Lake Murray Presbyterian Church

Ben's Bin ?What used to be holy is now degraded.? That is the real revolution in society.? In the past month four churches and a synagogue were attacked in America, and Bibles were burned in front of the Portland Federal courthouse. ?But what bothered me the most this week was when some scammers got a copy of our church telephone directory and texted almost every family wanting them to buy Ebay Cards for cancer victims using my name.? Similar scams happened at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Chapin Presbyterian Church, and Master Gardeners.? The sad thing is that at least a couple of our members bought EBay cards.? This was preying on the trust of church members in their pastor, and abusing the generosity of church members towards the needy.? I am so sorry for all the bother and anxiety it caused for any of you.? We did call the Sheriff's department and even made an effort to contact Homeland Security (in case it is oversees).? God cares for His people and cares when people try to steal or bother/persecute them.? Jesus said blessed are those who are persecuted for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.? This may not feel nearly as bad as when the Chinese arrest the Hong Kong Christians or take the crosses off the churches there.? But nonetheless, these scammers are picking on church people and in the process trying to deflate the church.? I am so sorry this has happened.? One silver lining in this whole thing is I have emailed, phones, texted more of you than normal in reaction to this.? May God bless you for facing this with such grace. ??LMPC ONLINEClick here for all the information, details and links for our electronic ministries??DRIVE IN CHURCH 8:30 925 Sugar Mill Road Chapin, SC 29036So this is the perhaps the only time we will have?drive?in church.??As we hope the grip of this terrible virus loosens, we will still have?drive?in church.??It is a good way to make a memory.??We have had little or no problems with people breaking social distancing criteria.??We finally got the FM echo/reverb fixed.??You?don’t?have to wear coat and tie, or dress and heels.? Bring your dog or cat or kids.??We start?singing?about 8:20.? If you are not an online person, you may want to try this out.??If you are worried about people getting close to you- you can park way away and still pick up the signal.??So far, and amazingly, the Lord has blessed us with good weather.???Turns out sunshine kills the virus, so maybe an outdoor service is the?healthiest?place to be!??Of course, online worship with slides is at 10:30 AM?on?YouTube,?Facebook, and?LMPC web site.???The Snack Pack Program needs a leader.? Will you lead the Snack Pack program for Lake Murray Presbyterian Church?With Stuart Stouts’ retirement, the Snack Pack program is decentralizing.? That means LMPC needs to buy the food, have it packed and deliver the bags to Chapin Intermediate School and Lake Murray Elementary School.? Our program volunteers from the previous years are still onboard to help.? The next three pages explain the new Snack Pack Program for the upcoming school year.? Please read, pray and consider helping the children in need.? If you have any questions or would like to volunteer for LMPC’s Snack Pack Coordinator, please contact Cheyrl Boone, phone number is 803 345 – 1145 and my email address is toomanyyeses@. Please Click here to find out more information on Snack Packs and view the Job Description? Adult Christian Education in the Summer?Unified Summer Adult Class? ? ? ? ? ? ?3:00 pm Sunday? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Fred Yandle?Zoom ID# 813 8733 1164? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?yandlefl@? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (803) 528-9505Reading through Coronavirus and Christ.??Jesus Seekers? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9:30 Sunday? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Dr. John FergusonA lively conversation as they read through the Book of Acts.?Disciple Bible Study? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 10:00 Thursday? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Rev. Blaine HillZoom ID#669 804 8490? ? ? ? ? ? ? bhill.lmpchurch@ ? ? ?(803) 422-0049Reading Paul's Letter to the Philippians. You are welcome to participate when you are available.?Bible Survey? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Email based? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Ruthanne Nicholson? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? N2chasran@? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?(803) 609-0741Ruthanne emails out a lesson each week until the class can resume gathering to read through scripture.?Mom's Bible Study? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Bi-weekly? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Amy Cook? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? killoycook@? ? ? ? ?(803) 260-2718A group of moms of young children who connect each week to encourage each other and a brief devotional.? ONLINE SERMON STREAMINGHere to watch on the church website.Here to watch on YouTube.Here to go to the church Facebook Livestreaming page.The sermon is also available to watch through the church phone app.Click?Here to view the 8:30 and Click Here to view the 10:30 Bulletin MISSION IN A TIME OF CORONA VIRUSPlease click?here?to see see the opportunities for you to actively and personally contribute to the mission of LMPC, even in the midst of the pandemic.Due to the difficulties of singing together at this time, a summer handbell choir is being formed to enhance our worship.? We will stand apart and wear masks as we ring.? Rehearsals are in the sanctuary?from 6:30-7:30 pm on Wednesdays evenings.? Please consider joining us.It is helpful if you can read some rhythm but you do not have to be a professional music reader or have ever rung before, just willing to learn!? Call Janet at (803)240-9447 for more information and to sign up! GIVING AT LMPC-? ??We have stopped a lot of things here but one thing not stopped is ministry.? We have tried to keep our staff working and on payroll while applying for the Payroll Protection Program.? Staff has returned to working in the church office. Ben (727-3476) and Blaine (422-0049) will take your calls any time about pastoral concerns.? We are, limited in what we can do (limited as family members from hospitals and nursing homes) and even what people would allow us to do.?? While we have no in-person Sunday School classes, we are have several online devotionals and Bible Studies.????? The church is also looking for ways to serve others.? We gave a thousand dollars and hundreds of pounds of food to We Care (through your missions giving), and another? thousand to Samaritan’s Purse when they set up the hospital in Central Park.? There was a choir from Uganda visiting in SC singing in some of our presbytery churches.? They were stuck here because of the coronavirus. ?Our church helped pay for their food and basic needs as they stayed at Camp Fellowship.????? There are multiple ways to give.? Of course you can mail your check in (2721 Dutch Fork Rd. Chapin, SC 29036).? For members who pledge, the address is on the back of your giving envelope.? You can drop your check off at the painted mailbox outside the church office.? You can give online through giving. You can also text your gift by texting 803-403-1069.? After you have set this up one time, you can just text the number and reply the amount (eg $100) and it will give to where you designated it last time.? Ultimately we give not to the church but in return to God for His many gifts to us.?????? We are currently working on updating our Church Membership records. If you have had any changes since October of 2019 please email Sherri at sherril.lmpchurch@. ?EXTRA DONATIONS ARE NEEDED!WeCare, the Chapin and Little?Mountain Food Pantry, continues to serve needy families. The demands?upon them have increased in the?current environment. Please make food donations by placing them in the plastic tub outside the front door of the church office.Here are the top ten most needed items at the Chapin We Care Center Food Pantry in August:? Dry Beans, Canned Yams/Potatoes, Peas, Soup (all sizes & flavors), Chili, Rice, Pork & Beans, Baked Beans, Cereal and Dishwashing liquid.??Podcasts from Lake Murray Presbyterian ChurchWeekly sermons and special events in worship?on the web?and on?iTunes.Weekly follow up for The Journey Sunday School Class on Simply Stated by Blaine Hill on the?web?and on?iTunes?here.Sermons and the ?missional training podcasts from Foundation Church on the?web?and?iTunes.??Birthdays for the WeekAugust 7Wayne AmmonsSarah BlackmonDottie DunbarLindsay KosalSamantha LeichtleChuck ThurmanDawn WeathersbeeAugust 8Leslie HancockJesse KeelsDebbie PascalAugust 9Andrew BemisBrent JarrettAugust 10Al BatesCad BoozerKen JermacJess LutherBen SmithWyndham StrawhornAugust 11Reese McMaster AdamNikki Dunbar BrownBrenda FeeJohn HarrisSallie SyracuseAugust 12Henry McNeiceErik NortonStephanie PadgettRalph WarnockAugust 13Nathan Robert GrantKim King Web Calendar ? ???Upcoming eventsAugust 10 - Red Cross Blood DriveAugust 30– Rally Day at the Lake 9:30 Give online! Frances Inabinet Truluck, widow of David Lee Truluck, Sr.,passed away on Monday, March 23,2020.?Her memorial service will be held on Friday, August 14, 2020 at 11:00 at Memorial Park Cemetery,2600 Broughton Street, Orangeburg, S.C.Memorials may be made to Lake Murray PresbyterianChurch, 2721 Dutch Fork Road, Chapin, S.C. 29036. Prayer RequestsHealth workers, first responders, and essential workers; protection and healing of our land; Ann Summer; *Waymon Hutto and Family upon the passing of his sister, Jewel Hutto;? Ted Vaugh; *Ann Sullivan; *Jim Palassis; *Catherine Vitale and family upon the loss of her brother; *John Winfield; Joyce Hyatt; *Charles Blau; *Chas Nicholson; Valerie Ross; Betty Davis, Mother-in-law of *Janet Roberts-Crump; Mollie Wilkinson; Gage Jeffcoat; Paul Yohn; *Allison Jasinski; Michael Buddin; *Jane Kirby; Betty White; *Harmon Reed; *Josh Baxley; Jack Turner; *Effie Overstreet; *Mary Goodwin; *Beau Bonvillain; Alice Horein; Beth Laffitte McMaster; *Kristin Paschall; *Kathy Payne; *Jim Algar; *Charles Casebeer; *Mark Johnson; Bill Blume; Larry Rudder;? Jackson Diehl; *Erma Kaminer; *Marty Milam; Katherine Neighbors; *Tommy and Marcia Warren; Merle Norris; *Earl & *Loretta Guilford; *David Ayer; *Jane Branch; Jean Stancil; Betsy Dix; *Dick Wilkins; *Alyssa Mott; *Daniel White; friends and family members serving in the military *Dylan Meetze; Grant Frick; *Chase McCathern; *Drew McCathern; *Alex Shuler; (*members)?Directories?Access membership directories on the website here . HOW TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON AT LMPC!Check the announcement in the bulletin each week.Read the monthly newsletter.? Print copies are available in the narthex.?We are glad to email it to you as well.Sign up for the weekly enews (sent each Friday but the first of the month).? Click here to enroll.Facebook. We have an official church facebook page and a facebook group.View this email in your web browser.Copyright ? *|2017|* *|LMPC|*, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is:2721 Dutch Fork Road, Chapin, SC 29036Want to change how you receive these emails?You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list ................

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