Poetry Oral Presentation

Poetry Oral Presentation

The Cavalier Poets

English 11A

Mr. Hannan

POEMS— Ben Jonson: On My First Son (257), On My First Daughter (handout), Song: To Celia (258); Robert Herrick: To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time (239); Sir John Suckling: The Constant Lover (handout), Why So Pale and Wan (263); Richard Lovelace: To Lucasta, on Going to the Wars (264)



1. Read Poem several times.

2. Look up words you don't know or could not explain.

3. Determine the meaning of the segments of the poem (sentences; stanzas).

4. Look for metaphors, similes, personification and other poetic devices.

5. Figure the rhyme scheme.

6. Make up 5 good discussion questions that will lead students to understand and appreciate the poem. Note: These questions are not meant to be quiz questions that ask students to give back to you information you gave them during your presentation; they are the means through which you lead them to understand the poem. Also, if you get no answer to a question (or no satisfactory answer), think of a way to rephrase it or break it down further into more basic questions.

7. Find or create a visual or audio aid that will help students understand the poem and add interest to your presentation. This could take the form of a drawing, a photograph, an object, costumes, a short skit, a song that has the same theme, etc. Be creative, but be sure it really does fit your poem and add to, rather than detract from, the clarity of your presentation.

8. Decide on a clear statement of the poem’s theme (what in human experience the poem is about).


Using the above, prepare a presentation to the class in which your group will teach the poem. Include a good, meaningful, interesting reading of the poem. Choose the one person from your group who is willing and able to read the poem with meaning and expression—do not use multiple readers.

Use the discussion questions as your main means of teaching the work.

Grading—The presentation will be worth 50 points and will be evaluated on both the quality of the presentation and the accuracy of your understanding of the poem. Each group member will receive the same grade unless I observe that someone is freeloading. Find ways to share the work, and see to it that all are involved in the preparation and the presentation.


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