Nfuse Elite Tuning Tips and Tricks - TechGenix

Nfuse Elite Tuning Tips and Tricks

Jason Maynard

Systems Engineer

Citrix Systems


Beta Document v0.80


|Tip |Details |More Information |.reg |Applies To |

|Install all OS software |Be sure all necessary Win2k components, services and device | | |All NFE Components |

|components prior to |drivers are installed prior to installing any Microsoft OS | | | |

|service packs and hot |service packs or hotfixes. | | | |

|fixes | | | | |

|Windows Media Service, |Unnecessary services can impact reliability and performance. | | |All NFE Components |

|unnecessary IIS |Where possible, disabling them can have a positive impact on | | | |

|components. |these factors. Stop and disable these services where | | | |

| |applicable: | | | |

| |Windows Media Services | | | |

| |Other Unnecessary IIS components (NNTP, FTP, VIRAD, SMTP, | | | |

| |FPSE, etc) | | | |

| |Messenger Service (if pop-ups aren’t needed) | | | |

| |Plug and Play Service (if PnP hardware isn’t used) | | | |

| |TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service (if LMHOSTS isn’t used) | | | |

| |Indexing Service – optional for Web servers | | | |

| |Alerter Service (for memory hungry servers) | | | |

| |Messenger Service (for memory hungry servers) | | | |

| |File Replication Service | | | |

|Ensure that the SERVER |Setting this to “Maximize Throughput for Network Apps” |Open the properties of the pertinent network connection, then the | |All NFE Components |

|service is tuned |optimizes performance for I/O and WINSOCK intensive |properties of ‘File and Print Sharing for Microsoft Networks’. | |may require a |

|properly. |applications (Agent servers) on systems that aren’t memory | | |different setting |

| |starved. Setting this to “Maximize data throughput for File | | | |

| |Sharing” optimizes the server to dedicate as many resources | | | |

| |as possible for file access/sharing based applications (State| | | |

| |Server). Setting this to “Balance” does just that, it | | | |

| |provides a balance of resources for servers that do both I/O | | | |

| |intensive services as well as file sharing-based activities | | | |

| |(Web Server) For systems that are memory starved and/or don’t| | | |

| |run ANY I/O or WINSOCK intensive apps, “Minimize | | | |

| |Memory Used” is the best. (???) | | | |

|Hard code L2 cache |For processors that use direct mapped L2 cache (PII and later|[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Current |OPEN |All NFE Components |

|specification |don’t), manually setting this entry can yield some |ControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management] | | |

| |performance improvements. The OS attempts to retrieve the |“SecondLevelDataCache”=dword(size in KB or zero) | | |

| |amount of cache from the HAL on the server. If it cannot get | | | |

| |a value, it defaults to 256k. | | | |

| |See Q228766 and Q183063 for details. | | | |

|Specify adapter specific |This parameter determines the maximum TCP receive window size|System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters] |OPEN |All NFE Components |

|TCP Receive Window Size |offered by the system. The receive window specifies the |Value Name: TcpWindowSize | | |

| |number of bytes a sender may transmit without receiving an |Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value) | | |

| |acknowledgment. In general, larger receive windows will |Value Data: 0 - 0xFFFF (default = 8760 for Ethernet) | | |

| |improve performance over high delay, high bandwidth networks.| | | |

| |Reducing the TCP Window size effectively causes an | | | |

| |acknowledgment to be sent to the sender for data received | | | |

| |sooner. This will lower the possibility that the sender will | | | |

| |time out while waiting for an acknowledgment. However it will| | | |

| |also increase the amount of network traffic and cause slower | | | |

| |throughput. Note: For best results RWIN has to be a multiple | | | |

| |of MSS lower than 65535 times a scale factor that's a power | | | |

| |of 2, i.e. 44 x 1460 = 64240 x 2^2 = 256960. | | | |

|Change the Maximum |This parameter specifies the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) |System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\ | |Web Server |

|Transmission Unit (MTU) |for a network interface. By optimizing the MTU setting you |Interfaces\[Adapter ID]] | | |

|Size |can gain substantial network performance increases. |Value Name: MTU | | |

| | |Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value) | | |

| |In Dos Prompt, type |Value Data: Default = 0xffffffff | | |

| |ping -f -l [packetsize] [gateway or ISP] | | | |

| |where [packetsize] is the amount of data you want to send ( | | | |

| |between 0 and 1500 ) and [gateway or ISP] is your | | | |

| |gateway/router/ISP’s gateway IP address (you can also use | | | |

| |your gateway, or any server your connection always passes | | | |

| |through instead). The largest value that does not give you | | | |

| |the error "Packet needs to be fragmented, but DF set" will be| | | |

| |your ISP's MTU - 28 (excluding the IP [20 bytes] and ICMP [8 | | | |

| |bytes] header), depending on how the server is set. Use the | | | |

| |following table to interpret the number you received and | | | |

| |determine your ISPs MTU: | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Largest non-fragmented value | | | |

| |Your ISP's MTU  (what you should use) | | | |

| |Description | | | |

| | | | | |

| |1472 | | | |

| |1500 | | | |

| |Used for Ethernet, 1472+28=1500 | | | |

| | | | | |

| |1468 | | | |

| |1496 | | | |

| |The Ethernet standard is actually 1496, although 1500 is | | | |

| |widely used for simplicity | | | |

| | | | | |

| |1464 | | | |

| |1492 | | | |

| |The largest possible MTU on PPPoE connections is 1492 | | | |

| | | | | |

| |548 | | | |

| |576 | | | |

| |576 is widely used for dial-up modems... | | | |

| | | | | |

| |some other | | | |

| |either use 1500, the you got, or +28. | | | |

| |you might want to check your Registry, your own MaxMTU | | | |

| |setting could be the limiting factor if it is set too low. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Enable the Network |If your network adapter has an onboard processor, designed to|System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters] |OPEN |All NFE Components |

|Adapter Onboard Processor|offload network processing from the system CPU, it is |Value Name: DisableTaskOffload | | |

| |disabled by default. This setting allows you to enable it and|Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value) | | |

| |increase the processing speed of your system. |Value Data: (0 = Use NIC Processor, 1 = Disable NIC Processor) | | |

|Automatically Reboot on |Windows will usually freeze when getting a dreaded 'Blue |System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl] |OPEN |All NFE Components |

|the 'Blue Screen of |Screen of Death' (BSOD). Changing this setting will force |Value Name: AutoReboot | | |

|Death' |Windows to automatically reboot when it crashes instead. |Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value) | | |

| | |Value Data: (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled) | | |

|Specify the Default Time |Specifies the default Time To Live (TTL) value set in the |System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters] |OPEN |All NFE Components |

|to Live for TCP/IP |header of outgoing IP packets. The TTL determines the maximum|Value Name: DefaultTTL | | |

|Packets |amount of time an IP packet may live in the network without |Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value) | | |

| |reaching its destination. It is effectively a limit on the |Value Data: 1-255 hops | | |

| |number of routers an IP packet may pass through before being | | | |

| |discarded. In most cases, setting this to 64 hops can provide| | | |

| |optimal performance. | | | |

|Tune the size of the IIS5|IIS 5 uses an in-memory cache to hold objects that are |HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet \Services \Inetinfo \Parameters\ MemCacheSize |OPEN |Web Server |

|data cache |accessed most frequently. It's faster to serve up an object |(REG_DWORD) | | |

| |out of physical RAM than it is to fetch it from disk, of |(size set in megabytes) | | |

| |course. But if you're serving up data that is constantly | | | |

| |being changed or updated, and you need to devote more room on| | | |

| |your server to the processing of queries, you can change the | | | |

| |size of the IIS cache. Performance data coming soon. The | | | |

| |default is calculated by Windows NT/2000 as 50% of available | | | |

| |memory. | | | |

|Accurately set |This setting is used to control memory allocation and file |To set the Hit Ware Performance Tuning setting, right-click on its icon in the IIS console, | |Web Server |

|Performance Tuning |caching based on number of expected hits per day. With NFE it|select Properties, choose the Performance tab and move the slider to the range that most | | |

|settings based on hits |is important to remember, that every CDS request that |accurately described your monitored usage. If this is a new portal, start with the “Fewer than | | |

|per day |required the rendering of content is viewed as a “hit”. |10,000” setting. | | |

| |Therefore set this setting appropriately. | | | |

|Properly set/tweak |When enabled (the default on some Server versions of Windows |Key:HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/Memory Management |OPEN |All NFE Components |

|“LargeSystemCache” on |2000), this setting tells the OS to devote all but 4 MB of |Name: LargeSystemCache | | |

|Windows 2000 Servers. |system memory (which is left for disk caching) to the file |Data Type: REG_DWORD | | |

| |system cache. The main effect of this is allowing the |Value: 0 disables, 1 enables | | |

| |computer to cache the OS Kernel to memory, making the OS more| | | |

| |responsive. The setting is dynamic and if more than 4 MB is | | | |

| |needed from the disk cache for some reason, the space will be| | | |

| |released to it. By default, 8MB is earmarked for this | | | |

| |purpose. This tweak usually makes the OS more responsive. It | | | |

| |is a dynamic setting, and the kernel will give up any space | | | |

| |deemed necessary for another application (at a performance | | | |

| |hit when such changes are needed). As with the previous key, | | | |

| |set the value from 0 to 1 to enable. Note that in doing this,| | | |

| |you are consuming more of your system RAM than normal. While | | | |

| |LargeSystemCache will cut back usage when other apps need | | | |

| |more RAM, this process can impede performance in certain | | | |

| |intensive situations. According to Microsoft, the "[0] | | | |

| |setting is recommended for servers running applications that | | | |

| |do their own memory caching, such as Microsoft SQL Server, | | | |

| |and for applications that perform best with ample memory, | | | |

| |such as Internet Information Services." This setting should | | | |

| |be DISABLED for SQL Datastores, Web Servers. It should be | | | |

| |ENABLED for State Servers (when a dedicated machine is used) | | | |

| |and Agent Servers (when a dedicated machine is used). | | | |

|Rid your IIS5 boxes of |The Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) server that is |1. At a command prompt, type the following command to open Distributed COM Configuration | | |

|those annoying DCOM |failing to launch is Machine Debug Manager |Properties: dcomcnfg.exe | | |

|permissions errors. |(0C0A3666-30C9-11D0-8F20-00805F2CD064). This occurs because |2. On the Applications tab, in the list of DCOM servers, browse to the Machine Debug Manager | | |

| |Machine Debug Manager lacks sufficient DCOM permissions. |entry. If this entry does not exist, type the following command at a command prompt to add the | | |

| | |entry: mdm.exe /regserver | | |

| |By default, Machine Debug Manager is not set up to use custom|3. Re-open Distributed COM Configuration Properties, click Machine Debug Manager, and then click | | |

| |DCOM permissions; thus, it uses the default, computer-level |Properties. | | |

| |DCOM permissions. For security reasons, the default DCOM |4. On the Security tab, click Use custom access permissions, and then click Edit. | | |

| |permissions are tight. Blank access permissions mean that |5. Add the appropriate users to the access permissions for Machine Debug Manager. Microsoft | | |

| |only the system and the identity of the client that is same |recommends that you allow access permissions for at least the following users: | | |

| |as the server can access DCOM server. If the client's |Interactive | | |

| |identity differs from the server's, the client receives the |System | | |

| |"Access denied" error. |Administrators | | |

| | |IWAM_< ComputerName> | | |

| | |Click OK twice to return to the Security tab. | | |

| | |6. On the Security tab, click Use custom launch permissions, and then click Edit. | | |

| | |7. Add the appropriate users to the launch permissions for Machine Debug Manager. Microsoft | | |

| | |recommends that you allow launch permissions for at least the following users: | | |

| | |Interactive | | |

| | |System | | |

| | |Administrators | | |

| | |IWAM_< ComputerName> | | |

| | |Click OK twice to return to the Security tab. | | |

| | |8. On the Identity tab, click The interactive user to set the user account identity of Machine | | |

| | |Debug Manager. If no one will be logged onto the computer, click This user, and then type the | | |

| | |user name and password of a user in the Administrators group. | | |

| | |9. Close all instances of Mdm.exe, or restart your computer, so that these changes take effect. | | |

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