Mailing Label Requests

All mailings that use the Florida Conference Postal Permit, Florida Conference Non Profit Permit or data from the Florida Conference database must use the Label Orders Process.

Please provide the following information for Knowledge & Information Services (K&IS) to provide the mailing information required to process your request. Post Office regulations change regularly and the regulations affect the cost and print layout of mailed materials. Please contact K&IS prior to printing the mailing materials to prevent rework and associated costs.

Some information that may be helpful before you begin:

• 500 piece minimum for First class standard pre-sort.

• 200 piece minimum for Standard / Bulk rate.

• 200 piece minimum for Non-Profit rate.

• 500 minimum for Labels only.

• All mailings that use the Florida Conference Postal Permit must use the Label Orders request process.

Return completed form with any attachments to LabelOrders@

1) Please list all the items included in mailing (Example: cover letter, brochure, newsletter, etc.).      

2) Please attach electronic copies of all of the items listed above in #1and submit with this completed form to labelorders@.

3) What is the target date for the mailing to go out? (Label requests require 5 business days to process, 10 business days if using addresses external to the Conference database)      

4) Is this mailing for an event?       What are the dates of the event and/or the event registration deadlines?      

5) There are four basic categories of mailings. Below is a brief description of these four categories, starting with the most expensive (and fastest) to the least expensive (and slowest). Please indicate what type of mailing you are planning to do.      

a) First Class (No minimum)

b) First Class Standard Pre-sort (There is a 500 piece minimum. Must be handled through a mail house.)

c) Standard (Bulk) Rate (There is a 200 piece minimum. Must be handled through a mail house.)

d) Non-profit Rate (There is a 200 piece minimum. There are many rules and restrictions imposed by the Post Office to qualify for the non-profit rate. Must be handled through a mail house.)

6) Is there an indicia being printed on the brochure or envelope? (Preprinting the indicia on items that qualify for categories b., c., or d. above decreases mail processing and avoids an additional processing fee.)      

7) If the mailing qualifies for a “permit” mailing (categories b., c., or d. above in #5), are you planning to use the Conference’s postage permit or do you have your own postage permit?      

a) Mailings using the Florida Conference Postal Permit or Non Profit Permit must use Conference approved mail houses located in Lakeland. Mailings that have the Conference permit indicia preprinted on materials must use Conference approved print companies located in Lakeland. These vendors are familiar with the unique Post Office requirements associated with Permit Mailings and have been pre-approved to handle mailings using the Conference Permits.

b) Contact Lisa Despaw, Financial Services to obtain permission to use the Conference permit and to arrange payment for postage. Click here for the Guidelines for Conference Permit Usage

8) Do you need a preliminary data pull to get a print quantity / count for the printer?      

9) Who is/are the targeted group(s) from the Conference database you wish to reach with your mailing? (Conference database = churches, clergy and persons serving in conference, district and local church roles. Please be as specific as possible.

NOTE: All nine district offices will receive a copy of your mailing.)      

a) Do you have additional groups that you plan to include in this mailing, that are not in the Conference database (Conference database = churches, clergy and persons serving in conference, district and local church roles)?      

b) If you answered “yes” to the above, Please attach an EXCEL file with the First Name, Last Name, Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code for the additional groups.

c) All additional groups are subject to a $50 US Postal Service fee and address validation process. Please allow at least 10 business days (instead of the minimum 5 days) to process your order.

10) How should the labels be addressed (Rev. James E. Doe III; Rev. Doe; Jim Doe; etc.)?      

11) Who will be processing the mailing -- a team of volunteers, a church -- or will you be using a mail house? NOTE: ALL 1st class standard pre-sort, standard (bulk) and non-profit mailings must be handled through a mail house. We will only release an electronic copy of our conference data to a mail house. If you are handling the mailing yourself, we will have our mail house print labels and mail them to the contact provided in c below. There will be a fee from the mail house for the labels and they will invoice you directly.

a) Provide Your Name, Phone Number, and Email Address;      

b) Provide Mail House Contact Name, Phone Number and Email Address;      


c) Provide person receiving mailing labels Name, Email Address, Mailing Address, and Phone Number.      

12) Please provide the name and contact information of the person who should receive the invoice for postage, labels, etc. This person will be responsible for requesting a check for postage (if needed in advance), for making sure our vendors who handled the mailing get paid in a timely manner, and any other financial matters.      

13) Once K&IS has all the information needed to process the request and the request has been approved, K&IS will contact the mail house directly to complete the process and will send a notification that the request has been completed.

Return completed form with any attachments to LabelOrders@


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