The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Reading Guide Chapters …

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Reading Guide Chapters 1-3 (I-III)

Chapter 1 (I) Discover Moses and the Bulrushers

1. How much did Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn get apiece from the gold the robbers left in the cave?

2. What doesn’t Huck like about the Widow Douglas?

3. In Chapter 1 Huck says that the Widow Douglas took him in and tried to “sivilize” him. What did he do when he “couldn’t stand it no longer”?

4. Why did Huck not put much stock in Bible stories like the ones about Moses?

5. Who came to live with Widow Douglas and kept nagging Huck about spelling and manners?

6. Give an example involving spiders that shows that Huck is superstitious.

Chapter 2 (II) Our Gang’s Dark Oath

1. In Chapter 2 Huck sneaks out one night with Tom Sawyer after Jim falls asleep. What trick does Tom play on Jim?

2. After Tom and Huck pick up a group of boys, where does Tom finally take them?

3. Where had Tom gotten his ides for organizing his gang?

4. Who does Huck offer to be killed if he tells the gang’s secret since he has no family?

Chapter 3 (III) We Ambuscade the A-rabs

1. Whose idea of Providence does Huck prefer and why?

2. In Chapter 3 a drowned man is found in the river. Who is this corpse thought to be?

3. When Tom’s gang begins its attack on the “Spanish merchants and rich A-rabs” in Chapter 3, what do they find instead of a wealthy caravan?

4. What happens to the gang of robbers? Why does the gang break up?

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Viewing Guide Chapters 4-7 (IV- VII) 17 min

Chapter 4 (IV) The Hair-Ball Oracle:

1. What does the music in the opening suggest about the story?

2. Whose tracks does Huck recognize?

3. What does Jim tell fortunes for?

4. State 2 things Jim reads about Huck’s future in the magic hair-ball?

5. How does Huck Finn try to get himself out of trouble with Widow Douglas and Miss Watson?

6. What happens when Huck gets back from playing with his friends?

Chapter 5 (V) Pap Starts in on a New Life:

1. What did Pap think of education?

2. What does Judge Thatcher tell Pap about the money that Huck has inherited?

Chapter 6 (VI) Pap Struggles with the Death Angel:

1. What does Pap call Huck when he attacks him in the cabin?

2. What about this relationship with Pap is unpleasant?

3. Why does Huck’s father try to kill him one night after coming back from town?

Chapter 7 (VII) I fool Pap and Get Away:

1. What is the purpose of killing the pig?

2. Where is Huck headed when he escapes? Why?

Literary Focus of chapters 4-7:

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Reading Guide Chapters 8-11(VIII-XI)

Chapter 8 (VII) I Spare Miss Watson’s Jim

1. Why does the ferryboat fire its cannon out over the water?

2. Why are the loaves of bread floated out over the water?

3. Why does Huck scare Jim?

4. Why did Jim run away?

5. What does Huck promise Jim?

6. What are 5 superstitions mentioned in this chapter?






7. What does Jim say about good luck signs?

Chapter 9 (IX) The House of Death Floats By

1. What do Huck and Jim find floating down the flooded river?

2. What does Jim prevent Huck from seeing?

3. What are some of the provisions they find?

4. Why does Jim lie down in the canoe?

Chapter 10 (X) What Comes of Handlin’ Snake-skin

1. What does the title of the chapter indicate to you?

2. What practical joke does Huck play on Jim?

3. What happens to Jim?

4. How much as a slave is Jim worth?

5. What is “one of the carlessest and foolishest things a body can do”?

6. Why does Huck go into town?

7. How does he disguise himself?

Chapter 11(XI) They’re After Us!

1. What name does Huck use?

2. According to Mrs. Loftus, who did the townspeople at first think had killed Huck?

3. Who did most people later come to believe was the murderer?

4. Where has the woman’s husband gone?

5. The woman soon sees through Huck’s disguise. List three actions which give Huck away.




6. What is Huck’s final story he tells her?

7. Why does Huck leave town so quickly?

8. What does Huck do when he returns to the island to trick anyone looking for them?

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Reading Guide Chapters 12-14 (XII-XIV)

Chapter 12 (XII) Better Let Blame Well Alone

1. What does Jim build on the raft and why?

2. Explain “borrowing” versus “stealing”

3. A few nights after passing St. Louis, what doe Jim and Huck happen upon?

4. Who does Huck wish were there and why?

5. Who is Jim Turner?

6. Why does Jake seem not to want to kill Jim Turner?

7. What happens to the raft?

Chapter 13 (XIII) Honest Loot from the Walter Scott

1. Jim and Huck try to steal the robber’s skiff when two of the robbers appear, about to leave the steamboat. Why do the robbers postpone their action?

2. Why does Huck make up the story about mam and pap and sis and Miss Hooker, which he tells the ferryboat man?

3. Why does the ferryboat man decide to help?

4. Why does Huck want the robbers rescued?

Chapter 14 (XIV) Was Solomon Wise?

1. Where does Huck get his information about dukes and kings?

2. Which King did Jim vehemently dislike?

3. Why can’t Jim accept that Frenchmen don’t talk the same way he does?

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Reading Guide Chapters 15-16 (XV-XVI)

Chapter 15 (XV) Fooling Poor Old Jim:

1. What town in Illinois are Huck and Jim trying to reach?

2. What is Jim doing when Huck rejoins him after they are lost in the fog?

3. What mean trick does Huck play on Jim?

4. After he realizes that Huck is fooling him, what does Jim say about “trash”?

5. What does Huck then do?

Chapter 16(XVI) The Rattlesnake Skin does Its Work:

1. What thought troubled Huck so much that he couldn’t rest and made him wish he was dead?

2. What does Jim plan to do with all the money he saves?

3. Why is Huck opposed to Jim’s desire to have an abolitionist steal his children out of slavery?

4. Huck runs into two men on a skiff with guns. For whom are they looking?

5. How does Huck convince these men not to search his raft?

6. What doe Jim and Huck believe caused their bad luck?

7. What happens to separate Jim and Huck again?

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Reading Guide Chapters 17-18 (XVII-XVIII)

Chapter 17 (VXII) The Grangerfords Take Me In

1. What do the Grangerfords first think of Huck?

2. What is Huck’s new name?

3. How does he say he has arrived at their home?

4. What I the name of the son who is Huck’s age?

5. What problem does Huck have when he wakes up in the morning?

6. What kind of people are the Grangerfords since they are not feuding hillbillies?

7. List three things the dead girl kept in her scrapbook.




Chapter 18 (VXIII) Why Harney Rode Away for His Hat

1. Describe Colonel Grangerford

2. What reason does Buck give Huck for wanting to kill Harney Shepherdson?

3. How is Huck reunited with Jim?

4. Why did Jack not tell Huck that Jim was there?

5. What has Miss Sophia done that her family thinks is awful?

6. What happens to Buck?

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Reading Guide Chapters 19-20 (XIX-X)

Chapter 19 (XIX) The Duke and The Dauphin Come Aboard

1. How do Huck and Jim arrange their traveling during the days and nights?

2. Describe the two men Huck sees running.

3. Why are the two men being run out of town?

4. Who do the two men claim to be?

5. How doe these two bums want to be treated?

6. Huck isn’t fooled by the claims of these two men, so why does he treat them as though he believes their story?

7. Does Jim believe who these two men claim to be?

Chapter 20 (XX) What Royalty did to Parkville

1. How does Huck convince the men that Jim is not a runaway slave?

2. After discussing various money making “campaigns”, what do the king and the duke decide?

3. Explain how the king makes money at the revival meeting

4. How does the duke arrange things so that they can travel in the daytime?

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Reading Guide Chapters 21- 23 (XXI-XXIII)

Chapter 21 (XXI) An Arkansaw Difficulty:

1. What do the king and the duke plan to do to get the money?

2. What event was being held in town already?

3. Who comes to town to kill Colonel Sherburn?

4. For whom do the townspeople send?

5. What happens to Boggs

Chapter 22 (XXII) Why the Lynching Bee Failed

1. Who goes to Colonel Sherburn’s house and why?

2. Explain how Sherburn avoids being hanged.

3. Where does Huck go next?

4. Explain why the king and the duke write “Ladies and Children Not Admitted” on their poster.

Chapter 23 (XXIII) The Orneriness of Kings

1. The king and the duke perform the “Royal Nonesuch” for three nights. What does the crowd bring on the third evening?

2. Why did Jim slap his daughter?

3. What does he realize afterwards regarding Elizabeth?

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Reading Guide Chapters 24(XXIV)- 26(XXVI)

Chapter 24 (XXIV)- The King Turns Parson

1. Why does the duke dress Jim as a sick Arab?

2. Why do the king and the duke pretend to be the Wilks brothers from England?

3. How do the king and the duke get information about Uncle Peter Wilks?

4. Who will the duke pretend to be?

Chapter 25 (XXV)- All Full of Tears and Flapdoodle

1. Who are the three WIlks sisters? (list names and ages

2. What is the inheritance that they receive?

3. Who receives the rest?

4. Why do the king and the duke add their own money to the money hidden in the cellar?

5. What do they do with the money in the cellar?

6. What does Mary Jane do when the doctor asks her to “turn this pitiful rascal out”?

Chapter 26(XXVI)- I Steal the King’s Plunder:

1. What makes Huck want to help the three sisters?

2. Why won’t Mary Jane need the property?

3. Where did the king and duke hide the money?

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Reading Guide Chapters 27(XXVII)-29 (XXIX)

Chapter 27 (XXVII)- Dead Peter has his Gold

1. Where does Huck hide the money?

2. Why does he hide it there?

3. What upsets the girls in the settling of the estate?

4. When he is blamed, who does Huck say has stolen the money?

5. Why does he blame this person (the answer to number four)?

Chapter 28(XXVIII)- Overreaching Don’t Pay:

1. Why does Huck reveal the plot to Mary Jane?

2. After telling her the truth, what does Huck tell her to do?

3. At the end of Chapter 28, during the king’s auction, a steamboat lands. A crowd soon appears; what are the “singing out” ?

Chapter 29 (XXIX)- I Light Out in the Storm

4. Who arrives at the beginning of the chapter?

5. How do the king and duke behave toard these newcomers?

6. What had delayed them from arriving earlier?

7. What is Levi Bell’s plan for deciding who the real Harvey and William WIlks are?

8. Why does it become necessary to exhume the body of Peter WIlks?

9. Why is Huck able to escape?


Useful Vocabulary:

Hogshead: barrel gap: yawn hived: stole

ambuscade: ambush lath: thin wooden slats, to which plaster is usually attached

Useful Vocabulary:

Hiding: thrashing meddle: interfere skiff: a light rowboat

Tow: a cheap rope Palaver: talk

Nabob: an important person (originally, governor of an Indian state

Trot line: a fishing line strong across a river with individual lines and hooks hanging down from it into the water

dandy: a man who is overly concerned about his dress

Useful Vocabulary:

Quicksilver: mercury abreast: side by side cooper: barrel maker

Camp meeting: outdoor religious revival truck: stuff things

Reticule: a cloth purse

Useful Vocabulary:

Texas: a structure on a steamboat containing the officer’s cabin

Guys: support wire blubbering: crying careened: turned over on its side

Bitts: timbers used for securing lines on a boat spondulicks: (slang) dollars

Dauphin (dolphin): eldest son of a king of France.

Useful Vocabulary:

Tote: carry aggravate: irritate leeward (looard): the direction the wind blows

Sheering: swerving

Useful Vocabulary:

Wince: to shrink back or cringe impaired: harmed frivolousness: lack of seriousness

Pommel: the front of a saddle ransack: to search thoroughly

Sideboard: a piece of dining room furniture used for holding dishes and serving implements

Feud: a long-standing and deadly quarrel between groups

puncheon floor: a floor made of split logs

Useful Vocabulary:

Galluses: suspenders mesmerism: hypnotism haughty: proud

Jour printer: journeyman printer, between an apprentice and a master printer

Phrenology: the study of character as revealed by the shape of the head

Histrionic: related to acting ciphered out: figured out Benefactors: people who confer benefits

Unities: the dramatic unities of time, place, and action, as propounded by Aristotle

Literary Analysis: The monstrous devilish steamboat destroys the peaceful and benevolent raft.

1. Who is on the raft?

2. Who is on the steamboat?

3. What could this represent in a lager sense (Symbolically speaking)?

Useful Vocabulary:

Beaver: a hat made of beaver skin tanner: a person who makes animal hides into leather

Slouch: a lazy person doxology: a hymn in praise of God

Passel: a group, a number of imposter: a person who pretends to be someone else

Cubby: cubbyhole, a small room pallet: a small, primitive bed, usually made of straw

Stretchers: lies, stretchings of the truth tick: mattress

Congress water: mineral water from Saratoga Springs

Useful Vocabulary:

Melodeon: a small organ sand: grit, courage candid: frank, honest

Confront: bring face to face disposition: inclination sluice: a flood of water

Lights: lungs harrow: a farm implement with long teeth for cultivating soil


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