Chandler Unified School District

AP/IB 4th quarter Syllabus

Rubin- Language 2016

Student Copy

March 21: Teacher Work Day

March 22: First Day Back…

Learning Goal R 7: Students will integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different formats as well as evaluate the words in order to address the question or the prompt

• Students will receive new seats for last quarter

• Students will review the 4th quarter syllabus

• Discuss new writing policy for the AP practice which is:

Each Monday, an AP writing, of choice, will be due in your folder and to be put in the usual designated place. The student will then have a choice of 10 different exams to choose from for their next mandatory Monday assignment. There will be five minutes allotted for this exercise.

Grading: I will grade one essay a week no matter how many are completed. The other one or two that have been completed, will receive full credit in infinite campus.


I will NOT ACCEPT any late essays, so make sure they are handed in every Monday.

All essays, even take homes, must be written neatly in blue or black ink. And if I cannot read the essay or it is in pencil, (and watch this will happen) I will hand it back immediately to be redone and to be handed in the next day for partial credit. If it happens more than once, I will be calling home.

Lastly, you are recommended to have a one-on-one conference with me during any of the lunches, without an appointment. However, if you can only come after school, an appointment is required.

IF YOU ARE ABSENT: You are required to know and follow all this new information so either talk with your writing partner or make an appointment with me.

Homework: Start to gather or revise your (5) credible, scholarly sources for your extended essay. The annotated bibs for three of the five will be due on Friday 8th.

Today’s Lesson:

ACT Vocabulary Unit #1 from one of my ACT booklets

(45 minute test)

If you are absent: You can pick up the test from me tomorrow along with your first Monday AP essay assignment.

Wednesday/Thursday March 23/24:

ACT: Game with index cards on forehead- 30 minutes

First AP Practice Test:

Friday March 25:

Learning Goal:

7. rate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in 8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.

9. Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.

Bell Work: Continue with ACT Vocabulary practice with the game

Learning Goal: Students will cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says especially the inference mode within the text.

Read and score AP essays.

Homework: Start to gather or revise your (5) credible, scholarly sources for your extended essay. The annotated bibs for three of the five will be due on Friday

Monday, March 25:

Bell work: Continue doing ACT Vocabulary- Game today…

Give me Monday essay in your folder and pick up a new test for NEXT Monday’s homework.

40- minute timed writing:

If you are ABSENT: Your Monday essay is still due and you need to pick up a new essay for next week.

Ask me for Question #3 when you get back and you may complete it at home.

Tuesday March 29: ELA Writing Test Today 7:25- 10:20

• 1st hour 10:25- 11:25

• Lunch 11:25- 12:00

• 3rd: 12:07- 1:02

• 5th 1:09- 2:14

AP Multiple-Choice Practice and it will take the entire hour.

If you are absent, ask me for the multiple –choice sample practice test

Homework: Start to gather or revise your (5) credible, scholarly sources for your extended essay. The annotated bibs for three of the five will be due on Friday

Wednesday March 30: MATH 2 parts AZ Merit testing 7:25- 10:20

2nd hour: 10:20- 11:25

Lunch 11:25- 12:00

4th: 12:07- 1:02

6th: 1; 09- 2:14

Bell Work: Vocabulary

AP Practice Test

If you are absent, please ask me for today’s essay test

Homework: Start to gather or revise your (5) credible, scholarly sources for your extended essay. The annotated bibs for three of the five will be due on Friday the 8th

Thursday March 31: ELA Reading Test today 7:25- 10:20

1st hour: 10:20- 11:25

Lunch 11:25- 12:00

3rd: 12:07- 1:02

5th 1; 09- 2:14

AP Practice Test Question #2

If you are absent, please ask me for today’s test

Homework: Start to gather or revise your (5) credible, scholarly sources for your extended essay. The annotated bibs for three of the five will be due on Friday the 8th

Friday April 1:

Learning Goal: Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is effective in analyzing how style contributes to the persuasiveness of the text.

Monday April 4:

Students will turn in their Monday homework essay and pick up a new one for next Monday.

Today students will be completing Question #3

Homework: You annotated bibs are due Friday, April 8

Tuesday April 5: ACT practice game today

Students will score practice essays from yesterday’s test.

Lastly, reflect on own essay a

the end of this class period.



Homework: Start to gather or revise your (5) credible, scholarly sources for your extended essay. The annotated bibs for three of the five will be due on Friday the 8th

Wednesday and Thursday

April 6 and 7: practice more ACT Vocabulary

Practice AP Multiple-Choice exam- full test today

If you are Absent: Get the multiple choice test from me and complete at home. Make a lunch appointment to correct the multiple choice with me

Friday April 8: Hand in your three annotated bibs. Start on your rough draft, it will be due at the end of April…


7. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and

8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.

9. Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.

Work in the lab today on your rough draft extended essay while I work with you on annotated bibs.

Homework: Work on your extended essay rough draft

Monday April 11: Finish counseling with students about their annotated bibs and students will be finishing up their rough draft that is due next week.

Hand in Monday’s essay and pick up a new essay for next week….

Tuesday April 12: Complete a full ACT exam today

If you are absent, see me for the practice ACT

Wednesday April 13: AIMS Science 7:25- 10:20

1st hour: 10:20- 11:25

Lunch 11:25- 12:00

3rd: 12:07- 1:02

5th 1; 09- 2:14

Grade yesterday’s ACT exam and discuss

Outline Practice AP test

If you are absent, please ask me for the test when you return.

Thursday April 14: Regular Block times with 2, 4, and 6th

Grade and discuss answers on yesterday’s ACT Exam

Last 45 minutes: Complete Question #3

IF YOU ARE ABSENT: Get Question # 3 from me to be completed and handed back to me tomorrow

If you want to come in at lunch, we can go over your ACT exam from earlier this week.

Friday April 15:

Practice Essay AP Language Exam

Question #1

If you are absent, ask me for the test when you return

Homework: Work on your rough draft extended essay

Monday April 18: Hand in Monday’s essay from last week and pick up a new one

Look at samples of Question #1

With time left over today: Complete an ACT practice exam and finish on Monday.

If you are absent, come in at lunch to make up ACT questions

Homework: Work on rough draft extended essay which is due in one week

Tuesday April 19: ACT test this morning 7:25- 11:50

2nd hour- 11; 50- 12:36

4th: 12:43- 1:25

6th 1:32- 2:14

Work on rough draft extended essay today in class

If you are absent, please work on this at home

Homework: Finish up your rough draft Friday, April 22 for editing

Wednesday and Thursday

April 20 and 21:

Hand out IB Commentary Project: IOP

(Any full Diploma or any kind of certificate will do for grade and IB score)

Everyone else will be in groups and complete for a grade

Must know presentation times by Monday April 25th and groups will start to present block period April 27 and 28

Go over reading schedule for independent read for Things Fall Apart

Introduction Lecture today and BIO

READING SCHEDULE (All annotations will be done in class)

Chapters 1- 15 ready by Monday May 2

Chapter 16- 20 ready by Monday May 9

Chapters 21- end ready by Wednesday May 11 and Thursday May 12

There will be NO COMP for this unit

AP Practice Exam Question #2 If you are absent, ask me for the test when you return

Homework: Bring your extended essay tomorrow for editing

Friday April 22: EDITING DAY…

Final draft for all student EXCEPT IB Full Diploma which will be due May 5th.

Split class into editing groups of three and give them the Extended Essay Rubric

Students will score three rough drafts using the rubric.

Students will also score their own essay this weekend.

If you are absent, you will have to have someone edit your essay and you will need to edit it, too.

Monday April 25: Present presentations times for groups

And IB Diploma and Certificate will choose their times today

Hand in Monday’s homework and pick up our new essay,

Provide a few examples

Students will sign up by Wednesday

Today we will do partial of a multiple-choice exam

(AP) If you are absent, ask me for the ACT packet when you return

Check answers to Multiple-Choice Exam from yesterday

Homework: Extended is Essay is due May 4th and 5th

Wednesday and Thursday

April 27 and 28:

Groups 2 and 4 AP/IB IOP presentations today

AP practice Exam- Today we will practice #3

If you absent just ask me for the test when you return

Friday April 29: Group #1 for IOP IB/AP presentation today

Students will practice AP Language Question #2

If you are absent, just ask me for the test when you return

Homework: Complete your Monday essay and your extended essay is due next week

Monday May 2: Hand in your Monday homework essay and pick up your LAST Monday homework!

Lecture (Take notes and annotate)

For Chapters 1-15

Homework: Your final extended essay is due during block

Notebooks for Q-Z due Tuesday and A- P due block period of next week

Wednesday and Thursday

May 4 and 5: Hand in your final extended essay today even if you are absent...

Four individual IOP presentations today and Group # 3 and 5 will present today

Monday May 9:

Lecture over Chapters 16-20

Discussion for Things Fall Apart

1) Analyze the relationship between men and women in the African culture as Achebe present it in his novel. What statement is Achebe trying to make about the dynamics of these relationships in this culture?

2) How does Achebe’s structure of this novel contribute to the reader’s understanding of the events that occur?

3) Achebe presents the African heritage/culture a very particular way. For example, it is directed mostly to Western readers. What do you think Achebe wants the reader to believe about this culture? What stereotypes is he trying to erase? Which ones does he want to validate? How do you know?

If you are absent: Type a one-page essay about #3

Homework: Make sure you are reading Things Fall Apart

Tuesday May 10:

Review last minute questions about the exam

Don’t forget our Breakfast on Wednesday during 0 hour

Last minute review and go over the break down again and preparation

For tomorrow

Homework: Make sure you are reading the end of Things Fall Apart

Wednesday MAY 11:


AP Breakfast during 0 hour….

THURSDAY MAY 12: 0 Hour: Group #6 (The only class to have a group #6) will present their AP/IB Project


Friday May 13: Three IB presentations today

Homework: Make sure you have read Things Fall Apart

Monday May 16:

Lecture over the end of the novel

Short Discussion Questions for Things Fall Apart:

Small groups. Take notes on larger construction paper

After question one, pass it to the group to your right.

The group will add to question one, answer question two and then pass to group on their right and so on….

1) Reread the epigraph to Things Fall Apart and in a short discussion with your group, identify how these lines from Yeats’s poem illuminate the plot, themes, and the main meaning of the book.

2) Some people argue that people stripped of their native culture is a people stripped of its soul. Using Things Fall Apart defend or challenge this view using evidence from the novel.

3) In this book, obviously Okonkwo is a tragic hero. Identify and discuss what constitutes his essential tragic flaw- support your answer.

4) In Chapter 23, (around page 177), a quote beginning with, “Umuofia had indeed changed…” demonstrates the author’s use of imagery and anecdote. How is this an example of culture in transition?

5) Some critics see similarities between Things Fall Apart and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. One of their similarities is the image of Africa. However, Things Fall Apart is known more for its counter-image of Africa. Defend this statement using textual evidence.

6) Make a list of incidents that foreshadow the demise of Okonkwo and the Ibo tribe. What is the effect of all this foreshadowing?

7) How is Things Fall Apart a tragedy?

8) Achebe presents the African heritage/culture a very particular way. For example, it is directed mostly to Western readers. What do you think Achebe?

wants the reader to believe about this culture? What stereotypes is he trying to erase? Which ones does he want to validate? How do you know?

If you area absent: Type a two page essay explaining questions, 5, 6, and 7

Tuesday May 17: One IB Presentation Today (first 12 minutes)

Only if needed

Notebooks Q-Z today

Quote Hunt today: Split class into 6 groups and assign a theme or motif


• Struggle between Change/ Tradition

• Interpretations of Masculinity

• Language as a sign of Cultural Differences


• Chi

• Animal Imagery

• Locusts

If you are absent: Complete the quote hunt on any combination of two of these either themes or motifs.

Wednesday and Thursday May 18 and 19:

Individual IOPs today

Notebook Check Today A- P

Activity: Finish yesterday’s quote hunt AND…


1) The novel is structured in three parts. What do the divisions reflect about the stages of life of the protagonist? How do the divisions move toward and illustrate the collapse of the Igbo society?

2) How does the point of view in this story contribute to our understanding of the conflicting cultures? What techniques does the narrator use to evoke a participatory role for the audience?

3) At the beginning we read about Okonkwo wrestling. So, how does this contrast with the ending when Okonkwo is deliberating about an adequate response to the British humiliation of the Igbo elders who are in jail?

4) Achebe uses a lot of flashback techniques to describe certain relationships. What to these flashbacks reveal? What is the effect of this technique on the rest of the story?

5) Explain the judicial function of the egwugwu and its relationship to the living, particularly to Igbo women. Why is it related to the spiritual world? How does Achebe illustrate the blending of the spiritual and real worlds?

6) What was the purpose of the scene with Okonkwo being exiled? Why is the exile ironic? Compare to Okonkwo’s participation in the killing of Ikemefuna and its lack of consequences.

7) Explain the purpose of the white man in this novel. Trace the chronology of the Igbo people’s responses to the arrival and settlement of the white man. What attitudes toward the Igbo people do the white men bring and how do their attitudes determine their treatment of the Igbo people?

8) Choose (5) proverbs and explain their meaning and purpose. Why is it so important?

9) Discuss the “morality” (sharing traditions orally) in this novel. List three examples of how Achebe brings features of oral traditions into this novel, and provide several examples. How do you know this is an example of morality?

10) Discuss why Achebe set this novel in the 1890s, yet he wrote it in 1958? This was before Nigeria’s independence. What does this allow him to say about colonialism that he might not have been able to say if his text was set in the present time period?

11) What are the advantages and disadvantages to colonial education?

12) What is the role of the District Commissioner? How did some take offense at his suggestion that they do not have justice under their own authority? What did he say or do that seemed condescending or even insulting to some of the people?

13) Discuss the tragedy at the end of the story in terms of two or the basic sets of conflicts that are developed throughout the novel: conformity vs. individuality and tradition vs. modernity. Also discuss action vs. inaction. How is this tragedy a symbol of impending loss of the cultural and political autonomy to liberating?

If you are absent, type a page answering the question: The novel is structured in three parts. What do the divisions reflect about the stages of life of the protagonist? How do the divisions move toward and illustrate the collapse of the Igbo society?

How does the point of view in this story contribute to our understanding of the conflicting cultures? What techniques does the narrator use to evoke a participatory role for the audience?

Friday May 20: Study and celebration…

Monday May 23: Study Guide Day for tomorrow’s final exams

Tuesday May 24: 0, 1, 3, and 5th exams today

Wednesday May 25: 0, 2nd, and 4th exams today

Last Day of School


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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