
Rubric for Poetry Anthology4Above expectations (100-90)3Meets Expectations (89-80)2Approaches Expectations (79-66)1Below Expectations (65-60)Always, very, extremely, beautifully.All of score point 3 AND…There may be some illustrations or visuals included. The poems might draw a strong response or emotional reaction from the reader. The anthology is about a thought-provoking topic. The collection shows very tight organization and extreme originality. (examples: unique presentation of poems, table of contents, etc.)The writer clearly worked to go outside their comfort zone. Topic/thoughtfulness: The poet has chosen to write about one single topic or a series of topics that relate to one another. The topic is meaningful in some way to the poet. If the topic seems random, the poet is able to explain why it is meaningful to them. The poems show thoughtfulness and quality of writing. Poems exhibit an understanding of how poetry uses rhythm, imagery, repetition, and line breaks/stanzas. It is clear that the poet understands quality and quantity, and they were respectful of the purpose for this writing process. The process: Poems are first drafted on loose leaf paper. There is evidence of revisions between the drafts, and the writer clearly spent time reworking their poems in ways that reflect learning of the writing strategies shown during minilessons. Changes in line breaks, white space and length are evident. Changes in imagery or figurative language use is clear. The poet obviously spent time generating and revising their poems. The collection:The writer did some thoughtful work about how to best organize the types of poems he/she wrote. There is a variety in poem types (narrative, concrete, rhyming, etc.). No poem in the anthology is shorter than 12 lines. At least four poems are included in the anthology. The poems show that the writer clearly understands what poetry is and how to craft it.Published project: It is clear the writer put a high level of energy and effort into their process and overall project. The pieces are on separate pages, and each poem has an appropriate title. The anthology is presented in a clean, organized and legible manner. Sort of, not consistently, somewhat struggling. The writing process is incomplete, but some evidence exists to show stages of drafting, revising, editing. The pieces may be resemble poetry, but the organization is weak or the there is no clear collection of poems. The topics may not go together or the anthology lacks some elements listed in score point 3. Rarely, hardly, seriously struggling, in crisis. There is very little to no evidence of a writing process. Drafts are missing. There are not enough poems to create an anthology. ................

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