling Allan in August 2015 in Workshop 76... which really put me off the teachings for a while… until I saw the far reaching effects in the exposure of pedophile organizations, and realized it had been like a knife to the heart of the pedophile network on this planet… So lets see what comes of this one as the drama between MK and DL continues…

Then Rick brings attention back to more positive things and presents some testimonials, and shows the blueprints page. There are some updates on the situation in Ghana and the great efficacy of GANS in dealing with diseases such as Elephant foot in Africa. There is more on the research in Japan, and some really good discussions and presentations on GANS soap making, and some other questions as per the hyperlinked headings following…

Content index

0938 Rick (R): Welcome to the 155th KSW

Knowledge Seeker workshop transcriptions and sub titles in 18 different languages soon to be available… watch this space

A scam article in an Italian newspaper attacks the Kf, but the Italian newspaper immediately had to accept liability for the scam… MK explains how the pedophiles are done for!

013400 K: let me explain something about why I am so passionate about child trafficking. I used to be part of the British Intelligence services

Rick reads a testimonial from the USA on the Power of GIVING and gets the teachings back online…

National ramifications of use of the Magrav energy systems

A Word on the Ethos of the Kf and how certain people in certain countries are still learning that Thou Shalt Not Steal...

Rick shows the Blueprints website with blueprint instructions and people’s creations.

University tests in Japan are showing that the Intravenous GANS materials are completely non-toxic to normal cells

An Interesting Insight on Soap with K2 and MK

In Ghana the Kf will link with Petroleum corporations so we can link the Kf to the Oil industry and they can see the benefit

Rick: I have a couple of other soap pictures from someone else in the chat.

Great results for psoriasis with liquid plasma and even a cure for Elephant’s foot

We do not need the FDA to tell us that the plasma technology is wiping out a lot of diseases

Doug has a question in the chat: is leprosy similar to the elephant foot disease? Would that be treated in a similar way?

People with HIV AIDS & Cancer invited to Ghana

We will ask Stanley to open a site that is help@


0938 Rick (R): Welcome to the 155th KSW and Mr. Keshe who has a special presentation for the first part of the workshop today.

1017 Mr. Keshe (K): Good morning, good day to you wherever and whenever you listen to these workshops. We are at the 155th KSW and next week it will be exactly 3 years that we have done these workshops with Rick. And a number of you have been around teaching relentlessly and we will see where we go. The KF is going through massive turmoil with the growth and other things are happening around us. We have gained credibility and work through our solid work as a team, the whole lot—everyone around the KF. In one way or another they have done something, even if it was very little.

Knowledge Seeker workshop transcriptions and sub titles in 18 different languages soon to be available… watch this space

1104 K: today I received from Jacky who has something interesting to explain.

1120 Jacky (J): now we are giving the teaching in 18 different languages and for this we need the KSW transcribed into English. Then you can make the translation and give the teaching everywhere on the planet. We have built a strong team with dedicated people who are willing to do this. The challenge today is to get the transcription in English in less than 24 hours and then it can go into translation and then the teaching goes all over the planet. This afternoon we will have a Zoom meeting on the transcriptions. We will try to do this every week so the knowledge is available to every man, woman, child and entity on this planet.

1243 Rick: congratulations, Jacky, this is something I have been looking forward to for a long time. My heart has been in the transcriptions for a long time and it’s great that this is happening. I’m sure you will have it working really well as time goes on.

K: thank you very much, Jacky. They should be able to have the transcription available in 24 hours and then translate to the other languages immediately.

J: exactly.

K: thank you for the hard work and dedication and for what you all do in the background. The foundation is a charity organization. A lot of people came to us in charity and then said they had to be paid. We see the need to keep the core team to do things and we thank the whole KF organization worldwide. Something else that is important is the work we call the establishment and running of the KF organization around the world in the proper manner so we can protect ourselves.

A scam article in an Italian newspaper attacks the Kf, but the Italian newspaper immediately had to accept liability for the scam… MK explains how the pedophiles are done for!

1411 K: in the past week we have seen a very small article appear in Italian newspaper after we attacked or openly went for Mr. D.L. Again it was immediately translated by him into English. This rogue writer will understand his own position. Today I spoke with the newspaper, which has accepted full liability for such a malicious attack without grounds. KF Italy is a limited liability company and we stand for full damages. Thank you very much for your article; we will let you know the outcome of this attack which was that we gave the patches to the people in need at the time of disaster. They call it a scam, but the one thing they forgot is that the patches and the pain pads are the same thing and we have a license on them. So, they have in a way created financing for the foundation by writing such a rogue article.

1518 K: the newspaper has accepted full liability for this journalist. It is up to them for what they do with the journalist but it has opened up the operation of the pedophiles in a deeper way across Europe. There is something as you come here every week in that you come to learn about science. And, we get involved and we are a well known organization. We get targeted by groups for their own benefit. A lot of you are new to the KF. The KF was targeted more or less 15 years ago by the pedophile groups at the highest levels in the best known country for pedophilia, which is Belgium.

1604 K: we did not know in he Kf at that time, very few of us, were in the hands of the most notorious pedophile. It took a lot of work for us to separate from this person. It took a lot of damages to separate from this person. But, in the process we went back two or three years ago looking at everyone this person brought into the foundation to see their connections. We realized one by one that every person that has come in contact with the foundation through him is all connected to the pedophile group.

1643 K: at the beginning there were articles. Why is he attacking pedophiles? We bring science to protect man and when we have knowledge to protect man we have to share it. We saw exactly two years ago when we opened the hand of Sterling that everybody told us why is he doing this? We saw the outcome some months later, exactly a year ago, when Sterling confessed to raping how own daughters. We saw then on the back of it 70,000 in a pedophile group opened up by Interpol. The files were totally opened up.

1732 K: Then we saw on the back of the 70,000 pedophiles file, there were 4,000 pedophiles arrested and everything else in the past 6 months. We saw by the arrests that one of the senior judges was protecting Sterling (in the US). We saw how once we started attacking Sterling when we found out what he was up to; the guy who brought this guy into the foundation went to his support. This was another journalist. These are ‘journalists’ who rape and steal children, Sterling. We took a lot as KF members and we didn’t stop; we carried on with the teaching.

1820 K: you saw me a few months ago in one of my teachings praising DL. A lot of people asked why I did this. We work very closely with international security police forces. What we do is what the psychologists and the patent (? 18.41 minutes) officers and the psychology officers of ‘patent’ offices advise us. We work on the word pattern as we did with Sterling. If you remember on 0214-2016 the senior judge of the United States (Scalia) was killed who was connected with Sterling. But they could not get to Sterling because there was no confirmation (of what he was doing) and it would take years to get it. The KF, FBI and CIA went on a public conference call that was rapidly organized with Kerry Cassidy and in that short sentence we explained that we knew the victims (of Sterling) and they were his children.

1925 K: 24 hours later he walked into the police station and turned himself over to the police. He confessed to all the rapes he had done to his children. The only thing that had been done was not have someone physically which was done. He offered his two daughters as the victims. You have to understand that he went through a public divorce with his family and he put a picture of himself with his wife. Then he showed that the wife was fully aware of what he was doing and hers was a collaboration of silence.

2005 K: we had to look into this; we could see patterns. Security people can see patterns. We looked into the pattern of a guy called “Dutroux.” Go on the Belgian news and you will see who he is. He is a convicted pedophile serial killer of children especially girls. This guy appeared at about the same time as DL. There was and is a huge suspicion in the Belgian press that he is connected at a high level. That is why Dutroux is protected. In fact DL is part of that background protecting organization and a lot of people don’t know about DL. He worked as a highest level official in the civil service within the office of the Prime Minister of Belgium and at the same time he is according to his own declaration that he is connected with the royalty families. His father has built many buildings in Antwerp.

2109 K: we could not understand and we couldn’t find a track. Two weeks ago in the crime services organization we went on explaining in an open way without targeting anyone how pedophiles ask for pictures of the children. None of you went to write about it because it is none of you and none of you are pedophiles. None of you target children and put things on the internet to collect children. The one who does felt scared and he had to respond and we were counting on this. Security services were counting on his response, which came in a strange way in what is known as (a website called) anti-facts about Mehran Tavakoli Keshe. In that part in his daily criticism of the KF in that he knows, he started writing these when he saw when we started last year when we knew Sterling had raped his own children.

2215 K: It is the pattern of people who support organizations like this. They must be part of it and they have done the same. I went directly for openly and without talking about any one person explaining how they are putting advertising on the internet looking for 6 year old children and taking pictures of them. The children disappear more or less in hypnotism. None of you wrote about this because you are not criminals. But those who are effected see that they have been found and now we muddy up the waters. We watch and monitor and we were waiting for a response. The response came and a confession came. Now we have the full proof that DL is in child trafficking with his own admission in facts about Keshe Foundation and facts about Mehran Tavakoli Keshe.

2320 K: please, some of you have been on it; if you haven’t, go on it. This is what the security services were waiting for. I will read it to you and it’s very simple and he wrote as he had to defend something. None of you have to defend yourselves. He wrote in his blog against Mehran Keshe, the following:

2354… My blabla puzzle was given in 1995 for production and commercial license to a new company. (Don’t forget that Dutroux was captured around 1995 or 1996 for raping children.) At the time I was CEO and major shareholder of the company. In 2002 I left the company. Don’t forget that 2000 and 2002 was when one of the most senior scientists developed his compression technology, was murdered and then the technology appeared in the hand of DL. Now we understand. There was a switch of CEOs and I no longer have shares in that company and I am no longer involved business-wise, not even in any marketing.

2451 K: this is what we were looking for, but only in the same aspects and in some aspects of research and development and searching new products to capture children. He has confessed his involvement in the operation of a company he says he has nothing to do with. But the company has been sold inside. It never sold. The biggest point for us was this paragraph and he writes in Keshe Foundation, facts about Mehran T Keshe. Have you heard of the story the tale of the unexpected? This is the tale of the unexpected; the man shot himself in the foot.

(From the actual article:

In 2015-2016 the CEO and the Marketing Manager decided to organize a marketing photo shoot for new promotional materials and packaging. For these photos, some children playing with the cube puzzles were needed. My youngest daughter (Marketing Manager) connected via Facebook with her friends (parents of young children) and asked for help.

Free cinema tickets were promised to the parents, when they let the puzzle company take pictures of their kids with my puzzles, and the kids’ parents were of course always present, whereas I was not present at all.

K: you don’t need to defend yourself if you are not a criminal. This is negative psychology in which he has declared himself to be a pedophile. Interestingly enough we would like you to go on the website to the channel that is set up by backup security services. It reads:

The facts about Dutroux. We advise you to go on this. This site is set exactly as he has set his blog. In this link you will see something very, very strange. And this is that Mr. Pedophile in his admission in the KF blog says:

In 2015-2016 the CEO and the Marketing Manager decided to organize a marketing photo shoot...

K: we went how people found the facebook with friends and this is not private but is advertising for children. On June 14, 2014 this is an annual event to collect children for this organization. Then the security people started looking into the advertising. He says,

(Marketing Manager) connected via Facebook with her friends (parents of young children) and asked for help...

2835 K: this is a private brochure put out on the internet looking for children; you can see it and you can read it. It is in Flemish and it is translated into English by people so that you understand exactly what it says. The translation of these supposedly ‘facebook friends’ is very simple. If you don’t have it, it has been placed on the site. It’s a simple translation.

K: The CEO has asked for something very simple. We are looking for children and pictures of your children. And very specifically, the full translation reads as follows:

Wanted: cheerful children and adults for photo shoot for blabla products. Ages are put in, and they have to put all ages in as a decoy. Date and place is given and reads as follows: location: in Antwerp. Not in business location, but precise location will be announced later.

3019 K: now it says they get a cinema ticket and one professional photo. But don’t be fooled, go further down the ad: the telephone number is given and everything else. Now you can call the telephone company and bombard them about your children. We have not published this; it is in the public domain and has nothing to do with us. But what is interesting is the last part about research and development reads:

Your name, your date of birth, two photos of yourself and first full body photos.

K: If you are advertising for anybody to have a happy time, why do you look for children’s full body pictures? They are pre-sold before arriving for a photo. Interesting and what puzzles the security people, when you look at the pictures as placed for this they ask for a full picture of children but the unhappiness of it is that children are flat on their belly, or they are showing the size of their foot. Is this how you take pictures of full body and faces? Why do you need to use these positions? So, we see we are dealing with a professional pedophile using every means that he can. You don’t put free tickets and you don’t show the feet of the children lying down flat on their bellies. This is the position that pedophiles use to rape their children. They say that we see in other entries of DL that he talks about fetish; go to a website that you cannot find, but it is securely in the archives of the world internet system called . A lot of cleaning up has been going on by DL to wipe out any tracks, but he cannot wipe out what is on the archives.

3255 K: interestingly in the archives he talks about the fetish and the hypnotism. We see the pattern of the work, the criminal, serial pedophile. The question is: How come do they use their children to protect them and bring more children to them. Don’t forget the title of the advertising says, Wanted. You see how they put on the list of criminals around the world Wanted. They are head hunting for children and they ask for 2 photos of yourself. First, they want full body; they want to see if they can sell the child. Without making an accusation they say as they have put it, I have been working on this and I ask that you please give a copy of this recording to the police. The police in your area need to be educated. Ask for the arrest of this man. He is one of the top godfathers of pedophiles.

3413 K: Strangely enough we have not seen anything on this website about facts about Dirk. We do not write about DL. He writes his natural mental processes. We see drawings that take hours and hours to do and only one shape is in there: the head of the man. You have seen rows of condoms. How many any and why have those condoms been put there and so immaculately has been used on one child and one child has been hung. What is in the memory of the child that he has been abused? Have you ever thought of that? There are about 60 of them, so we are looking for 60 children. You can put one or two condoms, but not 60 in a row. You keep what you have a memory of and what is precious to you.

3526 K: Do you keep the cup from the girl you adopt, or do you have a bad memory and we trade you. Do you keep the jewelry, a ring, from your mother who left you with a good memory and you want to keep it? These people are sick; they keep the condoms they use for raping children. Just look at the numbers and count the children—one condom per child. Now you see why he has been writing so heavily since June and July since we opened with the help of the security directly to him. We ask you please to take this section and submit them to the police. Why are these people looking for 6 year children when he is the head of research and development researching ways to catch more children? And in his own writing, not ours: I left the company but only in some aspects of research and development.

3640 K: these are some aspects that connect the children. Now you see why we have been attacked and now you understand how DL works. We told you that we keep the sites. There is enough evidence for the whole family to be called in and explain why 6 year old children with a picture of them flat on the floor and a picture of their foot. Are you going to put a foot of the child on something happily cubed? This is a pattern. We saw the one with his wife; we saw Sterling connected to his wife and the children. Now you understand why such a vicious attack as been targeted against us because we are on to them.

3730 K: Sterling wrote heavily the last few days before his arrest. Now, we give DL one option: hand yourself over to the police. If you look at his last writing he refers at the bottom that Interpol and the police are after him. I work daily on this even in Africa, with security forces and Interpol. I showed them if they have a warrant for me and they say, this guy is cuckoo. KF is a national organization and we work with and through different nationalities and we know people we have now become wise to who have tried to penetrate the organization and benefit themselves with their proclivities.

K: so we have set up a very secure system with a number of security services. Internally we are one of the only foundations that has an internal security force. When you send an application we vet it and go through it. 90% of you are okay; 10% find a way to come in and cheat to do something. But, our work and findings are shared with national securities on a daily basis. So it is very interesting, the man’s fear was to be arrested by Interpol and he writes about it because he knows he is on the verge of being arrested.

K: what is interesting is that he is involved in hypnotism. He has been deleting everything. What you see he writes about me, he spends 10 times more going on the internet to clean up. He has cleaned up a lot, but unfortunately some archives cannot be cleaned. In we found he talks and teaches about hypnosis and the effectiveness of it. And in that writing if you understand it has been unraveled by the psychological team of the security services and he talks about how he hypnotizes children and the principal behind it. It is on the link; go read it.

K: we come to another point in this dilemma with this pedophile. We told you that he is heavily involved in killing scientists and stealing technology and how we fell out with him when he went to China trying to patent something in China to steal the Magrav system. By one of our sincere supporters and now one of the senior managers of KF, Armen asked in that meeting what he was doing as we are not patenting anything. The whole problem with him (DL) is that he had started. He has done this to everyone he has worked with.

K: please look at the same link and it says something very nice. Have a look; this will enlighten you how this is a man with a lot of criminal records and appears in pedophiles, killing of scientists but in one section of this interesting website you see something strange and it says on the internet and it says the translation is in Flemish done 11 years ago and this is time when we got to know him. Now he changed from compression technology to a new scientist and a new murder that was supposed to be done the same way. We got to know him in 2005. Today is 2017, 11 years later. This is the guy that with him they did a lot of work in compression technology and the killing of the scientist. It says: this is one of his closest friends who wrote the compression and now he has become his biggest enemy. He says, “Dirk, you introduce yourself as a minister for a good friend of a minister Herr Hofstede (?)”. Now you know the high connection; he used to be a high ranking civil servant but disappearing children was his job. Also you introduce yourself, and you have to understand that Herr Hofstede was the prime minister of Belgium. Also you introduce yourself as a press agent and you give the impression that you are doctor. You say you are also a scientist and you also know about the profession of electronics and you ‘know everything’ about electronics, everything about the cosmos and you know how the cosmos has risen and everything concerning magic. You say you know everything concerning science and you know and thin you know everything. If you do not get it right you attack with false declarations and lies; you are simply a ____ (43.46 minutes) greeting with a signature.

K: interestingly enough when you click and read this, it says “open url” and you see how he has been involved in compression technology immediately after killing the scientist. $100 million was supposed to be paid to the scientist and he was found dead. Now they fight over the crumbs. This is not us; this is exactly about him and another person he opened the forum to attack to destroy one his cover was opening up.

K: You have to understand that there is a senior politician in Belgium and he attacked and he found out about the pedophile organization. DL opened to him and he started setting up a political party. He was asked to see that the party died. The name of the scientist and the politician and even the man you see here have all been discredited one by one by one man (DL). No one else wrote anything bad about them except DL. He is a guy who is well protected as he says by the Prime Minister. He used to be a civil servant. Then you understand that made no accusations. We didn’t do anything; we just waited until the gentleman hanged himself. Now he has confessed and we understand the lying and cheating in 2015 and 2016. They have been doing this since 2002.

K: Every year children wanting a free picture are asked for a full body picture first and then they disappear. Please take the recording of this and give it to your police stations and security services and ask where are the children and which condom has which name on it that is hanging in these pictures? We would like to end parents’ nightmare who have been waiting for a child for 20 or 30 years to bed. We are dealing with a professional group. Knowing that he would be discovered, he set up the Italian newspaper which was virtually useless as the newspaper has already asked us to tally the damages. The Italians know you cannot write these things under Italian law and they are open for us to protect ourselves.

K: so now you understand how he initiated and wrote the whole article. These are his agents, Sterling and now more and more. We are dealing with a serial pedophile who has been hiding as we say with Sterling and others like him. He (DL) mentions who the marketing manager is. In what we know is going to be unraveled in this link you will see him working and connected with convicted pedophiles. These lines of communications you see in the background of the writing of 11 years ago. It goes back into 2002 and the 1980s and the 1990s. Now you understand why we stayed quiet. We had to wait until he confessed the way he did: I had nothing to do with it; I sold it and I’m not the chairman and it was handed over to ______. And he says he is not involved except for R and D. If you are not involved after 20 years, you are still R and D? And then you see the rise of new management that came after my arrest and a huge sum of money for him trying to get me killed.

K: we see the pattern; don’t forget this all started because we said he was ‘pissing in the garden’ in front of a 2 ½ year old child. He was asking for 6 year old children. My son was 2 ½ years old and he (DL) likes girls of 6 years of age. He put him out on the grass; why was he doing anything in the garden and not in the house and in front of my child? He has a fetish of raping children in the garden. This is not all; he published a picture of our holiday home in Belgium. He said he was in the garden with young children. We want a full body picture and a picture of the foot. In he writes about the fetish. Now you see the state of mind of the man. Give the evidence to the police; we can give you more information as collectively we have to stop this man. We didn’t write anything; he has done it himself. Now it was the biggest problem for security services because he always denied he had anything to do with the company he set up for attracting children; the truth is he was operating with a free hand. The problem is the money changed. In 1999 to 2000 the money changed and to sell one cube you had to have several thousand for thousands of cubes he has to sell. Now as we read from the internet the lubrication was $100 million for killing the scientist of the compression (technology) talked about in the article. At the moment compression technology is a multi billion dollar business. And as we told you before these companies are disappearing from here into Australia and from Australia into Singapore and the rest.

K: Murdering scientists is his profession. I have been near this three times near his house where he was brought up and everything else. This is irrelevant; we have to protect our children. Now we see the source and how these people collectively advertise for children and they want pictures of the foot and the child lying down on the belly. On facebook friends this is a brochure, a full brochure technically designed in a precise position to attract children. He is trying to attract children and on facebook the date is in June, 2014 and you see this on the site in 2014 and 2015. They have all been at it for a long time. We are going to open up the facts about this man and I apologize to my followers who ever came in touch with such an evil man. We knew there was something wrong and we couldn’t put a hand on it until we moved into Italy until we the saw the only person who knew how I was poisoned and him calling the doctor to say that he had been poisoned by arsenic. How do you know if you didn’t do it and it was initiated in Belgium?

K: when the doctor came all the way from Western Europe to save my life…and than you for your work and saving my life, and my wife and my child. We have respect for you. On the other hand how could you know how I was poisoned? The interesting thing is we were dying and you kept calling to say I have to come to Italy to see you. I have to be there. Carolina said, he is trying to murder us and he is not setting a foot in our home anywhere in Italy near us. How come he knew what were poisoned with and the antidote for us that he was telling the doctor? It was his conscience and he still couldn’t get the key to the flight system. He needed to show that he could still do whatever he likes.

K: But it goes back to one thing: pedophiles. Now we have opened the book, you can see, and it is we want a full sized picture of your child but we only show the top. And the picture is sold before the child comes (for the photography appointment). Now you understand. Now you come here to teach about science, to teach about Magravs and everything. But you forget one thing: what is the use of living if we cannot protect our children unless you live with pedophiles? We did not choose this. He was planted in the KF by the most notorious pedophile and at that we didn’t know; we were a scientific firm. We explain more and more about DL. He does his own writing and we show that to you. We don’t make any accusations. We explain the facts.

K: my biggest concern is the line of condoms with the name of the children. I hope we find the names of those children; I hope we find those children. Then we can put the families, the mothers and the fathers at peace. Now you understand and you know criminals always keep something of the crime for them to remember the successful. This man keeps the condoms of the children he has abused. Otherwise no one ever would publish such a thing as ‘art.’ What is interesting and this picture and the mentality as ‘art’ of putting young children in facebook, looking to be a family man is very simple. Some of you don’t look as we have to look as security officers. If you look closely there is something very strange with this man. All the condoms are used.

K: I pray for the souls of the children he has abused. Before their deaths that at least they might have found peace. Look at the picture the line of condoms. You see nothing but penis; the man’s psychological path is the shape of the penis. Sterling denied this guy went to extremes. He said he had the full protection of his masters. They sacrificed a top judge and now he is disposable. Let him write. The more he writes about the facts about the KF, the more we break into what he is. We would like to ask you one thing sire: in writing about me can you include in the writing at least one place where you buried one of the children. If I can put the mind of one mother at peace and she is not waiting for 50 years for the knock at the door of her child I thank you for that. Just one child, no more. Don’t call us; just repeat your picture of the condom and just put the name of the child on it. That will be enough. This is how you work and this is your mentality.

K: As we said the link doesn’t exist anymore but we have the archive of . You see he teaches hypnosis. That is how the children are killed. Their own children cannot remember because when they are hypnotized they cannot remember anything. But in the background they are controlled. This is where they organize picture photos of the children. Innocence of mind and of thought never changes. I inform my team before we open that we can take our websites down so he cannot write another attack and another pedophile cannot write another article. The KF has grown beyond the imagination that anyone could think. It is correct science and it is perfect science. It works for people who understand the ways of it and you can use my website as webmaster for collect data the way Sterling said: I have 40,000 visitors and 50% of them are pedophiles. So now we understand why he pushed to be the webmaster because he could have access to a lot of things. And this is how he works. Go and look at the people he has attacked the same as us across the internet. Many of his victims have been attacked after he failed.

K: One of the most famous politicians in Belgium was one and you see another where here who shared the compression technology with him and then there is another guy and then another guy. And then there was the killing of the scientist and murder of businessmen when money is involved. In all of his writings he says Keshe is hungry for the money and does this and that for the money. I live a life; I have no bank account except for the foundation account. I get a penny and it goes through the accounts and we pay the penny. What is interesting is that there was a picture of one of the richest men in Belgium in bed with a Russian girl and the house was burned down. All his talk at that time was about the money, the cash in the house. How did he know about the money? He knew about it from another person who as another pedophile close friend of his. We had the misfortune of not knowing this when we were introduced to him that he was deported from Thailand for raping a 10 year and a 12 year old boy. This man spent many hours and days with him in his house in Antwerp.

K: security services have picked up the files of his communications and how the same man with him was involved in murdering a scientist with $100 million in contracts. The facts about Dirk open up the facts about KF. We are a perfect scientific organization. We are a perfect scientific organization, not me. I gave you the foundation and you have built the house of knowledge belongs to you. I am here just to open new lines of thoughts. When he (DL) attacks me, he is attacking you. When he attacks us it means the criminals think they are winning. Please do what we did. If the police want to know and we check through our security services that these are real police officers and crime (fighting) organizations then we release nearly one to two terabytes of information we gathered on DL operations.

K: it includes murders and how he is connected with high society in killing children and pedophilia. And, very interesting for us is how he managed to get away with this for so long. I think we have to put the truth of the guard of DL, it is that bad. Please contact your police and take the recording of this and the website that says the truth about Dirk. Now you understand that those of you who were around him and ‘worshiped’ him became part of a pedophile group without your knowing it. Those of whom he had do all the dirty work; this is what he has done all the time. Times are not coincidental. Look at the time in 2000 and 2002 when he came into compression technology because murdering the scientist was more lucrative. The children were a sideline and the scientist was killed in Holland for $100 million.

K: then you see the fight among ‘friends’ of the sharing of the loot. A man who was what was a senior government official became a toy maker and now has become a compression man and a scientist in space and space technology. He is a chameleon with no knowledge. He is a hypocrite, a thief and a murderer. DL you opened the file and told about your children. You showed how you operate; not us. Our job was to open your hand and you walked into it. The disgrace and shame on humanity comes through the man who abused children and you did that. You thought you were hiding and you opened Facts about Keshe Foundation and Facts about Mehran Tavakoli Keshe.

K: we let you write because we knew that one day you would get so arrogant that you would open the truth about yourself and we have achieved that. We know you are going to write more and security forces are watching every word, not us. You are opening a lot of things that to us was unbelievable that a man could be so low as to harm children. In a way as I was talking to the security services in Italy we said that DL was like the hole in the wall in Rome. If you have been to Rome in the center of Rome there is a hole in the wall. They say if you put your hand in the hole in the wall and you are a correct individual you can take your hand back out. But, if you are not correct the hand will not come out.

K: But in this case what we said with the security forces in Italy is that DL is sitting on the other side and he only holds the hands of children that are 6 and 7 years old. Please go on All the facts about Dirk and connect all the dots and cross all the t’s on this man who is a high level pedophile. The condoms he has used... You have to understand why they use condoms and that is because genetic fingerprinting inside the child who was raped can lead to the pedophile who raped them. Now you understand. Our scientific analyses by the security forces are very detailed. They learned this from one of their bosses with children in American cases that the genetic fingerprint of the sperm was left behind, but he was very high ranking and he managed to protect himself. These guys don’t.

K: now you understand, so let him write more. By writing more he opens more of what we need to know. Please write more and translate from the other papers everywhere that you think are influential. So, you have been ‘knocked on the door.’ We don’t want to do that and we don’t fight. We work in the same business as we did with the FBI and Sterling. We let you walk out and hand yourself over. But in the way you are doing and in your ‘hidden contacts’ and all the hidden communications you think you are doing, we are finding more and more. You have to understand: we share knowledge with security agencies and what they find they share with us so we can make sure that things and people like you (DL) cannot work.

K: We ask you as before, the other head of the snake sits in what you call ’serial’ with Kumaran (? 1.10.49 minutes). He was close with DL. They are in trafficking sick children in their company that is on the internet. Why should a company employ unless the company can confirm and show how they got rid of him immediately when we found out we opened their hands. They are translating sick children’s documents with their pictures and when they arrive as they are sick they are dead. Now you understand why I took so much. I took 11 days being imprisoned (Canada airport) being told everyday that I was going to be executed. What I received daily from the hands of a criminal was trying to save neck writing on the pages of the internet.

K: Don’t forget, he got paid one million Euro plus he bought a house with it. He had been living in a house full of cardboard. For 6 years I was not allowed to go into his house and had to wait downstairs when we were writing patents. The only person who could go to his room was the pedophile guy who raped the two children in Thailand. They were always together. I had to wait downstairs and I could not write the patents. He could come to my house but I could not go to his. Why? There were children upstairs being raped.

K: why? That was a house of criminals. How come a man who writes and says he is so sincere would not allow a man into his house saying his house was full of cardboard and we could not come in. For 6 years we could not go to his house until he received the money from my own imprisonment (in Canada airport) and bought a new apartment to show me he had gotten the wealth from my imprisonment. That was the first time we saw the children around him. Before that we were not able to. Now you understand that we know a lot more about this man when we sit back and analyze what he has done.

K: forget about the talks. Get in touch with the police and do not give up; now we have given you the leads to work on. There are people who are supporting us and security forces are putting websites up about DL to find out how to get into the mind of the Jekyll and Hyde. One of the pictures on this new website shows his pleasures in showing anything to do with penetration and he speaks of it heavily. The man is sick in the head; how many children has he killed? One child…just name one child. As you see he has favorite sizes and shapes. He used the memory of the children. He is a sick man.

K: don’t forget his sells his artwork for $390 to the other pedophiles. Look at the picture. This is his way of working. The beautifully laid out internet card and invitation for pictures with one blond haired child holding her head so he is after blond haired girls. But we see blond haired girls around him a lot in pictures. They are victims and in another picture we see he says that it is his innovation—love. Then he says fetish, fixation. This is another product and the same thing as the cube but most probably there are children in it. The guy is sick. Let us bring this man to prison and take him out the same as we did with Sterling.

K: it is our job; security services ask us to collaborate with them. KF asks us and our people us to collaborate with us to bring this man and his team to justice. He is sitting in one house but he is well protected by his people. There are two options for him and he knows we have opened the book. I think now is the time to eat the carrot of the banana by the man whose mind only works one way. Look at the pictures and please go on this thing that is set up called Facts about Dirk and look at the feet of these children that you see. Is the child still alive? Are those children on the floor still alive?

K: Where are the thousands of children that go missing and are trafficked from Ghana, Africa and the other countries like Morocco into Belgium? And they all end up in Antwerp and DL lives in Antwerp. Why don’t they live in Brussels? Now you understand or I hope you understand. We need this man to write more and more so with his own writing he comes to justice. It is your job as KF members to contact the police and tell them why these people are looking for a full body picture of children. The ad says that the first thing they need is a full body picture and then they put the picture of a little blond child.

K: they say that they started in 2015 or 2016 but they have been doing it since 2013 and 2014. This was the best way to capture children. The research and development senior man has found a way to capture children. With his hypnotism children never remember. We don’t know how many there are. We only know statistics from the UK government that the traffic through Belgium last year had 4 dead children. Do not forget that KF works closely with 30 security agencies.

K: I have worked with British security for over 30 years and I have a very good reputation and name for what I do because I have been correct. I don’t interfere in politics, drugs, alcohol or anything else. Through my research and understanding and the openness of my world they understand that when we advise it is correct. This is the statistics from the British government that there were four children trafficked by the direct deeds of these people are dead in England alone in 2016. Forget about the ones they put into prostitution and the bodies that were never found.

K: don’t forget the house where he lives is less than 100 meters from the dock; it was strategically chosen so that the bodies can be shipped out to sea. Go and look at the position. Now the security forces are working on why this house was chosen. You are sitting on top of the Antwerp docks where the children are put and disappear. The bus has the last step before it changes (?1.20.15 minutes). The sickness of this man is beyond imagination and he only comes and works to look for two things: children that are connected to him with pedophiles and scientists like us and other scientists who have been murdered and have gone into the ‘black box’ in the company in Belgium. He uses us to gather more money for his masters to use in part to gather more technologies to get more access the way Sterling told us. He said the business is hungry for children and new scientists and they know they have targeted them.

K: please, please take this recording that we specifically made today so that you can segment it and submit it to the police with the Facts about Dirk. Why are they looking for six year old children? Why are they looking for blond girls and full body pictures and they only show their toes? And then to cover up they bring their own children. Sterling did this. When they found the two girls dying of starvation in Dutroux’ house most probably Mr. DL had already done a condom. One of you reminds you of that.

K: please write, Mr. DL, more about Facts about Keshe Foundation. You are leading us where we want. Now you have confessed to a lot of things which you denied. At the beginning of the paragraph you say you have nothing to do with the company but then you say it changed management. So if it went to a new owner then how come if you sold this several years ago; do you say who the new sales and marketing manager is? And then you confessed to it. Now we are looking into that you are involved in trafficking and bringing new R and D, research and development and new ways to bring children in for your masters. There will be more released. We have connected him to a group in the US and a group which is connected to Sterling.

K: in the hidden conversations which nobody understands the word ‘cube’ is used and they speak about murder and about how one of them was caught and the others. This goes back to 2012, 2013 and 2014. The rest of it goes back to 2002. The word is ‘the cube.’ The murders appear that people have done in the US and other parts of the world. You have to understand this is a new word for them. If you heard about the pizza you understand. Now it’s the ‘cube’ and that is for ‘cute children.’ This is their mentality.

K: when you read all the reports I have read that I have received you start seeing into the mind of the man. We don’t accuse; it is what is written by him and not us. We haven’t added anything into it. We just put the mentality of the man and how he has hidden in things and how he is involved. We told you he was involved in killing scientists, and now you see it. Once the collaborator now writes about him and how they cheated each other. For people like us it opens our eyes that this organization is not only for children but finances itself through other things.

K: reads the _____ (1.24.42 minutes) and click on it and you see how the man who worked with to write patents in the morning and when they finished at night writing the patent, before the man who is supposed to be the owner is in the patent office in Belgium submitting the patent, when it was written somewhere else for someone else. He writes the patent and says he is too tired to hand it over and says he will finish it tomorrow. He runs into Antwerp and he goes and submits the patent as his own. The stealing and killing is part of what he does. We don’t say this; read it. A lot of information is going to be released about the pattern of his work.

K: read it; a lot of it is in his own writing and his own way of working. It’s not our writing. I thank the security teams; I thank the international security services we are working with. I especially thank the CIA and Russian intelligence services as well the Ghanaian security services who work with us. I thank the Italian national security at the highest level and without you we could not have done this. You have to understand one thing and that is that we share knowledge openly. Whatever we find about these people in a secure way is accessible on a daily basis by Interpol and national securities. We have given them the access codes and everything on a secure access of all the knowledge. Where it goes we give a hard copy of our work. This is our pattern of work.

K: we give our patents in the US. We stick to governments and we give all this information regularly on a USB stick to national securities. This is the way of the foundation and how it should be. This is how an organization looks after its children, science and technology and understands all the attacks. Now we know a little bit more about the writer of so much. He knew we pushed a button in June of last year and he went rampaging because he knew we had found out. But now he brings it all out in how he works. He uses his family to bring children and it is on the internet facebook friends but it is a full page advertising capturing children.

K: He claims innocence now that he is caught. What I have to tell is that we are unraveling one of the biggest pedophile groups that has gone on for 30 years headed by DL. Now we have unraveled the way they captured children and how he has set up an organization with the benefit of claiming to be in the excellent service of a multi-billionaire and this fits into what the police and Interpol have been looking for with the child trafficking with government influence and the elite rich. A boy from Africa who had nothing comes now to be the king of traffickers of children. Please do not stop communication with your police. We are still working and negotiating and we have been told there will be a ban on Belgian adult men and maybe their wives in traveling because this is the root. We stopped terrorists with the bombing and now we stop children abusers with their families.

K: Bin Laden did not work on his own and these criminals do not work on their own. Now he has brought them out of the woodwork into the open. Now we see the ‘new marketing manager’ that he is hiding behind. He hides behind what he abused.

K: my family and I have withstood a lot. It is not just Carolina and the boys; it is Rick, Vince, Stanley, Armen and the others. We have become One Nation and we make sure as One Nation we stop this work (of DL). We have spent a fortune trying to protect the foundation and it damaged us in so many ways financially. But we got out of it; now we are proud to say that we got the 2nd biggest pedophile ring on this planet that has operated for a long time. We got the head snake. It was for us to open it. We are monitoring everything. Those of you who thought you were there at the KF and you were going to bring us down and this and that now you know that unless you are a pedophile how you have been used to damage us by a man who himself is a pedophile. In your damaging of the KF in supporting what was done by a pedophile does it make you a pedophile? Unknowingly you were brought into something that you were not aware of like we were.

K: we are scientists and they used our technology and they tried to murder us as they did. The confessions and this reading of the internet read so badly. Let me read you something:

Dear DL: if you gave money to get an option concerning DGS Technology concerning all people mentioned in this letter, , etc., etc… if you get money concerning an option with DGS Technology please contact us.

K: so you see, everything is possible with this man and how everything is done. He kills people after the things he does so people cannot see what he is doing. Now we opened it up. The whole structure is that we have to work together as KF and police forces. You have to bring in from your country and neighboring countries all around: France, Germany, and Luxemburg. You have to inform your police forces about this guy. He travels across borders and they bring children for him. He hypnotizes them; this is his job and he is called the hypnotizer. That is why we couldn’t find him; he is the hypnotizer. He is a sick man; shame on you for killing so many children. We don’t talk about it, you have mentioned it not us.

K: I hope the images you have put of the feet of those children as the fetish of the ‘new research and development man’ are still walking because we will never know their faces. It doesn’t matter who you bring out to say who they are. I hope the children we see on their backs and we don’t see their faces are still walking and they can still say, Mama, I love you and they still remember what village in Ghana they were stolen from when they were sent to Belgium. Then we can take them back.

013400 K: let me explain something about why I am so passionate about child trafficking. I used to be part of the British Intelligence services for trafficking. I lived in England for 25 to 30 years. As a high level businessman we had to work with the securities and we became part of the structure of the British security intelligence for other things. And in that process the British securities opened my eyes to child trafficking. Then through our connections in the UN we saw how much finances of the KF which at that time was near ________ (? 1.34.53 minutes) and then when they opened their books to us, our going just to buy back children who had been kidnapped for child trafficking out of Africa and India.

013509 K: British securities opened my eyes to things I did not want to see but they said, Mehran you work with us and you have to understand it. I understood a lot and I understood how much of the money given to the UN is paid to the child traffickers to buy the children so when they are brought back on an annual basis they don’t even remember what villages they come from. We cannot place them back. We tried to put them back into school and there is no name. The child was taken out when he/she was so young and kept to be trafficked at a certain time. They were fed only enough so they could walk to reach a destination to be abused. There were so many children when I stood in the airport and the port of Dover with the security people telling me Mehran that child in her arms is another’s child; she is not the mother. Small DNA and blood tests showed them coming from Antwerp.

013624 K: You heard of drug trafficking donkeys (mules) where people eat and drink drugs and then they spit it out (or whatever) when they arrive at their destination. There are pedophile donkeys (mules). The child is kept with the woman for days so the child sees and is told if they talk, what they will do to them. They cross borders into a nation. They get a paid ticket to get into Europe and they get the child to take with them. It is same from Romania, Bulgaria, the Eastern Bloc, China, and Africa. Go on the list of child trafficking on the British Intelligence reports. A number of children and everything that arrives in UK has a hidden charge report that is kept on the daily basis by the UN that shows how many children are being trafficked. Daily the UN knows the count and where they have to work to get them.

013742 K: child trafficking is a big operation for sick people like DL. When they don’t get children they have to advertise to get them locally. The strange thing is that we have a very good friend in Belgium and he knows who he is. He took me to a nurse and she said to me, Mehran please help us. These people even in the name of religion are raping children and children are committing suicide when they remember what was done to them. Pedophilia is a huge business. I had to stand with UN officers and I had to stand with the customs officers and unknowingly I had to sit with one of the biggest criminals in child trafficking thinking he was helping us but he was helping us through his friends and the KF and other for the children.

013903 K: as much as I teach science and how to get man to space, I have to make sure that these people don’t get into space. What would our future be if we had these people in space? They want to taste the new child of a man from another planet. That would be mayhem for us. Now let us work and bring this man to justice. We don’t say anything; it is his own writing, his own website and his own artwork, not ours. We just unravel the puzzle and now the pieces of the puzzle are put ‘cubically together’ to find the ‘cube’ of the man who was the inventor of the puzzling cube. The puzzle is child and the cube is the prison for the child until they finish using the child.

014012 K: the facts about Dirk will get thicker because we have so much to show you how he was connected with other scientists and how he is connected with other things. This side doesn’t belong to me; they sent it to me. I’ll read it to you the way you would read it: Mr. Keshe I read what is written. Fax it out.

014038 K: now you understand how in the past months we have become a target. We picked up one of the most profitable lines for them, which was Sterling (in the US in Utah). We damaged their purse very badly so they had to take revenge. The boss was losing money so he took control himself. And now those who go on his website have the same position as Sterling. We know who and what they are and they have chosen a pattern that when you come and talk on KF, or show something, or you want to do something at KF they find your email and they attack you and threaten your children. These people have no teeth; don’t be worried about them. Come back and show your inventions and show your research. You have enlightened a lot of people. These people have made a lot of threats and they are only in 2 or 3 countries.

013134 K: they sit in Austria, Luxemburg, Germany and Belgium. They are all controlled slaves of DL. But, he touches them in a different way and we have seen what has happened. Please cut this section and with your local police. Let them know this is on the internet and this is what this guy is doing. He is hypnotizing children and getting pictures of these children. Make sure this section is transcribed and send it to your police and have them listen to this. Where are our children? How can this man advertise for children? You don’t ask for children and just show their feet. And then write a passage about a fetish and then show ‘art’ with a line of condoms. This is a sick man.

014236 K: we don’t preach. We inspire you to start the arrests. This thing will not stop. Someone else will take the DL’s place, but he is such a key man that we can delay it. Look at one thing: I was explaining this to security people very recently. We got Sterling. Through connections with Interpol we got 70,000 which are on the list and 4,000 have been arrested. If these 4,000 would have raped or abused one child a year, that is 4,000 children. If they had done one child every ten years that is 400 children a year that is one child a day damaged beyond. This is just one organization centered in Belgium.

014343 K: Read all the national security reports about child trafficking and Antwerp is mentioned on it. Antwerp is the center of child trafficking headed by DL. He is part of the management and he is the ‘oldest hand’. He has happily killed business; they kill for the ‘comfort of the child’—that is what that means. You will see on the site in the coming times when we show you how the cube works and how they confess to murder as I have said before.

K: Thank you very much for your time. As much as I teach you science this is the second time I put everything on the line regardless of Sterling. Now we come for Dirk; he has confessed to it. When you lie it means you are caught. And you have to tell one lie after another. We couldn’t get it in writing and now he has written. Don’t’ forget he pissed in the garden and he has children pictures in the garden. Now you understand.

Rick reads a testimonial from the USA on the Power of GIVING and gets the teachings back online…

014458 K: OK Let us go to our teaching; it is very important for us. Today we have a little more time, not much, for teaching in respect to the space technology. Rick, if you have something to show and share with us, because teaching the knowledge of the universe after such a horrible discussion of killing of the children by a man is not easy. Can you please share something and then I’ll come back and start teaching.

Rick: let me read the USA testimonial about ‘giving back.’ Maybe that leads to a better environment for the teaching.

K: while Rick is looking for that, please understand that we have faced and are facing a new dynamic with a number of governments. The new dynamic with a number of governments is the acceptances of the gans and other materials of what we do. What has puzzled them is that so many of you are testing and using it without FDA or ‘authority’ as that is the natural process. What we have seen in the past couple of months is that the authorities who are seeing people using the technology are asking us to give testimonials as they can use those on the basis for licensing. People are doing it openly. So Rick was ‘going up the wall’ to sort out these testimonials for every disease. Hopefully, we can achieve this soon in the compilation.

K: your testimonials are important. Let me tell you how important they are. when this journal puts an article in Italy and someone contacts the newspaper and claims that the paper has written ‘rubbish’ about the technology, that is how the whole opposition started was with this article. Don’t talk about what is done, but your testimonials. In a number of countries the governments see the rapid development of this technology that is so fast that people’s testimonials have become live tests. Please, please write down your testimonials and it doesn’t matter where on the KF testimonials. We support several websites such as the plasma groups. You understand that your testimonial is now being considered by governments in the sequence of animal testing and human testing. The human testing is important because we have data, your data. Try to be more precise when you about your testimonial.

K: when you say you took something so many times, be specific about when and how. It is nice to see thank you, it worked. But from now on add a few more lines of how you made it, where you put it, how many ounces, what was it, how did you feel, how many times did you feel good when you came back? These help scientists across the world. FDAs and other authorities are being pushed because your testimonials are live testimonials that you have done.

Rick: this is the testimonial…

Giving back should be on the top of everyone’s priority list. If they are capable of doing so, I believe that giving back gives much peace and love to oneself and others, if they have the right intentions. I have donated 5 patches and 5 pads to local people where I live. They have nothing but great things to say about their gift and they LOVE it. They have told me how it works for everything from headaches, pains and now it has been a life saver for them.

I have also donated my time to make about 9 thousand US dollars worth of Keshe pain patches, pens, health cannons and cups, etc…sent to west coast for the homeless. Knowing that the Keshe items were going to help the homeless for a myriad of different reasons, just lifted my heart with joy, peace and love. I am in the process of trying to build a business to make Keshe items at a low enough price, so I can give more back to the homeless and also donate more back to the foundation for all the great knowledge, teachings, and keeping with the ethos. This way everyone can continue on this beautiful journey and discover more.

The only reason I want to sell these items is to create a business in which I can make enough money to share with others this technology. Selling items at an extremely low price will allow me to donate more back. Also, because I live in the United States and most of us know how difficult our government can be.

I believe that if I can sell these items to enough people here that can not get them from the Keshe Foundation or make them for themselves, that we can spread the word even more here in the US on how the technology DOES work and maybe our government will be more prone to get on board, sign the Peace Treaty and share with the rest of the world what has been hidden from them, and is rightfully theirs….

Nicki Creech, USA

K: thank you very much. Nicki Creech, you have written the ethos of the Keshe Foundation. I see this and read it and as Rick was reading it, it was like déjà vu and something like 48 to 72 hours later. Carry on, you have our blessing. What you do is what we want it to be. There is one thing missing in your work. The people who you give the gifts to who come back and talk so good about the gifts tell them to come and learn from you and then they can give to others. That’s all and then the circle is complete.

K: as I have said there are 7 billion humans. We are doing the same as what you are doing; we have finished and are ready to put products on the market. We are waiting for certification to come and complete it. As I was saying to Benjamin when we were sitting with people in high, powerful positions in different aspects of science and work of the nation, we brought the use and sale price of these goods so low that the products can be sold in massive numbers. This will create the finances so that we can feed it back to the scientists so they can do more research and deliver that to the nation. So what we have set up, more or less in a few countries, is that KF works inside the government organizations trying to get things done. By setting up and being able to quickly deliver these cheap items to the market, we create finances for the research and scientists who work to be able to deliver. We create more new jobs.

K: one guy said to me it works so perfectly. I was explaining to the head of the KF a few days ago when I said the Italian factory setting was to show that the technology worked. The pens and the pads for 40 to 60 euro allowed the foundation to operate and run as the first and do more things that it has done in the past couple of years. Now we sell a thousand here, two thousand there and ten thousand somewhere else. The way that we now set KF in Africa and hopefully with the Philippines and the United States and the rest to follow is that literally every man on the street can afford the products. We are coming to the street level. We are coming to the national public level. You can buy the pen for $10 and pens in Ghana for $2 to $3. We have not gone to designing. We found the coca cola bottle fillers with the test shot and filled them with heat. We have used those for the pain pen. We can do this for $3 to $5.

K: We are doing the pain pads in double. This is important. If you are making pads for yourself, make two pads. Always make two pads. Get a glass of water or measuring glass; put two measures in one bag and one in the other so you are doing these 2 to 1. The energy transfer between the 1 and 2 with your body in between creates the pain relief. So we are teaching you what we learn. When you make pads make 2 pads that are the same size, change the amount of liquid in one irrespective of the other. It works by mass and you get a transfer. These pads should be around $2 to $3.

National ramifications of use of the Magrav energy systems

K: we are hopefully putting the generators out in Africa for about $100. But you work in the government structure so we can make every house have one. There is a lot of new information we have not had a chance to share with you. What we see is that people who are in apartments see the benefits much more than people who live in the houses. If you live in a housing area your neighbors are seeing a reduction in their bills, but you have made the unit. You get 20 to 30% and the rest of the neighbors get a 20% to 40% savings on their bill. Go and ask your neighbors if their bill is reduced. If there are a large number of people living in one area and they have Magrav units, ask the power supply company to read the energy transmission at the substation.

K: every substation is like a house and has a meter showing how much energy goes through it. If a large number of people start using the Magrav systems, then the power supply to the generator reduces. So if you have 10,000 houses that the power station supplies, now that you have reduced your consumption and the others in your area have reduced consumption by 50% to 60%, then your national government instead of 10,000, and let’s say now they are using less than 50% because of the system in your neighborhood. Now the same power station can give to 20,000 houses. If we go over 60% to 70% then it means that the power station can supply 30,000 houses.

A Word on the Ethos of the Kf and how certain people in certain countries are still learning that Thou Shalt Not Steal...

K: We are looking at this with a number of governments. It has 3 advantages so please learn what you are doing. I received an email from Togo a few days ago. There are people in Togo that are selling Magrav units for around 200 euro and they say there is something wrong with the KF. Don’t give us a bad name; you took the knowledge from us. Tell them you are proud to give the KF Magrav system. Don’t mess us up; you took the knowledge. Don’t break the part. You will find out that people who work like this, when you look at the lives of them and of their families in a few months’ time. When you steal you shall pay for it. You have stolen from your soul and your soul will balance the debt.

K: I didn’t ask you to make the units. The guy is making units to sell and he is making so much. This is why we are there; we are telling the ethos of the KF. Thank you for it and I respect you for it. I think the whole KF respects you for it. But do not do what you are doing to destroy us to look better as is happening in Togo and other countries. We are aware of the tens of thousands of Magrav units that people are making and selling. They don’t send a single cent to the foundation. They are buying luxury cars and everything else, but don’t forget they have stolen. If they don’t put back in what you have taken as we see with this gentleman, or other people, you will find out that they said they did something with KF and blah blah.

K: because you stole from KF we know what it is. We don’t give you the chance to become a thief. We encourage you to do this the rights way. Make these units and now the KF website that we run out of Italy and Arizona; there are hundreds of thousands selling the units. It all came from this teaching. Without us as a teaching group they would never have heard about this technology and they would not have done it. He did not know about it 2 years ago. Give back to the society and support the KF. We need a lot of support. Research in Japan is breaking the back of KF resources. But, it is good.

K: If you could see what I have received in the past 48 hours signed by the scientists of Tokyo University, all the harsh times KF members have taken, has been worth it. If I open it and read the conclusions to you, then you understand what we have achieved as a family. Give me one second and I will read you the conclusions of the cancer research report. Carry on for a moment Rick.

Rick shows the Blueprints website with blueprint instructions and people’s creations.

Rick: thank you, I’m going to show the Blueprint site here with blueprint constructions and people’s creations. This shows what people have done.


There are many blueprints here, some are for medical applications. There are various sites on Facebook. There is a health pen blue print from Hungary. People have posted what they are experimenting with gans water and iron as well as Magrav energy units. Some are using dowsing rods to test for the fields.

Keshe: this report has been requested by governments and is very fundamental. (2.05.53 minutes). Here is the conclusion:

Keshe Foundation Cancer Research,

Tokyo University Official Science Research Paper

This is so fundamental that Tokyo University, usually to raise finances to go from the second phase of testing to the animal phase of testing takes months and years to do.

The university has seen such a vast discovery that the application for going for the animals trials and then starting will be in the next 7-14 days.

You have to realize that this trial was done and completed. It started on December 12, 2016 and concluded on December 30, 2016. This has only been a couple of weeks and it was done at one of the leading universities in Japan. It is again part of what we explained at the beginning. The conclusion is signed by two senior professors, one is approved and one is prepared. The report says:

People who are connected to this report in consultation with nuclear scientist Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, director of the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute, Director of Keshe Foundation Ghana Limited, Shareholder in Partnership with Keshe Foundation Ghana Atomic Energy Commission.

Keshe: we are crediting Africa. But the conclusion is that usually when we get these reports they take years to culture. This technology is so rapid and it is so natural that it takes days to get results. The conclusion read:

In this experiment we have investigated anti-cancer properties of the gans CO2 and ZnO (he said ‘Zed”) and/or nano particles. We observe that both ganses, CO2 and ZnO, or nano particles have distinct effect on mammalian cells by the ability we are killing cancer cells. [hgpgt2, a549, abas-2b]. [While by ability we are killing cancer cells it is posing no effect on normal cells] Rats and [organs listed] the marked difference between cancer cells and the normal cells suggests an exciting potential for gans CO2 and ZnO (Keshe says Zed) as alternative for cancer therapy. Our molecular data showed that both MRNA and protein levels of tumor suppressed DnB53(?) and _________ (2.09.27 minutes) were regulated. While the anti-pathogenic bcl2 was down. In both gans CO2 and ZnO treated human liver cells (hpb2), or gans CO2 and particles were also found to reduce of _____ enzymes (2.09.59 minutes) and DNA fragmentation and rhbg2 cells (?). Moreover, both the gans CO2 and ZnO appear to induce the level of oxidant ROS, LPO and reduced the anti-oxidant capacity of hbg02(?) cells.

This experiment suggests that gans and nano particles induce apotheosis in the cancer cell. This is mitigated by ROSp7 and paccl (?) and creates (?) Pathways to where most of the anti-cancer drug trigger apotheosis while producing more toxicity to the healthy cells.

So we know from the results that you can use the CO2 with cancer with no side effects and no toxicity. I can read the first conclusion of the first trial:

On the other hand additional diluting of the gans with amino containing water….

Keshe: this is one of the particles and they decided to use amino acid on top of the gans material. We asked them to see the facts of the amino acid; this was just a sideline and the professors wanted it to be added because it is so fundamental.

….additional diluting gans with amino containing water diminished the nano particles’ activity. Further studies on other cancer cells and normal cells must be considered to determine the universal mechanics of amino containing water.

Keshe: so not only are we looking at particles; now we are looking at amino acid. There is a lot of research in the background here which has been gathered and now the human trials of this will start next week. This is very interesting for us because this is important. I will read the toxicity report phase 1 by the university and the conclusion is very simple.

It says: in this experiment the blood kinetics and tissue distribution of the toxic dose of gans CO2 was investigated following the intravenous exposure in mice. Following the injection of gans CO2 and nano particles were rapidly removed from the blood and distributed to various organs. The tissue distribution and pathological studies show that the spleen, liver, kidney are targeted organs for gans CO2 and ____ and there was not any short or long term tissue damage observed in gans CO2 in treated mice.

University tests in Japan are showing that the Intravenous GANS materials are completely non-toxic to normal cells

Keshe: so the gans materials are non-toxic. The CO2 gans material is injected into the body. This is a very detailed report that was done with all the graphs. We have submitted this for the human clinical trials and the now the animal clinical trials are so rapid that we have been told by the committee that the animal clinical trials passed immediately. They put them on very fast track in Japan by the looks of it. Usually it is a much longer time but because of the validity of what we have seen we hope to inform you by the end of this month that the animal trials will start rapidly. This is how effective they have found the ganses as the replacement treatment. (Breaking up at 2.14.12 minutes).

Keshe: there are good doctors in Canada (? Breaking up) and Japan who want to work with us. Please give us time in the next few days. For the clinical trials on humans our ethical committee has asked us for nano (?) scientists which we do not have in Ghana. We are looking and we will announce next week. One is a highly qualified pharmaceutical person. You know who you are and if you are you pharmacologist which means that you can compute the dosage to the medicine that has to be given to a person; they want 2 or 3 independent ones so that we get a consensus on the amount of the dosage. We have already assessed it but they say it is good practice to have more so that we have a consensus.

K: If you are a pharmaceutical person please contact the webmaster@ and they will check your background. We issue a government organization report from the ethical committee. You will be checked by the securities because they know what is happening around us. Then we will bring you in and debrief you for what we need, tell you what has been done, and you tell us the dosages you think. We have already tested this and know the dosages, but it has to be correct.

K: on the top of each report there is something interesting: we are doing this as Tokyo University; it is done at the Spaceship Institute Keshe Foundation. This means that our institution as KF Spaceship Institute is releasing high level scientific papers and we stand our ground. It also says at the top:

Toxicity of CO2 gans nano particles intravenous exposed mice. This trial was initiated by M. T. Keshe of the Keshe Foundation in support of further evaluation of harmlessness of the newly developed plasma technology of ganses in nano state known as gans. The material used in this trial is of the carbon oxide gans which was produced by the researchers in the university prior to clarification and injection into mice.

K: so we are giving the foundation an international base. The governments in the past few weeks are starting to ask us about it. Nobody has anything of papers on it; it is done independently by the Tokyo University and KF. I thank all of you especially the management team and those who sit in support in the background. We all know that we tolerated a lot of pressure in every way, but this investment in Ghana, Japan and two more research centers in the short term is needed for the life of the foundation. We are tolerating a lot but we will get through it. We all came here as volunteers and now we have to stand this until we are through. The fruit of the research is so huge.

K: I have made a number of moves to bring the KF to international level so that we stand on our own. There is nobody else who understands this technology, who can show it and who can teach it except us. We tasted it, we built it, we used it, we enjoyed the time of seeing the coils/cores made and some said they have not pain. We saw the hardship of it, but it has to be done and we are nearly through the whole package. We have the structure and the institute and we see what was announced by Jacky today; we have a beautiful webmaster team in the background, Vince, Stanley, Vernon and the others. We have a beautiful management team in different aspects of education and KF and the rest.

K: this allows us to become internationally recognized and this is what all of came to do with the technology to be used by everybody. We came with the ideology that knowledge can be shared that can be used and now we see the fruit of it. The scientists, when they see this, when the ethical committee people, and scientists from different organizations see this report, they say it one of the most beautiful, simplest research with such a fast effect that they have seen. We invite the American FDA to contact and come to us. If you know someone in FDA and you want to get the CO2 submitted to FDA they cannot refuse the research from Tokyo University. It is independent research and the effect is there. You cannot ignore when other people are using it.

An Interesting Insight on Soap with K2 and MK

021936 Rick: there is a call from Klaus D who wants to tell about a new research project of gans soap. Is that something you want to hear?

K: yes, please. Don’t be frightened when people call and threaten you; this is the pattern of DL. They started a group of 8 or 9 and when you come and show something they come on and threaten you. We have to be strong to stand this. We see that people don’t come to the calls because they receive threats. If you give up and showing what you do it means that they have won. We have seen this and now we caught the boss. We have to be strong enough; show us that you are producing soap. Benjamin showed the test a year ago and now part of the production in Ghana manufacturing is soap for the nationals. Show us, because we can learn from you and use it. (2.20.43 minutes). All of us use it.

022100 Klaus 2 (K2): we started at the end of last year to produce different gans soaps with herbs and different essential oils. In the next days we will send some of this to Ghana to research. We build a safe space to research these things with different people and we have a new home page we are testing.

K: make sure we don’t see your WebPages. These animals are waiting in the background to hack…

K2: we have no problem with animals; I love animals.

K: yes, but these are animals with no….. Carry on please.


022209 K2: can you see this? This research project has this home page. When all is fixed we give this link to the community so we can all benefit together. We bring all the knowledge to the medical part with Dr. Klaus so we can bring the knowledge together.

K: you have a beautiful way of packaging and you have given me a good idea. This is very simple but effective and we have been looking at plastic containers and other things.

K2: this is from the Sonya, Dr. Klaus, the team and me.

K: explain how you get the colors.

K2: yes the colors are from different herbs, flowers, nuts, lavendulum and CO2 and CuO in the soaps.

K: this is an insight on the soap. Soap is something we touch and it touches our soul because we smell it. Wow—you have a better factory than we have. Can you go back? Let us see how you produce your ganses.


How have you produced these? You just hang the plates in the small jars?

K2: this is the work from Sonya.

K: I see you say you use CO2 and CuO. And then you use herbs. The herbs give different smells that touch us as we have emotional connections to them. What will be interesting and nice for you who start producing the soaps is to add ZnO to them. You connect it with emotion; you understand?

K2: we can make a higher percentage of ZnO.

K: make sure when you make these things that you do not touch the amino acid on the top, especially when you are making soap. Do you understand? We suck it from the bottom at the factory and then there is no way the amino acid can enter the cycle. This is beautiful, absolutely beautiful. How much are these sold for?

K2: we have 3 pieces, 6 pieces and 9 pieces of soap. 3pieces is nearly 30 Euros with packaging and mailing. One kilo has a special price so the pieces have different weights as the natural products. People can order 3, 6 or 9 pieces; I will send the prices.

K: we would like to know the composition of how you make it.

K2: the foundation becomes the beneficiary of this. It is our idea.

K: Benjamin started producing soap here with coconut.

K2: we can also use coconut and it is for vegetarians and vegan people.

K: oh, my god, you are really into it!

K2: coconut has different fats.

K: this is fantastic. There is something – how much of this is produced locally?

K2: all of it and all without chemicals and is very natural and without chemicals.

Rick: we were talking earlier about how to ‘clean the mess.’ The comment is: gans soap to clean the mess—how fitting! You talked about the mess for the first 2 hours and now we talk about gans soap and cleaning up the mess.

K: what is interesting when I was teaching all the masters and PhDs in Ghana, and each one is in different divisions. There is a group who make their soap but you have to understand that in Africa everybody makes their own soap. What I explained to them was very interesting if you understand the logic behind it. We get the fat of the animal and we add caustic to it in the process to make the soap. Then we use the soap to wash the fat from our hands. Do you understand the process and the science?

K: we take the copper and put it in the caustic and make a nano material of it and a gans of it. Now man has been in nano gans production for centuries. We take the fat, the amino acids, and put in the caustic and now we have made a field of it. We were always taught that the soap cleans the hands, but how come the soap cleans the hand which is the fat? You make the fatty things and then wash your hands with the soap. You wash your hands from the dirt because the amino acid and your fingerprint oil is connected to the fat. You rub the separation of it. We separate dirt from our skin and the fat from our skin. It is the same as when you have nano coated copper and copper. How do we get the gans separation of it?

K: what we do is so fast in the chemical condition that we see the soap releasing the gans of the fat of the hand and it washes away. And, we say we clean our hands with fat. So if you look at it gans manufacturing is what we have been doing in nano gans material makers but we call ourselves ‘soap makers.’ Now we understand the science. It is not a chemistry effect. Now we change the copper with fat. We put nano coated with copper and we get free plasma. Now you understand the truth about how we clean ourselves with simple soap. The science behind it is not chemistry. The science behind soap is nano technology and gans technology. Because we didn’t know we accepted what was said.

K: now you understand and I explained this to the scientists a few months ago and they said, why did you explain this so simply? Now we understand. This is what I said, you have all been in nano making when you cook, especially the Chinese with their high temperature have nano layers come to their food. We eat and that is why we eat very little when we eat Chinese because half of the energy from the pan is gans material that is digested inside. This is beautiful what you are showing, but please start understanding the science behind it. This has a very important application. I tell you this because in KF Ghana we have the team of scientists. Now they are looking for crude oil contamination.

K: crude oil is another fat and we are looking for the same structure in crude oil and we tried to put gans on it. It didn’t work. Now we are looking at the structure of how we can use the crude oil itself to open up the crude oil. Alekz tried this a few months ago in Nigeria with very little success. Here we have gone further. Now if we add one gans to the crude oil it becomes like a very thick milkshake. This has never been done and we see it and it’s more or less instantaneous. If you spray it on the surface of the sea where there is an oil spill, the waves will turn it over and it becomes like a gel. It increases its weight and it suddenly becomes 3 to 4 times the weight of what it was before we added a few pieces of gans into it.

K: what we ask now is the chemistry labs will test for us to see if we have converted the amino acid of the oil into a CH bond. This is okay; it gets heavy and settles to the bottom and becomes food for the animals; it is the amino acid bond. So we can wash the oil from the sea in the specific way done with the gans we produce here. Then what is interesting is now they are selling the gans mixed with the crude oil to research labs which is floating on the water like a milkshake. (2.33.36 minutes) You have an oil tanker nearby and we can monitor it. What is in it? Is it nutritious? Any oil seepage or leakage, we will add our ganses to it. It will take a few more days with the research; it’s days not months.

In Ghana the Kf will link with Petroleum corporations so we can link the Kf to the Oil industry and they can see the benefit

023407 K: We are linking KF Ghana to the petroleum groups here in Ghana and if we can have petroleum engineers near us, then we can link KF to the oil industry and they can see the benefit of it. What we are doing in Ghana is merging the institutions together and working with KF. Now they see they can work as one organization. Thank you Benjamin for the work you have done and for all you are doing here; I appreciate it beyond imagination. We spend a lot of time here with scientists and explaining to them. We are bringing them to work as one team. The scientists of the nation are waking up and it is beautiful to see it. We explain to them that we are building. You will see the new building of KF research center. We would have shown it today but we have so many things going on.

K: we tell all the scientists here that this KF belongs to all of them so they can come and design it with us. It is your center. We finance this through the factory. Through this we can set up the rest of Africa. The unity and openness we across the levels of research and governments with us are amazing. The scientist is pinpointing at the scientific level of working together. We see that at all the research centers. They have come together and usually there is opposition with new technology. When they see that we open the doors and we are there for them to learn, then we have brought solidarity to the nation and that is why you see huge success with the foundation in Ghana in many arenas.

K: in Europe the money rules. In Africa there is no money so if you can do things with little money we can get the research going and we can keep the scientists going. They see the movement in bringing the foundation together. I don’t want to bring people from outside that are being paid for it. We are teaching up to 100 of the top scientists in government in understanding what is involved. Yesterday we took water from the water research and they said the water that is treated with the gans material is as good as distilled water; it is amazing. If you go somewhere that the water is contaminated, CO2 and CuO and ZnO, the water of it, or you wash the gans of it, the water is as clean as distilled water. You have water you want to use for drinking, plasma add CO2 to it. In Ghana we are putting it in 32 ml bottles. When people buy good here it is very contaminated and diarrhea is very common. Poisoning is common, so now what we are doing for the next few weeks you will be able to go anywhere in Ghana and buy a bottle. It is a blue bottle, the color of the blue in the KF logo. You may 60 or 70 local currency, and 90 local currency for food and you always buy water.

K: you always buy water, but you know this time the water you drink will stop the diarrhea and kill the infection. This is what we are seeing. These people feel it. We were talking to Benjamin the other day. When you walk into the research labs you have to pass certification in different ways at KF. We meet with senior officers of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission. Any government is open for us more or less because we sit as a government organization. People who are supposed to certify us, when they see the test and they hear about the water from their friends at Ghana Atomic, ask if they can use the water for their diabetic family or friends? They say that it has to be certified first. Then they say we know it works; this is just the paperwork that we have to do.

K: the scientists in Africa are not arrogant like the scientists in the west. They just ‘run with it.’ Benjamin and I are puzzled. People are walking in with gans material. I have blood pressure issues; sir we are coming with our materials for you to test them so we can go to the next step of certification. It already works, we see that. We have to do the certification. They talk to their friends and they know it works. They tell us to launch the material into the market; there are no problems with the materials. Now we have certification. If you sell the water anywhere in the country you can have certification. The biggest problem with certification for FDA is that this has been certified by the top university in Japan. No toxicity. Cancer is eradicated within 6 to 24 hours depending on the mixture.

K: We submit this to Ghana Atomic Water Commission. They have the latest machinery. They have tested everything and photographed how effective this is and how rapidly bacteria and germs are disappearing. We were looking at the pictures that we received with the report. The water and the chemical composition are better than distilled water with high alkalinity. This means it is as good as anything for anti-cancer. Now we have scientific backup and we have done it through your support. You go through the organization and get your things registered and we support you. We give the certification only directly to organizations and don’t give it to you to submit to the organizations because it can be abused.

K: you can say this is part of the KF and we belong to the KF and you can ask for certification. We have a central bank for certification now and we give you that to you. All the pads and the field application can be certified that there is C-Certificate in our bank that we hold. This is how we got the newspaper in Italy that said this was a scam and we had certification problems. We told the newspaper they were damaging the company finances. The directors said there was a scam with the health patches. We responded to them that we had C Certification and they know they had caused damage and wanted to immediately settle up.

K: the scam was caused by the pedophile. No problem, we know that you paid one of your friends to do the job for you. We just asked a funny question of the Italians. We wondered how they had someone from Antwerp write an article for the Italian newspaper. Governments are opening to us. We have the pads, they want to see the C Certification and they ask for the laboratory test results. We give it to them and they can see it. If they want it for the health pens we have done field testing on them and we have C Certification for them. We give the C Certification information to the authorities and not to the people.

K: these have come from your support. We have borrowed no money from a bank, pharmaceutical company or committed the KF anywhere except to our supporters. Now the data is for you. You made the soap; I am going to make a certificate for the soaps you make. You can have it done by FDA or boards of certification that this is what the soap does and here is the C Certification. It is beautiful to see your work and I appreciate it. It’s fantastic to see your soap. If any of you have anything else, please come on and share with us. I have learned a lot from the pictures of your soap making and what you have shown us. We had the idea to put the soaps in the plastic boxes.

024322 Rick: I have a couple of other soap pictures from someone else in the chat. I can promote them and they can speak about their soaps. Srdan comments in the chats that he produced the soap and tried it with CO2, ZnO, CH4 and combinations of them. I had two nipples on my hands for several years. After putting the gans in the soap on them, they disappeared. I can show my soap if you like.

K: yes, please.


Srdan: thank you for your work and for promoting me.

K: could you tell us who you are and where you are from.

Srdan: I am Srdan Kolic from Croatia. We are learning for more than a year and I make the soap for a year or longer. I started putting the gans water in the soap of CO2, ZnO and CH3. Like Rick said I my hands have cleared up.

Rick: what do you mean by ‘nipples’ do you mean warts?

Srdan: yes, I didn’t know the English word. (Picture of soaps at 2.46.10 minutes).


K: I like your packaging.

Srdan: thank you. We have the messages on them as affirmations—you can do it! You are the best!

K: do you tell people there is gans material in them? Are you educating them?

Srdan: yes, some of my friends are doing this.

K: how much do you sell a block?

Srdan: one block is around 80 grams and I sell it for 3.3 Euros.

K: is this a hobby?

Srdan: it’s a hobby and I started to sell it a few months ago; before it was for my wife, myself and friends.

K: we can provide you with documents of certification for you to be able to market it. Teach as well; this will be nice. Thank you for showing us. If you are Ghanaian and speak their language, from next week twice a week ½ hour a day on TV and internet channels in Ghana you can share knowledge and learn about different aspects of the foundation work and different materials. We will do the ½ hour teachings in the local language by the scientists who are making things. We can reach Ghana through radio and television. We are becoming a very well-organized organization in Ghana. I hope we will be able to go to the next step with the factory, the new research center, the hospital which is on the line to be built in the next few months. If you want we will support you to be able to teach in your own local languages.

Rick: I saw that Srdan sent a couple more pictures of the soap and I will show them.

K: I’m getting good ideas and it’s very easy to market.


Rick: this soap looks like fudge..maybe it’s good eat! Didn’t mothers used to clean out the mouth with soap when they swore?

K: many times I had my mouth washed out as a child.

Rick: if they put the gans in it, it might cure what ails you, but the soap is a little hard on the body organs inside. It’s not so good to eat. Do you who make soap, do you add the gans liquid or do you use the solid gans?

Srdan: I just use the liquid plasma water. I have 15 ml of the gans water and put that in the soap.

K2: in Austria we use the gans and the gans water.

K: what we see is the water is the disinfectant. Maybe the water that contains the CO2 gans water or gans can be used for permanent disinfectant. There is another aspect that some of you who are doing and we know some are busy with this. Despite people saying that we ‘escaped’ from Italy Keshe Manufacturing is setting up a second manufacturing facility for industrial and farming. It is separate from KF Italy and is a new company. Now in the coming time we are going to the second factory in Italy targeting industrial and farming.

K: We have found an effective way of doing this. As I am teaching today I am receiving communications from Italy and I was looking at a farm with a huge number of cows. They see that by using CO2 they can reduce the antibiotics that they use. They have tested it and seen the results and now they want to apply this to the huge farming industry with thousands of cows. It shows the net reduction in the use of antibiotics. The farmers want to reduce the use of antibiotics in the animals to the minimum possible. The farmers have tested and now will go into commercial size factories that can carry 50K to 100K liters of water a day. We will put these machines in the public domain so you can use them in your country for agriculture.

K: I have talked with the Philippines and they have the pipes installed and are using this in some of their tests. All of this now is in KF Ghana and KF Italy and is part of the structure. It is important that we get this done correctly.

Great results for psoriasis with liquid plasma and even a cure for Elephant’s foot!

025528 Rick: there are more comments of people making soaps with their gans. We are testing CO2 soap on psoriasis and so far it is with great results.

K: please when you use something for psoriasis use ZnO with it. CO2 might have some zinc but always have ZnO with what you are using on skin. Skin is part of your brain and carries emotion.

Rick: that is mentioned by Boris who says 1 cup of liquid plasma mixed of CO2, CuO, and ZnO. The lung infection of a 5 year old girl one night after ten days of treating with pharmaceuticals had no effect. After one night (of treating with the liquid plasma) it had effect. This is wonderful! T

Rick: Raphael, hello Keshians! I made some soap too and have some very special experiences with it. I have reports with kids with neuro dermatitis and other diseases that are testing the liquid.

K: keep an eye on your Zoom link and I will send you something that is important and you will understand how effective the water of the zinc is. Carry on, I will send it to you.

Rick: Maria mentions that she put both into the soap and she says the user is very allergic to creams and soaps but she can tolerate my gans soap wonderfully.

K: I’ll send you the picture and you will see how it works; it is puzzling. This disease has bothered man for thousands of years. Until you see it, it is hard to comprehend. I will send a number of pictures. These are the foot of a man for the past 5 years. Thousands of people in Africa suffer from this and it’s horrible. Now I want to show you with just drinking and washing what has happened for the man. (Picture at 2.59.38 minutes).


K: this is a disease in Africa known as elephant foot. It is a worm and every bubble you see is a worm. Farmers especially have problems with this. In this photo it has taken 5 years to get this way. There is no medicine for it anywhere in the world; they have tried everything for centuries. Now let me show you this after 4 weeks of drinking gans water and washing the foot with the gans. We are monitoring this with the Ghana atomic people. It is the same foot and you will see something very strange. Put the two pictures next to each other. You will understand what CuO water and washing the foot 3 times a day for about 10 minutes each time. This is the beauty of the silent medicine as they call it. You see the toes for the first time and the body opening up and getting rid of the worms. (Slight delay in sending photo over the internet).

K: what is interesting is to see that the worms are literally coming out and the body has changed. For the first time you can see skin and the guy says for the first time he has no pain. Put the pictures side by side. You will see how the simple application of CuO with ZnO and for the first time you can see the skin of the man. The effectiveness of this is less than ten or fifteen cents. (Picture at 3.03.46 minutes). You change a man who could not walk to one who can walk. You see on the side of the pictures that the foot is opening up (3.03.58 minutes) and the worms are coming out. Every dot you see on the skin is a worm. This is where the difference comes. For thousands of years man had no solution for this condition. Now with a few cents we change the life of the man. Literally you see the worms are dropping out.


We do not need the FDA to tell us that the plasma technology is wiping out a lot of diseases

K: a man like this doesn’t go to FDA. FDA has approved every medicine that has been tried on him and it gets nowhere. And, people at the highest level realize that we can make the difference in their nation. This is where we are and this is what we see. There was nothing—it has been a solid wall. This is where what we call the present plasma technology is wiping out a lot of diseases they could find no solution for. (3.05.39 minutes) See the inflammation and the side of the foot? This is literally opening up. Open the next picture and you will see more. There was nothing they could do and now the body is rejecting worms. The man says he doesn’t have much pain any more and he’s had pain for the last 5 years. Amputation is not a solution; it all moves up to another part (of the leg).


K: now you see the skin opening and worms are jumping out. It was solid for 5 years. The man says he can walk for the first time without pain. Where is FDA? We will show the pictures in another 4 to 6 weeks of this man. He is a family member of part of the management at Ghana Atomic. Now you understand that you can make as many telephone calls as you like to anybody. Every day across Accra, Ghana they see people walking who could not have before. This is where we change the condition. This disease has been here for thousands of years. Now with the water the man is drinking he can start living a normal life.

030745 Rick: Doug has a question in the chat: is leprosy similar to the elephant foot disease? Would that be treated in a similar way?

K: most probably. Leprosy is an internal disease. This is a worm that goes in; the farmers get this on their land. The worm(s) sits in the limb and then they start living off it. We show you a lot of instances. We have people who were getting amputations because of diabetes. Now they are marching in the military. It doesn’t cost much.

K: We have seen the communication of the police in Ghana who are watching to see these crooks who are stealing the Ghanaian children through Antwerp. They see the results of this technology here in Ghana. What you do as KF is solid. In Europe we die silently of the medicines that cannot work. In Africa we cannot import but we can deliver these technologies so that people with very little can use them. You can give a man the use of his foot again. You can stop the diabetes. We can change the blood pressure in 30 days to half. We have started creating mayhem in science and in the structure. People would like to get this to the market as soon as possible.

K: You see there is very little bleeding on the foot except where the worm has come out. These pictures were taken by Richard when he was here. We took him to Ghana to take these because he had the camera. The foot was solid black for 5 years and now it is opening up and getting rid of the worms. We can show you many of these things. This is important for us as KF that needs the change. There are many, many ways to do things. There are many things that present medicine cannot do.

K: I look at the soaps. Now with what we have shown that is being produced here. What if you do the cream with gans and put it on? It will last longer. When you wash with the water it is on for 10 minutes. This way the whole thing comes off; every little knot is one word. The very big knot on the foot is an old worm that is coming out. Many of them have come out. All the ridges you see are where the worms have already come out.

031113 K: making a difference in the life of a farmer in Africa is as important as making the difference in the life of the President of the United States. Life is precious. As we said if we cut our skin we all bleed red blood. The skin is brown but the blood is red. Creating support, pushing the governments to implement and do more research is where this comes from. Those who try to stop this do so because of the revenge of the loss of children in their beds (pedophiles). Those who understood and are working with the technology are supporting this solidly and the governments are now realizing this.

K: In the first picture we showed you it was all black. In the last picture we are showing you, you see yellow and everything is virtually falling out. We will show you the development of this. Anything else or shall we call it a day? Rick, you started something beautiful 3 years ago and now we see it.

Rick: it’s amazing to see the results over the entire planet, if not ‘off the planet’ as well. I think you have reached out to the whole universe, Mr. Keshe. Let me see if there are any other questions.

People with HIV AIDS & Cancer invited to Ghana

031336 Rick: John was asking about the update about the lady in Ghana with HIV waiting for the independent confirmation of being cleared of HIV.

K: do we have Paul in Togo with us? We are going through the process of the ethics committee clearance on AIDS, HIV, cancer and other things. We are waiting for certification and the application process is very cumbersome. It is internal. But you can use the material for HIV and we announced we are accepting people in Ghana for the cancer and we opened it directly.

K: If you want to come to Ghana get in touch with Dr. Klaus. We have to put conditions on it because we have to support the very heavy expenses on the KF because of the cancer research. You know that you will be treated in hospitals and not as has been claimed by pedophiles in back street hotel rooms. You will be treated in the Atomic Hospital that is under the control of the government. All the doctors are waiting to see the results.

K: we have put the parameters of $5000 to $8000 per person for a personal donation. You can come with your documents and speak to the section that is responsible for it. We are accepting the first 50 patients to arrive. We are open for research and this is a trial. We have given the success rate at 50% to 70%. We are learning more and the rest is on you. You can come with HIV, AIDS and cancer. The mouse in the trials didn’t have cancer. It was injected with cancer cells so we could save it (with the gans technology). You have the cancer and you want research. Why do we put the life of another animal in danger for you to be comfortable with the correctness of the technology?

K: this is ethically how we must do this because man has not respected the souls of the other beings. The mouse doesn’t have HIV; you have HIV. Why should we give another soul to show it worked; you are the one with HIV. For whatever reason, right or wrong and it doesn’t matter, you have the HIV. Why should we kill another soul to save your life? You have the problem so become the guinea pig of (solving) the problem. Or are we so cowardly that we don’t want to do this? At the end of AIDS you will have cancer. Then it is a number of days that you will stay in your physicality, so what is the difference? You want the lives of a number of animals (for testing) for you to be happy (about the results). It is a lot of ethics.

Rick: S mentions in the chat that he had his son drink the CO2 water as well as the ZnO water and all ailments are gone since the administration of the USA immunizations that caused many issues. His health and his wellness became the reason why I knew I had to start learning everything deeper to start helping better.

K: a lot of parents have come to KF and tried things because of our children. A lot of people come to us to learn this (plasma technology) because they don’t see any other solutions. And that is what I said—put your testimonials up.

K: You have something about AIDs? Understand that coming here to save the life of another soul. We are killing bunches of rats and mice in Japan for you to have the benefit in the United States. If you want you can come to Ghana. We are very open and we can speak to the ministries. They know we have called it health tourism. The governments are aware of it and it can be done here under the supervision of the doctors in the Atomic Commission Hospital. We have our own hospital facilities and we are building a new hospital very close by in the next 12 months. The architects are already working on what we can do. Come and just send what you have.

We will ask Stanley to open a site that is help@

031919 K: Stanley, can you produce such an email?

S: yes.

K: open this immediately in the background so people can write to help@. Apply to us directly because now we have our own center and we have taken over one of the largest buildings for the jobs that we do here in Ghana. You will be treated by doctors in the hospital and not as the pedophiles claim in some backstreet hotel room. The Ghana Atomic people read this and asked me if the people are so naïve in Europe that they believe all these lies? They laugh and they say it is good to see the greed of the white man, as they call it.

K: we call it a day; thank you for today. Please separate the first portion of this workshop. It is important that the police and securities target this family operation of kidnapping, child abuse and pedophilia under the name of Cubicly Happy. A happy child runs and does not lie flat with his foot up unless he has been killed. Thank you very much for your time. We hope we have better news next week, but this thing had to be brought out so you can see what we are dealing with.

Rick: thank you Mr. Keshe and this ends the 155th Knowledge Seekers Workshop for January 19, 2017.


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