Chrono/Log - Webs

Chrono/Log The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

1. For skipping school, Aunt Polly makes Tom _____________________________________________

2. Becky Thatcher tosses Tom a ________________________________________________________

3. Tom stuns Mr. Walters by ____________________________________________________________

4. Tom and Becky promise each other _____________________________________________________

5. Tom slips and accidentally tells Becky ___________________________________________________

6. In the graveyard, Tom and Huck witness __________________________________________________

7. Tom feeds his aunt’s cat _______________________________________________________________

8. Tom and Joe choose Jackson’s Island as ________________________________________________

9. Tom sneaks back home to find_________________________________________________________

10. Tom, Huck, and Joe attend ____________________________________________________________

11. Becky damages ____________________________________________________________________

12. A high-flying cat uncovers _____________________________________________________________

13. Tom’s summer diary fails because ______________________________________________________

14. At Muff Potter’s trial, Tom tells _________________________________________________________

15. Injun Joe comes back disguised as _____________________________________________________

16. A rotting stairway saves _______________________________________________________________

17. Tom and Huck stand watch to find ______________________________________________________

18. Huck overhears plans to slit ___________________________________________________________

19. In McDougal’s cave Tom sees ________________________________________________________

20. Tom manages to save Becky by ________________________________________________________

21. Judge Thatcher seals ________________________________________________________________

22. Tom feels pity and relief because _______________________________________________________

23. Tom and Huck divide ________________________________________________________________

24. Huck returns to Widow Douglas so he can be _____________________________________________

***Now, draw a plot diagram over the events of the novel. There are two plots occurring simultaneously. So, keep in mind that there are two choices for climax, depending on which you identify as the initiating force of the novel. Remember:

Exposition/Introduction – introduces characters, setting, personalities

Initiating Force – the event that drives the action of the novel

Rising Action – the events that develop the plot

Climax – the most exciting event; the event that changes the direction of the plot

Falling Action – the events that begin to tie up the loose ends

Resolution – the state in which the characters remain at the end of the novel


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