SkillChoice - US English IT Course Catalog

|HUD Virtual University (HVU) - IT Course Catalog | | |

|(includes Project Management Courses) | | |

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| | | | |

| | | | | |

|Software Development | |Operating Systems & Server Technologies |Web Design |  |eLearning |

|Internet & Network Technologies |Enterprise Database Systems |Project Effectiveness |  |  |

| | | | | |

| |Curriculum | |Course Title |Course # |

|  | |  |  |


| |Java 2 Programming | | |

| | |Java 2 Programming | | |

| | |Java 2 Language Basics |31643_ENG |4 | |

| | |Crea0ting Classes in Java 2 |31649_ENG |4 | |

| | |Java 2 Language Features |31654_ENG |3 | |

| | |Core Java 2 Utilities |31658_ENG |4 | |

| | |Introduction to Creating GUIs in Java 2 |31663_ENG |4 | |

| | |Java Enterprise Development with the J2EE: Overview of the J2EE Architecture | | |

| | |J2EE Architecture |66577_ENG |4 | |

| | |Java Enterprise Development with the J2EE: Client Development, Application | | |

| | |Deployment, and Security | | |

| | |Developing J2EE Clients |73519_ENG |2 | |

| | |Packaging and Deploying J2EE Applications |73529_ENG |2 | |

| | |Java2 Security Features |73543_ENG |3 | |

| | |Java Enterprise Development with the J2EE: Servlets and JSPs | | |

| | |Developing Servlets |73468_ENG |5 | |

| | |Developing JSP's |73491_ENG |2 | |

| | |Java Enterprise Development with the J2EE: Enterprise JavaBeans | | |

| | |Developing EJBs |73423_ENG |4 | |

| | |Persistence and Transactional Issues Affecting EJBs |73445_ENG |3 | |

| | |Java Enterprise Development with the J2EE: J2EE Support Technologies | | |

| | |Java Database Connectivity |66651_ENG |4 | |

| | |RMI and the Java Message Service |66663_ENG |5 | |

| | |CORBA and the Java IDL |66713_ENG |6 | |

| | |Java Web Services | | |

| | |Web Service Technologies |83795_ENG |3 | |

| | |Java Technologies for Web Services |110732_ENG |3 | |

| | |Java Web Service Clients |116824_ENG |2 | |

| | |Java Programming with J2SE 1.4 | | |

| | |Getting Started with Java |212087_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Java Utilities |212092_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Creating Classes in Java |212089_ENG |2 | |

| | |Exception Handling and Assertions |212091_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |Operators and Flow Control in Java |212088_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |Working with Classes in Java |212090_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Reference Types and Threading |212202_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Basic GUI Development with Java |212093_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Java Applets |212373_ENG |1.75 | |

| |Java Web Development | | |

| | |Java Enterprise Development with the J2EE: J2EE Connector Architecture | | |

| | |The J2EE Connector Architecture |210367_ENG |2 | |

| | Software Development Tools | | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers | | |

| | |Introducing Microsoft .NET |31679_ENG |5 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for IT Professionals | | |

| | |What Microsoft .NET Means for IT Professionals |31739_ENG |5 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: C# for the VB6 Developer | | |

| | |Beginning C# |64554_ENG |7 | |

| | |Programming C# for the VB6 Developer |64556_ENG |8 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: C# for the C++ Developer | | |

| | |Inside C# |65409_ENG |7 | |

| | |Programming C# for the C++ Developer |65410_ENG |8 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Foundations of with | | |

| | |Introduction to |66794_ENG |3 | |

| | |Building Applications |66795_ENG |6 | |

| | |Optional Features and Finalizing Applications |66796_ENG |6 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Visual Basic .NET for the VB6 Developer | |

| | |Moving to Visual Basic .NET |61588_ENG |5 | |

| | |Advanced Language Features of Microsoft |61594_ENG |5 | |

| | |Windows Forms and |61599_ENG |5 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Building XML Web Services | | |

| | |XML Web Services and |61990_ENG |3 | |

| | |Building Web Services and Web-Service Clients with Microsoft .NET |61994_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: with | | |

| | | Connections and Commands |73686_ENG |4 | |

| | |Building DataSets |73687_ENG |4 | |

| | |Advanced Programming |73689_ENG |5 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: with C# | | |

| | | Connections and Commands |129900_ENG |3.75 | |

| | |Building DataSets |129901_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Advanced Programming |129902_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Managing Disconnected Data |131252_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Testing, Debugging, and Maintaining Windows Application in | | |

| | |Testing and Instrumenting Applications |79986_ENG |5 | |

| | |Application Maintenance and Optimization in, |79995_ENG |2 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Testing, Debugging and Maintaining Windows Applications in C# | | |

| | |Testing and Instrumenting C# Applications |109340_ENG |5 | |

| | |Application Maintenance and Optimization in C# |109343_ENG |2 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Testing, Debugging, and Maintaining Web Applications in | | |

| | |Testing and Instrumenting Web Applications in |112070_ENG |3 | |

| | |Web Application Tracing and Debugging in |112074_ENG |4 | |

| | |Web Application Maintenance in |112219_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Creating User Services for Windows Applications with | | |

| | |Windows Forms and Controls in |108764_ENG |3 | |

| | |Customizing Controls and Events in |121217_ENG |2 | |

| | |Input Validation and Error Handling in |108765_ENG |2 | |

| | |Adding Services and Components in |109638_ENG |2 | |

| | |Printing, Reporting, Help, Accessibility, Localization, and Globalization in |109314_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Building Server Components with | | |

| | |Windows Services in |116720_ENG |2 | |

| | |Interoperability and Serviced Components |116749_ENG |3 | |

| | |.NET Remoting |116782_ENG |4 | |

| | |XML Data Access in |116805_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Mastering with | | |

| | | User Interface Considerations |117745_ENG |3 | |

| | |Adding Professional Features to an User Interface |117893_ENG |3 | |

| | |Globalizing Applications |117761_ENG |2 | |

| | |Advanced Topics |117772_ENG |4 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Configuration and Security with | | |

| | |Assemblies and Configuration in .NET |84842_ENG |3 | |

| | |Security with |84854_ENG |6 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Configuration and Security with C# | | |

| | |Assemblies and Configuration with C# in .NET |110465_ENG |3 | |

| | |Security with C# |110468_ENG |6 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Windows-Based Application Deployment | | |

| | |Application Deployment in .NET |79126_ENG |2 | |

| | |Deployment of Windows-Based .NET Applications |79788_ENG |6 | |

| | |Microsoft .NEt for Developers: Analyzing Requirements and Defining Solution Architectures | | |

| | |.NET Solution Vision and Requirements |108317_ENG |4 | |

| | |Developing .NET Specifications, Strategies and Conceptual Design |108579_ENG |4 | |

| | |Creating the .NET Logical Design |108595_ENG |2 | |

| | |Creating the .NET Physical Design |108608_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Web-based Application Deployment | | |

| | |Planning and Starting the Deployment of a .NET web Application |115334_ENG |2 | |

| | |Using Visual Studio .NET to Deploy a Web-based Application |115333_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Creating User Services for Windows Applications with C# | | |

| | |Windows Forms and Controls in C# |130035_ENG |3.75 | |

| | |Customizing Controls and Events in C# |130036_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Input Validation and Error Handling in C# |130037_ENG |2 | |

| | |Adding Services and Components in C# |130038_ENG |2 | |

| | |Printing, Help, Accessibility, Localization, and Globalization in C# |130039_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Testing, Debugging, and Maintaining Web Applications in C# | | |

| | |Testing and Instrumenting Web Applications in C# |132055_ENG |3 | |

| | |Web Application Tracing and Debugging in C# |132056_ENG |3.75 | |

| | |Web Application Maintenance in C# |132057_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Building Server Components with C# | | |

| | |Windows Services in C# |130090_ENG |2 | |

| | |Interoperability and Serviced Components in C# |130091_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |.NET Remoting in C# |130092_ENG |4 | |

| | |XML Data Access in C# |130093_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Foundations of with C# | | |

| | |Working with |204929_ENG |2 | |

| | |Responding to Clients and Errors in |204930_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |Controls in Web Forms |204940_ENG |3 | |

| | |Styling Web Applications |205483_ENG |1.25 | |

| | |Data Access with |204943_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Supporting User Assistance and Accessibility |205346_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Mastering with C# | | |

| | |Creating and Using Components with |205543_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Tracking Users in |205556_ENG |1.25 | |

| | |Globalizing Applications |205553_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |Installation and Performance Issues for Applications |205557_ENG |2 | |

| | |Integrating and Working with Unmanaged Code Using |205578_ENG |2 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET for Developers: Building XML Web Services with C# | | |

| | |XML Web Services and |130206_ENG |2.5 | |

| | |Building and using web services |210879_ENG |1.5 | |

| | |Building Web Services and Web Service Clients with Microsoft .NET |130207_ENG |1.5 | |

| |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 | | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basics 6.0 (Classic) | | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Desktop: Controls |VB6001E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Desktop: Forms, Controls, and Menus |VB6002E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Desktop: Validation, Error Handling, and Help |VB6003E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Desktop: Introduction to Data Access |VB6004E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Desktop: Compilation and Debugging |VB6005E |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Desktop: Introduction to COM Components |VB6006E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Desktop: Creating COM Components 1 |VB6007E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Desktop: Creating COM Components 2 |VB6008E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Desktop: Creating ActiveX Controls |VB6009E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Desktop: Building Internet Applications |VB6010E |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Desktop: Installation and Deployment |VB6011E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Distributed: Introduction to Enterprise Development |VB6021E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Distributed: Microsoft Transaction Server |VB6022E |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Distributed: Using MTS Services |VB6023E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Distributed: Middle-Tier Data Access |VB6024E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Distributed: Building SQL Stored Procedures |VB6025E |3 | |

| |Generic Languages | | |

| | |C++ programming | | |

| | |C++ Programming: Structured Programming |116671_ENG |3.5 | |

| | |C++ Programming: Classes and Data Abstraction |116672_ENG |4 | |

| | |C++ Programming: Manipulating Objects |116673_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |C++ Programming: Overloading |116674_ENG |3.5 | |

| | |C++ Programming: Files and Streams |116675_ENG |2.5 | |

| | |C++ Programming: Programming Techniques |116676_ENG |3 | |

| | |ANSI C Programming | | |

| | |ANSI C Programming: Introducing C |116604_ENG |4 | |

| | |ANSI C Programming: Data Representation |116654_ENG |3 | |

| | |ANSI C Programming: Functions |116670_ENG |4 | |

| | |ANSI C Programming: Expressions |116697_ENG |4 | |

| | |ANSI C Programming: Flow Control |116731_ENG |3 | |

| | |ANSI C Programming: Text Processing |116752_ENG |4 | |

| | |ANSI C Programming: Processing Records |116781_ENG |3 | |

| | |ANSI C Programming: Pointers |116826_ENG |3 | |

| | |ANSI C Programming: The Standard Library and Preprocessor |116840_ENG |3 | |

| |Software Programming Fundamentals | | |

| | |Software Programming Fundamentals | | |

| | |Getting Started with Programming |78978_ENG |3 | |

| | |Designing Programs |78995_ENG |3 | |

| | |Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML | | |

| | |Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML: Fundamentals |115472_ENG |3 | |

| | |Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML: Exploring System Behavior |115473_ENG |2 | |

| | |Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML: Finding Classes |115474_ENG |4 | |

| | |Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML: Analyzing the System |115475_ENG |5 | |

| | |Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML: System and Object Behavior |115476_ENG |4 | |

| | |Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML: Designing the System |115477_ENG |3 | |

| | |Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML: Design and Implementation Issues |115478_ENG |3 | |

| |Lotus Domino R6 Application Development | | |

| | |Lotus Notes Domino 6 Application Development Update | | |

| | |Application Design Enhancements |85367_ENG |3 | |

| | |Programming Enhancements |85387_ENG |2 | |

| | |Application Implementation |85388_ENG |0.75 | |

| |Rational Rose 2001 - US English | | |

| | |Rational Rose 2001 | | |

| | |Fundamentals of Rational Rose 2001 |31622_ENG |4 | |

| | |Enhanced Features of Rational Rose 2001 |31627_ENG |4 | |

| |Microsoft Office 2000 Solution Development | | |

| | |Microsoft Office 2000 Solution Development | | |

| | |Microsoft Office 2000 - Solution Development: Fundamentals |MSD01SE |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Office 2000 - Solution Development: Building Applications |MSD02SE |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Office 2000 - Solution Development: Developing Applications |MSD03SE |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Office 2000 - Solution Development: Developing Excel Applications |MSD04SE |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Office 2000 - Solution Development: Developing Word Applications |MSD05SE |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Office 2000 - Solution Development: Expanding Your Solution |MSD06SE |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Office 2000 - Solution Development: Advanced Solution Development |MSD07SE |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Office 2000 - Solution Development: Developing with FrontPage |MSD08SE |5 | |

| | |Microsoft Office 2000 - Solution Development: Designing and Deploying a Solution |MSD09SE |5 | |

| |Cobol | | |

| | |Cobol | | |

| | |Introducing COBOL |COBL01E |4 | |

| | |COBOL: Structured Program Development |COBL02E |3 | |


| | |COBOL: Statements and Editing Characters |COBL04E |3 | |

| | |COBOL: Flow Control and Iteration |COBL05E |4 | |

| | |COBOL: File Handling |COBL06E |4 | |

| | |COBOL: Debugging and Testing |COBL07E |3 | |

| | |COBOL: Advanced Programming |COBL08E |4 | |

| | |COBOL: Report Writer |COBL09E |3 | |

| | |IBM Enterprise Operating Systems |COBL10E |4 | |

| |Mentoring Assets | | |

| | |Mentoring Assets | | |

| | |Mentoring 70-300 Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architectures |mnt70300 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-305 Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft |mnt70305 | |

| | |Visual Studio .NET | | |

| | |Mentoring 70-306 Developing and Implementing Windows-based Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and |mnt70306 | |

| | |Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | | |

| | |Mentoring 70-310 Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and the |mnt70310 | |

| | |Microsoft .NET Framework | | |

| | |Mentoring 483 Enterprise Connectivity with J2EE V1.2 |mnt483 | |

| | |Mentoring 486 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML |mnt486 | |

| | |Mentoring CX-310-025 Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.2 |mnt310025 | |

| | |Mentoring CX-310-035 Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.4 |Mnt310035 | |

| |Test Preps | | |

| | |Test preps | | |

| | |70-300 Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architectures |TP70300_ENG | |

| | |486 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML |TP486_ENG | |

| | |70-305 Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET |TP70305_ENG | |

| | |70-306 Developing and Implementing Windows-based Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET |TP70306_ENG | |

| | |70-310 Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and the Microsoft |TP70310_ENG | |

| | |.NET Framework | | |


| |CompTIA A+ (audio) | | |

| | |CompTIA A+ 2003 Core Hardware | | |

| | |Identifying, Adding, and Removing System Components |123900_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |System Resources and Installing and Configuring IDE and SCSI Devices |123909_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Installing, Configuring, and Optimizing Computers |123910_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Diagnosing and Troubleshooting |123903_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Memory, Motherboards, and Processors |123905_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Printers, Maintenance, and Safety Issues |123904_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Basic Networking |123906_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |CompTIA A+ 2003 Operating System Technologies | | |

| | |Operating System Technologies: Concepts and Installation |126771_ENG |2 | |

| | |Operating System Technologies: Configuration |126984_ENG |2 | |

| | |Operating System Technologies and the Networking Environment |126983_ENG |1.25 | |

| | |Operating System Technologies: Management and Troubleshooting |126791_ENG |3 | |

| |CompTIA Server+ | | |

| | |CompTIA Server+ | | |

| | |Server Installation Planning for Server+ |59203_ENG |3 | |

| | |Server Installation and Configuration for Server+ |59206_ENG |2 | |

| | |Server Maintenance and Upgrading for Server+ |59209_ENG |3 | |

| | |Server Troubleshooting and Disaster Recovery for Server+ |59212_ENG |2 | |

| |Microsoft .Net Server | | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Introduction | | |

| | |Getting Started with Windows Server 2003 |119151_ENG |2.5 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003 Administration and Services Support |119162_ENG |4.5 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Upgrading Support Skills for MCSEs on Windows 2000 | | |

| | |Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining Network Infrastructure |119892_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Network Infrastructure and topologies for Windows 2003 Enterprise networks |119912_ENG |3 | |

| | |Designing and Managing Internet Connectivity in Windows 2003 |119924_ENG |2 | |

| | |Planning and Designing an Active Directory Infrastructure |119934_ENG |3 | |

| | |Implementing and Supporting Active Directory Infrastructure |119947_ENG |2 | |

| | |Planning, Implementing and Maintaining User, Computer, and Group Policies and Strategies |119958_ENG |2 | |

| | |Planning and Designing a Security Infrastructure |119968_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Updating Support Skills for MCSAs on Windows 2000 | | |

| | |Getting Started with Windows Server 2003 |117907_ENG |3 | |

| | |System Administration in Windows Server 2003 |117933_ENG |3 | |

| | |Managing Windows Server 2003 Internet Services |117979_ENG |2 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services and System Recovery |119303_ENG |2 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Designing an Active Directory and Network Infrastructure | | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Designing the Infrastructure |115388_ENG |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Creating the Design |115395_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: The Network Services Infrastructure Conceptual and Logical Design |116156_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Designing RAS Services for the Network Infrastructure |116411_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Network Infrastructure and Active Directory Physical Design |116122_ENG |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Network Infrastructure Physical Design II - Internet Connectivity |116412_ENG |2 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Managing and Maintaining the Server Environment | | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Basic Concepts |124011_ENG |1 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Managing Users, Groups, and Computers |123546_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Managing Resource Access |123572_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Managing Hardware, Disks, and Logical Devices |123582_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Managing the Server Environment |123605_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Managing Disaster Recovery |123583_ENG |2 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Network Infrastructure | | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining TCP/IP |125865_ENG |2 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining DHCP |126071_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining Name Resolution |125926_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining Network Security |125927_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining Remote Access |125928_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining Routing |126092_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Maintaining a Network Infrastructure |125929_ENG |2 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining the Active Directory Infrastructure | | |

| | |Planning and implementing an Active Directory infrastructure |126360_ENG |4 | |

| | |Planning Active Directory Services |126378_ENG |3 | |

| | |Active Directory Sites, Replication, and Trusts |126379_ENG |4 | |

| | |Implementing Active Directory Users and Groups |126380_ENG |3 | |

| | |Planning and implementing Group Policy |126381_ENG |2 | |

| | |Configuring and Troubleshooting Group Policy |130201_ENG |2 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Planning and Maintaining a Network Infrastructure | | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Planning the Network Infrastructure |127946_ENG |3.75 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Planning for Name Resolution |127959_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Implementing Routing and Remote Access |127971_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Planning for Network Availability |128023_ENG |2 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Planning Server Roles and Server Security |128052_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Planning a Security Infrastructure |128064_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows 2003 Server: Migrating from NT Server 4.0 to .NET Directory Services | | |

| | |Creating a Migration Plan in Windows .NET Server |117300_ENG |3 | |

| | |Preparing and Deploying a Domain Upgrade in Windows .NET |117313_ENG |2 | |

| | |Preparing and Deploying a Domain Restructure in Windows .NET |117323_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Designing Security for Networks | | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Security Basics |201375_ENG |2 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Logical Network Security |201402_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Securing Clients |201405_ENG |2 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Physical Network Security |201403_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: Securing Data and Server Roles |201404_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Windows Server 2003: IIS Security and Firewalls |201412_ENG |2.25 | |

| |Microsoft Windows XP | | |

| | |Microsoft Windows XP Professional: Installation and Configuration I | | |

| | |Installing Windows XP Professional |113628_ENG |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows XP Professional: Installation and Configuration II | | |

| | |Managing Files, Folders, and Devices in Microsoft Windows XP |113687_ENG |5.75 | |

| | |System Reliability and the Desktop in Windows XP Professional |113713_ENG |4.5 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows XP Professional: Installation and Configuration III | | |

| | |Networking Protocols and Services in Microsoft Windows XP |113736_ENG |5 | |

| | |Backup and Security Settings in Microsoft Windows XP |113758_ENG |4.75 | |

| |Microsoft Windows 2000 | | |

| | |Microsoft Windows 2000 Script Host | | |

| | |Windows 2000 Script Host: Automating Administration Tasks |115304_ENG |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows 2000 - Installation and Administration | | |

| | |Windows 2000 - New Features and Architecture |112593_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Installation |112681_ENG |5 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Administration |112790_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Users |112804_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Groups and Terminal Services |112818_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Files and Folders |112836_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Advanced File and Folder Management |112876_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Hardware Configuration and Optimization |112893_ENG |6 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Events |113251_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Backup and Recovery |113373_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Group Policy |113410_ENG |6 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Network Protocols and Remote Access |113467_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Storage and Printing |112987_ENG |5 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows 2000: Core Technologies | | |

| | |Windows 2000: Core Technologies - Network Fundamentals |112501_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows 2000: Core Technologies- TCP/IP |112522_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows 2000: Core Technologies - Internet Fundamentals |112537_ENG |3 | |

| | |Managing Microsoft Windows 2000 in a Network Environment | | |

| | |Managing Resources, File Systems, Disks, and Web Services in Windows 2000 |67380_ENG |7 | |

| | |Managing and Monitoring Network Security, Routing, and TCP/IP in Windows 2000 |67419_ENG |4 | |

| | |Managing DHCP, DNS, and Name Resolution on a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network |67441_ENG |4 | |

| | |Managing Windows 2000 Servers and Client Computers |67459_ENG |5 | |

| | |Managing Groups and Replication through the Active Directory in Windows 2000 |67483_ENG |3 | |

| | |Managing Group Policy in Windows 2000 |67498_ENG |3 | |

| | |Managing Remote Access Solutions in Windows 2000 |67513_ENG |6 | |

| | |Configuring and Troubleshooting IIS 5.0 in Windows 2000 |69327_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows 2000: Implementing a Network Infrastructure | | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Implementing a Network Infrastructure: IP Routing |113523_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Implementing a Network Infrastructure: Addressing and Naming Services |113522_ENG |6 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Implementing a Network Infrastructure: Security |113524_ENG |5 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Implementing a Network Infrastructure: Remote Access and Network Protocols |119873_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows 2000: Network Design | | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Network Design: Networking |113780_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Network Design: Addressing and Naming Services |113781_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Network Design: Remote Access Services |113782_ENG |3 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Network Design: Routing Technologies |113783_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Network Design: Remote Connectivity |113784_ENG |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows 2000: Active Directory Design | | |

| | |Microsoft Windows 2000 - Active Directory Design: Directory Services Infrastructure |113960_ENG |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows 2000 - Active Directory Design: Directory Services Security |113994_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows 2000 - Active Directory Design: Schema and Replication |114012_ENG |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows 2000: Implementing an Active Directory Infrastructure | | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Installing and Configuring Active Directory |113596_ENG |5 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Active Directory Replication and DNS |113597_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Active Directory Security and Management |113598_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Active Directory Group Policy |119842_ENG |6 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows 2000: Security Design | | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Security Solutions |114202_ENG |3.5 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Managing and Securing Resources |114249_ENG |5.75 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Communication and Remote Access Security |114278_ENG |4.5 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Internet and Extranet Security |114220_ENG |6.25 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional - for Users | | |

| | |Windows 2000 Professional: Getting Started |115193_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows 2000 Professional: Up and Running |115203_ENG |5 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows 2000 - Migration Design | | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Migration Design: Upgrade and Migration Strategies |115227_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Migration Design: Deployment |115245_ENG |5 | |

| | |Windows 2000 - Migration Design: Restructuring |115287_ENG |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Technologies: Designing Highly available Web Solutions | | |

| | |Highly Available Web Infrastructure Solutions in Microsoft Windows 2000 |66242_ENG |4 | |

| | |Technologies for Highly Available Solutions in a Windows 2000 Environment |66273_ENG |6 | |

| | |Highly Available Network Services and Logical-Network Solutions in Windows 2000 |66296_ENG |4 | |

| | |Highly Available Physical-Network Solutions in a Windows 2000 Environment |66315_ENG |3 | |

| | |Implementing Microsoft Cluster Service on Windows 2000 Advanced Server | | |

| | |Introduction to Clustering in a Microsoft Windows 2000 Environment |38413_ENG |4 | |

| | |Cluster Administration and Resource Management in Microsoft Windows 2000 |38418_ENG |4 | |

| | |Cluster Maintenance and Troubleshooting in Microsoft Windows 2000 |38423_ENG |3 | |

| |Microsoft Exchange 2003 | | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 2003: Implementing and Managing a Messaging Infrastructure | | |

| | |Exchange Server 2003: Installation |131361_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Exchange Server 2003: Upgrades and Migration |131363_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Exchange Server 2003: Configuration for Exchange and Foreign Messaging Systems |131364_ENG |2 | |

| | |Exchange Server 2003: Configuration for Management |131719_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Exchange Server 2003: Recipients, User Objects, Groups, and Address Lists |131365_ENG |3 | |

| | |Exchange Server 2003: Core Component Management |131366_ENG |3 | |

| | |Exchange Server 2003: Computer Management |131367_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Exchange Server 2003: Security Implementation |131368_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 2003: Designing a Messaging Organization | | |

| | |Exchange Server 2003: Designing and Planning Deployment |206379_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Exchange Server 2003: Planning for Active Directory and Designing a Messaging Infrastructure |206380_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Exchange Server 2003: Designing Data Management and Fault Tolerance |206381_ENG |2 | |

| | |Exchange Server 2003: Designing Server and Client Connectivity |206382_ENG |2 | |

| | |Exchange Server 2003: Planning Security |206383_ENG |1.25 | |

| |Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 | | |

| | |Introducing Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server | | |

| | |Basic Concepts of Exchange 2000 Server |31526_ENG |4 | |

| | |Active Directory in Exchange 2000 Server |31531_ENG |2 | |

| | |Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server | | |

| | |Analyzing Requirements and Resources for Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server |31866_ENG |3 | |

| | |Designing an Exchange 2000 Model |31870_ENG |5 | |

| | |Designing Exchange 2000 Functionality |31876_ENG |5 | |

| | |Deploying and Troubleshooting Exchange 2000 Server |31882_ENG |5 | |

| | |Implementing and Administering Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server | | |

| | |Installing and Upgrading Exchange 2000 Server |31535_ENG |5 | |

| | |Configuring Exchange 2000 |31541_ENG |6 | |

| | |Managing and Monitoring Exchange 2000 |31547_ENG |4 | |

| |Microsoft Small Business Server 2000 | | |

| | |Microsoft Small Business Server 2000 Solutions | | |

| | |Small Business Server 2000 |10827_ENG |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Small Business Server 2000: Advanced Features | | |

| | |Microsoft Small Business Server 2000 Administration |35380_ENG |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Small Business Server 2000 Features |35386_ENG |4 | |

| |Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000 | | |

| | |Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000: Designing and Implementing Solutions I | | |

| | |Planning for Deployment of Microsoft Biztalk 2000 |60140_ENG |3 | |

| | |Installing and Configuring BizTalk Server 2000 |60143_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000: Designing and Implementing Solutions II | | |

| | |Document Exchange in Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000 |60949_ENG |4 | |

| | |Administering BizTalk Server 2000 |60954_ENG |5 | |

| |Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 | | |

| | |Microsoft Commerce Server 2000: Designing and Implementing Solutions | | |

| | |Planning for Deployment of Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 |65462_ENG |3 | |

| | |Deployment Tasks for Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 |65466_ENG |5 | |

| | |Developing a Commerce Server 2000 Solution |66978_ENG |3 | |

| | |Data Management in Commerce Server 2000 |66982_ENG |4 | |

| |Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 | | |

| | |Deploying and Administering Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 | | |

| | |Installation of ISA Server 2000 |37403_ENG |4 | |

| | |Access Policies, Caching, and VPNs in Microsoft ISA Server 2000 |37408_ENG |5 | |

| | |Firewalls and Access to Internal Resources with Microsoft ISA Server 2000 |37413_ENG |4 | |

| | |Monitoring, Reporting, and ISA Server Enterprise Edition |37418_ENG |6 | |

| |Microsoft Application Center 2000 | | |

| | |Microsoft Application Center 2000: Implementing Highly Available Web Solutions | | |

| | |Features, Deployment, and Installation of Application Center 2000 |66872_ENG |3 | |

| | |High-Availability Concepts and Monitoring in Microsoft Application Center 2000 |66886_ENG |4 | |

| | |Configuring and Managing Microsoft Application Center 2000 |67068_ENG |4 | |

| |Microsoft Proxy Server | | |

| | |Microsoft Proxy Server | | |

| | |Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0: Overview and Architecture |PS2001E |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0: Planning and Installation |PS2002E |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0: Configuration |PS2003E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0: Security |PS2004E |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0: Troubleshooting and Optimizing |PS2005E |4 | |

| |Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (Server and Workstation) | | |

| | |Supporting and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Network | | |

| | |Managing Servers in a Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Environment |40283_ENG |4 | |

| | |Administering Users and Groups in Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 |40288_ENG |4 | |

| | |Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Environment |40294_ENG |2 | |

| | |Configuring and Managing Access to Resources in Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 |40297_ENG |3 | |

| | |Configuring and Managing Network Services in Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 |40301_ENG |5 | |

| |Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0 | | |

| | |Administering Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0 | | |

| | |Installing and Integrating Internet Information Services 5.0 |35686_ENG |5 | |

| | |Administering and Configuring Internet Information Services 5.0 |35690_ENG |4 | |

| |Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 | | |

| | |Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 | | |

| | |Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0: Overview and Installation |IS4001E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0: Configuring the WWW and FTP Services |IS4002E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0: Configuring the SMTP and NNTP Services |IS4003E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0: Name Resolution |IS4004E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0: Security |IS4005E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0: SSL and Certificate Server |IS4006E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0: Web-Site Applications and Publishing |IS4007E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0: Transaction Server |IS4008E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0: Index Server |IS4009E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0: Managing IIS |IS4010E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0: Optimizing and Troubleshooting IIS |IS4011E |4 | |

| |Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 | | |

| | |Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 | | |

| | |Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0: Overview |MSM01SE |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0: Installing a Site |MSM02SE |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0: Multiple Site Configuration |MSM03SE |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0: Software Distribution and Metering |MSM04SE |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0: Hardware and Software Inventory |MSM05SE |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0: Querying and Reporting Data |MSM06SE |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0: The Status System |MSM07SE |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0: Network and Diagnostic Tools |MSM08SE |4 | |

| |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 | | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 | | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5: Basic Concepts |EX5501E |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5: Planning and Design Considerations |EX5502E |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5: Installing and Getting Started |EX5503E |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5: Configuring Exchange Components I |EX5504E |5 | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5: Configuring Exchange Components II |EX5505E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5: Client Architecture and Installation |EX5506E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5: Public Folders and Forms |EX5507E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5: Connectors |EX5508E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5: Internet Integration |EX5509E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5: Migrating from Microsoft Mail |EX5510E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5: Advanced Security and Monitoring |EX5511E |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5: Troubleshooting |EX5512E |3 | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5: New and Advanced Features |EX5513E |4 | |

| | |Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5: Advanced Internet Features |EX5514E |4 | |

| |Sun Solaris 8 | | |

| | |Sun Microsystems Solaris 8: Administration and Installation Fundamentals | | |

| | |Solaris 8 System Operations |40529_ENG |2 | |

| | |Solaris 8 Installation |40534_ENG |1 | |

| | |Solaris 8 User Administration |40537_ENG |4 | |

| |Sun Solaris 9 | | |

| | |Sun Microsystems Solaris 9: System Administration I | | |

| | |Solaris 9 Installation and OpenBoot |71568_ENG |5 | |

| | |Solaris 9 System Administration |71585_ENG |7 | |

| | |Solaris 9 System Operations |73559_ENG |2 | |

| | |Solaris 9 Device and File System Management |76250_ENG |4 | |

| | |Solaris 9 Management Tools |76289_ENG |3 | |

| | |Solaris 9 Security |76291_ENG |4 | |

| | |Sun Microsystems Solaris 9: System Administration II | | |

| | |Solaris 9 Advanced Installation |79046_ENG |3 | |

| | |Solaris 9 Networking |78582_ENG |3 | |

| | |Solaris 9 File Systems and Storage |79047_ENG |6 | |

| | |Solaris 9 Naming Services |79045_ENG |3 | |

| | |Solaris 9 Systems Supervision |80100_ENG |4 | |

| |Linux Basic System Administration | | |

| | |Linux: Basic System Administration I | | |

| | |Using the Shell in Linux |31719_ENG |5 | |

| | |Managing the Filesystem in Linux |31726_ENG |4 | |

| | |Administration Tasks in Linux |31732_ENG |5 | |

| | |Linux: Basic System Administration II | | |

| | |Hardware Considerations for Linux Installations |55287_ENG |3 | |

| | |Installation and Package Management for Linux |55290_ENG |4 | |

| | |Updating the Kernel in Linux |55294_ENG |2 | |

| | |Linux: Basic System Administration III | | |

| | |Editing and Printing in Linux |55297_ENG |3 | |

| | |Shell Scripting in Linux |55300_ENG |3 | |

| | |Linux: Basic System Administration IV | | |

| | |Networking Fundamentals for Linux Administrators |55380_ENG |3 | |

| | |Networking Services in a Linux Environment |55384_ENG |5 | |

| | |Security within a Linux Environment |55390_ENG |3 | |

| |CompTIA Linux+ Certification | | |

| | |CompTIA Linux+ | | |

| | |Installation and Basic Configuration of Linux |67085_ENG |6 | |

| | |Administering the User Environment in Linux |67086_ENG |7 | |

| | |Hardware and Troubleshooting in Linux |67089_ENG |8 | |

| | |Planning a Linux Implementation |67109_ENG |2 | |

| | |Network Configuration within a Linux Environment |80280_ENG |8 | |

| | |Administering the System in a Linux Environment |80282_ENG |8 | |

| |UNIX | | |

| | |UNIX: System Administration | | |

| | |UNIX User and Data Management |107814_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Deploying and Initializing UNIX Systems |107822_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Securing UNIX Systems |107848_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Managing UNIX Software and System Services |113993_ENG |1.25 | |

| | |Managing UNIX Clients |211844_ENG |1.25 | |

| | |Networking and UNIX Name Resolution |107849_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Administering UNIX Network Services |211845_ENG |3 | |

| | |UNIX Systems Management |211846_ENG |3 | |

| | |UNIX: Operating System Fundamentals | | |

| | |Introduction to UNIX |78920_ENG |2 | |

| | |UNIX System Architecture |78924_ENG |4 | |

| | |UNIX: Shell Programming | | |

| | |Unix Shell Scripting Basics |83855_ENG |3 | |

| | |UNIX Shell Scripting Tools |110852_ENG |3 | |

| | |Writing Unix Shell Programs |83877_ENG |4 | |

| | |UNIX: The User Environment | | |

| | |Customizing the UNIX User Environment |80536_ENG |4 | |

| | |Working with UNIX Files and Directories |80533_ENG |4 | |

| | |Working with UNIX Programs |80534_ENG |3 | |

| | |Text Editing and Printing in UNIX |80535_ENG |3 | |

| |IBM Mainframe | | |

| | |Mainframe | | |

| | |Mainframe: Platform |MN0101E |3 | |

| | |Mainframe: Operating Systems |MN0102E |3 | |

| | |Mainframe: Navigation |MN0103E |4 | |

| | |Mainframe: JCL Fundamentals |MN0116E |4 | |

| | |Mainframe: Applying JCL |MN0107E |4 | |

| | |Mainframe: ISPF |MN0108E |4 | |

| | |Mainframe: CICS Application Development |MN0105E |3 | |

| | |Mainframe: Defining CICS Screens |MN0106E |3 | |

| | |Mainframe: File Handling in CICS |MN0104E |3 | |

| | |Mainframe: CICS Fundamentals |MN0109E |3 | |

| |Lotus Domino R6 - US English | | |

| | |Lotus Notes Domino 6 System Administration Update | | |

| | |Lotus Notes 6 Client |99881_ENG |3 | |

| | |Lotus Domino 6 Server |99882_ENG |4 | |

| | |IBM Lotus: Collaboration using Sametime and QuickPlace | | |

| | | |IBM Lotus: Collaboration using Sametime and QuickPlace |99910_ENG |2 | |

| |IBM Websphere | | |

| | |IBM WebSphere: Application Server 5.0 | | |

| | |WebSphere 5.0 Application Server Architecture |205046_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |WebSphere 5.0 Services and Resource Components |206448_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |WebSphere 5.0 Installation and Configuration |205047_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Configuring WebSphere 5.0 System Management |205049_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Configuring the WebSphere 5.0 Environment |206463_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Configuring WebSphere 5.0 Session Management and Failover |208290_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Configuring WebSphere 5.0 Resources |206481_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |WebSphere 5.0 Application Assembly and Deployment |206480_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |WebSphere 5.0 Security Configuration Fundamentals |205050_ENG |2 | |

| | |Securing Resources in the WebSphere 5.0 Environment I |205051_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Securing Resources in the WebSphere 5.0 Environment II |208346_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Configuring CSIv2, SAS, and SSL in WebSphere 5.0 |206482_ENG |4 | |

| | |WebSphere 5.0 Workload Management, Scalability, and Failover |205052_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Maintenance and Performance Tuning in WebSphere 5.0 |205053_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Command-line Administration in WebSphere 5.0 |206483_ENG |3 | |

| | |Troubleshooting in WebSphere 5.0 |209281_ENG |3 | |

| |IBM DB2 8.1 | | |

| | |IBM DB2 Universal Database V8.1 Fundamentals | | |

| | |Planning and Securing a DB2 UDB Database |209548_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Accessing Data and Manipulating DB2 UDB Database Objects |209551_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Manipulating Data with DB2 UDB |209552_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Maintaining DB2 UDB Data Consistency |209553_ENG |1 | |

| |Microsoft Windows Server 2003 | | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Implementing and Administering Security for Networks | | |

| | |Managing System Security in Windows Server 2003 |209128_ENG |3 | |

| | |Securing Access to Resources in Windows Server 2003 |209131_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Securing Wireless and Remote Communications in Windows Server 2003 |209129_ENG |2 | |

| | |Managing IPSec in Windows Server 2003 |209130_ENG |2 | |

| | |Managing Certificates in Windows Server 2003 |209132_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Internet Information Services | | |

| | |IIS 6.0 Fundamentals |207483_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Administering IIS 6.0 sites and services |207484_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |IIS 6.0 Security |207485_ENG |2 | |

| | |Optimizing, Monitoring and Troubleshooting IIS 6.0 |207486_ENG |2.25 | |

| |Linux LPI Level 1 | | |

| | |Linux: System Administration Update I | | |

| | |Linux and CLI |205571_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Streams, Pipes, Redirects, and Processes |205817_ENG |2 | |

| | |Regular Expressions and Text Processing |205864_ENG |3 | |

| | |File Handling in Linux |205876_ENG |3 | |

| | |Filesystem Mounting and Management |209856_ENG |2 | |

| | |Partitions, filesystems, and disk quotas in Linux |206170_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |Linux: System Administration Update II | | |

| | |Hardware Issues for Linux |210680_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |Hardware Configurations for Linux |206384_ENG |3 | |

| | |Linux Installation Techniques |206385_ENG |2 | |

| | |Debian and Redhat Package Management |210681_ENG |1.25 | |

| | |The X Window System |206387_ENG |2 | |

| | |Linux: System Administration Update III | | |

| | |Updating the Linux Kernel |206818_ENG |2 | |

| | |Printing and Documentation in Linux |206819_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Shell Scripting in Linux |206820_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Administrative Tasks in Linux |206821_ENG |1.25 | |

| | |Managing Linux group and user accounts |211818_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Automating System Tasks and Backup Strategies |206822_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Linux: System Administration Update IV | | |

| | |Networking Services in a Linux Environment |206959_ENG |3 | |

| | |Working with Sendmail and Apache |206979_ENG |2 | |

| | |Security within a Linux Environment |206960_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Networking Fundamentals for Linux Administrators |206958_ENG |3 | |

| |Mentoring Assets | | |

| | |Mentoring Assets | | |

| | |Mentoring XK0-001 Linux+ |mntxk0001 | |

| | |Mentoring SK0-001 Server+ |mntsk0001 | |

| | |Mentoring 520 Maintaining Domino R5 Servers and Users |mnt520 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-216 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure |mnt70216 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-215 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server |mnt70215 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-227 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration |mnt70227 | |

| | |(ISA) Server 2000, Enterprise Edition | | |

| | |Mentoring 70-270 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional |mnt70270 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-219 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure |mnt70219 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-221 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure |mnt70221 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-225 Designing and Deploying a Messaging Infrastructure with Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server |mnt70225 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-217 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure |mnt70217 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-223 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Clustering Services by Using Microsoft |mnt70223 | |

| | |Windows 2000 Advanced Server | | |

| | |Mentoring 70-224 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server |mnt70224 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-210 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional |mnt70210 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-218 Managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Environment |mnt70218 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-222 Migrating from Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 to Microsoft Windows 2000 |mnt70222 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-244 Supporting and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Network |mnt70244 | |

| | |Mentoring 220-301 A+ Core Hardware |mnt220301 | |

| | |Mentoring 220-302 A+ Operating Systems Technologies |mnt220302 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-290 Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment |mnt70290 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-291 Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network |mnt70291 | |

| | |Infrastructure | | |

| | |Mentoring 70-294 Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory |mnt70294 | |

| | |Infrastructure | | |

| | |Mentoring 70-297 Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure |mnt70297 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-220 Designing Security for a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network |mnt70220 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-293 Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure |mnt70293 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-284 Implementing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 |mnt70284 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-285 Designing a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Organization |mnt70285 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-298 Designing Security for a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network |mnt70298 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-299 Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network |mnt70299 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-086 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 |mnt70086 | |

| |Test Preps | | |

| | |Test Preps | | |

| | |70-227 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server |TP70227_ENG | |

| | |2000, Enterprise Edition | | |

| | |70-210 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional |TP70210_ENG | |

| | |70-215 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server |TP70215_ENG | |

| | |70-216 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure |TP70216_ENG | |

| | |70-217 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure |TP70217_ENG | |

| | |70-218 Managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Environment |TP70218_ENG | |

| | |70-219 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure |TP70219_ENG | |

| | |70-220 Designing Security for a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network |TP70220_ENG | |

| | |70-221 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure |TP70221_ENG | |

| | |70-222 Migrating from Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 to Microsoft Windows 2000 |TP70222_ENG | |

| | |70-223 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Clustering Services by Using Microsoft Windows |TP70223_ENG | |

| | |2000 Advanced Server | | |

| | |70-224 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server |TP70224_ENG | |

| | |70-225 Designing and Deploying a Messaging Infrastructure with Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server |TP70225_ENG | |

| | |XK0-001 Linux+ |TPXK0001_ENG | |

| | |70-270 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional |TP70270_ENG | |

| | |SK0-001 Server+ |TPSK0001_ENG | |

| | |220-302 A+ Operating Systems Technologies |TP220302_ENG | |

| | |70-292 Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for an MCSA Certified on Windows |TP70292_ENG | |

| | |2000 | | |

| | |220-301 A+ Core Hardware |TP220301_ENG | |

| | |70-296 Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for an MCSE |TP70296_ENG | |

| | |Certified on Windows 2000 | | |

| | |70-290 Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment |TP70290_ENG | |

| | |70-297 Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure |TP70297_ENG | |

| | |70-291 Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure |TP70291_ENG | |

| | |70-293 Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure |TP70293_ENG | |

| | |70-294 Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory |TP70294_ENG | |

| | |Infrastructure | | |

| | |70-284 Implementing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 |TP70284_ENG | |

| | |70-285 Designing a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Organization |TP70285_ENG | |

| | |70-086 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 |TP70086_ENG | |

| | |70-298 Designing Security for a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network |TP70298_ENG | |

| | |70-299 Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network |TP70299_ENG | |

| |Express Guides | | |

| | |Microsoft Express Guide Series | | |

| | |Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for an MCSA Certified on Windows 2000 |_pc_eg_70292 | |

| | |(Exam 70-292) Express Guide | | |

| | |Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for an MCSE Certified on |_pc_eg_70296 | |

| | |Win 2000 (Exam 70-296) Express Guide | | |

| | |Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment (Exam 70-290) Express Guide |_pc_eg_70290 | |

| | |Implementing, Managing, Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure (Exam 70-291) Express Guide |_pc_eg_70291 | |

| | |Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure (Exam 70-293) Express Guide |_pc_eg_70293 | |

| | |Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure (Exam|_pc_eg_70294 | |

| | |70-294) Express Guide | | |

| | |Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure (Exam 70-297) Express |_pc_eg_70297 | |

| | |Guide | | |

| | |Design Security for a Microsoft Windows Server Network 2003 Network (Exam 70-298) Express Guide |_pc_eg_70298 | |


| |Network Protocols | | |

| | |TCP/IP: Mobile IP and IP Mobility | | |

| | |Mobile IP |211788_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |IP Mobility |211789_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |TCP/IP: Protocols for Securing Web Transactions | | |

| | |Digital Payments |212561_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |TCP/IP: Network Management Protocols | | |

| | |SNMP, MIBs and RMON |210670_ENG | |

| |CompTIA iNET+ Certification | | |

| | |CompTIA i-Net+ | | |

| | |Networking Essentials |31843_ENG |4 | |

| | |Internet Site Development |31847_ENG |4 | |

| | |Internet Fundamentals |31851_ENG |4 | |

| | |Advanced Internet Concepts |31858_ENG |6 | |

| | |Internetworking Architecture and Servers |31891_ENG |4 | |

| | |Internetwork Security |66173_ENG |3 | |

| | |CompTIA i-Net+: Internet and Web Technologies | | |

| | |Networking Security Basics |211518_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Business Concepts and the Internet |211516_ENG |2.5 | |

| | |Networking Fundamentals |211517_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Internet Fundamentals |211522_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Securing and Troubleshooting Networks |211948_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Internet Client Infrastructure and Applications |211521_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Internet Servers and services |211523_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Web Development Fundamentals |211519_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Internet Site Development |211520_ENG |2.25 | |

| |Data/Telecommunications | | |

| | |ATM and Broadband ISDN | | |

| | |Overview of ATM |75130_ENG |3 | |

| | |Protocol Models |75355_ENG |4 | |

| | |ATM Standards and Applications |75360_ENG |4 | |

| | |Communications Technologies Overview | | |

| | |Introduction to Telecommunications |72111_ENG |3 | |

| | |Computer Telephony Integration | | |

| | |Computer Telephony Integration |73383_ENG |6 | |

| | |Frame Relay | | |

| | |Frame Relay Concepts |76165_ENG |3 | |

| | |Frame Relay Signaling and Applications |76455_ENG |5 | |

| | |Introduction to ISDN and DSL | | |

| | |Digital Subscriber Line |74054_ENG |6 | |

| | |Introduction to ISDN |74051_ENG |3 | |

| | |ISDN Protocols |74052_ENG |3 | |

| | |Introduction to Multiprotocol Label Switching | | |

| | |Introduction to MPLS |80476_ENG |6 | |

| | |IPv6 and Future Applications | | |

| | |IPv6 |80284_ENG |5 | |

| | |Quality of Service | | |

| | |Implementing Quality of Service |81437_ENG |3 | |

| | |Signaling Systems | | |

| | |Systems and Signals |78568_ENG |5 | |

| | |SONET/SDH | | |

| | |Overview of SONET and SDH |77514_ENG |4 | |

| | |Telecommunications Fundamentals | | |

| | |Telecommunications Essentials |72123_ENG |4 | |

| | |Voice over IP Fundamentals | | |

| | |Delivering Voice and Data in Diverse Network Environments |81515_ENG |4 | |

| | | |Designing a Voice Over IP Solution |110787_ENG |5 | |

| | |Virtual Private Networks | | |

| | |Virtual Private Networks Solutions |82685_ENG |5 | |

| | |WAN Basics | | |

| | |Introduction to Signals and Signal Transmission |84650_ENG |4 | |

| | |Introduction to Communications Methods and Equipment |110725_ENG |3 | |

| | |Introduction to WAN Technologies |110726_ENG |2 | |

| | |Lightweight Directory Access Protocol | | |

| | |LDAP Fundamentals |85776_ENG |3 | |

| | |Designing and Maintaining LDAP Directory Services |84923_ENG |4 | |

| |Wireless Communications | | |

| | |Wireless LANs | | |

| | |Wireless LAN Technologies |72034_ENG |5 | |

| | |Wireless Technologies | | |

| | |Wireless Communication Basics |21927_ENG |2 | |

| | |1G and 2G Communication Systems |21929_ENG |5 | |

| | |3G Communication Systems |21933_ENG |1 | |

| | |2.5G Communication Systems |21935_ENG |1 | |

| | |Bluetooth and HomeRF |21937_ENG |2 | |

| | |Alternative Access Methods in a Wireless Environment |21956_ENG |2 | |

| | |Wireless Home Networking | | |

| | |Getting Started with Wireless Home Networking |76813_ENG |1 | |

| | |Wireless Networking Basics for the Home and Small Business | | |

| | |Getting Started with Wireless Networking |80135_ENG |1 | |

| |GIAC Security Essentials | | |

| | |GIAC Security Essentials | | |

| | |Networking Concepts |84584_ENG |3 | |

| | |TCP/IP, Routing and Host Security |111622_ENG |4 | |

| | |Network Security Overview |84585_ENG |3 | |

| | |Information Warfare and Web Security |111623_ENG |3 | |

| | |Internet Security Technologies, Network Vulnerabilities |84586_ENG |3 | |

| | |Intrusion Detection and Risk Management |111624_ENG |4 | |

| | |Introducing Encryption and Cryptography |100220_ENG |3 | |

| | |PKI and Steganography |111625_ENG |2 | |

| | |Secure Communications |84587_ENG |3 | |

| | |Wireless Security |111627_ENG |2 | |

| | |Windows Security |84588_ENG |4 | |

| | |Windows XP Security and IIS Security |111628_ENG |3 | |

| | |Backing up Windows and UNIX |84970_ENG |2 | |

| | |Managing Software, System Services and Auditing |111826_ENG |4 | |

| | |UNIX Security |84589_ENG |3 | |

| |Security Principles | | |

| | |Net Safety | | |

| | |Network Security Issues |67045_ENG |4 | |

| |Security Solutions | | |

| | |Information System Security | | |

| | |Security Management and Operations Security Practices |70443_ENG |5 | |

| | |Access Control and Physical Security |70446_ENG |4 | |

| | |Cryptography and Network Security |70447_ENG |8 | |

| | |Security Architecture and Applications Security |70448_ENG |3 | |

| | |Business Continuity Planning, Law, and Ethics |70449_ENG |4 | |

| | |Security+ | | |

| | |General Security Concepts |84869_ENG |6 | |

| | |Communications Security |84870_ENG |6 | |

| | |Infrastructure Security |84871_ENG |7 | |

| | |Encryption Technologies |65873_ENG |5 | |

| | |Operational and Organizational Security |84873_ENG |6 | |

| |Security Procedures | | |

| | |Securing Networked Information I | | |

| | |Introduction to Security in Networked Environments |65872_ENG |3 | |

| | |Encryption Technologies |65873_ENG |5 | |

| | |Firewalls and VPNs |65874_ENG |3 | |

| | |Securing Networked Information II | | |

| | |Operating System and File Security Issues |69195_ENG |4 | |

| | |Intrusion Detection and Response in Networked Environments |69196_ENG |4 | |

| | |Security Analysis and Auditing in Networked Environments |69197_ENG |5 | |

| | |Securing Access to Networks |69445_ENG |3 | |

| |Cisco CCNA & CCNP | | |

| | |INTRO 1.0: Introduction to Cisco Networking Technologies | | |

| | |Introduction to Networking |125066_ENG |3 | |

| | |Network Types |125067_ENG |2 | |

| | |Network Media |125068_ENG |2 | |

| | |Switching Fundamentals |125069_ENG |2 | |

| | |TCP/IP |125070_ENG |2 | |

| | |IP Addressing and Routing |125071_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |WAN Technologies |125072_ENG |2 | |

| | |Operating and Configuring Cisco IOS Switches |125073_ENG |2 | |

| | |Managing a Network Environment |125074_ENG |2 | |

| | |Operating and Configuring Cisco IOS Routers |125488_ENG |3 | |

| | |Network Discovery and Neighbor Device Connections |125489_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |INTRO 2.0: Introduction to Cisco Networking Technologies | | |

| | |Building a Simple Network |219381_ENG |1.5 | |

| | |Building a Simple Ethernet Network |219382_ENG |1.25 | |

| | |Expanding the Network |219383_ENG |2.5 | |

| | |Operating and Configuring Cisco IOS Switches |219388_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Operating and Configuring Cisco IOS Routers |219389_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Managing your Network Environment |219390_ENG |1.5 | |

| | |Administering your Network Devices |219391_ENG |1.5 | |

| | |Connecting Networks |219384_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |Constructing Network Addresses |219385_ENG |2 | |

| | |Connecting to Remote Networks |219387_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Ensuring the Reliability of Data Delivery |219386_ENG |1 | |

| | |ICND 2.2: Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices | | |

| | |Configuring Cisco Catalyst Switch Operations |124874_ENG |4.5 | |

| | |Routing in Cisco Networks |124875_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Implementing Routing Protocols on Cisco Networks |124876_ENG |3.5 | |

| | |Managing IP Traffic on Cisco Networks |124877_ENG |3.75 | |

| | |Extending a Cisco Network to a WAN |124878_ENG |3 | |

| | |Completing ISDN Calls on Cisco Networks |125065_ENG |3 | |

| | |ICND 2: Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices | | |

| | |Cisco IOS Device Configuration and Management |84819_ENG |5 | |

| | |Interconnecting Catalyst Switches |84820_ENG |5 | |

| | |Determining IP Routes |84821_ENG |2 | |

| | |Routing Protocols |119556_ENG |4 | |

| | |Network Traffic Management |84880_ENG |4 | |

| | |WAN Interconnection |84881_ENG |6 | |

| | |BCRAN 2.0: Building Cisco Remote Access Networks | | |

| | |Defining WAN Connection Types and Securing Your Network |120796_ENG |3 | |

| | |Enabling On-demand Connections to a Central Site |119644_ENG |3 | |

| | |Using PPP and Controlling Network Access |119686_ENG |3 | |

| | |Enhancing On-demand Connectivity |119648_ENG |3 | |

| | |Enabling Permanent Connections to a Central Site |119647_ENG |3 | |

| | |Using Dialer Profiles |120687_ENG |2 | |

| | |Enabling Dial Backup for a Primary Connection |120792_ENG |1 | |

| | |Managing Network Performance |119690_ENG |3 | |

| | |Address Translation |119645_ENG |2 | |

| | |Broadband Technologies |119651_ENG |3 | |

| | |Virtual Private Networks |119652_ENG |2 | |

| | |Configuring IKE and IPSec |120797_ENG |3 | |

| | |BCMSN 2.0: Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks | | |

| | |Implementing Switching in the Network |119265_ENG |4 | |

| | |Configuring VLANs and VTP |119266_ENG |3 | |

| | |Implementing Spanning Tree Protocol |119267_ENG |2 | |

| | |Enhancing Spanning Tree Protocol |119268_ENG |3 | |

| | |Implementing Multilayer Switching in the Network |119269_ENG |3 | |

| | |Improving Availability on Multilayer Switched Networks |119270_ENG |3 | |

| | |Examining Cisco AVVID Services and Applications |119271_ENG |3 | |

| | |Implementing QoS in Multilayer Switched Networks |119272_ENG |3 | |

| | |Optimizing and Securing Multilayer Switched Networks |119273_ENG |2 | |

| | |Understanding Metro Ethernet |119274_ENG |2 | |

| | |CIT 5.0: Cisco Internetwork Troubleshooting | | |

| | |Establishing a Baseline |118128_ENG |2 | |

| | |Determining an Effective Troubleshooting Strategy |118129_ENG |3 | |

| | |Addressing problems at the Physical and Data Link Layers |118130_ENG |3 | |

| | |Resolving Problems at the Network Layer |118131_ENG |3 | |

| | |Resolving Problems at the Transport and Application Layers |118132_ENG |3 | |

| | |BSCI 2.1: Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks | | |

| | |Advanced IP Addressing |119789_ENG |3 | |

| | |Working with IPv6 and Network Address Translation |119790_ENG |2 | |

| | |Routing Principles |119792_ENG |2 | |

| | |Implementing EIGRP |120056_ENG |1 | |

| | |Configuring EIGRP |120068_ENG |2 | |

| | |Configuring the Open Shortest Path First Protocol |120082_ENG |3 | |

| | |OSPF for Multiple Area Domains |120083_ENG |3 | |

| | |Configuring the IS-IS Protocol |120141_ENG |3 | |

| | |Manipulating IP Routing Protocols |120155_ENG |2 | |

| | |Influencing Route Selection |120158_ENG |2 | |

| | |Configuring Basic BGP |120161_ENG |3 | |

| | |BGP Path Selection Process |120774_ENG |2 | |

| |Cisco CCDA/CCDP Certification | | |

| | |ARCH 1.1: Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures | | |

| | |Cisco AVVID Framework and Enterprise Design |121224_ENG |2 | |

| | |Designing Cisco Enterprise Campus Networks |121225_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Designing Cisco Enterprise Edge Connectivity |121226_ENG |3.75 | |

| | |Designing Cisco Network Management Services |121227_ENG |1.5 | |

| | |Designing Cisco High Availability Services |121261_ENG |2 | |

| | |Designing Cisco Security Services |121268_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Designing Cisco QoS Solutions |121269_ENG |2.5 | |

| | |Designing Cisco IP Multicast Services |121365_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Designing Cisco Virtual Private Networks |121368_ENG |3 | |

| | |Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks |121372_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Designing Cisco IP Telephony Solutions |121375_ENG |4 | |

| | |Designing Content and Storage Networking Solutions |121379_ENG |3.5 | |

| | |DESGN 1.2 Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions | | |

| | |Cisco Design Principles |108673_ENG |2 | |

| | |Examining Cisco Customer Requirements and Existing Network Topology Methodologies |110508_ENG |3 | |

| | |Cisco Concepts for Structuring Networks |108674_ENG |4 | |

| | |Basic Cisco Campus Switching Design Considerations |108675_ENG |3 | |

| | |Basic Cisco WAN Design Considerations |108676_ENG |3 | |

| | |Cisco IP Addressing Design Concepts |108677_ENG |3 | |

| | |Cisco Routing Protocol Design Considerations |108678_ENG |4 | |

| | |Introduction to Cisco Security Design Concepts |108679_ENG |3 | |

| | |Introduction to Cisco Voice Design Concepts |108680_ENG |5 | |

| | |Introduction to Cisco Network Management Design Concepts |108681_ENG |3 | |

| | |Cisco Design Case Study |108682_ENG |1 | |

| | |Designing Cisco Networks (DCN) | | |

| | |Characterizing an Existing Network |68303_ENG |2 | |

| | |Extracting New Customer Requirements for Designing Cisco Networks |68411_ENG |2 | |

| | |Designing the Topology of Cisco Networks |68412_ENG |3 | |

| | |Provisioning LAN Hardware and Media for Cisco Networks |68413_ENG |3 | |

| | |Provisioning WAN Hardware and Media for Cisco Networks |68414_ENG |2 | |

| | |Designing a Layer 3 Addressing and Naming Model for Cisco Networks |68415_ENG |2 | |

| | |Selecting Routing and Bridging Protocols for Cisco Networks |68416_ENG |3 | |

| | |Provisioning Software Features for Cisco Networks |68417_ENG |2 | |

| | |Selecting a Network Management Strategy for Cisco Networks |68418_ENG |2 | |

| | |The Design Document and Validating Cisco Network Design |68419_ENG |3 | |

| |CCSP | | |

| | |SECUR 1.1: Securing Cisco IOS Networks | | |

| | |Security Fundamentals |130676_ENG |2 | |

| | |Basic Cisco Router Security |130677_ENG |3.75 | |

| | |Advanced AAA Security for Cisco Router Networks |130678_ENG |3 | |

| | |Cisco Router Threat Mitigation |130679_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Cisco IOS Firewall Context-based Access Control Configuration |130680_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |Cisco IOS Firewall Authentication Proxy and Intrusion Detection |130681_ENG |2 | |

| | |An Overview of VPNs and IPSec |131472_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |Building IPSec VPNs Using Cisco Routers |130682_ENG |3 | |

| | |Building Advanced IPSec VPNs |130683_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Configuring IOS Remote Access Using Cisco Easy VPN |130684_ENG |3 | |

| | |Security Device Manager |207563_ENG |2 | |

| | |Managing Enterprise VPN Routers |130685_ENG |4 | |

| | |CSVPN 3.1: Cisco Secure Virtual Private Networks | | |

| | |Network Security |201540_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator Series Hardware Overview |201593_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Configuring the Cisco VPN 3000 Series Concentrator for Remote Access |201853_ENG |3 | |

| | |Configuring the Concentrator for Remote Access using Digital Certificates |201874_ENG |3.75 | |

| | |Cisco VPN Software Client Auto-initiation and Firewall Features |201924_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Monitoring and Administering Cisco VPN 3000 Series Concentrator Remote-Access Networks |201958_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator Bandwidth Management |204922_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |Configuring the Cisco VPN 3002 Hardware Client |202008_ENG |3.75 | |

| | |VPN Client Backup Servers, Load Balancing, and Software Auto-update |202023_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Cisco VPN 3000 IPSec and LAN-to-LAN with Preshared Keys |202057_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Cisco VPN 3000 Series Concentrator LAN-to-LAN with NAT and Digital Certificates |202088_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |CSIDS 4.1: Cisco Secure Intrusion Detection Systems | | |

| | |Security and Intrusion Detection Fundamentals |204614_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Cisco Intrusion Detection |204616_ENG |3 | |

| | |Cisco IDS Architecture and Device Configuration |204618_ENG |3 | |

| | |Cisco IDS System Management |204619_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Cisco IDS Sensors, Alarms, and Signatures |204623_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Configuring Sensing and Blocking |204624_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Monitoring and Maintaining Cisco IDS |204626_ENG |2.5 | |

| | |PIX Firewall IDS and System 3.X Architecture |204601_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |CSPFA 3.2: Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Advanced | | |

| | |Security Fundamentals |208642_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Getting Started with the Cisco PIX Firewall |208644_ENG |3.5 | |

| | |Translations and Connections |208645_ENG |1.5 | |

| | |Access Control and Advanced Protocol Handling |208646_ENG |3.5 | |

| | |Network protection and AAA |208647_ENG |3.5 | |

| | |Failover and PIX Firewall Switching and Routing |208648_ENG |2.5 | |

| | |VPN Configuration |208649_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |Remote Access and Easy VPN |209340_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |System Maintenance and Cisco PIX Device Manager |208650_ENG |4.25 | |

| | |Introduction to Enterprise PIX Firewall Management |208651_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Enterprise PIX Firewall Maintenance and the FWSM |208653_ENG |1.5 | |

| |ISC 2 | | |

| | |The Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Domains | | |

| | |Access Controls |206534_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |Administration |206535_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Auditing and Monitoring |206536_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Risk, Response, and Recovery |206537_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Cryptography |206538_ENG |2.5 | |

| | |Data Communications |206539_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Malicious Code |206540_ENG |1.25 | |

| | |The Information Systems Security Engineering Professional (ISSEP) Domains | | |

| | |Systems Security Engineering |206760_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Certification and Accreditation |206761_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |Technical Management |206762_ENG |1.25 | |

| | |US Government Information Assurance Regulations |206763_ENG |2.25 | |

| |Mentoring Assets | | |

| | |Mentoring Assets | | |

| | |Mentoring IK0-002 i-Net+ Certification |mntik0002 | |

| | |Mentoring N10-002 Network + Certification Exam |mntn10002 | |

| | |Mentoring SY0-101 Security+ |mntsy0101 | |

| | |Mentoring 642-801 Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (BSCI) |mnt642801 | |

| | |Mentoring 642-811 Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks (BCMSN) |mnt642811 | |

| | |Mentoring 642-821 Building Cisco Remote Access Networks (BCRAN) |mnt642821 | |

| | |Mentoring 642-831 Cisco Internetwork Troubleshooting (CIT) |mnt642831 | |

| | |Mentoring 640-801 Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) |mnt640801 | |

| | |Mentoring 640-811 Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices (ICND 2.1) |mnt640811 | |

| | |Mentoring 640-821 Introduction to Cisco Networking Technologies (INTRO) |mnt640821 | |

| | |Mentoring 642-501 Securing Cisco IOS Networks (SECUR) |mnt642501 | |

| | |Mentoring 1D0-470 CIW Security Professional |mnt1d0470 | |

| |Test Preps | | | | |

| | |Test Preps | | | |

| | |SY0-101 Security+ |TPSY0101_ENG | |

| | |IK0-002 I-Net+ |TPIK0002_ENG | |

| | |642-801 Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (BSCI) |TP642801_ENG | |

| | |642-811 Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks (BCMSN) |TP642811_ENG | |

| | |642-821 Building Cisco Remote Access Networks (BCRAN) |TP642821_ENG | |

| | |N10-002 Network+ |TPN10002_ENG | |

| | |640-801 Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) |TP640801_ENG | |

| | |640-811 Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices (ICND 2.1) |TP640811_ENG | |

| | |640-821 Introduction to Cisco Networking Technologies (INTRO) |TP640821_ENG | |

| | |642-831 Cisco Internetwork Troubleshooting (CIT) |TP642831_ENG | |

| | |642-501 Securing Cisco IOS Networks (SECUR) |TP642501_ENG | |

| | |1D0-470 CIW Security Professional |TP1D0470_ENG | |

| |Express Guides | | |

| | |Cisco Express Guide Series | | |

| | |Introduction to Cisco Networking Technologies v1.0 (Exam 640-821) Express Guide |_pc_eg_641821 | |

| | |Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices v2.1 (Exam 640-811) Express Guide |_pc_eg_640811 | |

| | |Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks v2.0 (Exam 642-801) Express Guide |_pc_eg_642801 | |

| | |Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks v2.0 (Exam 642-811) Express Guide |_pc_eg_642811 | |

| | |Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions v1.0 (Exam 640-861) Express Guide |_pc_eg_640861 | |

| | |Building Cisco Remote Access Networks v2.0 (Exam 642-821) Express Guide |_pc_eg_642821 | |

| | |Cisco Internetwork Troubleshooting Support v5.0 (Exam 642-831) Express Guide |_pc_eg_642831 | |

| | |Designing Cisco network Service Architectures v1.0 (Exam 642-871) Express Guide |_pc_eg_642871 | |

| | |Securing Cisco IOS Networks v1.0 (Exam 642-501) Express Guide |_pc_eg_642501 | |

| | |Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Advanced v3.1 (Exam 642-521) Express Guide |_pc_eg_642521 | |

| | |Cisco Secure Intrusion Detection Systems v4.0 (Exam 642-531) Express Guide |_pc_eg_642531 | |

| | |Cisco Secure Virtual Private Networks v3.1 (Exam 642-511) Express Guide |_pc_eg_642511 | |

| | |Cisco SAFE Implementation v1.1 (Exam 642-541) Express Guide |_pc_eg_642541 | |

| | |Implementing Cisco QoS v1.0 (Exam 642-641) Express Guide |_pc_eg_642641 | |

| | |Implementing Cisco MPLS v1.0 (Exam 642-910) Express Guide |_pc_eg_642910 | |

| | |Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers v3.0 (Exam 642-661) Express Guide |_pc_eg_642661 | |

| | |Installation and Maintenance of Cisco Routers v11.3a Express Guide |_pc_eg_111111 | |

| | |Implementing Cisco Multicast v1.0 Express Guide |_pc_eg_222222 | |

| | |Advanced MPLS VPN Solutions v1.0 Express Guide |_pc_eg_333333 | |

| | |Cisco Voice over IP v4.1 (Exam 9EO-431) Express Guide |_pc_eg_9EO431 | |

| | |Deploying QOS for Enterprise Networks v1.0 (Exam 9EO-601) Express Guide |_pc_eg_9EO601 | |

| | |Enterprise Voice Over Data Design v3.3 (Exam 9EO-412) Express Guide |_pc_eg_9EO412 | |

| | |IP Telephony Troubleshooting v2.0 (Exam 642-424) Express Guide |_pc_eg_9EO421 | |

| | |Cisco IP Telephony v3.3 (Exam 9EO-441) Express Guide |_pc_eg_9EO441 | |

| | |Introduction to Cisco Networking Technologies v2.0 (Exam 641-821) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444440 | |

| | |Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices v2.2 (Exam 640-811) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444441 | |

| | |Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks v2.1 (Exam 642-801) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444442 | |

| | |Cisco Internetwork Troubleshooting Support v5.1 (Exam 642-831) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444445 | |

| | |Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Advanced v3.2 (Exam 642 521) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444449 | |

| | |Cisco SAFE Implementation v2.0 (Exam 642-541) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444453 | |

| | |Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers v3.1 (Exam 642 661) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444456 | |

| | |Cisco Voice over IP v4.2 (Exam 642 432) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444458 | |

| | |Implementing Cisco MPLS v2.0 (Exam 642 611) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444455 | |

| | |Implementing Cisco QoS v2.0 (Exam 642-642) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444454 | |

| | |Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks v2.1 (Exam 642 811) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444443 | |

| | |Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions v1.1 (Exam 640 861) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444446 | |

| | |Securing Cisco IOS Networks v1.1 (Exam 642 501) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444448 | |

| | |Cisco Secure Intrusion Detection Systems v4.1 (Exam 642 531) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444450 | |

| | |IP Telephony Troubleshooting v4.0 (Exam 642 424) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444457 | |

| | |Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions v1.2 (Exam 640 861) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444459 | |

| | |Building Cisco Remote Access Networks v2.1 (Exam 642 821) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444444 | |

| | |Cisco Secure Virtual Private Networks v4.0 (Exam 642 511) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444451 | |

| | |Designing Cisco Network Service Architecture v1.1 (Exam 642 871) Express Guide |_pc_eg_444447 | |


| |Oracle 10g | | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: New Features | | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: New Installation and Configuration Features |210040_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: New Data Loading Features |210050_ENG |2 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: New Automatic Management Features |210057_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: New Resource, Scheduling, and Task-Management Features |210074_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: New Space Management Features |210086_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: New Storage Features |210095_ENG |3 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: New Tuning, Performance-monitoring, and Analysis Features |220637_ENG |3 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: New Backup and Recovery Features |220638_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: Using Flashback |220639_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: New Features in Security and Software Maintenance |220640_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: New Features in VLDB Support |220641_ENG |2 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: Miscellaneous New Features |220642_ENG |2.25 | |

| |Oracle 9i | | |

| | |Oracle9i Database Fundamentals: Architecture and Management | | |

| | |Architecture and Administration Tools in Oracle9i |58265_ENG |3 | |

| | |Database and Instance Management in Oracle9i |58268_ENG |2 | |

| | |Database Structures in Oracle9i |58271_ENG |2 | |

| | |Oracle9i Database Fundamentals: Backup and Recovery | | |

| | |Backup and Recovery Overview and Configuration in Oracle9i |66137_ENG |5 | |

| | |User-Managed and RMAN Backup and Recovery in Oracle9i |66138_ENG |7 | |

| | |Recovery Manager Maintenance in Oracle9i |66139_ENG |2 | |

| | |Transporting and Loading Data in Oracle9i |66140_ENG |2 | |

| | |Oracle9i Database Fundamentals: Managing Data Storage | | |

| | |Data Storage in Oracle9i |59293_ENG |3 | |

| | |Tables and Indexes in Oracle9i |59296_ENG |3 | |

| | |Data Integrity in Oracle9i |59299_ENG |1 | |

| | |Oracle9i Database Fundamentals: Managing Database Access | | |

| | |Users and Profiles in Oracle9i |61604_ENG |3 | |

| | |Privileges and Roles in Oracle9i |61608_ENG |2 | |

| | |Globalization and Auditing in Oracle9i |61611_ENG |2 | |

| | |Oracle9i Database Fundamentals: Network Administration | | |

| | |Networking Overview for Oracle9i Administrators |66078_ENG |2 | |

| | |Oracle Network Configuration in Oracle9i |66079_ENG |4 | |

| | |Oracle9i Database: Introduction to SQL | | |

| | |Introduction to Oracle and SQL in Oracle 9i |66155_ENG |3.25 | |

| | |SQL Functions in Oracle 9i |66472_ENG |5 | |

| | |Subqueries, Reporting, and User-Access Control in Oracle 9i |66925_ENG |2.5 | |

| | |Defining and Manipulating Data in Oracle 9i |67002_ENG |3.5 | |

| | |Oracle9i Database: New Features I | |

| | |Introducing Oracle9i Database |39812_ENG |2 | |

| | |Manageability Enhancements in Oracle9i |39816_ENG |5 | |

| | |Oracle9i Database: New Features II | | |

| | |Availability Features in Oracle9i |58171_ENG |5 | |

| | |Scalability and Performance in Oracle9i |58176_ENG |5 | |

| | |Development Platform in Oracle9i |58181_ENG |3 | |

| | |Security Overview for Oracle9i Administrators |58184_ENG |1 | |

| | |Oracle9i Database: Performance Tuning | | |

| | |Performance Tuning Methodology and Tools in Oracle9i |70121_ENG |1 | |

| | |Tuning Memory Structures in Oracle9i |70125_ENG |3 | |

| | |Tuning Database Structures in Oracle9i |70130_ENG |3 | |

| | |Tuning Systems and Applications in Oracle9i |70135_ENG |3 | |

| |Oracle 8i Introduction | | |

| | |Oracle8i Introduction | | |

| | |Oracle Introduction: SQL and SQL*Plus |SQPL01E |4 | |

| | |Oracle Introduction: Using Functions and Retrieving Data |SQPL02E |4 | |

| | |Oracle Introduction: Subqueries, Reports, and DML |SQPL03E |4 | |

| | |Oracle Introduction: Database Objects |SQPL04E |4 | |

| | |Oracle Introduction: Controlling Database Access and Integrity |SQPL05E |3 | |

| | |Oracle Introduction: PL/SQL Fundamentals |SQPL06E |4 | |

| | |Oracle Introduction: PL/SQL Cursors and Exceptions |SQPL07E |4 | |

| | |PL/SQL: Procedures and Functions |PLSPF |6 | |

| | |PL/SQL: Packages and Triggers |PLSPT |4 | |

| |Oracle8i Backup and Recovery | | |

| | |Oracle8i Backup and Recovery | | |

| | |Oracle8i Backup and Recovery: Recovery Structures and Processes |OR841SE |4 | |

| | |Oracle8i Backup and Recovery: Backup and Recovery Strategies |OR842SE |3 | |

| | |Oracle8i Backup and Recovery: Complete and Incomplete Recovery |OR843SE |3 | |

| | |Oracle8i Backup and Recovery: Additional Recovery Methods |OR844SE |4 | |

| | |Oracle8i Backup and Recovery: Oracle Recovery Manager |OR845SE |4 | |

| | |Oracle8i Backup and Recovery: Demonstrating RMAN |OR846SE |3 | |

| |Oracle8i Database Administration | | |

| | |Oracle8i Database Administration | | |

| | |Oracle8i Database Administration: Architecture and Administrative Tools |OR821SE |3 | |

| | |Oracle8i Database Administration: Creating a Database |OR822SE |3 | |

| | |Oracle8i Database Administration: Exploring the Database Structure |OR823SE |4 | |

| | |Oracle8i Database Administration: Managing Storage |OR824SE |4 | |

| | |Oracle8i Database Administration: Rollback Segments and NLS |OR825SE |4 | |

| | |Oracle8i Database Administration: Creating Tables and Indexes |OR826SE |4 | |

| | |Oracle8i Database Administration: Data Integrity and Loading Techniques |OR827SE |4 | |

| | |Oracle8i Database Administration: Managing Users and Profiles |OR828SE |4 | |

| | |Oracle8i Database Administration: Privileges and Roles |OR829SE |3 | |

| |Oracle8i Network Administration | | |

| | |Oracle8i Network Administration | | |

| | |Oracle8i Network Administration: Networking Overview |OR831SE |3 | |

| | |Oracle8i Network Administration: Naming Methods |OR832SE |4 | |

| | |Oracle8i Network Administration: The Internet Database |OR833SE |3 | |

| | |Oracle8i Network Administration: Troubleshooting and Security |OR834SE |3 | |

| |Oracle8i Performance Tuning | | |

| | |Oracle8i Performance Tuning | | |

| | |Oracle8i Performance Tuning: Measuring Performance |OR851SE |3 | |

| | |Oracle8i Performance Tuning: Tuning the Shared Pool and Buffer Cache |OR852SE |4 | |

| | |Oracle8i Performance Tuning: Optimizing I/O |OR853SE |4 | |

| | |Oracle8i Performance Tuning: Tuning Sorts and Resolving Contention |OR854SE |3 | |

| | |Oracle8i Performance Tuning: SQL Tuning |OR855SE |5 | |

| | |Oracle8i Performance Tuning: Managing Mixed Workloads |OR856SE |4 | |

| |Systems and Database Design | | |

| | |Database Design | | |

| | |An Overview of Database Design |78565_ENG |1 | |

| | |The Database Design Methodology |78580_ENG |4 | |

| | |Database Fundamentals | | |

| | |An Introduction to Database Systems |80740_ENG |3 | |

| | |Relational Databases |80751_ENG |3 | |

| | |Database Data Management |80761_ENG |2 | |

| | |Systems Analysis Fundamentals |SADD08E |4 | |

| | |Data Flow Diagrams |SADD04E |3 | |

| | |Entity Relationship Diagrams |SADD05E |5 | |

| | |Data Dictionaries |SADD07E |3 | |

| | |Completing the Logical Model |SADD06E |3 | |

| | |Relational Principles |WDBREL |12 | |

| | |Database Fundamentals |WDBFUN |6 | |

| | |Database Management |WDBMAN |3 | |

| | |Web and Database Integration |SADD01E |4 | |

| | |Database Technologies - Object-Relational DBMSs: Characteristics |ODB101E |4 | |

| | |Database Technologies - Object-Relational DBMSs: Mechanisms and Implementation |ODB102E |4 | |

| | |Database Technologies - Data Warehousing: Fundamentals |DW0001E |3 | |

| | |Database Technologies - Data Warehousing: Building, Using, and Managing |DW0002E |4 | |

| | |SQL Programming: Database Queries |SQLPDQ |4 | |

| | |SQL Programming: Data Handling Techniques |SQLPDHT |4 | |

| |Microsoft SQL Server 2000 | | |

| | |Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Administration I | | |

| | |Overview of SQL Server 2000 |31478_ENG |2 | |

| | |Installing, Configuring, and Upgrading SQL Server 2000 |31489_ENG |2 | |

| | |Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Administration II | | |

| | |SQL Server 2000 Databases |31493_ENG |2 | |

| | |Transferring and Transforming Data in SQL Server 2000 |31496_ENG |1 | |

| | |Security in a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Environment |31499_ENG |2 | |

| | |Managing SQL Server 2000 Databases |31552_ENG |2 | |

| | |Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Administration III | | |

| | |Backing Up SQL Server 2000 Databases |31556_ENG |2 | |

| | |Restoring SQL Server 2000 Databases |31560_ENG |2 | |

| | |SQL Server 2000 Replication |31563_ENG |2 | |

| | |Monitoring SQL Server 2000 Performance |31566_ENG |2 | |

| | |SQL Server 2000 High Availability |31569_ENG |1 | |

| | |SQL Server 2000, XML, and the Web |31571_ENG |2 | |

| | |Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Implementation | | |

| | |Overview of SQL Server 2000 |31478_ENG |2 | |

| | |SQL Server 2000 Databases |31493_ENG |2 | |

| | |Transferring and Transforming Data in SQL Server 2000 |31496_ENG |1 | |

| | |SQL Server 2000, XML, and the Web |31571_ENG |2 | |

| | |Designing and Implementing Security in SQL Server 2000 |31898_ENG |1 | |

| | |The SQL Server 2000 Logical Data Model |31901_ENG |2 | |

| | |Using T-SQL in SQL Server 2000 |31905_ENG |3 | |

| | |SQL Server 2000 Indexes |31910_ENG |2 | |

| | |SQL Server 2000 Programming Business Logic |31913_ENG |3 | |

| | |SQL Server 2000 Transactions and Distributed Data |31917_ENG |2 | |

| | |Analyzing and Optimizing SQL Server 2000 Queries |31920_ENG |2 | |

| |Microsoft SQL Server | | |

| | |Microsoft SQL Server | | |

| | |Microsoft SQL Server 7.0: Data Warehousing |SQ7004E |5 | |

| |Mentoring Assets | | |

| | |Mentoring Assets | | |

| | |Mentoring 70-228 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition |mnt70228 | |

| | |Mentoring 70-229 Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition |mnt70229 | |

| | |Mentoring 1Z0-032 Oracle9i: Fundamentals II |mnt1z0032 | |

| | |Mentoring 1Z0-033 Oracle9i Database: Performance Tuning |mnt1z0033 | |

| | |Mentoring 1Z0-007 Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL |mnt1z0007 | |

| | |Mentoring 1Z0-001Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL |mnt1z0001 | |

| | |Mentoring 1Z0-031 Oracle9i Database: Fundamentals I |mnt1z0031 | |

| | |Mentoring 1Z0-023 Oracle8i: Architecture and Administration |mnt1z0023 | |

| | |Mentoring 1Z0-024 Oracle8i: Performance Tuning |mnt1z0024 | |

| | |Mentoring 1Z0-025 Oracle8i: Backup and Recovery |mnt1z0025 | |

| | |Mentoring 1Z0-026 Oracle8i: Network Administration |mnt1z0026 | |

| | |Mentoring 1Z0-030 Oracle9i Database: New Features for Administrators |mnt1z0030 | |

| | |Mentoring 1Z0-040 Oracle Database 10g: New Features for Administrators |mnt1z0040 | |

| |Test Preps | | |

| | |Test Preps | | |

| | |1Z0-024 Oracle8i Performance Tuning |TP1Z0024_ENG | |

| | |1Z0-025 Oracle8i Backup and Recovery |TP1Z0025_ENG | |

| | |1Z0-026 Oracle8i: Network Administration |TP1Z0026_ENG | |

| | |1Z0-001 Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL |TP1Z0001_ENG | |

| | |1Z0-007 Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL |TP1Z0007_ENG | |

| | |1Z0-023 Oracle8i: Architecture and Administration |TP1Z0023_ENG | |

| | |1Z0-031 Oracle9i Database: Fundamentals I |TP1Z0031_ENG | |

| | |1Z0-032 Oracle9i Database: Fundamentals II |TP1Z0032_ENG | |

| | |1Z0-033 Oracle9i Database: Performance Tuning |TP1Z0033_ENG | |

| | |70-228 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition |TP70228_ENG | |

| | |70-229 Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition |TP70229_ENG | |

| |Express Guides | | |

| | |Oracle Express Guide Series | | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: New Features Overview Express Guide |_pc_eg_orc001 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: 2 Day DBA Express Guide |_pc_eg_orc002 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: SQL Fundamentals I Express Guide |_pc_eg_orc003 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: SQL Fundamentals II Express Guide |_pc_eg_orc004 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: Oracle Database 10g: New Features for Administrators Express Guide |_pc_eg_orc005 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: Administration Workshop I Express Guide |_pc_eg_orc006 | |

| | |Oracle Database 10g: Administration Workshop II Express Guide |_pc_eg_orc007 | |

| | |Oracle Application Server 10g: New Features for Administrators Express Guide |_pc_eg_orc008 | |

| | |OracleAS Discoverer 10g: Create Quearies and Reports Express Guide |_pc_eg_orc012 | |

| | |Oracle Application Server 10g: Administration I Express Guide Volume I |_pc_eg_orc009 | |

| | |OracleAS 10g: Enterprise Identity Management Express Guide Volume I |_pc_eg_orc011 | |

| | |OracleAS Portal 10g: Build Corporate Portals Express Guide Volume I |_pc_eg_orc013 | |

| | |OracleAS Portal 10g: Build Portlets with PL/SQL Express Guide Volume I |_pc_eg_orc014 | |

| | |Oracle Application Server 10g: Administration I Express Guide Volume II |_pc_eg_orc015 | |

| | |Oracle Application Server 10g: Administration I Express Guide Volume III |_pc_eg_orc016 | |

| | |Oracle Application Server 10g: Administration I Express Guide Volume IV |_pc_eg_orc017 | |

| | |OracleAS 10g: Enterprise Identity Management Express Guide Volume II |_pc_eg_orc019 | |

| | |OracleAS 10g: Enterprise Identity Management Express Guide Volume III |_pc_eg_orc020 | |

| | |OracleAS Portal 10g: Build Corporate Portals Express Guide Volume II |_pc_eg_orc021 | |

| | |OracleAS Portal 10g: Build Portlets with PL/SQL Express Guide Volume II |_pc_eg_orc022 | |

| | |Oracle Discoverer Administrator 10g: Develop an EUL Express Guide Volume I |_pc_eg_orc010 | |

| | |Oracle Discoverer Administrator 10g: Develop an EUL Express Guide Volume II |_pc_eg_orc018 | |

|WEB DESIGN | | | |

| |Web Site Design - Principles | | |

| | |Web Site Design - Principles | | |

| | |Design Concepts for web sites |31587_ENG |3 | |

| | |Advanced HTML Design Elements |31592_ENG |3 | |

| | |Advanced Technology Concepts for Web Designers |31607_ENG |4 | |

| |Web Site Design - Tools | | |

| | |Web Site Design - Tools | | |

| | |The Basic Features and Functionality of FrontPage 2002 |31595_ENG |6 | |

| | |Macromedia Flash 5 Web Design Tools |31603_ENG |6 | |

| | |Macromedia DreamWeaver 4 Web Design Tools |60545_ENG |6 | |

| | |Paint Shop Pro 7: The Basics |60553_ENG |4 | |

| |Macromedia | | |

| | |Macromedia ColdFusion 5: Foundation | | |

| | |Getting Started with ColdFusion 5 |62158_ENG |5 | |

| | |Data Retrieval and Manipulation in Macromedia ColdFusion 5 |62163_ENG |5 | |

| | |Macromedia ColdFusion 5: Experienced | | |

| | |Working with Complex Data in Macromedia ColdFusion 5 |63171_ENG |5 | |

| | |Reusing Code in Macromedia ColdFusion 5 |63187_ENG |3 | |

| | |Extending your ColdFusion 5 Toolkit |63192_ENG |3 | |

| | |Exception Handling in Macromedia ColdFusion 5 |63197_ENG |2 | |

| | |Macromedia ColdFusion MX: Foundation | | |

| | |Getting Started with ColdFusion MX |75372_ENG |6 | |

| | |Data Retrieval and Manipulation in Macromedia ColdFusion MX |75377_ENG |4 | |

| | |Macromedia Coldfusion MX: Experienced | | |

| | |Working with Complex Data in ColdFusion MX |80774_ENG |4 | |

| | |Working with Persistent Data in ColdFusion MX |80821_ENG |2 | |

| | |Creating Reusable ColdFusion MX Code |80777_ENG |4 | |

| | |Enhancing ColdFusion MX Applications |80780_ENG |4 | |

| | |Macromedia Dreamweaver 4: Foundation | | |

| | |Starting Work with Dreamweaver 4 |61058_ENG |6 | |

| | |Designing and Managing a Web Site with Dreamweaver 4 |61064_ENG |3 | |

| | |Macromedia Dreamweaver 4: Experienced | | |

| | |Client-Side Technologies, Frames, and Interactive Page Elements in Dreamweaver 4 |62357_ENG |4 | |

| | |Advanced Elements in Dreamweaver 4 |62362_ENG |3 | |

| | |Macromedia Dreamweaver 4: Getting Started | | |

| | |Getting Started with Dreamweaver 4 |31616_ENG |2 | |

| | |Macromedia Dreamweaver 4: Up and Running | | |

| | |Up and Running with Dreamweaver 4 |31806_ENG |2 | |

| | |Macromedia Dreamweaver MX: Foundation I | | |

| | |Using Basic Dreamweaver MX Tools |72415_ENG |5 | |

| | |Structuring Web Pages with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX |76138_ENG |3 | |

| | |Macromedia Dreamweaver MX: Foundation II | | |

| | |Using Advanced Dreamweaver MX Tools |75830_ENG |8 | |

| | |Macromedia Dreamweaver MX for | | |

| | |Introducing Dreamweaver MX and |81394_ENG |4 | |

| | |Using Dreamweaver MX to Develop Applications |81395_ENG |4 | |

| | |Macromedia Fireworks 4: Foundation | | |

| | |Getting Started with Macromedia Fireworks 4 |63744_ENG |2 | |

| | |Creating Animated Objects in Macromedia Fireworks 4 |63745_ENG |4 | |

| | |Using Fireworks 4 with Dreamweaver and Flash |63746_ENG |2 | |

| | |Macromedia Fireworks MX: Foundation | | |

| | |Using Fireworks MX with Dreamweaver MX and Flash MX |73661_ENG |2 | |

| | |Working with Images in Macromedia Fireworks MX |73662_ENG |4 | |

| | |Adding Interactive Objects in Macromedia Fireworks MX |73728_ENG |2 | |

| | |Macromedia Fireworks 4: Getting Started | | |

| | |Getting Started with Fireworks 4 |31946_ENG |2 | |

| | |Macromedia Fireworks 4: Up and Running | | |

| | |Up and Running with Fireworks 4 |31949_ENG |2 | |

| | |Macromedia Flash 5: Fundamentals | | |

| | |The Fundamentals of Flash 5 |57899_ENG |5 | |

| | |Animation, Sound, Interactivity, and Publishing in Flash 5 |57905_ENG |5 | |

| | |Macromedia Flash 5: Getting Started | | |

| | |Getting Started with Flash 5 |31709_ENG |2 | |

| | |Macromedia Flash 5: Up and Running | | |

| | |Up and Running with Flash 5 |31712_ENG |2 | |

| | |Macromedia Flash MX: Foundation | | |

| | |Basic Animation in Macromedia Flash MX |66515_ENG |4 | |

| | |Increased Application of Macromedia Flash MX |66516_ENG |4 | |

| | |Macromedia Flash MX ActionScript For Developers: Experienced | | |

| | |Using ActionScript in Flash MX |73282_ENG |7 | |

| | |Objects, Functions, and Components in Flash MX |73288_ENG |5 | |

| | |Macromedia Flash MX Design Techniques: Experienced | | |

| | |Basic Design Functionality of Macromedia Flash MX |69625_ENG |6 | |

| | |Advanced Design Functionality of Macromedia Flash MX |69652_ENG |3 | |

| | |Macromedia Freehand 10: Foundation | | |

| | |Basic Concepts of FreeHand 10 |69361_ENG |4 | |

| | |Documents in FreeHand 10 |69440_ENG |1 | |

| | |Objects in FreeHand 10 |69678_ENG |2 | |

| | |Macromedia FreeHand 10: Getting Started | | |

| | |Getting Started with FreeHand 10 |39596_ENG |2 | |

| | |Macromedia Freehand 10: Moving On | | |

| | |Moving on with FreeHand 10 |39822_ENG |2 | |

| | |Macromedia FreeHand 10: Up and Running | | |

| | |Up and Running with Freehand 10 |39825_ENG |2 | |

| | |Developing Macromedia ColdFusion MX Applications with Dreamweaver MX: Experienced | | |

| | |Using the Dreamweaver MX Development Environment |81241_ENG |5 | |

| | |Using Dreamweaver MX to Develop ColdFusion MX Applications |81927_ENG |4 | |

| |Microsoft FrontPage | | |

| | |Microsoft Office 2000: FrontPage 2000 | | |

| | |Microsoft Office 2000 - Beginning FrontPage |112290_ENG |4.5 | |

| | |Microsoft Office 2000 - Advanced FrontPage |112291_ENG |4.5 | |

| | |Microsoft Office XP: Beginning FrontPage 2002 | | |

| | |FrontPage 2002 Basics |114938_ENG |4 | |

| | |Enhancing and Managing Web Sites with FrontPage 2002 |114955_ENG |3 | |

| |Adobe | | |

| | |Adobe GoLive 5: Getting Started | | |

| | |Getting Started with GoLive 5 |40847_ENG |2 | |

| | |Adobe GoLive 5: Moving On | | |

| | |Moving On with GoLive 5 |40853_ENG |2 | |

| | |Adobe GoLive 5: Up and Running | | |

| | |Up and Running with GoLive 5 |40850_ENG |2 | |

| | |Adobe Illustrator 9.0: Getting Started | | |

| | |Getting Started with Illustrator 9.0 |37606_ENG |2 | |

| | |Adobe Illustrator 9.0: Up and Running | | |

| | |Up and Running with Illustrator 9.0 |39040_ENG |2 | |

| | |Adobe ImageReady 3 | | |

| | |Optimizing File Sizes with ImageReady 3 |38433_ENG |2 | |

| | |Adobe Photoshop 6.0 | | |

| | |Getting Started with Photoshop 6.0 |33838_ENG |3 | |

| | |Up and Running with Photoshop 6.0 |33841_ENG |2 | |

| | |Adobe Photoshop 7.0 | | |

| | |Getting Started with Photoshop 7.0 |82825_ENG |3 | |

| | |Up and Running with Photoshop 7.0 |84921_ENG |2 | |

| |Scripting and Web Languages | | |

| | |Introduction to XML: Language Basics | | |

| | |XML Language Basics |70151_ENG |4 | |

| | |Style Sheets and Links |70152_ENG |5 | |

| | |JavaScript Client-Side Scripting | | |

| | |JavaScript: Language Basics |115406_ENG |5 | |

| | |JavaScript: Scripting |115427_ENG |3 | |

| | |Microsoft VBScript: Language Basics | | |

| | |VBScript - Elements, Arrays, Procedures, and Program Flow |116523_ENG |3 | |

| | |VBScript- Functions, Core Objects, and Classes |116524_ENG |3 | |

| | |DHTML Basics | | |

| | |DHTML and Cascading Style Sheets |110402_ENG |3 | |

| | |Making Content Dynamic with DHTML |109372_ENG |3 | |

| | |Advanced XML | | |

| | |Structuring XML |213606_ENG |1.25 | |

| | |Advanced Schemas |215282_ENG |2.25 | |

| | |Transforming and Formatting XML |213612_ENG |2.75 | |

| | |Querying, Navigating, and Linking XML Data |213638_ENG |1.5 | |

| | |XML APIs |213609_ENG |1.75 | |

| | |Extending XML |213614_ENG |2.5 | |

| |Mentoring Assets | | |

| | |Mentoring Assets | | |

| | |Mentoring 1D0-410 CIW Foundations |mnt1d0410 | |

| | |Mentoring 1D0-420 CIW Site Designer |mnt1d0420 | |

| | |Mentoring 501 Macromedia Flash MX Designer |mnt501 | |

| |Test Preps | | |

| | |Test Preps | | |

| | |1D0-410 CIW Foundations |TP1D0410_ENG | |

| | |1D0-420 CIW Site Designer |TP1D0420_ENG | |


| |Project Management Curriculum - US English | | |

| | |Project Management Essentials - (PMBOK® Guide - Third Edition-aligned) | | |

| | |An Introduction to Project Management (PMBOK-Third Edition aligned) |PROJ0511 |2 | |

| | |Project Lifecycles and Stakeholders |PROJ0512 |2.5 | |

| | |Introduction to Project Process Groups and Initiating a Project |PROJ0513 |2.5 | |

| | |Project Planning |PROJ0514 |2.5 | |

| | |Executing, Monitoring & Controlling, and Closing Processes (PMBOK 2004 aligned) |PROJ0515 |2.5 | |

| | |Project Integration Management (PMBOK® Guide - Third Edition-aligned) | | |

| | |Initiating a Project and Preparing the Project Plan |PROJ0521 |2.5 | |

| | |Project Integration: Executing and Completing a Project |PROJ0522 |2 | |

| | |Project Scope Management (PMBOK® Guide - Third Edition-aligned) | | |

| | |Planning Project Scope |PROJ0531 |1.5 | |

| | |Controlling Project Scope |PROJ0532 |2 | |

| | |Project Time Management (PMBOK® Guide - Third Edition-aligned) | | |

| | |Elements of Project Time Management |PROJ0541 |2.5 | |

| | |Project Scheduling |PROJ0542 |3 | |

| | |Project Cost Management (PMBOK® Guide -Third Edition-aligned) | | |

| | |Estimating Activity Costs |PROJ0551 |1.5 | |

| | |Budgeting and Controlling Costs |PROJ0552 |2 | |

| | |Project Risk Management (PMBOK® Guide - Third Edition-aligned) | |

| | |Planning and Identifying Project Risk |PROJ0591 |2.5 | |

| | |Project Communications Management (PMBOK® Guide - Third Edition-aligned) | | |

| | |Communications Planning and Information Distribution |PROJ0581 |2.5 | |

| | |Project Management Basics for Business Professionals (PMBOK 2000-aligned) | | |

| | |Project Initiation (PMBOK 2000-aligned) |PROJ0001 |6.5 |7.5 | |

| | |Project Planning (PMBOK 2000-aligned) |PROJ0002 |5 |6 |5 |

| | |Project Execution (PMBOK 2000-aligned) |PROJ0003 |6 |7 |6 |

| | |Project Controlling (PMBOK 2000-aligned) |PROJ0004 |7.5 |9 |7.5 |

| | |Project Closing (PMBOK 2000-aligned) |PROJ0005 |6.5 |7.5 |6.5 |

| | |Project Management Basics for Business Professionals Blended |BLTPR000 | |

| | |Project Management Basics: Scheduling Simulation |PROJ000S |0.5 | |

| | |Project Management Professional Responsibility | | |

| | |Ethics and Professional Knowledge (PMBOK aligned) |PROJ0041 |3 |3.5 | |

| | |Stakeholder Interests and Cultural Diversity (PMBOK aligned) |PROJ0042 |3 |3.5 | |

| | |Project Management for IT Professionals | | |

| | |Introduction to IT Project Management |PROJ0351 |4 |4.5 |4 |

| | |Functions of IT Project Management |PROJ0352 |4.5 |5 |5.5 |

| | |The Life Cycle of an IT Project |PROJ0353 |5 |6 |5 |

| | |Managing the Execution and Control of IT Projects |PROJ0354 |5.5 |6 |5.5 |

| | |Managing Efficiencies of IT Projects |PROJ0355 |4.5 |5 |4.5 |

| | |Project IT Management Simulation - The Early Stages |PROJ0350 |0.5 | |

| | |Project IT Management Simulation - Design to Rollout |PROJ035S |0.5 | |

| | |Strategic Project Management for IT Projects | | |

| | |Strategic Planning and Positioning for IT Projects |PROJ0361 |5 |6 |5 |

| | |Strategic Approaches to Managing IT Projects |PROJ0362 |5 |6 |5 |

| | |Estimating the IT Project Work Effort |PROJ0363 |5.5 |6.5 |5.5 |

| | |IT Project Leadership, Authority & Accountability |PROJ0364 |6 |7 |6 |

| | |Managing Multiple IT Projects |PROJ0365 |5.5 |6.5 |5.5 |

| | |Cost Management and IT Project Trade-offs |PROJ0366 |4.5 |5 |4.5 |

| | |Strategic Project Management for IT Projects Simulation |PROJ0360 |0.5 | |

| | |Project Integration Management - PMBOK 2000-aligned | | |

| | |Project Plan Development (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0421 |3.5 | |3.5 |

| | |Project Plan Execution (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0422 |4.5 | |4.5 |

| | |Project Integrated Change Control |PROJ0423 |4.5 | |4.5 |

| | |Project Scope Management - PMBOK 2000-aligned | | |

| | |Project Initiation and Planning (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0431 |3.5 | |3.5 |

| | |Project Scope Definition (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0432 |4 | |4.5 |

| | |Project Scope Verification and Change Control |PROJ0433 |4.5 |5 |4.5 |

| | |Project Time Management PMBOK 2000-aligned | | |

| | |Project Activity Planning (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0441 |4 |4.5 |4 |

| | |Project Activity Duration Estimating (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0442 |1.5 |1.5 |1.5 |

| | |Project Schedule Development (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0443 |3 |3.5 |3 |

| | |Project Schedule Control (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0444 |3 |3.5 |3 |

| | |Project Cost Management - PMBOK 2000-aligned | | |

| | |Project Resource Planning (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0451 |2 |2 |2 |

| | |Project Cost Estimating and Budgeting (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0452 |3.5 |4 |3.5 |

| | |Project Cost Control (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0453 |2.5 |3 |2.5 |

| | |Project Quality Management - PMBOK 2000-aligned | | |

| | |Project Quality Planning (PMBOK 2000-aligned) |PROJ0461 |2.5 |3 |2 |

| | |Project Quality Assurance |PROJ0462 |2.5 |3 |3.5 |

| | |Project Quality Control (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0463 |4 |4.5 |4 |

| | |Project Human Resources Management - PMBOK 2000-aligned | | |

| | |Project Organizational Planning (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0471 |2.5 |3 |2.5 |

| | |Project Staff Acquisition (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0472 |2.5 |3 |2.5 |

| | |Project Team Development (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0473 |3 |3.5 |3 |

| | |Project Communications Management (PMBOK 2000-aligned) | | |

| | |Project Communications Planning (PMBOK 2000-aligned) |PROJ0481 |3 |3.5 |3 |

| | |Project Performance Reporting (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0482 |2.5 |3 |2.5 |

| | |Project Information Distribution and Closure (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0483 |2 |2 |2 |

| | |Project Communications Management Simulation |PROJ0480 |0.5 | |

| | |Project Risk Management (PMBOK 2000-aligned) | | |

| | |Project Risk Planning and Identification |PROJ0491 |5 |6 |5 |

| | |Project Qualitative Risk Analysis (PMBOK 2000 aligned) |PROJ0492 |4 |4.5 |4 |

| | |Project Quantitative Risk Analysis (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0493 |4 |4.5 |4 |

| | |Project Risk Response Planning (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0494 |6.5 |7.5 |6.5 |

| | |Project Risk Monitoring and Control (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0495 |5.5 |6.5 |5.5 |

| | |Project Risk Management Simulation |PROJ0490 |0.5 | |

| | |Project Procurement Planning - PMBOK 2000-aligned | | |

| | |Project Procurement Planning (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0501 |2 |2 |2 |

| | |Project Solicitation (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0502 |3 |3.5 |3 |

| | |Project Source Selection (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0503 |3 |3.5 |3 |

| | |Project Contract Management (PMBOK 2000) |PROJ0504 |3 |3.5 |3 |

| | |Project Quality Planning (PMBOK 2000-aligned) |PROJ0461 |2.5 |3 |2 |

| | |Test Prep | | |

| | |Project Management Professional (PMP) Examination |TPPMP2002_ENG | |

| | |Mentoring Assets | | |

| | |Mentoring Project Management Professional (PMP) |mntpmp2002 | |

| |Team Building Curriculum | | |

| | |How to Make Cross-Functional Teams Work | | |

| | |Determine Need and Select the Project Manager |TEAM0121 |2.5 | |

| | |Select, Evaluate, and Fund Cross-functional Teams |TEAM0122 |3.5 | |

| | |Developing the Cross-functional Team |TEAM0123 |3.5 | |

| | |Achieving Results as a Cross-functional Team |TEAM0124 |3 | |

| | |Participating in Teams | | |

| | |Effective Team-building Strategies |TEAM0171 |4 | |

| | |Effectively Communicating in Teams |TEAM0172 |3 | |

| | |The Individual's Role in a Team |TEAM0173 |3.5 | |

| | |Participating in Teams Simulation |TEAM0170 |0.5 | |

| | |Participating in Teams |BLTTE017 | |

| | |Making Teams Work: Capitalizing on Conflict | | |

| | |Team Conflict: The Seeds of Dissent |TEAM0211 |3.5 | |

| | |Analyzing Workplace War Zones |TEAM0212 |2.5 | |

| | |Getting Past Clashes: Valuing Team Diversity |TEAM0213 |2.5 | |

| | |Conquering Conflict through Communication |TEAM0214 |3 | |

| | |The Path to Peace and Harmony |TEAM0215 |2.5 | |

| | |Manager's Performance Guide - Team Conflict Skills |TEAM0216 |1.5 | |

| | |Making Teams Work (Simulation) |TEAM0210 |0.5 | |

| | |Creating High-performance On-site and Virtual Teams | |

| | |Launching Successful On-site and Virtual Teams |TEAM0151 |5.5 | |

| | |Leading Successful On-site Teams |TEAM0152 |5 | |

| | |Leading Virtual Teams |TEAM0153 |5 | |

| | |Facilitating On-site and Virtual Teams |TEAM0154 |4.5 | |

|e-LEARNING (is Free and goes with all Solution Areas) | | |

| |E-Learning Curriculum - US English | | |

| |e-Learning Foundations | | |

| |e-Learning |ABC0111 |3 | |

| | | | |

| | |Update: 3/29/05 | | | |


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