Community energy malawi

5681609328773SOLAR PV TECHNICIANS TRAINING MANUAL00SOLAR PV TECHNICIANS TRAINING MANUAL328773287675Community energy malawiThis manual has been designed to impart technical knowledge to people on the basic design, operation and maintenance of solar PV systems. 00Community energy malawiThis manual has been designed to impart technical knowledge to people on the basic design, operation and maintenance of solar PV systems. Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u GLOSSARY PAGEREF _Toc461648671 \h 2INTRODUCTIONS PAGEREF _Toc461648672 \h 4TOPIC 1: SYSTEM INSTALLATION AND PANEL ALLIGNMENT PAGEREF _Toc461648673 \h 6Module Mounting PAGEREF _Toc461648674 \h 6Array frames and angles PAGEREF _Toc461648675 \h 6TOPIC 2: SYSTEM CARE AND SECURITY PAGEREF _Toc461648676 \h 82.1 System Care PAGEREF _Toc461648677 \h 82.1.1 Solar Array PAGEREF _Toc461648678 \h 82.1.2 Cable Inspection PAGEREF _Toc461648679 \h 9Battery Inspection and Cleaning PAGEREF _Toc461648680 \h 9Charger Controller PAGEREF _Toc461648681 \h 12Inverter PAGEREF _Toc461648682 \h 12TOPIC 3: SOLAR PV SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE MONITORING PAGEREF _Toc461648683 \h 13Introduction to performance monitoring parameters PAGEREF _Toc461648684 \h 13Voltage, Current and Charge PAGEREF _Toc461648685 \h 13I.Introduction Energy generation parameters PAGEREF _Toc461648686 \h 15II.Battery storage parameters PAGEREF _Toc461648687 \h 18TOPIC 4: TROUBLE-SHOOTING PAGEREF _Toc461648688 \h 22Introduction to troubleshooting and failure types PAGEREF _Toc461648689 \h 22Failure type 1: if the battery is discharged PAGEREF _Toc461648690 \h 22Failure type 2, if the battery is charged but appliances are not working PAGEREF _Toc461648691 \h 23Failure type 3: the system works but runs out of power PAGEREF _Toc461648692 \h 24Ways to Conserve Energy PAGEREF _Toc461648693 \h 26Index PAGEREF _Toc461648694 \h 27List of Suppliers PAGEREF _Toc461648695 \h 27Estimated Component Prices PAGEREF _Toc461648696 \h 27Help Line PAGEREF _Toc461648697 \h 30GLOSSARY Alternating current (AC) — A type of electrical current, the direction of which is reversed at regular intervals or cycles. In the United States, the standard is 120 reversals or 60 cycles per second. Electricity transmission networks use AC because voltage can be controlled with relative ease.Ampere (amp) — A unit of electrical current or rate of flow of electrons. One volt across one ohm of resistance causes a current flow of one ampere.Battery — Two or more electrochemical cells enclosed in a container and electrically interconnected in an appropriate series/parallel arrangement to provide the required operating voltage and current levels. Under common usage, the term battery also applies to a single cell if it constitutes the entire electrochemical storage system.Battery life — The period during which a cell or battery is capable of operating above a specified capacity or efficiency performance level. Life may be measured in cycles and/or years, depending on the type of service for which the cell or battery is intended.Charge controller — A component of a photovoltaic system that controls the flow of current to and from the battery to protect it from over-charge and over-discharge. The charge controller may also indicate the system operational status.DC-to-DC converter — Electronic circuit to convert direct current voltages (e.g., photovoltaic module voltage) into other levels (e.g., load voltage). Can be part of a maximum power point tracker.Deep-cycle battery — A battery with large plates that can withstand many discharges to a low state-of-charge.Deep discharge — Discharging a battery to 20% or less of its full charge capacity.Direct current (DC) — A type of electricity transmission and distribution by which electricity flows in one direction through the conductor, usually relatively low voltage and high current. To be used for typical 120 volt or 220 volt household appliances, DC must be converted to alternating current, its opposite.Direct insolation — Sunlight falling directly upon a collector. Opposite of diffuse insolation.Discharge — The withdrawal of electrical energy from a battery.Electric current — The flow of electrical energy (electricity) in a conductor, measured in amperes.Electrolyte — A nonmetallic (liquid or solid) conductor that carries current by the movement of ions (instead of electrons) with the liberation of matter at the electrodes of an electrochemical cell.Maintenance-free battery — A sealed battery to which water cannot be added to maintain electrolyte levelPhotovoltaic(s) (PV) — Pertaining to the direct conversion of light into electricity.Photovoltaic (PV) array — An interconnected system of PV modules that function as a single electricity-producing unit. The modules are assembled as a discrete structure, with common support or mounting. In smaller systems, an array can consist of a single module.Photovoltaic (PV) cell — The smallest semiconductor element within a PV module to perform the immediate conversion of light into electrical energy (direct current voltage and current). Also called a solar cell.Photovoltaic (PV) module — The smallest environmentally protected, essentially planar assembly of solar cells and ancillary parts, such as interconnections, terminals, (and protective devices such as diodes) intended to generate direct current power under unconcentrated sunlight. The structural (load carrying) member of a module can either be the top layer (superstrate) or the back layer (substrate).Photovoltaic (PV) panel — often used interchangeably with PV module (especially in one-module systems), but more accurately used to refer to a physically connected collection of modules (i.e., a laminate string of modules used to achieve a required voltage and current).Photovoltaic (PV) system — A complete set of components for converting sunlight into electricity by the photovoltaic process, including the array and balance of system components.Sulfation — A condition that afflicts unused and discharged batteries; large crystals of lead sulfate grow on the plate, instead of the usual tiny crystals, making the battery extremely difficult to recharge.Tilt angle — The angle at which a photovoltaic array is set to face the sun relative to a horizontal position. The tilt angle can be set or adjusted to maximize seasonal or annual energy collection.CEM TECHNICIAN CAPACITY BUILIDING TRAINING TOPICS COVERED1.Basic Introduction to solar (PV) home systems2.Panel alignment3.System security and care4.System performance monitoring5.Troubleshooting INTRODUCTIONSIntroduce yourself to the members present, Hello, my name is [your name(s)] I /we work for Community Energy Malawi. CEM is conducting a technician training to empower and build capacity of this community [location and name of CBO]. By the end of our training we expect you to fully understand these topics (mention the topics above). After the training, it is expected of you to take the leading role in doing maintenances and monitoring of PV systems installed across your community. It will also be required of every member (technician) in this training to train 2 other technicians in the period of 2 years. You are to always report the status of CEDP system to the energy committee. It must be noted that this training is empowering you to do simple and basic monitoring and maintenances procedures, therefore if the system(s) have encountered failures or any other thing that will not be covered in the training and that which you cannot be able to handle please feedback to the energy committee to report to CEM. The training will consist of theory and practical session, practical session will involve doing actual site demonstration. Participants are therefore required to pay full attention and ask where they feel not to be in the clear. To evaluate your understanding, after the demonstrations from the training facilitator you will be required to carry out the same procedures.ACTIVITIES ? Ask the CBO members present on training to introduce themselves and what are their expectations from the training ? The whole idea of the first activity is to settle the climate and enable them to feel free and participate in the IC 1: SYSTEM INSTALLATION AND PANEL ALLIGNMENTModule MountingModules can be fixed on the ground, wall or roof with a frame mount, or integrated into the building fabric.Array frames and anglesSolar array frames are tilted so that the modules face the sun. In Malawi modules face north. For this training, a compass direction will be used to determine the true north. In tropical areas this means the sun will be south of the array for part of the summer but this does not greatly affect output. Array frames can be fixed, adjustable or tracking. System designers choose the right frame for their system. Fixed frames are set at the optimum tilt angle for the system.Figure 1: Optimum tilt angles for winter and summer in MalawiOptimum tilt angle is dependent on the type of load and available solar power. As a rule of thumb, if the main loads are in winter months when solar availability is reduced, tilt angles should be more vertical (approximately equal to latitude plus 10?) to maximise exposure to the low winter sun. If major loads are cooling and refrigeration the tilt angle should be reduced (approximately latitude minus 10?) to maximise output during summer.Adjustable frames allow the tilt angle to be varied manually throughout the year to maximise output year round. In practice it has been found that although many people change the tilt angle of the frame in the first few years of operation, they forget to do this as the years progress.If this situation is likely, it is best to fix the array at the optimum angle which is 25o for Malawi. TOPIC 2: SYSTEM CARE AND SECURITY 2.1 System CareA solar system needs to be properly taken care of in order for it to last for a long period. If a system is not well taken care of, its life span can drastically be reduced. Every system component has its own different care procedure, therefore recommended care procedures are to be followed.2.1.1 Solar ArrayThe solar array (a number of solar panels connected together) which traps energy from the sunlight is often thought to be maintenance free. However, occasional maintenance and inspection of the solar array must be performed to ensure the optimal use and operation of the solar panels. This can be done by keeping the surface of the module clean from any excess dirt.To remove the layers of the dust and dirt from the module simply wash with water. If the array has thick dirt or grime and bird droppings, which are harder to remove, wash with cold water and rub the panel surface with a sponge. Safety FirstDo not use a metal brush to clean solar panel surface. Detergents should not be usedFigure 2: The right way to clean panelsA visual inspection of the modules can then be done to check for defects in the modules such as cracks, chips, de-lamination, fogged glazing, water leaks and discoloration. If any obvious defects are found, note their location in the system logbook, so they can be monitored in the future in case further deterioration affects the modules’ output.The condition of the array mounting frame should also be noted. Items to observe should include the array mounting bolts (e.g. bolt rusting) and checks to ensure that the frame and modules are firmly secured. The junction boxes should also be checked to ensure that the wires are not chewed by rodents or insects.2.1.2 Cable InspectionCheck cables running between PV and batteries, should be undamaged, no bear wire sticking out of junction boxes etc….Battery Inspection and Cleaning A visual inspection should be done to assess the general condition of the system’s batteries. Check for any electrolyte leak, cracks in the batteries, or corrosion at the terminals or connectors.Batteries should be clean, dry and free of electrolyte and corrosion residue. Corrosion at battery terminals is seen as a white coating around the battery terminals. Cleaning should be done once monthly.Figure 3: a representation of corrosion at the battery terminalsSafety firstDo not smoke or light fire near batteries. Batteries produce hydrogen gas which is highly flammable. Before maintenance is carried out, each component of the system should be isolated. This would involve switching off circuit breakers to and from the battery bank and the solar panels. Battery cleaning procedures are as follows: Figure 4: Solar PV Circuit diagramSwitch off/disconnect all loads on the system. Turn off or disconnect the solar charge controller. Then turn off the circuit breaker to and from the battery bank.Ensure that the caps on the batteries are sealed tight to keep any dirt from entering the battery. Wipe the top and outside of the battery with a (damp) cloth. If corrosion is present at the terminals, mix baking soda with fresh water and apply the solution to the affected area. Stubborn areas should be scrubbed with a metal brush. After cleaning, rinse the terminals with water. If available, apply petroleum jelly or grease to the connected terminal to prevent future corrosion.Maintenance of gel cell and AGM batteries relates only to the battery terminals and connections. The terminals and posts should be wiped until they are shiny, and if corroded, clean them properly with Bi-carbonate soda and water. If available, apply petroleum jelly or grease to the connected terminals. Charger ControllerThis component can be maintained by minimizing dust accumulation. A dry cloth should be used to wipe away any accumulated dirt/dust. A visual inspection should be done to ensure that all the indicators such as LED lights are working and that the wires leading to and from this device are not looseNote that the charge controller should indicate that the system is charging when the sun is upInverterEnsure that the inverter is on a flat surfacekeep the inverter drydo not allow it to come into contact with rain or moisturedo not place the inverter near heating vents, direct sunlight or other heat sourceskeep the inverter well ventilated by keeping it in an open spaceTOPIC 3: SOLAR PV SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE MONITORINGIntroduction to performance monitoring parametersPhotovoltaic system's performance parameters are categorized into three subjects: energy generation (electricity units like Volts and Amperes), supplemental parameters and the energy storage for systems with batteries attached. To ensure successful monitoring of PV systems, it is important to familiarize yourself with the normal values for your system, and note any deviations from that baseline.Voltage, Current and ChargeVoltage is defined as the amount of potential energy between two points on a circuit. One point has more charge than another. This difference in charge between the two points is called voltage. It is measured in volts, which, technically, is the potential energy difference between two points that will impart one joule of energy per coulomb of charge that passes through it. Voltage is represented in equations and schematics by the letter “V”.When describing voltage, current, and resistance, a common analogy is a water tank. In this analogy, charge is represented by the water amount, voltage is represented by the water pressure, and current is represented by the water flow. So for this analogy, remember:Water = ChargePressure = VoltageFlow = CurrentConsider a water tank at a certain height above the ground. At the bottom of this tank there is a hose. Figure 5: The water-Voltage analogy representationThe pressure at the end of the hose can represent voltage. The water in the tank represents charge. The more water in the tank, the higher the charge, the more pressure is measured at the end of the hose.We can think of this tank as a battery, a place where we store a certain amount of energy and then release it. If we drain our tank a certain amount, the pressure created at the end of the hose goes down. We can think of this as decreasing voltage, like when a flashlight gets dimmer as the batteries run down. There is also a decrease in the amount of water that will flow through the hose. Less pressure means less water is flowing, which brings us to current.It's important to know what to expect from a solar PV system. Panel performance will degrade slowly, and smoothly, over time, depending on the kind of photovoltaics that are used, and when they were built. A 0.5 - 2% loss in output per year per year should be expected. Inverter problems may show up more abruptly and before the photovoltaics reach their end of life. Also, physical damage to your panels can instantly affect their performance too. Variations in weather do make a difference, so if your panel output this month is 5% lower than the output from the same month last year, that doesn't necessarily mean there's a problem. It is important to take note of the states of solar PV systems which are classified in the following states:Off -Either no energy is produced, the solar panels are isolated, there isn’t enough exposure to the system, or the system is stopped manually.Idle - panels are in contact with sun rays but the DC power they produce is too low.Active - panels generate DC electricity and the inverter produces and supplies AC power.An error state - current break, under/overvoltage etc.Introduction Energy generation parametersThe product of current and Voltage is power. DC voltage is only monitored in idle state. The most important performance parameter of the system is the inverter's current AC power. Energy generation can be aggregated through hours (hourly production), days (daily production), months, years etc. For the sake of this training with CBOs, we encourage daily recording of data at peak hours of the day (midday).Practical ProceduresFind the nameplate voltage (V) and current (A) ratings of your panel (you can usually find these written on the back of the panel).Check that sunlight conditions are suitable for producing readings on your system. To obtain the rated output of your panel you will need full, bright sunlight falling directly onto the panel. Remember, no sun, no power.Make sure you understand how to use the multimeter, and that you are using appropriate settings for the power you expect to measure.Figure 6: MultimeterIf you are testing a charge controller you will need to make sure that the battery is NOT fully charged otherwise it will not be able to accept current. The first two measurements use the solar panel on its own. When disconnecting the solar panel, regulator and battery, take care to disconnect the panel from the Charge Controller first, and then disconnect the regulator from the battery. When reconnecting, connect the regulator to the battery first, and then connect to the solar panel. This will avoid causing damage to the regulator. Safety first7117010160Observe polarities (positive or negative) when connecting solar panels and batteries.It is recommended that you cover the front of the solar panel if outdoors to help avoid shocks. Do not short circuit either the panel or the battery.Disconnect the solar panel completely from the battery and regulatorEnsure that the multimeter is set to measure VoltsMeasure the voltage between the +ve and -ve terminals by connecting the negative contact from the voltmeter to the negative on the panel and the positive contact on the voltmeter to the positive on the panel.Disconnect the solar panel completely from the battery and regulatorAngle the solar panel towards the sun.Ensure that the multimeter is set at 10A, at least to start with. You can change the setting later if required.Measure the current by connecting the +ve lead on the voltmeter to the +ve on the panel and the -ve from the voltmeter to the -ve on the panelConnect the panel to the regulator and battery.Ensure that the multimeter is set at 10A, at least to start with. You can change the setting later if required.Disconnect the positive cable between the battery and the regulatorMeasure the operating current by connecting the +ve from the multimeter to the positive cable from the regulator, and the -ve from the meter to the positive battery terminal.This measures the current that the panel (and charge controller) are passed to the battery. If you connect the meter the wrong way round then you will get a negative current showing.Remember, if the battery is full it may not be accepting current, resulting in a low reading.Measure operating current as described above.Re-connect the solar panel directly to the battery without the regulator.Disconnect the positive cable between the battery and the panel.Measure the operating current by connecting the +ve from the multimeter to the positive cable from the panel, and the -ve from the meter to the positive battery terminal.Note: If you measure current without the regulator, but not with the regulator, then the regulator may be faulty. If the battery is full it may not be accepting current, resulting in a low reading. Check the condition of any fuses that might be in the power path. Verify the system wiring is correct and intact. Ensure that all the connections and terminals for good electrical contact. MeasurementOutcomeResult/ActionCurrent measured with charge controller (e.g 1A)The charge controller is working and taking currentNo action required, repeat the test in one montNO current measured with charge controller, but current measured between panels and batteriesThe charge controller is faultyOrder a new charge controllerBattery storage parametersPractical ProcedureInspect the BatteryThere are a several things to inspect on a solar PV system which include: a broken terminal, bulge or bump in the case, crack or rupture of the plastic, excessive leaking, and discoloration. Broken or loose terminals are dangerous, and can cause a short circuit. If a short did occur, there would be some indication of burning or melting. When a battery short circuits, all of the power is unloaded in an instant. That produces a lot of heat, and sometimes even causes the battery to explode. If the battery is still intact, but there is a bulge in the case, this is usually a result of being overcharged. Others signs such as physical openings in the case are often caused by mishandling. Cracks, splits, and holes will not cause a battery to stop working, but for safety reasons the battery should be labeled unsafe to use.With wet-cell (flooded) batteries, water levels have to be maintained. Sealed Gel Battery Deep Cycle Flooded- Lead Acid Battery Figure 7: Types of batteriesIf they are low, usually re-filling them with distilled water will help. Distilled water can be sourced from Petrol stations and Water Board Taps. If the battery has been dry for a long time, it can cause a problem. When the plates in the cells are exposed to oxygen, it rapidly causes sulfation to build up. Sulfation is the number 1 cause of early battery failure. It occurs when a lead acid battery is deprived of a full charge plus, charging a dry battery will burn it up. If your battery has plenty of fluid in the cells, but the color is dark, or brownish, this is also an indication of a bad battery. Even if one cell is brown, it is rendered useless and therefore the entire battery is, too. Take a Voltage ReadingThe voltage of a battery is a good way to determine the state of charge. Here's a handy table with the breakdown:State of Charge Voltage100% 12.7 - 13.275% 12.450% 12.225% 12.0Discharged 0 - 11.9If your battery is reading 0 volts, chances are the battery experienced a short circuit. If the battery cannot reach higher than 10.5 volts when being charged, then the battery has a dead cell. If the battery is fully charged (according to the battery charger) but the voltage is 12.4 or less, the battery is sulfated. Sulfation is the natural byproduct when the battery discharges. Naturally, re-charging the battery will reverse the sulfation crystals and turn it back into electrolyte, ready to produce power again. But if a battery sat uncharged, severely discharged, and/or drained for extended periods of time, the sulfation will increase in size and harden onto the plates. This covers the surface area of the plates, removing the chemicals needed to produce power. Sulfation decreases the potential to reach a full charge, and it self-discharges the battery quicker than normal. Charging a sulfated battery is like trying to wash your hands while wearing gloves. At this point, charging alone will not restore the battery to a healthy condition. The majority of replacement battery purchases occur when the original battery has reached this point. Load Test the BatteryA digital voltmeter should be used for this exercise. For any load test to be accurate, the battery must be fully charged and do not disconnect the battery. Hold the prongs of your voltmeter to the correct terminals on the battery. Now connect the AC load and watch what the voltage drops to. It doesn't matter if the load doesn’t turn on, what you're looking for is a voltage reading.A healthy 12 volt battery should maintain a range from 9.5 - 10.5 volts under the load for a good 30 seconds straight. If the battery begins to hold and then steadily drops in voltage, there is a problem. If the voltage instantly drops to 0 volts, that is also a problem. We call this the open cell. On a new battery, this can be a result of manufacturing flaws, but it also may be caused by sulfate crystal buildup. Under the intense heat of the load, one or more of the weld pieces connecting the cells is coming loose and separating. This will cut the current, and voltage will drop. When the battery cools off, the pieces will touch, barely giving a complete connection. This gives you a false voltage reading. Batteries with open cells may read fully charged in idle, but they fail under a load test every time. Once a battery reaches this point, there is no going back. The best thing to do is recycle.SummaryIf the performance evaluation shows that the system is underperforming, the following tasks may be carried out to detect system faults. If the performance evaluation shows that the system is underperforming, the following tasks may be carried out to detect system IC 4: TROUBLE-SHOOTING Introduction to troubleshooting and failure typesA well maintained solar PV system should operate well for many years, but problems will inevitably arise. This section will tell you how to find the source of the problem (called trouble-shooting) and suggest how to repair the fault. First, determine what type of failure is occurring, then follow the tests listed in that table to find the fault and try the suggested repair procedures. Failure type 1: if the battery is discharged That is, if the battery voltage is at 11.5V or below, even after a sunny day, then the fault is somewhere between the battery and the panel. Possible Problem TestRepair SuggestionsSolar PV Panel or panel wiring faultyDisconnect the leads to the solar PV panel terminals of the charge controller. Check the current across the two wires from the solar PV panel around noon when the sun is shining brightly. If the current is much less than 0.93A, there is a problem with the solar PV panel or the panel wiring.Before checking the current at PV terminals, be sure that your multimeter is in appropriate current rangeDisconnect the solar PV panel and carefully check it for proper operation (voltage and Amperes). Replace panels that are not working properly. Clean all terminals and wires. Reconnect the panels being sure the correct wires are connected to the correct terminals. Controller faultyCheck the voltage at the battery connections and the panel connections on the controller when the sun is shining. If the voltage at the battery connection is less than 12.5V and at the same time the voltage at the panel connection is more than 13.5V, the controller probably has failed. Report the problem, so that the controller can be replaced.Wiring between the controller and battery is faulty Turn on all the WLED lamps. Measure the voltage at the battery terminals of the controller and the voltage directly on the terminals of the battery (not on the battery connections, but on the actual terminals of the battery itself). If the voltage is more than 1 V lower at the controller than at the battery terminals, there is a wiring problem.Disconnect all wires, remove connectors from battery terminals. Clean all connections and wires. Replace wires in connectors and terminals and tighten all connections. Check the wires to see if they have broken strands in between the charge controller and lamps.Failure type 2, if the battery is charged but appliances are not workingWhen the battery is charged but the appliances do not work, a wiring fault exists between the battery and the appliances. Possible Problem TestRepair SuggestionsFuseCheck the fuse located on the side of the battery and charge controller box. If the fuse is broken, replace with the new one of the same value. If it blows out immediately then there is a short circuit in the wiring or WLED lamps. Check all wiring and lamps. Fix shorted wiring or faulty appliances and replace fuses and reset circuit breakers. Wiring between controller and appliancesCheck the voltage at the load connections on the discharge controller. If the load voltage is about equal to the battery voltage, the fault is in the wiring between the controller and the appliances.Clean all connections, replace all wires that are damaged or that are not the correct size for their length. Faulty switchesIf there is one switch that controls all lamps, it may be the problem. Using a short wire, connect across the switch terminals. If the appliances work, then the problem is the switch.Replace the switch.Controller failureMeasure the voltage at the load terminals of the controller and at the battery terminals of the controller. If the load terminal voltage is zero or much lower than the battery terminal voltage (where the voltage at battery terminals is greater than 12V), the discharge controller may not be working properly.Replace the controller Failure type 3: the system works but runs out of power That is, the “battery low” (red) light on the controller turns on frequently, even if there was a lot of sunshine that day. This is the most common problem with solar PV systems and can be caused by many things acting alone or in combination. This type of failure is an indication that there is not enough charge in the battery to operate the WLED lamps for as many hours as the user desires. Possible Problem TestRepair SuggestionsToo little charge from the solar PV panelsThis can be due to shading, damaged solar PV panel, wiring too small or too long from PV panel to the battery, dirty or loose connections, Solar PV panel not pointing the right direction or dirt on the solar PV panel.Replace the wires from PV panel to battery with the thicker ones or correct ones. Remove the cause of the shade or move the solar PV panel so they are no longer shaded and are pointed correctly, report the issue and possibly replace the solar PV panel if damaged, fix the wiring or clean the solar PV panelAdding more appliancesThis causes the battery to discharge too quickly. Using these added appliances or other types of lamps may cause the system to run out of powerRemove extra appliances, Note: Users need to be advised that if more appliances are to be used, then a separate solar PV system needs to be installed for those purposesOperating the appliances longer than originally intendedThis takes more energy than the system was designed for.Advise users that the WLED lamps should only be operated for less than 7 hours per day and make the habit to turn off the ones those are not in useThe battery is getting weak and no longer can store sufficient charge to operate the appliances the full timeThe battery should be suspected if one battery shows readings much different from the other or the battery is more than four years old. If the battery is less than four years old, its failure may have been caused by another problem in the system. Any time a battery that is less than four years old must be replaced, check the rest of the system very carefully, be sure that the solar PV panel is not being shaded part of the day and be sure that the user is not trying to take more power from the system than it was designed to deliver. All of these things may have seriously shortened the life of the old battery and if allowed to continue will ruin the new battery as well.Replace the battery but monitor the replacement carefully. If after the first month the system once again does not seem to be providing power as long as expected, one or more of the other five reasons for failure exists and must be corrected or else the new battery will also be rapidly weakened and fail. Follow the procedure mentioned at "Battery failure" section above.Ways to Conserve EnergyReduce Phantom LoadsPhantom loads refer to when appliances continue to draw electricity when they are "off" or in the "standby" position. They can draw electricity 24 hours a day and some appliances draw close to full power just to be on standby. Common examples include:ComputersStereosTelevisionsVCRGlow bars in gas ovensElectronic phonesAnything with a small "box" on the power cordA simple solution is to plug into a power strip. Turn off the power strip when items are not in use.Energy Efficient LightingBesides changing all of your bulbs, there are other things you can do. Low wattage task lighting can replace high-energy general overheads. Lighter colours on the walls reflect more light, and solar tubes or skylights can be an added improvement to darker areas. New higher efficiency standards for light bulbs, most bulbs are required to be 25% more efficient by using less energy in watts to produce the same amount of light, measured in lumens. left0New Energy Star labelling will show lumens, estimated yearly cost, expected life, colour, and watts. Look at the lumens for the brightness you want, and watts for the amount of energy that is used. This will ultimately make it easier to choose between types of bulbs. The traditional 100-watt incandescent bulb is being replaced by a 72-watt incandescent halogen bulb, which emits about 1,600 to 1,700 lumens. Compact fluorescent bulbs that emit the same lumens only use 23 watts. While the more efficient incandescent bulbs are less expensive, the energy savings of compact fluorescent or LED bulbs more than pay for initial higher costs. Compact fluorescent bulbs will typically save 2,280 MK/year per replaced bulb (when used 4-6 hours per day). CFL bulbs can last up to 10 times longer than conventional incandescent bulbs.LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs provide an optimal light colour that is equal to or better than incandescent. LED bulbs are more durable and will not break as easily as incandescent or CFL bulbs. LED is initially more expensive than CFL but can last up to 5 times longer than CFL. Both CFLs and LEDs use about 75 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs, without sacrificing any light. They also generate very little heat. Look for Energy Star rated bulbs for the best warranties and longest lasting lights. For instance, in about a year, lower quality LEDs can become dim and uneven, flicker, shift in colour, or continue to use power when turned off, among other issuesIndexList of SuppliersYankho solarMaweleraSolairKumudzi KuwaleRecapPowered by natureEstimated Component PricesSolar lampsPrice (MK)D.light S25,900.00D.light Nova Mobile9,500.00SunKing Mobile19,500.00SunKing Pico7,000.00MB-200 Marathoner Beacon29,000.00SunKing Pro 228,000.00Solar rechargeable light bulb8,500.00Solar motion light (security light)35,000.00Solar lamp with light spreading box9,000.00Solar reading light9,000.00Solar lamp with panel16,900.00Solarway G2 Lantern18,000.00Solar home systemsSet of OV camp110,000.00Set of OV Beacon62,000.00PowaPack Junior34,900.00PowaPack Senior (5W)68,000.00BS Solar home system55,000.00Solar panels5W8,000.0010W11,000.0015W15,000.0020W22,000.0030W30,000.0050W50,000.0085W85,000.00100W95,000.00140W135,000.00150W140,000.00250WBatteriesDeltec 6V 1.4 Ah4,500.00Deltec 6V 4.5 Ah7,100.00Deltec 12V 4.5 Ah15,000.00Deltec 12V 7.2 Ah18,000.00Deltec 12V 12 Ah26,000.00Raylight LeisurePak 50Ah Batteries59,000.00Raylight LeisurePak 96Ah Batteries99,000.0012v 60ah Omnipower Batteries (AGM/Gel)129,000.0012v 120ah Omnipower Batteries (AGM/Gel)219,000.00Charge ControllersStecaSteca 6A25,000.00Steca 20A65,000.00MPPTMPPT 10A70,000.00MPPT 12/24v 100v 20A125,000.00MPPT 12v/24v /48v 100v 30A213,000.00MPPT 12v/24v /48v 100v 40A289,000.00Landstar5A Landstar9,500.00PWM-AUTO VOLTAGE 12/24V10A CIEMANS controller7,000.0010 A controller with timer (TE1024N-1)16,500.0010 A controller with usb (1024EU)17,000.0015A PWM CM152418,500.0020 A controller with timer (TE3024N-1)28,500.0020 A controller with usb (3024A)29,000.0030 A controller with timer (TE3024N-1)35,000.0030 A controller with lcd (3024A)42,000.0040 A controller with timer (TE4024N-1)65,000.0050 A controller with timer (TE5024N-1)75,000.00InvertersUPSPure Sine Wave 500W/12v UPS150,000.00Pure Sine Wave 1KVA/12v UPS203,000.00Pure Sine Wave 2KVA/24V UPS343,000.00Tingen invertersPure Sine Wave 300W-12v65,000.00Pure Sine Wave 500W-12v110,000.00Pure Sine Wave 1000W-12v185,000.00Pure Sine Wave 2000W-24v320,000.00Modified Sine Wave 150W-12v15,000.00Modified Sine Wave 300W-12v38,000.00CoketPure Sine Wave 1500 W 24V445,000.00BulbsHong Xing 0.5W900.00Hong Xing 9W orange lamp2,500.00STK bulb 5W1,500.00KML bulbs1,800.00Hong Xing SolarBulbsBramax 7W3,000.00Bramax 3W1,800.00AC screw 3W1,500.00AC screw 5W3,800.00Direct bulb 3W1,500.00Tough stuff bulb600.00LED 5watts High Power BulbsDC-pin 7W5,000.00DC-pin 5W3,300.00DC-pin 3W2,200.00DC-pin 2W1,500.00DC-screw 1W1,500.00DC-screw 2W2,200.00LED tube 3W3,600.00LED tube 5W6,400.00LED tube 7W7,400.00Outdoor lamp 10W14,000.00Outdoor lamp 30W28,000.00AC-pin - 3W2,000.00AC-pin - 5W3,500.00Help LineFor further assistance and inquiries you can contact the Community Energy Malawi Trading Manager on the following line:0993888859 ................

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