Attendance: Ted Klein, Rob Hausum, Austin Kreisler, Scott ...

Orders & Observations Conference Call



|Name |Organization |

|Austin Kreisler |SAIC / CDC |

|Mead Walker |Health Data and Interoperability Inc. |

|Gary Meyer |CareFusion |

|Jonathan Harber |Blood Systems |

|Hans Buitendijk |Siemens Healthcare |

|Greg Thomas |Kaiser Permanente |

|Patrick Loyd |GPInformatics |

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Note Takers: Hans Buitendijk


▪ Approve January 28 Conference Call minutes:

o Motion to accept. Gary Meyer, Austin Kreisler

▪ Against: 0, Abstain: 0; In Favor 5

▪ Approve January Work Group Meeting minutes

o Not yet ready, target next week.

▪ CPM CMET, Substance CMET

o Harmonization proposals due next week

o Gunther needs to check Substance whether any proposals need to go in.

o Mead is checking on CPM

▪ Blood Bank

o The List Serve being reinstated.

o Scope is only donor experience

o Jonathan to provide list of fields that cannot be mapped naturally to existing HL7 segments. We’ll then determine in upcoming meeting how to progress.

o Post Meeting Note: Attached is the document Jonathan provided

▪ [pic]

▪ All those that include the word Research in the Notes section require us to assess whether to propose new segments, fields, or re-use something already in place.

▪ Behavioral Model Update

o We need to establish conference call time with core team as the initial time does not quite work.

o Mead indicated a plan would be helpful.

▪ This is already in part discussed in Phoenix and last week.

▪ Focus on conceptual model first, then flush out.

o The list serve renamed to behavioralmodel@lists..

▪ Composite Order

o We will pick up this topic next week.

▪ Continue with Composite Order Ballot Reconciliation

o [pic]

o Did not discuss

• May Agenda

o [pic]

o We reviewed various updates to joint sessions, topics, and updated everybody that we will NOT meet Friday Q1/Q2.

Future Topics

• V2.8 Proposals

• Clinical Event

• Lab Result Topic Update


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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