Poetry Portfolio Assignment

Language Arts: Poetry Portfolio

Assignment Due Date: At the End of the Unit 05/13/2016

Requirements: Poetry portfolios must be placed in a clear folder. All poems must be typed; if you do not have a computer, go to the Media Center or public library. Failing to submit a portfolio will result in a 0. For each day late, a letter grade will be deducted from the overall grade that is earned. After the third day, portfolios will not be accepted.

Organization: Please arrange the portfolio in the following order:

Title Page: The title page should contain a title that reflects the theme of your collection of poems, contain one picture/illustration, and include the following information located in the bottom right corner:

Language Arts Period ___


Presented To: Mrs. Healy


Table of Contents: All of the pages in the portfolio should be numbered and coincide with the table of contents. INCLUDE EVERY PIECE IN THE BOOK. Titles of short poems are placed in quotations marks; please include all of the poets’ names. Everything must be typed.

Poems and Other Stuff: Turn in a portfolio that includes information in this order:

A. Personal Section: FIVE POEMS TOTAL

1. You must have 3 original “frame” poems: one “I Don’t Understand” poem, one “One Window is all I Need” poem, one “I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud” poem. Your 4th poem will be a picture prompt poem. You will choose a photograph and write a poem with a minimum of 4 stanzas with 4 lines each. Your last poem is a free choice poem. Choose any poem that reflects your feelings/thoughts about an issue that is important to you. All of these poems must reflect your personality, hobbies, interests, and passions.

2. With EACH poem, you need to have a visual and/or a border attached. This could include a picture, drawing, collage, etc. Please be creative and make sure the visual represents the poem.

B. Published Poems:

1. Choose any 5 poems by various published poets. I will give you multiple resources to help you find poems. Be sure to include the name of the poem and the name of the poet. Beneath each poem, answer the following questions in complete sentences:

a. What is the poem’s theme? What message does the author convey?

b. Discuss which elements of poetry are prevalent throughout the poem. Explain whether or not their usage is effective.

c. Why is this poem significant to you? Explain why you included it in your portfolio.

C. Reflection: This is a final summary of what you have learned, what you are proud of, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the portfolio. It should be no longer than a page and no less than ½ a page. You can use personal pronouns. This must be typed.

D. Letter: You must have one letter from someone who has read your portfolio. This person can be a parent, friend, teacher, family member and etc…. This letter should include:

1. The person’s name and relation to you….

2. Why this person liked/disliked the portfolio?

3. Are there any particular poems they liked/disliked? Explain. What would they recommend or do differently? (Make sure the person notes this!)

4. The letter should be formal, as well as include both an inside and outside address. For the outside address, use the mailing address for Hightower Trail Middle School. The letter must be addressed to me—your teacher. Also, use one of the two options for letter style writing—block or modified-block.

5. The letter SHOULD be typed, as well.

6. Letter should be at least ¾ to one page in length.

Note: Portfolios should be unique and should not include duplicate poems from peers in any classes.

Make sure your portfolio is using different poems by different authors. Make sure your visuals are different; use your imagination. For example, don’t print all visuals out on the computer. An ideal portfolio is one that uses different senses, emotions, visuals, themes, and creativity. You cannot duplicate any authors; this includes anonymous or unknown.

Poetry Portfolio and Presentation Rubric

|Category |20 |15 |10 |0 |

| |All criteria have been |Most of the criteria have|Some of the criteria have|Little to none of the |

|Required Information |met. Complies with all |been met. 1-5 items have|been met. 6-10 items |criteria have been met. |

| |the requirements for the |been omitted. Complies |have been omitted. | |

| |assignment. |with most of the |Complies with some of the| |

| | |requirements for the |requirements for the | |

| | |assignment. |assignment. | |

| | | | | |

|Mechanics |Writer makes no errors in|Writer makes 1-3 errors |Writer makes 4 or more |Writer makes numerous |

| |grammar or spelling that |in grammar or spelling |errors in grammar or |grammar or spelling |

| |distracts the reader from|that distracts the reader|spelling that distracts |errors that affect |

| |the content. |from the content |the reader from |overall interpretation |

| | | |understanding the |and understanding of the |

| | | |content. |content. |

|Time and Effort |Time was used wisely. |Time was usually used |Time was not used wisely |Class time was not used |

| |Much time and effort went|wisely. The student put |and the student put forth|wisely and the student |

| |into the creation of this|some time and effort into|little effort. |put in little additional |

| |Portfolio. It is clear |the creation of the | |effort. |

| |the student worked at |Portfolio at school as | | |

| |home as well as at school|well as at home. | | |

| | | | | |

|Product |The entire project gives |The project is neat and |The project shows some |The project is not neat |

|Development |an impression of |shows forethought and |forethought and care, but|and shows little |

|And |neatness, creativity, |care. |could be neater. |forethought. It looks as |

|Overall Neatness |forethought and care. | | |though it was thrown |

| | | | |together quickly. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Oral Presentation |Stands up straight, looks|Stands up straight and |Stands up straight |Slouches and/or does not |

|And Delivery |relaxed and confident. |establishes eye contact |sometimes and establishes|look at audience during |

| |Establishes eye contact |with everyone in the room|very little eye contact. |presentation. |

| |with everyone. Speaks |during the presentation. |Speaks clearly and |Often mumbles or cannot |

| |clearly and distinctly |Speaks clearly and |distinctly 79-70% of the |be understood and |

| |100-90% of the time and |distinctly 89-80% of the |time, but mispronounces |mispronounces five or |

| |mispronounces no words. |time, but mispronounces |five or more words. |more words. |

| | |three or less words. | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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