Minutes of the meeting of the Lochmaben and District ...

Minutes of the meeting of the Lochmaben and District Initiative

on 9th January 2013 at 7.30pm in Lochmaben Town Hall.

1. Welcome:- Tom Russell, chairman, welcomed everyone present to the meeting.

2. Present:- Tom Russell, David Mair, Sandy Grant, Paul Gow, Isabelle Gow, Howard Baisden, David Rose, Cllr Peter Diggle, Jack Wade, John Reid

and Jean Kelly.

3. Apologies:- Patrick Johnston, Anne Johnston, Alistair Brown, Sue Knight, Tony Lyman and Sue Coulthard.

4. Minutes of meeting held on 7th November 2012 were approved.

5. Matters arising:-


See Council Report.

Castle Loch Pier Improvements

Work has now started on fishing pier. New benches are ready to be placed around the loch when the weather improves.

6. Council Report:-

Peter gave an updates on the first four points and was told about the Changing Rooms.

Crossing in High Street:

Peter thought a local person was going to organise a petition. He also said there was more demand for a crossing now, than say in the previous 10 – 15 years, because of the amount of traffic and the increasing number of older people in the burgh. However he also thinks that because of the proposed work on the Town Hall and surrounding area any crossing requirements should be discussed at that time.

Old Churchyard – he again confirmed that access is allowed.

Allotments – Peter has nothing to report but will contact Fraser and the council to see what is happening.

Paddling Pool – coping stones are still being removed and are lying in the

pool area. Peter knows about this and will ask again for the appropriate department within the council to deal with this issue.

Football Teams Changing Rooms:

Peter was told the present situation of using the Community Centre was not satisfactory. He was also told of the changing rooms in the council owned building in Blacklocks Vennel which could be used if brought up to standard.

At this stage Peter made his apologies and left the meeting as he had another one to attend.

7. Finance:-

Thanks to Sandy for the update of accounts. Balance in the account at 31st December 2012, the end of the financial year was, was £8,923. The accounts have been examined and signed off by Mr I Stewart. A cheque for £260 was received, with an apology from the Royal Bank of Scotland, because of a problem with our account.

Since the year-end a Laptop computer and software has been purchased – see meeting notes prepared by David Mair. Tom thanked David and Sandy for their work in this matter.

A grant application for "core funding for 2013-14" has been sent in to the council.

It was agreed to show our appreciation to Mr Stewart for examining the accounts.

8. Countryside Ranger:-

No report received.

Tom mentioned that the Castle Loch volunteers helped Ross clean the bird boxes. r.

See no 5 about the Fishing Pier etc.

Castle Loch Sale

As the Castle Loch has not been sold the selling agents approached David Rose to find out if the Royal Burgh of Lochmaben would be interested in purchasing it.

David and Sandy prepared notes for the meeting and after much discussion it was agreed the Lochmaben and District Initiative would give their support to the process. Grants are available to help in any purchase from the Scottish Land Fund.

As it would be the Royal Burgh of Lochmaben who would buy and own the loch, a steering group of local people and community groups will be required to take the matter forward. Tom and David R will work on this aspect.

9. CLD Plans for Lochmaben:-

No report received.

10. Lochmaben Voices:-

See meeting notes prepared by David Mair. The first public showing in the Church Hall was well received with particular interest in the photographs on display.

Tom thought the exhibition could be part of the Day of the Region celebrations later this year.

More interviews should be done and they do not have to be recorded.

11. Newsletter:-

Items for the Spring Newsletter to David Mair by the middle of March.

At the AGM a decision is to be made on which local resident should be approached to be interviewed plus what street name to focus on.

12. Website – see Website Notes and usage report. Items including Newsletter, community group minutes, and leaflets are being downloaded.

David Rose said that the Scottish Land Fund told him the website shows the quality of the community.

Still looking for a website advertising person to replace Kathleen.

13. Paths Report and Update:-

As per the previous minutes because of the weather the paths are not in a great condition and care should be taken when using them.

14. Community Council:-

Jean sent a report of items discussed at the recent Community Council Meeting.

Proposed Town Hall redevelopment - a lot of debate on this but we all feel that a public consultation needs to take place.

Fund raising events for Senior Citizens Party

Scottish Water Consultation - your views count

Local Development Plan - Tony has an updated hard copy

Mobile phone reception in Lochmaben - or lack of decent reception

Future Speakers for AGM

15. Day of The Region:-

Discussion on the above took place. There is funding of 80% available from LEADER but an application has to be made by 6th February 2013. Tom will contact other local groups to see if they are interested in the event which is due to take place on 5th October 2013. Previously no areas east of Dumfries have taken part. LEADER will produce a region wide programme advertising the event.

16. Lochmaben Flyer:-

A stock of flyers will be available at the AGM for distribution.

17. AGM:-

To be held on 6th February 2013, at 7.30pm in the Town Hall.

Tom has approached all the current office bearers who are willing to continue in

their posts, with the exception of himself, who is not standing for re-election.

Tom indicated that Howard is willing to be nominated for the position of Chairman. Any further nominations will be welcomed.

All other members, present, said they are willing to continue on the committee.

Agenda for AGM being prepared and would include discussion on the Local Development Plan and the meeting times.

Sandy thanked Tom, on behalf of the Initiative, for his work on their behalf.

18. Any New Projects / AOB:-


19. Date of Next Meeting:-

Wednesday 6th March 2013 at 2.00pm in the Town Hall.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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