Holding those directly responsible - accountable

?1). Ron VroomanRon Vrooman,I am, I am known as one of the people. ron vrooman the common man, private; Ronald Charles Vrooman in cursive on my birth certificate and as trustee to the Private Membership Association RONALD CHARLES VROOMAN, THE STRAW MAN; also known as? Ronald Charles Vrooman Private Attorney Generals by the United States Congress 42 U.S.C.1988 and18 U.S.C.1510 and 18 U.S.C. 1512 and to be known as “One of the People” also “Qualified Criminal Investigator” and “Federal Witness” and by unrebutted affidavit. Status identified and unrebutted. Others to be named and added later. Status identified and unrebutted. US Navy veteran. The flesh blood and soul, a man, on Oregon, an Oregonian, a Continuous Traveler, a non-US citizen, born August 14, 1938 Reno, Nevada, with two ancestors, a father and son direct blood-line, that fought for New York in our Revolution. My mother’s father born Stockwell-Gonzalez 1876 New Mexico. General Delivery Beaverton, Oregon [97005] 503 641 8375 ronvrooman38@2). AffidavitRonald Charles Vrooman General Delivery Beaverton, Oregon [97005] 503 641 8375 ronvrooman38@On Oregon Original Constitutions INTO the United States Court of International Trade N.Y., N.Y.an Article III court in lieu of THE FEDERAL DISTRICT OF OREGON where I sought jurisdiction and justice; in law and equity. at 1000 SW 3rd Ave, Portland, Oregon in courthouse 740. Not an Article III court, acting in color of law! A fraud upon the people. Filed into law and equity. Constitutionally guaranteed. Documents Defined circa 1819 thru 1860-61Affidavit of Truth to accompany two cases filed into this court, for the third time.I have due process violations against me of over 50 filed into the Federal District Courthouse 740 Portland Oregon in several different cases.Two were filed specifically into Article III, VII amendment court of record. Each was required to pay $400.00 FRN the court kept the money knowing they were not the court demanded. The court refused to refund.The partial list of defendants on Oregon is: Governor, Sec. of State, Attorney General, Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, 17 Senators, 36 sheriffs, 28 municipal, county, state and federal judges.All with incontrovertible evidence, found in their own records, of due process violations. Read the record then read governing law, it’s a done deal, Each due process violation is valued at 250K FRN by 18 USC 3571.I then found that courthouse 740 Portland was not an Article III court. I claim fraud upon the people. RICO in addition to my violations suffered.I contacted Mario Clerk of the USCIT in writing several times. I explained our situation and requested he assist us. His court is the only Article III court. He and 4 of his deputies have denied due process to the 5 plaintiffs on these two cases. Take heed.I Filed into the United States Court of International Trade, NY, NY the only Article III court of record within The United States of America. Or on any other of the several states. Therefore, the only Constitutionally authorized court for an Oregonian man or woman of flesh, blood and soul. The Article III court with the 1tth and VII amendments is the only Constitutionally correct court for these plaintiffs. This court must hear our case on Oregon with the 11th and VII amendments.We the people aka the plaintiffs had both of our filings returned without due process. There is no return unfiled! When filed on demand by Americans of the Constitutional Republic of Oregon. Follow your oath.We then re-filed the papers with a Travers.The papers were again returned and they missed a 21 day window to reply.This affidavit will be attached to the third filing with a second TraverseI am, I am known as one of the people. ron vrooman the common man, private; Ronald Charles Vrooman in cursive on my birth certificate and as trustee to the Private Membership Association RONALD CHARLES VROOMAN, THE STRAW MAN; also known as? Ronald Charles Vrooman Private Attorney Generals by the United States Congress 42 U.S.C.1988 and18 U.S.C.1510 and 18 U.S.C. 1512 and to be known as “One of the People” also “Qualified Criminal Investigator” and “Federal Witness” and by unrebutted affidavit. Status identified and unrebutted. Others to be named and added later. Status identified and unrebutted. US Navy veteran. The flesh blood and soul, a man, on Oregon, an Oregonian, a Continuous Traveler, a non-US citizen, born August 14, 1938 Reno, Nevada, with two ancestors, a father and son direct blood-line, that fought for New York in our Revolution. My mother’s father born Stockwell-Gonzalez 1876 New Mexico. General Delivery Beaverton, Oregon [97005] 503 641 8375 ronvrooman38@ I swear under penalty of perjury, on Oregon within The United States of America, without the state of Oregon, without the US inc and any affiliates or sub-divisions.Signed or autographed before me on. 3). Holding those directly responsible - accountableJuly 30, 2018Dear Ron,As always, your remarkable tenaciousness has proven to many, including me, that my earlier contentions that the American people have no lawful government operating on the delegated authority of the governed. We have come to understand this has been the case since the 1860’s…at least. And as a result and legislative matters created in any form and presented as matters of law — were and are NULL and VOID. And without a doubt, you have demonstrated that there is no republic form of government in place as guaranteed by the founders and there are no lawful court systems of justice, available to the sovereign American people. This matter was demonstrated as well in a fairly recent case in West Virginia. To that point, I had the pleasure of interviewing the individual responsible for that case, and I believe his response will clearly point to those who are truly accountable to the American people for the events we are experiencing today.As a result of reviewing these important landmark items, I must conclude as I am confident that any American sovereign will also agree, the American people were sold out by the actions of the Congress, when they declared the American people enemies of our own country. This set up circumstances, which is the very basis of the fraud perpetrated from that time forward.We are at a crossroads in America. Mr. Trump is making good progress in draining the swamp, but Mr. Trump is constitutionally limited to take certain necessary acts to ensure America’s national security. Too many foreign infiltrators currently occupy positions of trust to which they hold with no lawful delegated authority of the people. The HYPERLINK ""OBAMA’S CRIMINAL IMPOSTORS – SENIOR EXECUTIVE?SERVICES just as one example.Washington, D.C. Is the current theater of entertainment. There are no lawful legislative matters being conducted there by the criminal actors who have been mostly faking their roles from the time they took office. And now, within the month of August, the American sovereigns have the opportunity to level the playing field once and for all.With the August recess of the Congress about to begin, this places the individuals from Congress who are all criminally complicit, in their respective jurisdictions where the sovereign Americans; the state nationals hold the TRUMP card.HYPERLINK ""***GLOBAL NOTICE*** Highest Administrative Authority in America Recognizes “We the People,” are?Sovereign!The following proposal introduces some thoughts for your review, consideration and action as you see fit!4). Failng to act when action is morally and ethically called for is a crime.HYPERLINK ""15 Any doubt as to who are the guilty parties?5). Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution providesHYPERLINK ""Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution provides, in pertinent part, that “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.”Notwithstanding this guarantee, the current form of government found in “every State in this Union,” id., though seemingly republican in form, is ultimately municipal—because, as shown herein below, every such State (i.e., body politic, not geographic area) has been transmuted into a political subdivision of the District of Columbia, a municipal corporation, HYPERLINK ""16 Stat. 419, whose municipal law is Roman Civil Law.Roman Civil Law equates to absolute, exclusive territorial, personal, and subject-matter legislative power (and executive and judicial jurisdiction) over residents of municipal territory.The best symbol of Roman Civil Law is the badge of authority borne before Roman magistrates in ancient Rome, the fasces (Lat., from plural of fascis bundle)—a bundle of rods with an ax bound up in the middle and the blade projecting—as displayed on the Seal of the United States Senate, the wall behind the podium in the House of Representatives, reverse of the Mercury dime, National Guard Bureau insignia, Seal of the United States Tax Court, etc.Americans who do not physically reside in the District of Columbia today nevertheless are treated as residents of that municipality for legal purposes based on certain unconstitutional stealth legislation.6). John Parks Trowbridge, Jr. (with Video ExplanationsHYPERLINK ""John Parks Trowbridge, Jr. (with Video Explanations) in the matter of lawful?governance7). The Congress – all acts are null and?voidHYPERLINK ""The Congress – all acts are null and?void8). Sledge Hammer Affair – Case No. 8-17-cv-01386-DOC-KESHYPERLINK ""Sledge Hammer Affair – Case No. 8-17-cv-01386-DOC-KESHYPERLINK ""30JUL18 – criminal banking – Case No. 8-17-cv-01386-DOC-KESAffirmed Criminal ComplaintBy, Under and Pursuant to the Highest, and Only, Factual AuthorityNotice to Principal is Notice to Agent, Notice to Agent is Notice to PrincipalFrom: your nameAddress Line 1Address Line 2Address Line 3Phone: Fax: To: Address: CEO and City Manager/county manager,Your City or County AddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2Address Line 3Phone: Fax: Under provisions of Misprision of FelonyAs the civil authority of the jurisdictionYou are directed to act in accordance to the law.HYPERLINK ""Title 18 U.S.C. § 4. Misprision of felonyAs an American Sovereign, on my own authority, as vested in me by the MASTER CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE… I, Your Name, do hereby lodge this criminal matter to you for immediate and unconditional action, including but not limited to, arrest, confinement and prosecution.The crimes being lodged are self-evident, based upon their own actions and in-actions, and the men wholly responsible and culpable are the members of Congress.Member one: Member two:Member three:Member four: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-Declaring the American Sovereign to be an enemy of his own Country, absent any and all Constitutionally delegated authority. The Sovereign can never be an enemy of himself. This constitutes at minimum Treason, Sedition and Insurrection. See HYPERLINK \l Key_PointsEmergency Banking Relief Act notes. HYPERLINK ""The Congress – all acts are null and?voidHYPERLINK ""Evi-Doc 04 1933 Banking Emergency Part 1????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????- Failure to effectuate and enforce a Republican form of government from local to federal level, especially after declaring the American Sovereign an enemy of himself and country. This constitutes at minimum Treason, Sedition and Insurrection. See Article 4 section 4 Constitution for the United States of America.Previous notice of the aforementioned was served via case number 15-0491 and all documents thereto, therefrom and thereof.Failure to effect your Duty and Responsibility in this serious and urgent matter would constitute at minimum misprision of felony and conspiracy. No action is not a choice. Any and all documents, papers, writings, digital data, tangible mediums and tangible items filed and/or submitted into case # 15-0491 and all thereto, therefrom and thereof, in the now defaulted, dishonored and non-existent WEST VIRGINIA SUPREME COURT OF APPEALS are hereby restated in their entirety, and incorporated herein, as if set forth in full as an integral part of these matters and Creation-Wide Public record for all of Creation to rely upon;As your name — I do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally declare and affirm that the foregoing is true, accurate and complete, the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth, to the best of my knowledge and ability, with the power as vested in me by the MASTER CREATOR of the UNIVERSE.Executed in Creation, by, under and pursuant to the Laws of the Creator and the Laws of Creation, on the Soil, on the 25 day of July, in the Year of my Creator two thousand eighteen.without prejudice, without recourseYour autographYour name, just one of the people.9). GuidanceThe affirmed criminal complaint can be served to the local police, sheriff and/or state police, or if thinking outside the box with the sergeant at arms of the senate and house, a local jag officer and the judge advocate general. A quick internet search can provide you with current addresses and names as these are routinely changed. Their failure to act would be misprision of felony and would require you to amend the criminal complaint and add that person to it. There is no discretion afforded to them when a felony complaint is filed. Under Misprision of Felony - 18 usc 4 or the 1790 federal crimes act you have a duty and responsibility to report any felony you have cognizance of to anyone in civil authority ie county officials, city officials, state and federal judges or any member of the military regardless of their rank.HYPERLINK ""Misprision of a?FelonyHYPERLINK ""federal crimes act?1790Without action on your part enough pressure will never be placed upon them to actually and factually drain the swamp. With elections closing in this is an absolutely perfect time to apply pressure from the local to national level and to let them know you are awake and watching.Trump requires our assistance in his grandiose undertaking. Duty calls. Will you answer?10). Key Points


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