MINUTES OF THE VILLAGE OF FAIRCHILD BUDGET HEARING MEETINGNovember 14, 2019 7:00pmFairchild Community Center - 121 Farmers Street Fairchild WI 54741The meeting was called to order by President James Littlefair at 7:00pm on November 14, 2019. Roll call was answered by Trustees Lisa Boettcher, Joel Boettcher, Darwin Durst, Mark Kuberra, Jade Ruppelt, and Jill Sabin.President Littlefair called for public comment on the proposed 2020 Village of Fairchild budget. No public comment was made. Sabin/Ruppelt motion to close public comment carried with all ayes.MINUTES OF THE VILLAGE OF FAIRCHILD REGULAR BOARD MEETINGNovember 14, 2019 7:02pmThe meeting was called to order by President James Littlefair at 7:02pm on November 14, 2019. The statement of public notice was read.?The meeting was posted on November 12th, 2019 at the Village Office, Community Center, Post Office and Unity Bank.The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ?Sabin/Kuberra motion to approve the agenda carried with all ayes. Sabin/Ruppelt motion to approve the minutes of the October 10th meeting carried with all ayes.President Littlefair thanked Kathy and Gary Knuth on behalf of the Village for their donation of dishes and silverware to the Community Center. President Littlefair has been in contact with WCWRCP getting ideas on how to grow Fairchild. Some ideas brought up are grants, marketing, comprehensive plans, possibly setting up a TIF district downtown or other districts. Sabin asked for more detail on how rolling grants would work.President Littlefair would like monthly committee updates monthly and for the committees come up with grant ideas. There has been a good response for the possible meal location survey with 18+ responding so far.President Littlefair feels the board needs to be cohesive, speak up about how the residents feel about matters and bring to the whole board what residents are telling them. The Treasurer Rosalie Nelson presented the treasurer’s report. ?J. Boettcher/Ruppelt motion to approve treasures report carried with all ayes.Police Chief Chad Halverson presented the Police report. Sabin/L. Boettcher motion to approve Police report carried with all ayes. Sabin/Ruppelt motion to approve the Fire District report as read by Durst carried with all ayes.Octobers Library report was not available. Community Comments:Paul Miller asked about putting an old Ford car in his yard and landscaping around it. There is an ordinance against junk vehicles and this car would fall under that. Trustee Sabin thought such cases like this should be brought before the board for approval. The ordinance committee will hold a meeting before the next meeting to discuss. New Business:Chris Straight, Gary and Kathy Knuth and Tom Bowman were present to discuss a Fairchild Pond Resolution. This is a DNR grant for a management plan to look at issues like shoreland projects, algae control and sediment alternatives. J. Boettcher/Ruppelt motion for the village to be a sponsor for the Fairchild Pond Resolution carried with 5 ayes, Trustee Sabin abstained. Discussion and consideration of taking out a $150,000 loan out for 5 years at 3.25% for budget shortfall as presented. Roll call vote Durst yes, Sabin yes, L. Boettcher yes, J. Boettcher yes, Kuberra no, Ruppelt yes carried with 5 ayes and 1 nay.Consideration to set village levy at $91,119 with roll call vote vote Durst yes, Sabin yes, L. Boettcher yes, J. Boettcher yes, Kuberra yes, Ruppelt yes carried with all ayes.Approval of 2020 budget with the surplus of $3,245 being allocated to budget contingency resulting in a balanced budget. Roll call vote vote Durst yes, Sabin yes, L. Boettcher yes, J. Boettcher yes, Kuberra yes, Ruppelt yes carried with all ayes.Discussion on whether to remove the burning barrel ordinance was held. Now that every resident has garbage cans there is no need for burn barrels. Trustee J. Boettcher stated that was the thinking behind having mandatory garbage service. The ordinance committee will meet and discuss. Discussion on updating animal ordinance to include chickens and rabbits. Trustee Sabin stated small animals were allowed before, but they brought in coyotes and fox into the village. The ordinance committee will meet and discuss. Sabin/J. Boettcher motion to dissolve contract the village hall has with Advanced Disposal for ~$1,500 and start free service with Express carried with all ayes.Discussion on who gets charged for the community center and who shouldn’t. The contract doesn’t clearly state that community organizations can use the center for free. Trustee Sabin asked what qualifies as a community organization. It was decided that includes churches, groups, fundraisers, anything that benefits the community. Clerk Waugh will clarify language in the contract. President Littlefair proposed having a Christmas light decorating contest with cash prizes of $100/$75/$50. He thought of inviting ‘celebrity’ judges and getting a positive media presence. More info coming soon!Ruppelt/L. Boettcher motion to update dog license fee to $10 for fixed dogs, $20 for unfixed and a $5 late fee charged for applications after April 1st carried with all ayes.Kuberra/Ruppelt motion to accept Davy Engineering proposal for copper testing and influent/effluent flow report carried with all ayes.Santa will be visiting the community center on December 14.Durst/Kuberra motion to pay all bills carried with all ayes.Sabin/Kuberra motion to adjourn carried with all ayes at 9:13 pm.All minutes are considered a draft until Board Approval: Date Approved ________________________________ __________________________ James Littlefair, President Billie Waugh, Clerk Anyone requiring special accommodations, please contact the Village Office prior to the meetingat (715) 334-3002. “This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.” ................

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