ESL Teacher Resources, Job Boards, and Worksheets

Answer Key

|[pic] |Seeds need dirt to grow. |

| |Seeds need rain to grow. |

| |Seeds need sun to grow. |

|[pic] |Farmers plant the crops. |

| |Crows steal the crops. |

| |Farmers harvest the crops. |

| |Scarecrows guard the crops. |

|[pic] |Stars come out at night. |

| |The moon comes out at night. |

| |Owls come out at night. |

| |Ghosts come out at night. |

|[pic] |A group of geese is called a flock. |

| |A group of lions is called a pride. |

| |A group of fish is called a school. |

| |A group of whales is called a pod. |

|[pic] |Animals need food to live. |

| |Animals need air to live. |

| |Animals need shelter to live. |

| |Animals need water to live. |

|[pic] |A baby pig is called a piglet. |

| |A baby cow is called a calf. |

| |A baby bear is called a cub. |

| |A baby deer is called a fawn. |

|[pic] |Leaves fall to the ground. |

| |Leaves change color. |

| |Chestnuts fall to the ground. |

| |Acorns fall to the ground. |

|[pic] |Friends chat together., |

| |Friends go places together. |

| |Friends spend time together. |

| |Friends laugh together. |

|[pic] |Bears live in the forest. |

| |Whales live in the ocean. |

| |Ducks live in the wetlands. |

| |Camels live in the desert. |

|[pic] |Trees grow in a forest. |

| |Mushrooms grow in a forest. |

| |Moss grows in a forest. |

| |Ferns grow in a forest. |

|[pic] |Kids need friends to grow. |

| |Kids need exercise to grow. |

| |Kids need food to grow. |

| |Kids need love to grow. |

|[pic] |All birds have feathers. |

| |All birds have wings. |

| |All birds have beaks. |

| |Some birds have talons. |

|[pic] |Good kids don’t push other kids. |

| |Good kids don’t tease other kids. |

| |Good kids don’t hit other kids. |

| |Good kids don’t fight with other kids. |

|[pic] |Some people take the bus to work. |

| |Some people ride a bike to work. |

| |Some people walk to work. |

| |Some people drive to work. |

|[pic] |People see with their eyes. |

| |People smell with their noses. |

| |People taste with their tongues. |

| |People touch with their fingers. |

|[pic] |Kids make sandcastles at the beach. |

| |Kids catch crabs at the beach. |

| |Kids go swimming at the beach. |

| |Kids play games at the beach. |

|[pic] |Kids wear costumes on Halloween. |

| |Kids carve jack-o’-lanterns on Halloween. |

| |Kids go trick-or-treating on Halloween. |

| |Kids get candy on Halloween. |

|[pic] |Rocks are hard. |

| |Pillows are soft. |

| |Knives are sharp. |

| |Spoons are dull. |

|[pic] |Roosters begin to crow at dawn. |

| |The sky begins to brighten at dawn. |

| |The sun begins to rise at dawn. |

| |Birds begin to chirp at dawn. |

|[pic] |People take trips in summer. |

| |People use fans in summer. |

| |People wear shorts in summer. |

| |People go to the beach in summer. |

|[pic] | |

|[pic] |Horses run through the fields. |

| |Beetles crawl on the ground. |

| |Birds fly in the sky. |

| |Fish swim in the water. |

|[pic] |Lemons and limes taste sour. |

| |Garlic and chili peppers taste spicy. |

| |Sugar and honey taste sweet. |

| |Coffee and chocolate taste bitter. |

|[pic] |Some people write letters. |

| |Some people send email. |

| |Some people talk on the phone. |

| |Some people talk face-to-face. |

|[pic] | |

|[pic] | |

|[pic] |You can go hiking on a mountain. |

| |You can go fishing in a river. |

| |You can go swimming in a lake. |

| |You can see wildlife in a forest. |

|[pic] |You can see a movie at a theater. |

| |You can see an exhibit at a museum. |

| |You can eat dinner at a restaurant. |

| |You can go shopping at a store. |

|[pic] |The wind howls during a storm. |

| |Lightning strikes during a storm. |

| |Thunder booms during a storm. |

| |Rain pours during a storm. |

|[pic] | |

|[pic] | |

|[pic] | |

|[pic] | |

|[pic] | |

|[pic] |People celebrate Christmas in December. |

| |People celebrate Halloween in October. |

| |People celebrate Valentine’s Day in February. |

| |People celebrate New Years in January. |

|[pic] | |

|[pic] |People wear gloves on their hands. |

| |People wear hats on their heads. |

| |People wear boots on their feet. |

| |People wear scarves around their necks. |

|[pic] | |

|[pic] | |


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