Sixth Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map

8th Georgia History Curriculum Map

|Chapter | GPS |Topic |Enduring |Essential Questions |Assessments |

| | | |Understandings | | |

|Unit 2: | | | | | |

|From Exploration |SS8H1a |Prehistoric Indians |*Creek and Cherokee |What impact did |Quizzes |

|Through | |Indian Nations |lifestyles have been |Pre-Historic cultural |Chapter tests |

|Independence, | |(Creek and Cherokee) |extremely influential |achievements and |Benchmark exams |

|Chapters 3 | | |in the development of |contributions have on | |

| | | |colonial and modern |the development of |Whiteboard Trivia |

| | | |Georgia. |modern society? | |

| | | | | |Monthly “DQ” |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Interactive Map |

| | | | | |(Explorers) |

|Unit 2: | | | |What affect did | |

|Chapter 4 |SS8H1(b, c) |*An Age of Exploration |*European countries |European settlement in|Quizzes |

|Settlement of the |SS8H2 | |raced to establish |America have on Native|Chapter tests |

|Thirteenth Colony | |*English Settlement of |colonies on North |American culture? |Benchmark exams |

| | |the New World |America in effort to | | |

| | | |increase their wealth |How did the economic |Historical Haiku’s |

| | |*The Colonization of |and power. |and political problems| |

| | |Georgia | |in Great Britain |Political Cartoons |

| | | |*European explorers |influence European | |

| | |*Building a New Home |and settlers depended |settlement in the New |Monthly “DQ” |

| | | |on help from the |World? | |

| | | |native peoples to | | |

| | | |survive. |How did the physical | |

| | | | |and religious | |

| | | | |environments in | |

| | | | |Colonial America | |

| | | | |provide opportunities | |

| | | | |or place constraints | |

| | | | |on human activities? | |

| | | | |How did the economic | |

| | | | |and political problems| |

| | | | |in Great Britain | |

| | | | |influence European | |

| | | | |settlement in the New | |

| | | | |World? | |

|Unit 2: | | | | | |

|Chapter 5 |SS8H3 |*The Colonial Period |*The French, Spanish |How did the physical |Quizzes |

|From Royalty to | | |and English race to |and religious |Chapter tests |

|Independence, | |*Georgia Becomes a Royal|build colonies to |environments in |Benchmark exams |

|1752-1783 | |Colony |increase wealth and |Colonial America | |

| | | |power. |provide opportunities |“Growing” timelines |

| | |*The Call for | |or place constraints | |

| | |Independence |*James Oglethorpe’s |on human activities? |“Georgia places-Names” |

| | | |colony, in Georgia, | |geography (TE p. 159) |

| | |*The Revolutionary War |laid the foundation |What role did Great |–online- |

| | |Period |for the development of|Britain’s economic | |

| | | |modern day political, |policy of Mercantilism|Comic strips |

| | | |economic and |play in the colonists’| |

| | | |geographic |decision to fight for |Monthly “DQ” |

| | | |development. |independence? | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |*Political differences|How did the economic | |

| | | |between the colonist |sanctions placed on | |

| | | |and King of England |the colonies by Great | |

| | | |led to extreme |Britain influence | |

| | | |conflict. |colonial dissent? | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |What impact did | |

| | | | |revolts, boycotts, and| |

| | | | |political differences | |

| | | | |have on the colonists’| |

| | | | |attitudes toward | |

| | | | |independence? | |

|Unit 6: | | | | | |

|Chapter 14 | |*Toward a New |*The U.S. Constitution|How did the |Quizzes |

|With Liberty and | |Constitution |was created to make a |establishment of the |Chapter tests |

|Justice – The | | |more cohesive |United States |Benchmark exams |

|Federal Government| |*The Legislative Branch |government with a |Constitution impact | |

| | |of Government |focus on a stronger |the early development |Vocabulary “Pictionary”|

| | | |federal government. |of our nation? | |

|Chapter 6 | |*The Executive Branch of| | |Political Cartoons |

|Creating a New | |Government |*The Bill of Rights |What makes the US | |

|Government | | |ensured that the |Constitution an |Monthly “DQ” |

|(Section 1 only) | |*The Judicial Branch of |citizens of the United|enduring document? | |

| | |Government |States inalienable |(living document) | |

| | | |rights would be | | |

| | | |protected throughout | | |

| | | |our nations’ history. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |(Three Branches of | | |

| | | |Government) | | |

|Unit 6: | | | | | |

|Chapter 15 |SS8CG1 |*The Executive Branch of| |What are the roles of |Quizzes |

|Government of the |SS8CG2 |State Government | |the branches of |Chapter tests |

|Empire State |SS8CG3 | | |government as they |Benchmark exams |

| |SS8CG4 |*The Legislative Branch | |relate to federal, | |

| |SS8CG5 |of State Government | |state and local |Monthly “DQ” |

| |SS8CG6 | | |systems? | |

| | |*The Judicial Branch of | | |“Activotes” reviews |

| | |State Government | |What are your rights | |

| | | | |and responsibilities |Collaborative PowerPoint|

| | |*Young People and the | |as a citizen? |projects and/or |

| | |Law | | |simulations |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Unit 6: | | | | | |

|Chapter 16 | | | | |Quizzes |

|Local Government | | | | |Chapter tests |

|and Citizenship | | | | |Benchmark exams |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |AJC current events |

|Unit 3: | | | | | |

|Chapter 6 |SS8H4 |*Land Fever in Georgia |*Land needs and |How we obtain land in | |

|An Age of |SS8H5 | |efforts to expand |the 20 years following|Quizzes |

|Expansion, | |*Economic Growth in |greatly changed the |the end of the |Chapter tests |

|1783-1838 | |Georgia |size of Georgia and |American Revolution? |Benchmark exams |

|(Sections 2-6) | | |the US in the 1800’s. | | |

| | |*Georgia at The Dawn of | |How did Georgia |Monthly “DQ” |

| | |a New Century |*Changes in technology|rebuild and expand its| |

| | | |and educational |economy in the late |Political Cartoons |

| | |*The War of 1812 |opportunities affected|17th and early 18th | |

| | | |the development of |century? | |

| | |*Native Americans in |Georgia from | | |

| | |Georgia |1789-1840. |What long term effects| |

| | | | |did Westward Expansion| |

| | |** Add topics** | |have on the Native | |

| | | | |American culture? | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |**Add stuff ** | |

|Unit 3: | | | |How did Americans | |

|Chapter 7 |SS8H6 |*Manifest Destiny |* Political, economic,|apply the concept of |Quizzes |

|The Antebellum |SS8H7 | |and social differences|manifest destiny |Chapter tests |

|Era, 1838-1860 | |*Deepening Divisions |lead to the outbreak |during the Antebellum |Benchmark exams |

| | | |of the Civil War. |period? | |

| | |*Slavery as a Way of | | | |

| | |Life |Sectionalism—Economic |How did the North and |Cross-curricular: |

| | | |Development of the |South differ before |Create newspaper for |

| | |*Antebellum Georgia |North and South |the Civil War? |time period |

| | | |differed | | |

| | |*The Election of 1860 | |What was life like for|Monthly “DQ” |

| | | | |Georgia slaves during | |

| | | | |the Antebellum Period?|Illustrations |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |What steps led to | |

| | | | |Georgia’s secession | |

| | | | |from the Union in | |

| | | | |1861? | |

|Unit 3: | | | |What strategies were | |

|Chapter 8 |SS8H6 |*The Road to War |How did the Civil War |used to win the war? |Quizzes |

|A Nation in | | |influence political | |Chapter tests |

|Conflict, | |*The War on the |change in the US? |What were the major |Benchmark exams |

|1860-1865 | |Battlefield | |battles that took | |

| | | |How did the Civil War |place in Georgia? |Cross-curricular: |

| | |* Life for the Civil War|impact the economic | |“Across Five Aprils” |

| | |Soldier |development of |What effect did |novel study |

| | | |Georgia? |Sherman’s march to the| |

| | |*Life During the Civil | |sea have on Georgia? |Political Cartoons |

| | |War | | | |

| | | | | |Monthly “DQ” |

|Unit 4: | | | | | |

|Chapter 9 |SS8H6 |*Lincoln and |* How does the |What were Lincoln’s |Quizzes |

|Reconstruction and| |Reconstruction |rebuilding of a |plans for rebuilding |Chapter tests |

|the New South , | | |society impact the |the South after the |Benchmark exams |

|1866-1889 | |*Reconstruction in |social, political, and|Civil War? | |

| | |Georgia |economic development | |Southern “feast” |

| | | |of a region? |How did reconstruction| |

| | |*Georgia’s Redemption | |affect Georgia |Create collaborative |

| | |Years | |-politically, socially|group board games (play |

| | | | |and economically? |to review) |

| | |* The New South | | | |

| | | | |What changes occurred |Monthly “DQ” |

| | | | |to create the era of | |

| | | | |the “New South” in |Who Am I? historical |

| | | | |Georgia? |persons riddles |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Unit 4: | | | | | |

|Chapter 10 |SS8H7 |*The Progressive |*How did the fight for|How did the |Quizzes |

|The Progressive | |Movement |equality change the |Progressive Movement |Chapter tests |

|Era, 1889-1919 | | |cultural make-up of |prompt change in |Benchmark exams |

| | |*Southern Politics in |our country? |Georgia? | |

| | |Action | | |Word Link Projects |

| | | |*How can the desire to|How did the fight for | |

| | |* The Continuing Fight |improve the civil |civil rights influence|Political Cartoons |

| | |for Civil Rights |rights of people lead |political change in | |

| | | |to political, social |Georgia? |Monthly “DQ” |

| | |* Business in Georgia |and economic unrest? | | |

| | | | |How did the | |

| | |* World War I | |Progressive Era | |

| | | | |influence the growth | |

| | | | |of Georgia businesses?| |

| | | | | | |

|Unit 4: | | | | | |

|Chapter 11 |SS8H8 |* The Roaring Twenties |*How can the state of |What role did the |Quizzes |

|Flappers, |SS8H9 | |the economy impact the|cultural arts and |Chapter tests |

|Depression, and | |* The Great Depression |quality of life? |invention play in the |Benchmark exams |

|Global War, | | | |period of the Roaring | |

|1920-1945 | |* The New Deal |*Conflict can lead to |20’s? |Black History Portfolio |

| | | |societal unrest. | |(February) |

| | |* World War II |(political, social and|How did the Great | |

| | | |economic unrest |Depression affect |*February 12: |

| | | |locally and worldwide)|Georgians? |“Georgia Day” |

| | | | | |celebration |

| | | | |How did Georgians | |

| | | | |benefit from the New |News broadcasts/radio |

| | | | |Deal? | |

| | | | | |Monthly “DQ” |

|Unit 5: | | | | | |

|Chapter 12 |SS8H9 |* The Postwar Period |*Postwar political |How was life in the |Quizzes |

|Baby Boomers, |SS8H10 | |change and turmoil can|U.S. different after |Chapter tests |

|Rebellion, and | |* Georgia After World |influence society. |WWII? |Benchmark exams |

|Wars, 1946-1979 | |War II | | | |

| | | |*A period of protest |What events affected |Cross-curricular: create|

| | |* The Civil Rights |and change can result |Georgians after WWII? |Georgia children’s |

| | |Movement |in positive growth in |(Cold War; Korean War,|picture books (4/5 |

| | | |society. |etc.) |grade) |

| | |* A Period of Protests | | | |

| | |and Changes | |What advances were |Monthly “DQ” |

| | | | |made in civil rights | |

| | | | |during the postwar | |

| | | | |period? | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |What impact did Jimmy | |

| | | | |Carter have on the | |

| | | | |United States in the | |

| | | | |1970’s? | |

|Unit 5: | | | | | |

|Chapter 13 | |* The 1980s |*Political |How did Georgia change|Quizzes |

|Peace, Prosperity,| | |relationships, both |between 1980 and 2005?|Chapter tests |

|and Peril, | |* The 1990s |domestic and abroad, | |Benchmark exams |

|1980-2005 | | |can directly impact | | |

| | |* Terrorism at Home and |the culture of a | |“Geopardy” review |

| | |Abroad |country. | | |

| | | | | |Create brochure: |

| | |* Georgia in a New | | |“Georgia Now” |

| | |Century | | | |

| | | | | |Current events (AJC) |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Cross-curricular (all |

| | | | | |subject areas): “Road |

| | | | | |Trip” end-of-year |

| | | | | |project (following CRCT)|


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