IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES)

Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP)


IMPORTANT: DLP Chair must approve all speaker visits in advance of the trip. The Power & Energy Society (PES) reimburses for inter-city travel for approved visits to Chapters. Local expenses are to be paid by the chapter.


|Considering a DLP Speaker Visit |

| |DLP is designed to support PES Chapters (Student chapters or PES | |Be listed in the current DLP program or submit nomination materials. |

| |Conferences should work together with the local PES Chapter for a | | |

| |Joint visit) | | |

|Arranging a Visit |

| |Consider speakers from the current DLP list only. (Non-DLP speakers | | |

| |for lectures not covered in the current list may be considered under | | |

| |special circumstances. Obtain approval from DLP Chair before | | |

| |proceeding.) | | |

| |Contact the selected speaker to determine compatibility and arrange a| |Accept Chapter invitation and agree on date for the visit. |

| |date for the visit. | | |

| |If international travel is involved, consider organizing a joint | |Work with organizing Chapter to consider a joint visit with other |

| |visit with other Chapters in the area. Region and/or Chapters | |Chapters in the area. |

| |Representatives can help facilitate planning. | | |

| |Receive estimate of inter-city travel expenses from speaker. | |Give Chapter an estimate of inter-city travel expenses (air travel, |

| | | |ground transportation). The airfare should be economical. |

| |Obtain estimate of local expenses, to be paid by the Chapter. Agree | |Obtain estimate and agree on local expenses to be paid by Chapter |

| |with speaker on reimbursable amount. | |(hotel, ground transportation, meals, registration, other). |

|Approval of a Visit |

| |Submit a visit request to the DLP Chair at | |Receive copy of Chapter request to the DLP Chair for your speaking |

| |“pes.chapters.dlp@”, copy the speaker and the Regional | |engagement. |

| |Representative. | | |

| |Receive approval of request from the DLP Chair. | |Receive copy of approval for visit from DLP Chair. |

|Preparing and On-Site |

| |Confirm date and make all local arrangements. | |Confirm date and purchase tickets. Request from the DLP Program |

| |Request PES Promotional Material from Membership Services | |Coordinator a set of slides about the PES to be included in the |

| | | |presentation |

| |Provide speaker with details of the presentation site, expected | |Provide Chapter with presentation needs (audiovisual, helpers, |

| |attendance, and other arrangements which include IEEE/PES promotion | |material, etc.) and travel arrangements. |

| |(i.e. videos, PES brochures). Invite students from local | | |

| |universities. | | |

| |Make notes of topic, total attendance, technical content, oral | |Deliver a lively presentation that showing excellence in technical |

| |presentation, and overall presentation for follow-up report to | |content. |

| |PES-DLP. | | |

|After a Visit |

| |Send a thank you note to the speaker. | |Submit an IEEE expense report for inter-city reimbursement along with|

| | | |all receipts in one pdf file to:pes.chapters.dlp@ |

| |Reimburse speaker for local expenses. | |Submit a cover letter with request for reimbursement along with all |

| | | |receipts to the Chapter for reimbursement of local expenses. |

| |Submit the “Follow-Up Form” to the DLP Chair. | |Receive reimbursements from Chapter and DLP. |

Note: Rules for DLP – Distinguished Lecturers should not request monetary compensation from Chapters or use the program as advertisement tool.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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