Project choices for French Revolution Unit: Choose 1

Project choices for French Revolution Unit: Choose 1

Choice #1 Scrapbook: Create a scrapbook about Napoleon’s life.

Requirements: 14 pictures of Napoleon—one per page

7 pictures will show Napoleon during his reign in France. Include accurate descriptions of the historical events explaining what is going on in the picture

7 pictures of Napoleon doing something with you and/or your family doing something fun with an explanation of what you and Napoleon are doing

Be Creative and have fun!! Enhance your scrapbook with stickers, colored paper, markers, family photos where you cut and paste Napoleon’s face and body, shaped-edge scissors to enhance your scrapbook to make it look real.

Choice #2 CD Cover: Create a CD Cover/Insert about the events in Chapter 7—life in France before and during the Revolution, life and times of Napoleon, and/or the Congress of Vienna.

Requirements: Use the paper provided to make 6 panels:

Panel #1: Title of Band and CD—include illustrations and Artwork

Panels #2-#4: 12 song titles (4 per panel) with appropriate info—songwriter, playing time. Example—Get off My Back. Performed by the 3rd Estate. Written by French Peasant and Bourgeoisie Merchant. 3:22 playing time.

Panel #2: about life in France prior to and during the Revolution

Panel #3: about successes and failures of Napoleon Bonaparte

Panel #4: about people events involved in the Congress of Vienna

Panel #5: Write lyrics to one of your song titles (12 -16 lines). It can be a rap song, a poem or something Dr. Seuss would write. Be sure to include historical information about the topic.

Panel #6: Dedication— write a historical, one-paragraph dedication to any significant person or event of this time.

Be creative and artistic to make your CD Dust jacket insert look professional and realistic. Use color, markers, hand drawn and/or computer generated images or text.

Choice #3: French Revolution Comic Book of Political Cartoons

Create a comic book that shows three major aspects of each section of Chapter 7 in the textbook.

• Front cover with comic book name, artwork,

• French Revolution or Napoleon crossword puzzle

• Back cover with artwork/advertisement

• The Political Cartoons must be based on historical fact (but it can be funny)

• In color (by hand or computer generated)

• Use copy/printer paper-not lined paper

• Include an explanation for each cartoon that uses keys terms

Remember, the work you create will help you on the test.

1. Due Date: _______________________________

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|Panel 1 |Panel 2 |

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|Editorial/Political Cartoon |Editorial/Political Cartoon |

|______________________________ |_____________________________ |

|Explanation with key terms |Explanation with key terms |

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|Panel 3 |Panel 4 Create a creative and illustrated advertisement that someone |

| |during the French Revolution might see in a newspaper or magazine. It|

|Editorial/Political Cartoon |needs to be related to the information in the section that you worked |

| |on. |

|_____________________________ | |

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|Explanation with key terms | |

Topics and People for either Project: Pictures, songs, song-writers, and dedication: The Three Estates, King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Robespierre, The Great Fear, The Terror, The Guillotine, Jean-Paul Marta, Georges Danton, Napoleon, Battle of Trafalgar, Admiral Horatio Nelson, Spanish Guerrillas, Peninsular War, Scorched Earth Policy, Invasion of Russia, Duke of Wellington, Waterloo, 100 Days, Exile, Congress of Vienna, Klemens von Metternich, Balance of Power, Containment, Legitimacy, The Holy Alliance, The Concert of Europe.


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